It hadn't taken Harry that much difficulty to have Mordred subdued. Eggsy arrived soon after to take over, and together with Roxy, they shackled the ex-agent and brought him out to where Merlin had sent a cab to get him. The whole time, Ginny's eyes had not left the elder agent, as he and Eggsy and Roxy had reunited, with hugs and mock punches, a little tears from Eggsy (he always insisted that he wasn't sentimental. Ginny called his bullhit.) and a lot of joy all around, before they finally left the lobby of the hotel.

Suddenly, the hallway that connected the dining hall with the main lobby felt cavernous, as Harry Hart turned on his heel, and gave his daughter a smooth smile.

It hadn't been easy, to just sit on his haunches and do nothing but recuperate as his prized protege and his only daughter risked their life and limb. But he and Merlin had come to a conclusion that had he revealed himself, not only would the rotten agents never reveal themselves, he'd put himself in even greater danger. So Merlin had checked him into a private hospital, and there he had spent the past two months or so pretty much bedridden, after he had woken up from a weeklong coma. The doctor had managed to dislodge the bullet in his head, with only slight nerve damage to his left eye. Merlin had called him a lucky man when the doctor proclaimed the bullet had missed most major arteries, and Harry just had to deal with major, recurring migraines for months, on top of a fractured skull and various other minor injuries from the brawl in the church.

As Ginny stared at what was the image of her father, the only difference being the eye patch on his left eye, her mouth gaped. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Sweetheart, you may want to close it. It's unbecoming."

"Merlin, I demand an explanation." Ginny snarled into her glasses.

Behind the screen, the bald headed technician winced. "His idea. Arthur, you're dealing with this. I'm outta here."

"Arthur?" Ginny echoed, just as Merlin severed his connection. Her eyes widened, as Harry nodded.

"After Chester King's obvious betrayal, the remaining council which Merlin determined was clean, all placed it to a vote, and I was voted to be the next Arthur."

A sense of pride swelled in Ginny's chest, at the idea that her father was now the leader of the Kingsman. But that lasted for all of 30 seconds, before she was quickly reminded of how hollow she had felt when she had known she was gone. "You didn't think I could've been let in on the secret? That I was trustworthy enough?"

Harry blanched when he heard her voice crack, and sighed before extending a hand out, palm upwards to her. "Please, Gin. I didn't mean it that way. But it was for your safety. The lesser amount of people who knew I was still alive, the better. We Kingsman are the sole reason why V-Day failed. I don't think the millionaire's and billionaire's who all agreed to Valentine's plan would be happy with me."

Ginny bit her lip, willing but failing the tears to go away. They welled up in her eyes, and one spilled over as her lips trembled. "I... thought you were dead. Do you know how that feels? To feel like you've got no one left in this world?"

"You had Merlin." Harry was quick to add in, wincing when he saw a flash of a glare in Ginny's eyes. Despite the anger, he continued. "I warned him over and over again, not to take his eye off you."

"And that's enough? You didn't think that I would miss you everyday I thought you were dead?"

"I..." Harry paused. What did one say? He knew he was wrong to deceive her for as long as he did, but still... "I promise I won't do it again?"

Ginny paused, biting her lip and looking at him as if considering if she should trust him. Catching Harry by surprise, she suddenly strode forward and pressed her face against his chest, wrapping him in a hug which Harry gladly returned, his hand patting her shoulder as he kissed her forehead tenderly. It didn't matter that she wasn't his biological daughter. He's lived and cared for Regina Hart all his life, he wasn't about to just abandon her.

"Never do that again." she muttered a muffled warning against his slowly dampening shirt.

Harry chuckled, stroking her head. "Promise."

And that's the end! I know it's short, but this was really just to introduce Ginny to everyone. There is a continuation/sequel where she takes on a larger role and the story is likely to be much longer. The sequel is up already! Titled Kingsman: The New Recruit, and picks up from the end of Kingsman 2, where Tequila joins them in Saville Row.

And yes, Roxy and JB are both alive in the sequel, as is Merlin. Explanations for how and why will be within the chapters, because I couldn't bear losing Merlin especially. T_T Do give it a checkout! :D