The school bell rang loudly across the campus at Domino High. The students began scattering around in order to go to class in time before the tardy bell rang in a few minutes later.

In case of a particular student that goes by the name of Yami Atem, also known as the school heartrob, was strolling around the hallways of the main building with his best friend, Bakura. Several girls noticed Yami and they went straight to him, giggling like crazy. "Hey girls" Yami said to them, making them swoon. "But aren't you supposed to be in class?" Yami asks them. "Well we were but we saw you so why miss this chance to talk to you Yami?" one of the girls, Arkina, asks him. "Well I wish we could talk but maybe later today?" Yami asks and it seems to satisfy the 4 girls because they all nodded in agreement. Leaving them alone, Bakura then asks Yami, "So Yami, do you enjoy this kind of attention?" "Yes, I do. A lot".

A few minutes later both laughed about what Bakura did last night at a party that was hosted at his house while his parents were away when the biggest nerd of the school, Yugi Muto, ran past them.

"Seriously that girl is the biggest nerd in this school" Bakura stated and Yami agreed.

The tardy bell rang a few moments later.

"Shit, we are late. Again" Yami declared with a small laugh escaping his lips.

"Who cares, besides the teacher won't say or do anything to us. We came in late last Tuesday and she never bothered writing us detention. I mean, c'mon Yami, we are among the popular people here and we rule the school".

"That's true Bakura, besides you know very well that your parents influence the school. If any teacher tries to gives detention, a bad grade or something like that, then the teacher might never hear the end of it when they experience your parents' wrath. Seeing that once is already traumatizing, seeing it again will be the death of somebody" Yami stated laughing and Bakura nodded.

"They can be very scary when mad Yami. The other day when my dad found out about some kid bullying Ryou, seriously he almost amputated that guy's head".

"Did someone stop him or something?"

"Oh yeah, my mom prevented him from doing that".

"Well, let's go to class".

The walk to their class was spent in silence.

Opening the door, Yami walks in first followed by Bakura. The teacher was busy writing down something on the board to notice the arrival of the two teens. Several other students looked up from their work to see who came in late to class. Now knowing who were, they went back to their assignments.

Sitting down next to Yugi, Bakura snickered and the teacher heard this.

"Since you're laughed, Bakura can you kindly please answer the question I wrote on the board for me?"

Not aware of what she wrote, he absentmindely answered "Twenty-one".

"Wrong answer Bakura. I'll let you pass on this though" she said and went to ask the same question to another student.

Grunting, Bakura leaned over Yugi's shoulder to see her work.

"Let me see your work nerd".

Jumping in surprise, Yugi looked up to see Bakura who was in close contact with her. Shying away, she let him see her work, not wanting any trouble with anybody.

"Good girl".

Blushing, Yugi looks down and say nothing and waits for the white-haired male finished copying down the work.

Several minutes passed when she saw her paper thrown her way, indicating that Bakura was done.

Yami watched the whole scene play out from his seat two rows up from where Bakura was sitting.

Smiling, Yami asks Yugi a question about her looks.

"Hey you nerd, Yugi?" Yami asked silently.

"Y-you know m-my name" she asked, surprised to know that the hottest male in school knows her name.

"Who doesn't know the biggest loser in this school?"

Insulted, Yugi looks down and Yami smiles widely and Bakura laughs.

"So, you nerd, I need to copy those notes of yours. Let me have them".

Now intimidated, Yugi quickly gave him her very detailed notes to Yami and ran to her seat in embarrassment.

Some of the other students who watched laughed at her and a few even made their own remarks to Yugi.

"So, 4-eyes, I know your secret" Bakura tells her.

Shocked, Yugi asked flushing, "What secret are you talking about?"

"A secret I know and I am planning to tell Yami after class".

"No, please don't tell him".

Bakura laughs at her reaction and then the teacher decides to interrupt them, "You two, please quiet down".

Smiling, Yugi asks Bakura again "What do y-you k-know about m-my secret?"

"I'm not telling you which one you 4-eyes. Go away, don't bother me".

Slumping on her seat, Yugi wants to cry her heart out.

'Great, now that Bakura knows that I like Yami, he's planning to tell him in a few minutes. Oh god, somebody please help me from this misery'.

Grinning evilly, both Bakura and Yami stared at the female.

'This is going to be good when lunch comes around' Yami though as he stares at the clock on the wall.

Scribbling down on a piece of paper, Yami passes it to Bakura.

So Bakura, you better tell Akinu to prepare the things for Yugi. I cannot wait for lunch to come around.

Bakura quickly looks up to see Yami smiling like mad and Bakura writes down his answer.

Yes Yami, Akinu already knows about this whole ordeal. Don't fret about a thing. He will take care of everything before lunch rolls around.

Passing it to Yami, the bell decides to ring, signaling the student that class is now over for the day.

"So students, don't forget to finish the work as homework. It is due tomorrow. Have a good day" the teacher quickly said before dismissing her students.

Putting her books quickly to her leather book bag, Yugi dashes off the homeroom.

"So Bakura, today will be memorable for Yugi. The whole thing will be recorded on my phone".

"Yes, please do that. This will be the beginning for Yugi Muto".