Chaos' Office

3rd Person POV

"I have a mission for all of you." Luke grabbed the folder from Chaos when he held it out, but none of them were ready for what it held inside.

"We're going to Earth?" Luke exclaimed. "All of us?"

"All of you, except Allistair, are needed on Earth. The demigods are facing another war, but this one is worse than before. I suspect they have multiple primordials against them; the monsters are just too strong. I need all of you on this mission. If the situation is dire, I will send Allistair, but he is needed elsewhere." Chaos said.

"But wouldn't it be more logical to send Allistair with us in the first place? This war would be over in minutes." Luke questioned.

Chaos grimaced while looking at the door. "There are many reasons why I am not sending Allistair with you; many I do not have the right to tell you. Trust me that if I send Allistair, the entire Earth is in mortal danger."

"Of course, sir." Luke passed the file to Zoe so she and the others could examine it.

Type: Group Mission

Place: Camp Half Blood, Manhattan, New York, Earth

Camp Jupiter, San Francisco, California, Earth

Mission: Train demigods in preparation for the war and assist them in battles

Time Limit: N/A

"You leave tomorrow, so be ready. Say your goodbyes if you have any. You are dismissed." Chaos said before walking out.

Line Break

There were few goodbyes to be had, so it was a quiet night. The next morning, however, was full of loud shouts of excitement. Chaos hadn't specifically told them they couldn't share their identities with the campers and gods, so many of the assassins were looking forward to seeing old family and friends.

The ship kept the same buzz of excitement, and Chaos smiled as he appeared in the ship. They looked like a bunch of kids getting ready to go to Disney World. He noticed Luke sleeping peacefully on the couch, and his soft smile transformed into a smirk. Zoe stifled a laugh behind her hand as he leaned over Luke so that he was right next to his ear.

"Assassins!" He yelled loudly. Luke shot up like a bat out of hell and fell to the floor in a ungraceful heap. Zoe snickered from her place on the couch where his feet used to be. "Well, now that that's out of the way. I need to talk with all of you. The situation is looking direr by the moment, but I don't think Allistair is needed yet. I will, however, be sending a large chunk of the army to come assist you in this war." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Do not be surprised if Allistair makes an appearance in the next few days. He has almost gotten a handle on the war in Godalva enough to come help on Earth. I want to lose as few people in this war as possible." The mood became much more serious at the thought of Allistair coming. If he was needed to keep more soldiers alive, this war was going to be bad.

Chaos didn't stick around for much longer. He muttered something about 'damn paperwork' which was enough to make anyone crack a small smile. The rest of the journey was spent in tense silence as everyone thought about the battle to come.

The ship jostled slightly as it landed it outside Camp Half Blood. They all had their hoods on with their masks covering the bottom halves of their face because Luke wanted them to look 'mysterious'. Luke stepped off the ship first with the other slightly behind him. Here we go.

Camp Half Blood

Chiron's POV

The earth rumbled underneath my hooves. I could see some of the campers that fought in the Giant War tense up ever so slightly, and I frowned at the large black ship sitting outside the camp borders which had caused the tremor. Nine people walked out of the ship, all with hoods and masks covering their faces.

I swiftly pulled Annabeth and Nico onto my back and trotted over to the crest of the hill. The campers were standing at the bottom of the hill, the older ones with fighting experience in the front and the youngest in the back.

We met the nine mysterious figure at the tree, but before any words were said, a flash and the smell of grapes graced everyone. Dionysus nodded at me before turning to the hooded figures.

"Assassins, we welcome you to Camp Half Blood. Your help is direly needed, and we appreciate everything you are doing."

"What is going on? What do we need help with, Mr. D? There haven't been any monster attacks in months." Annabeth asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Her eyes analyzed the 'assassins', as Dionysus called them as if she was looking for something. Or someone. Perseus.

Ever since Chaos had visited us, Annabeth had never been the same. The war had affected everyone greatly, Annabeth included, and now, she didn't even have her best friend to help her through it.

"We are here to help you in the upcoming war. Chaos believes that there will be many primordials in these next battles, and he is sending us to protect the Earth." The man in front responded to her earlier questions. Annabeth's eyebrows furrowed at the voice, and I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Where do I know that voice from?

I could see the lightbulb go off in Annabeth's head as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped in shock. "Luke." It wasn't even a question. She knew.

The hood covering his face was pulled back, and she saw his familiar hair. She tackled him in a hug before he even had the mask off. He spun her around with a wide grin on her face. Connor and Travis soon joined the group hug, and I finally saw the light back in their eyes. Great. I'll be dealing with pranks again soon. But at least they are pranking at all. I smiled at the scene before me, but I quickly realized the other assassins were pulling off their hoods as well.

The familiar faces sent a jolt of shock through me. Zoe, Silena, Beckendorf, Castor, Lee, and Bianca were all standing in front of me, healthy and alive. Nico ran over to Bianca and pulled her into a hug so tight I was worried she might die again.

Dionysus also greeted his sons with a grin on his face, but the best reunion out of all was Zoe's. The entire hunt tackled her in a doggy pile so quickly that one second, she was standing in front of me, and the next I couldn't even see her. When she finally found her way out of the pile of ecstatic girls, Artemis pulled her old huntress into a tight hug.

Finally, the light was back in the camper's eyes. They may not have their hero back, but they have the next best thing; hope.

Line Break

3rd Person POV

"Campers! I know that many of you are familiar with the members of our group, but we came here with a purpose, to train you. You may be family, but there is a war on the horizon. None of you are prepared for the sheer brutality you will soon face. I know some of you have been in wars before, but only one or two of you have faced a true primordial." Luke looked around with a serious face at this. "We will ready you as best we can for the upcoming war, but you must be prepared for losses. Look around at the people you are standing with because at the end of this, some of those people won't be standing there.

"You must be prepared to fight and die for your friends and family because they are the ones that will stand next to you on the battlefield. They are the ones who will have your back when you need it most. And, most importantly, they are the ones who will hold you up when all you want to do is fall and give up. To family!" Luke raised his goblet and all the campers followed suit roaring and stomping their feet in approval.

"To family!"

Everyone dug into their food with a newfound sense of pride and courage. The assassins looked around at the campers with small smiles on their faces, basking in the joyful atmosphere around them.

"So, I hate to ruin the mood, but how exactly are you planning on training us?" Clarisse spoke up from the Ares table.

"We're still working out a few kinks, but, at the moment, Silena, Beckendorf, and Amanda are going to Camp Jupiter to train the Romans. They will be working on tactics, different styles of fighting, and Amanda will teach a select few about magic and how to use it. Amanda herself cannot bless people with the ability to give people magic, but our commander, Allistair, can. She and Allistair will go over who receives magic and if he agrees, they will begin their training. Valerie will do the same here at Camp Half-Blood.

"Everyone will learn sword fighting, archery, tactics, and control over their powers. Bianca will work with the archers, Zoe will go over tactics, Castor will teach you how to better control your powers, and I will help with sword fighting. Lee will be working with the kids who aren't old enough to fight yet by teaching them basic medical training."

A few campers looked at Luke in horror. "Guys, a little bit of trust would be nice!" Luke laughed. "He'll teach them how to wrap wounds and things like that. You're not going to be stitched up by a six-year-old." He grinned at the campers again. "Allistair may be joining us in a few days if Chaos feels we need the help. We hope it doesn't come to that."

Clarisse nodded in acknowledgment. "Why is it a bad thing for your commander to come? Is he that much of a hard-ass?" She smirked at Luke.

Zoe stood up sharply. "Our commander is one of the bravest people I know. He has more important things to deal with than a simple demigod war. If he comes to Earth, it means that the situation is bad. If need be, he could decimate this entire camp without moving a muscle so I would show him a little more respect."

After her outburst, everyone was silent. She sat back down, and Luke rested a hand on her shoulder, his face blank of any emotion. As if he had spoken aloud, she nodded and stood, walking out of the pavilion without another word.

"Well," Luke grinned despite the tense atmosphere, "I think we just learned a vital life lesson." He nodded towards the door Zoe had disappeared from just a few moments ago. "Don't mess with Zoe." He chuckled before digging back into his steak.

Well...It's been a while. Procrastination hit me hard. Please leave a review; I love hearing what y'all think about my story. Until next time.

-Permanent Tragedy