Chapter 2: Bringing Back Memories Make Us Closer

"Otae My Love! How are you?"

"You are so wrong timing Kondo-san" Tae punched him as usual. Still holding her hand,Gin asked," Why did you punch him?"

"He's my stalker."

"Otae...wait...Gin what happened to you?"

"Uhmm...Who are you? Are you Gorilla?" All gasped.

"Hey Gintoki! Call me Kondo!"

"Hey Gorilla! Keep doing it!"

"Otae-san not you too...Why? I don't want to do anything related to your boyfriend!"

"Kondo-san..Gin has amnesia."

'Wait! Did you say amnesia? It's my chance!' "Yeah Gin! I'm Kondo and even if I looked like Gorilla, I'm human...not gorilla."

"Wait...I'm confused..."

"It will be more confusing that you should know that I loved Otae and no one will stop me from her!"

"Wait...Miss, you said you're my special someone?"

"Kondo-san thinks that I'm his special someone but I chose you..."

"No! Don't listen to her!" Otae attempt to punch him but...

"Enough!" Otose screamed,"Look at this mess! If you're not getting out, you'll pay his rent instead!"

Kagura joined Sarutobi and Tsuki as they went home while the rest were thinking how can they solve this problem. Then they met Katsura.

"He's Zura" Kondo pointed him to Gin (Joui and Shinsenggumi were now allies this time)

"Zura Ja Nai! Katsura da!"

"Anyway, I heard you battle with him and part of the anti-foreigner faction..."

"Faction?...Is that kind of ice cream?"

"No! It's a group of samurai who fought amantos" Then a series of flashback ran through his mind but he can't figure it out. Then he saw Elizabeth.

"I'm just wondering...what's that? Is that a penguin or a duck?"

"His name is Elizabeth-"

"I don't think he will regain his memory. Let's go to our quarters."


"Are you serious Otae?" Asked by the Vice chief, "Okay...I'll do my best. I'm Hijijata Toshiro, Vice commander and we're rivals in every way."

"I'm so sorry...It's my first time to see you."

"Well, what we will gonna do Otae?" Then he tried to light his cigarette with a mayolighter.

"Ahhhh! Mayonaise!" Gin kicked the lighter and made Toshi angry.

"How dare you kicked my precious mayonaise!" And they fought like the usual.

"Wow aneue! Gin still has the samurai skill" Shinpachi said as he watched Gin fought. There's no changes after all.

'There's still hope', she thought. The fight went on. Toshi kept punching Gin and his memory went back and forth.

"Commander, why you're letting them have a fight?" Said by the sadist himself.

"Gin's having a trouble with his memory. Can you try?"

"Okay,what about this?" He flashed his bazooka.

"Sogou! Not that way!" Shinpachi panicked.

"There's no use. We should go home. Thanks Kondo and you two..." Otae said as she,Gin,Megane and Kondo left.

"Why are tou still here?", she asked Kondo.

"I just want to stay with you in everytime you suffer..."

"You mean, you're expecting Gin not to regain his memory", Megane muttered.

"Shut up Brother-in-law!"

"Shut up gorilla! And do not call me bro in law! I don't want you for my sis!"

"Stop calling me Gorilla!"

"HEY YOU TWO! You're not even helping me! Because of that, eat this..." She handed them the burnt eggs.

"Sis...we're just playing..."

"We're just getting to know each other...we'll getting married soon hehehe...", It's obvious that the two were nervous.

"EAT THAT OR I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY FIST!" Then two settled with the the food meanwhile Otae went to Gin who was sitting on the front porch.

"Miss, I don't know but I'm happy watching the sunset."

"Really? You really don't know everything...even my name..."

"Sorry...but I actually felt something when you touched my hand...I felt like you're saying the truth that you're my special someone-"

"-I am your special someone! You don't remember when you saved me from Kyubei?"


"You said that you did that because you don't want to see me cry..." Then a memory from the Yagyuu arc showed up in his mind," You fought Kondo to protect me, even if it takes your life" Then the scene appeared,"I beg you to not kill Obi and you did, even kneeling down to the Shinsenggumi" Then he remembered the feeling when he did knelt down in front of them,"Then we quarrel because I told you not to be reckless at such at that age" Then he touched the scar Nizou created on his back,"**Then remember when I was nearly killed? Yet you still save me..."

A sudden jolt of happiness and sadness (because of that fatal incident) came up on him,"Otae..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Otae,your Tamagoyaki really smells bad and what is your stalker doing here again? He's not allowed-"

But a slight punch earned him from that remark but he noticed she was crying,"What the-"

"You're back!" She hugged him.

"Thanks for the hug but.."

"I'm so sorry...I'm just so happy! You won't believe what happened!"

He saw Kondo,"Why are you here at Otae's ?!"

"Otae! Who's Otae?"

Otae thought,'Kondo-san got amnesia from my food...oh I shouldn't let Gin eat my food. Oh well if I thought that earlier, I'll never been able to know if he really loves me...' Then she shouted,"STOP BICKERING GUYS!"

The End.

Author: Arigatou Gozaimas for reading my fanfic! This is one of the sequel stories from my previous story, Four Seasons of Love.

**The incident she was talking about is from my upcoming story (based on the Shogun Assasination arc) or can also be based on Four Seasons of Love story. 💓💘👌👍?😍😊