Hello everyone! And welcome back to this crazy beautiful (well I consider it beautiful) mess I created. In my mind I am about two or so months late in posting this. Life got crazy and I didn't want to do something leaving you guys again like I did when I first posted Road Trip. So as of right now I hope nothing happens, because I don't know if I can take it.
Anywhos, back to why you are all here in the first place. Welcome to my sequel of Road Trip! This sequel is a monster, I often call it a monster in my posts and people probably wonder why, well here is why. I didn't want to write just one sequel, I wanted to write dozens. And I didn't want so many one-shots, so I decided to sort of combine them all instead. I have about 20 or so one-shots/chapters written for this sequel so far. (Ahem, so far.) And I technically want to write more, so if you have any ideas about what you want to see in this verse let me know! Anything!
I suppose now I shall introduce the sequel to Road Trip, This Is How We Live.
Summary: Kurt attends his first college party with Blaine, Derby, Maddie, and Kyle.
Inspired by: The Party Scene by All Time Low
September 4, 2012
Kurt couldn't believe he was going to an actual college party with his boyfriend in New York City. He pulled on Blaine's arm, which made Blaine look over at him and smile.
"You alright?" Blaine asked him in a whisper.
"Yeah," Kurt said with a wide grin, "I guess I am just a bit nervous."
"You will have fun," Blaine said as he kissed Kurt's temple.
Derby was walking in front of them looking at his phone, "Ooo, Tanya will be at the party tonight."
"You don't stand a chance with Tanya," Maddie said with a laugh. She turned to Kyle and swatted his arm, "Would you put that stupid video game away?"
Kyle shook his head, "I need to beat this level, Mario is just a fire flower away from being where I need him to be at."
Kurt leaned his head on Blaine's shoulder, "I always wondered how one could be so involved in video games, but then one weekend Finn let me borrow his copy of those Batman Arkham games and I spent the entire weekend binge playing them."
Blaine laughed, "See, I knew I picked the right one."
Letting out his own laugh, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's arm, "Who knew."
"Wait, you beat the Arkham series in a weekend?" Kyle asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, well the two that are out now," Kurt shrugged.
Maddie shook her head, "Boys. Tell me why Rachel decided to not come tonight?"
"She had a Skype date thing with Finn," Kurt sighed, "I don't know what is going on with them lately." Blaine gave him a sympathetic look.
"Party time!" Derby shouted as he ran down the street and up the stairs.
Kurt looked around and saw everyone hanging outside of the house. They were drinking and smoking, he instantly felt out of his element. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.
"Come on," Blaine said taking Kurt's hand, "Let's get you a drink." He pulled Kurt into the house and the music was loud. The bass was pounding in their ears. He shuffled them inside the kitchen and grabbed two beers. "Here!" he shouted handing Kurt one.
Kurt took the beer and looked down at the can.
"You know you can drink something else," Blaine said yelling into Kurt's ear, "I know you haven't really drank before."
"No, it's fine," Kurt shouted back and smiled. He watched as Blaine opened his beer and took a long drink. He knew Blaine had partied before, but didn't realize he partied like this. Opening his own beer, he took a long swig. He pulled the can away from his lips, "That's disgusting."
"Yeah it is," Blaine laughed as he took another long drink. He crushed the can in his hand and tossed it behind his head. "Want to dance?"
"Yeah," Kurt nodded his head as he took another drink to drain his own beer can. He didn't crush his like Blaine, but set it down on a table near by. He felt a bit woozy for a second, but he looked over at Blaine who had his hand on his back and was just smiling at him. "I want to dance now."
"Yes sir!" Blaine shouted as he took Kurt's hand and took him to the makeshift dance floor in the living room. He pulled Kurt close to him and started to dance.
Kurt wasn't exactly sure what was going on, most people were just moving side to side, swaying. He didn't even know what song was playing because the bass was turned up so high, but he just figured he would follow Blaine's lead.
"Come on," Blaine laughed. He moved his hands to Kurt's hips, "I know you can move Hummel!"
Kurt only blushed as he looked around waiting for someone to call them out, but he forgot these are people Blaine went to school with. They were probably used to seeing couples of all kinds. He could only nod and move along with Blaine.
The alcohol in his system started to loosen him up, and when Blaine grabbed two more beers, Kurt quickly drank the other one down.
A song started to play over the speakers which Kurt recognized right away and he pulled Blaine back to dance. "Having fun?" Blaine asked with a smile.
Kurt didn't answer him, he just moved his body to the beat of the song and laughed. He was lost in the music when he started to feel dizzy, he grabbed onto Blaine's arm.
"You getting hot?" Blaine asked with concern. He watched as Kurt nodded his head and he pulled him away from the large crowd of people. "Better?"
"Yeah," Kurt said. Blaine was now handing him a bottle of water, "Thanks."
"Sure thing," Blaine said kissing him on the cheek. "Oh hey Terrence!"
"Blaine!" the guy named Terrence walked over to them. "Dude, what the hell did you think of that test in Theory?"
"Killer," Blaine said with a laugh, "By the way, this is my boyfriend, Kurt."
Terrence turned to Kurt and smiled, "Hey dude. Blaine loves to talk about you non-stop."
"I do not," Blaine said waving his hand.
"He does," Terrence said and he leaned over to whisper in Kurt's ear, "And I can see why."
Kurt felt his entire face redden. He knew the mix of his nerves and alcohol were making him looser, but he still couldn't believe someone said that to him. He instantly felt lost in the moment, but then oh that was Blaine next to him.
Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt's waist, "Hey, he's mine. Get your own."
"I plan too," Terrence said to him, "You go to school at NYU?"
"No, Parsons," Kurt answered him.
"Nice," Terrence nodded his head, "How you got stuck with a dork like Blaine I will never know."
Blaine rolled his eyes, "Not funny man."
"Dude! Blaine!" another guy came over, "I thought you weren't going to be here."
"Andy, why would I miss a solid party like yours," Blaine said giving his friend some sort of handshake that ended with them high fiving.
"Who's this?" Andy asked looking at Kurt.
"That is Blaine's man," Terrence told him, "Kurt." He pulled Andy back, "That means hands off."
"Nice to meet you," Andy nodded at him, "Don't worry, my girlfriend wouldn't like it very much if I started hooking up with other people."
Kurt's eyes widened, "Oh, well that's a good thing." He knew getting used to New York would take time.
"What do you do at Parson's?" Terrence asked.
"Fashion," Kurt shrugged. "I am mostly in beginning classes now, but I hope next semester to be placed in more advanced ones."
"He's amazing," Blaine interjected. "I have to say, he could design in his sleep."
Kurt and Blaine talked to the two guys for about a half hour. Kurt noticed Blaine seemed to be bouncing where he stood in place. He figured he must have been happy and that was good.
"Holy shit," Andy ran off, "Todd and Lisa not on my sofa!"
"I see shifty eyes," Terrence adjusted his tie, "If you excuse me gentlemen."
Blaine leaned into Kurt and nuzzled his side, "How are you doing?"
"Good," Kurt turned his body to face Blaine's, "I'm having fun."
"Good," Blaine repeated as he pressed their lips together. He pulled away and smiled, leaning in again, he started to kiss Kurt harder.
Kurt was surprised by Blaine's kiss, but it wasn't unwelcomed. He kissed him back. There was probably people staring at them, but he was kissing his boyfriend and it was fun.
Blaine pulled back, "Hey."
"Hi," Kurt giggled.
Derby appeared running into the kitchen, "Blaine! Blaine! Code red!"
"Huh?" Blaine asked confused.
"Dude, Dirk is here and he is looking for you," Derby said.
Kurt's mind started turning instantly, with his mind clearing of the alcohol he had drank earlier. Dirk was Blaine's ex-boyfriend and they broke up because they grew apart. But why was he looking for Blaine and why did Derby mention he was single?
Blaine just let his head fall onto Kurt's shoulder, "I am sort of busy here."
"Not saying I didn't warn you," Derby held his hands up as he back away.
"Good, he's gone," Blaine smiled, "Now where were we?" He leaned in give Kurt another kiss.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. He felt Blaine's hands on his ass, and it wasn't new, but they were in a room filled with other people. He understood quickly though, Blaine lifted him up to sit on the counter.
Pulling away, Blaine giggled, "Want another drink?"
"No thanks," Kurt said knowing his limits, "I think I am good."
"Okay," Blaine smiled dopily, "I'm thirsty. I'll be right back." He walked off to go grab another drink.
Kurt sat on the counter as he waited for Blaine to come back from getting his drink. He looked at the clock and realized Blaine had been gone for almost five minutes. He hopped off the counter and walked into the living room. Looking around he didn't see Blaine anywhere.
Bumping into someone, Kurt saw he bumped into Andy, "Oh hey Kurt. Are you looking for Blaine?"
Kurt gave a nod, "Have you seen him?" he yelled over the music.
Andy looked around for a moment, and then pointed to the dance floor, "I guess Dirk found him."
Turning his head, Kurt felt his heart fall. Blaine was dancing with his ex-boyfriend, his extremely attractive ex-boyfriend. Dirk had long dirty blonde hair and a tall lean body. He kept pulling Blaine closer to him and it didn't seem that Blaine was puling away.
Kurt couldn't breathe, he needed to get out of this party. "Thanks," he said to Andy, but he just started to walk towards the door. He walked down the steps slowly. His legs were wobbling as he walked. Finally he sat down on the bottom step. Taking out his phone, he dialed Rachel.
"Kurt, aren't you supposed to be partying?" Rachel asked with a laugh.
"How much do you know about Blaine's exes?" Kurt asked her in a rush.
Rachel's tone changed instantly, "Hang on Kurt."
Kurt heard some shuffling on Rachel's end and he heard her talking to someone. Finally she must have got settled once again because he heard her sigh. "Tell me."
"I don't know much," Rachel said, "What is going on?"
"I don't know," Kurt sighed, "I want to go home."
"Is there a cab anywhere?" Rachel asked.
Kurt shook his head, but then realized he was talking to her on the phone, "I don't have any money on me."
"Oh great," Rachel said, "I am so going to kill my brother."
Kurt wrapped his arms around himself, he felt as if he could still hear Blaine saying his name. He felt a tear run down his face, great now he was crying.
Pausing for a moment, Kurt realized that it was Blaine saying his name. He turned and saw Blaine running down the stairs.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt tightly, "You scared me. I couldn't find you anywhere. What's wrong?" He cradled Kurt's head in his hand, "Why are you crying?"
Kurt gripped his phone tighter and he could hear Rachel over the phone. "I'm fine Rachel. Blaine is here."
"Are you sure?" Rachel asked.
"Yes," Kurt said.
Rachel was reluctant, but she said her goodbyes and Kurt hung up with her.
"Why did you call Rachel?" Blaine asked him.
Kurt shrugged his shoulders as he wrapped his arms tighter around himself, "I needed to get out."
"You should have told me earlier," Blaine said to him, "Sorry, I got pulled onto the dance floor by Mandy and I had to push some loser off of me."
"What?" Kurt asked.
Blaine sat on the step next to Kurt, "Mandy pulled me on to the dance floor. And then someone was dancing with me. I thought it may have been you, but it didn't feel like you. When I turned around I freaked out when I didn't see your face, I may have punched my ex in the face."
"You punched him?" Kurt asked confused.
"Yep," Blaine said and he flexed his hand, "I sort of felt bad, but in all honestly it felt good. Sorry I left you. I didn't mean too."
Kurt let his head fall into his hands, "I thought you were getting bored with me."
"Bored?" Blaine asked and then he started laughing, "You are far from boring Kurt, trust me." He reached over and took Kurt's hand, "I hope this whole fiasco didn't scare you off from anymore parties."
"I don't think so," Kurt said, "Just maybe keep you on a leash next time."
Blaine laughed as he leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder, "Sure. Ready to head back home now?"
"But we just got here not long ago," Kurt said.
"And I think we made quite the impression," Blaine told him. He stood up and wiggled his fingers, "What do you say to finding some late night snacks?"
"Like French fries?" Kurt asked with a grin.
Blaine took Kurt's hand and pulled him close, "Yep, I picked a good one." He gave Kurt a kiss, pressing their lips together.
When Kurt pulled away he smiled, "French fries?"
"To French fries!" Blaine said as he pretend to hold out a sword and start running down the street with Kurt's hand in his.
Ta da and there you have it! The first one-shot/chapter for this monster! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and whatnot, tell me what you thought. I just never know. And so far all of these one-shots/chapters are going to be posted in chronological order. I basically have the next five or so years planned out.
Remember you can request an idea, I love writing things when you guys request them! And most of the one-shots/chapters are inspired by or have songs in them, so if you have a song recommendation for a one-shot/chapter, I'm all ears as well! I've had these stories in my head to myself for almost four years now so sharing them feels wonderful.
~ JonasGeek
P.S. While I was writing these, I knew I needed something to organize all of these things because if I do get requests I don't want you to get lost. If you head on over to my Tumblr blog: toloveandtomadness and then put "/wwfmsv" at the end of the url, you will find a handy guide if you get lost (I will also put sneak peaks of upcoming one-shots/chapters). I will also put a link on my profile on here, and if all else fails and you can't get there message me. I will happily do that for you...now bring in the dancing lobsters.
P.S.S. Our boys got married! That is all.