Nekochan: Hello and welcome to Love Live LOLz!

Maki : Soo do I explain why we are here?

Honoka: We're here to promote Rin-chan's story of courseee

Rin : What ? My story ?

Honoka: NONONO Rin-chan ya kno the person who's writing this

Maki : You didn't even get permission to explain why we're here Honoka

Eli : Well its fine anyway

Umi : Honoka now's not the time to eat your bread!

Honoka : Hmm?*munch munch*

Kotori : Ehehe…




Nico : ARGH

Hanayo: Uhhh

Eli : Harasho


9 People : *stareee*

Nekochan : Now as I was saying yes Honoka is right I'm only doing this to promote my other story

Nico : Nico Nico Ni~ Anata no Haato wa Nico Ni-

Maki : Doing NicoNicoNi does NOT help to promote a story Nico

Nekochan : Thank you Maki so yeahh just review what you want me to do or give to the members of u's and ill do it yeaahhh

Kotori : Even truth or dare?

Nekochan : Of course

Hanayo : Can they give me rice?

Nekochan:Of course

Eli : Can they ask for people to come in like Arisa?

Nekochan : Yes

Nozomi : If they ask to let me washi anyone is it possible?

Nekochan: Yes

Nozomi : Kukuku

Nekochan :Well if they ask nicely *sweatdrop*

Honoka : Can they make us go yuri?

Nekochan : Yes any pair *creepy smile*

u's : *sweatdrop*

Nekochan : Ok lets stop with the 'Can they' questions and lets move on to what we are going to do today

Rin : What ARE we doing today?

Nekochan : Uhh I don't know… How about truth or dare?

Nozomi : Sounds ok, Im in

Eli : Me too

Maki : Well its not like I care but I'm in

Hanayo : Me too

Rin : Me tooo

Umi : I guess I will join then

Kotori : Im in

Honoka: I'm-

Nekochan : So basically everyone's playing?

*Everyone nods their heads*

Nekochan: Ok soo I shall pick who is going first ok? Hmmm I pick… Nico truth or dare

Nico : Dare

Nekochan : I dare you to sing Garasu no Hanazono with Maki

Maki: Wha WHAT?!

Nekochan : It's a dare~

Nico : Fine

Maki: Nico-chan!?

Nico: It is a dare

Maki : F…Fine

Nekochan : Good Good ok music start!

Nico & Maki: Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

Nico: Yume no meiro... Yuri no meiro... (A maze of dreams... A maze of lilies...)

Nico & Maki : Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

Maki: Akogare o kataru me ga Tooku o sagashi teru toki Sabishiku naru Watashi wa koko ni iru to iitai no (When your eyes filled with longing Are searching far away I feel such loneliness And want to tell you I'm right here)

Nico : Ah! Futari kiri de garasu no hanazono e to (Ah! Just the two of us, to the Garden of Glass)

Maki: Dare mo inai dare mo iranai (There's no one else; we don't need anyone else)

Nico & Maki : Sotto kowaresou ni sakitai Himitsu no buranko Anata to yurenagara ima Tada yasashiku mitsume au no (I want to bloom softly as if I'm about to break On our secret swing Swinging with you now Just gazing at each other softly)

Maki : Koi ni koisuru

Nico : Koisuru

Maki : Shoujo no

Nico : Shoujo no

Maki : shizuka na tameiki wa(her quiet sigh is)

Nico & Maki : Lonely... Michitarita Lonely...( Lonely... contented and lonely...)

Nico & Maki : Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

Maki: Yume no meiro... Yuri no meiro...( A maze of dreams... A maze of lilies...)

Nico & Maki: Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

(Short version by the way)

Nekochan : YAAY they actually sang it ! ^-^

Nozomi : *snicker*

Nico : UGHHHH Nozomi truth or dare!

Nozomi : Truth

Nico : Who would you rather be paired up with?Maki or Umi

Nozomi : Hmmm to say the truth Umi

Umi : Wha whaaat?

Nozomi : Well I do have to say the truth Soo Kotori truth or dare

Kotori : I choose dare

Nozomi: Come here

Kotori : * Stands up and walks over*

Nozomi : * Grabs Kotori's oppai and washi's it*


Nozomi : Kukukuku

Eli: *Pulls Nozomi away from Kotori*

Kotori : Oh my gods I'm scarred for life

Hanayo : It's ok Kotori-chan anyway it's your turn now

Kotori : Ok… Honoka truth or dare?

Honoka : Truth

Kotori: Why in the world can't we see your dad's face?

Honoka : Uhhh I really don't know though…

Kotori: Then what does he look like?

Honoka : I don't really know that either ehehe

Nekochan : Well nevermind that question will never be answered anyway soo Honoka your turn

Honoka: OKK Hanayo-chan truth or dare?

Hanayo: D…Dare

Honoka: I dare you to kiss Rin-chan!

Rin : What me?

Honoka: Yes you!

Hanayo : Uhhmm…

Honoka: Do it Kayo-chin! Just on the cheek is fine

Hanayo: Ohh…Ok * Leans towards Rin and gives her a soft kiss on her cheek*

Honoka : OK Kayo-chin your turn

Hanayo: Rin chan? Truth or dare?

Rin : Truth nyaa~

Hanayo : Do…Did you like that kiss just now?

Rin : Of course Kayo-chin! It was sooo soft!

Hanayo : Ok * blush*

Rin: Soo hmm Eli-chan! Truth or dare?

Eli : Truth

Rin : Who do you like more? Nozomi or Umi (DUN DUN DUN)

Eli : Well… I say that I like [CENSORED] more Hey wait why is that censored?

Nekochan: Well because we don't want a war here do we? And besides the pairing can be anyone so its finee

Eli: Well… Ok then Maki truth or dare?

Maki: Truth

Eli: Why are you so Tsun?

Maki: What? It's not like I'm a Tsundere or anything…

Eli: See? Tsun

Maki : Never mind its my turn now right? Umi truth or dare

Umi : Dare

Maki : I dare you to do 'LOVE ARROW SHOOT' here right now

Umi: Whaaa what!?

Maki: Yes

Umi: FIneee * Gets up and a bow and arrow magically appears out of nowhere* Wha?

Nekochan: Don't worry I can make anything come true here kukuku

Umi: *Reluctantly grabs the bow and arrow and positions it *


Rin: Wowww so that's the 'LOVE ARROW SHOOT' I've been hearing about

Umi : Anyway its my turn now right and now theres only author-san left…

Nekochan : Nope you don't get to truth or dare me ahahahaha

Nekochan: So anywayss that's the end of this chappie

Rin: So review and we'll make your dreams come true nyaa~!