Oh by the way, the cover story's image is how I imagined Kyuri looking! I drew her myself! :D

Kyuri is the japanese name for a cucumber. Mizuna is also a japanese name for a salad leaf.

I just finished re watching DBZ and the movie about Goku's father and towards the end I wondered what might have happened if per say another Saiyan had heeded Bardocks warning about Frieza. I love the show, and I am a huge fan, this is my first dragon ball z fanfic story. In this chapter I wanted to emphasize Bulma and Kyuri's sisterly bond. I will try and bring in some of the Z fighters next chapter! Reviews, comments, suggestions are all welcomed! :) Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for reading!

I do not own Dragon Ball Z.

Chapter 1

Mizuna stared at her small daughter in the space pod that would soon be departing. She hoped her brother in law Bardock was wrong about the upcoming annihilation of the saiyan race, but to be on the safe side, she would send young Kyuri to accompany her baby cousin, Kakarot. Brushing a dark blue stray hair from the sleeping child's face with her finger tears flooded her eyes. To her dismay her lover and father of her child, Tora had yet to return from his last mission and she feared the worst. She feared he was right. Tora was really gone and Frieza had betrayed them all. Hiding her emotions she spoke softly to her daughter. "Sweet Kyuri, watch over your baby cousin. If all turns out okay and we defeat Frieza... I will come for you, I promise."She had waited for Kyuri to fall asleep before placing her in the space pod, she didn't think she would understand, she had such a sweet, gentle personality taking after her younger sister Gine. She would have cried, and Mizuna was not sure she would be able to go through with this. She felt like she was deserting her, she was only four years of age, but in the end she knew it was best for her. She felt a presence slip up behind her, she turned to find her sister, Gine. She placed her hand on top of Mizuna's shoulder as if to provide some comfort to her older sister. "Mizuna, my husband has already left to catch up with Frieza. No one will listen to him, they call him crazy. So he left alone." Her sisters eyes held so much emotion, no doubt she had already set Kakarot on his path which meant... it was time. She untied her bandana and wrapped it onto Kyuri's wrist, she stepped back and shut the door. Peering inside to have what could be the last look at her daughter, she noticed her blue eyes had fully opened staring back into her own with a look of confusion spread across her face. "Mommy..." she mouthed as Gine hit the coordinates and they after a few moments of listening to the start of the pod, they watched Kyuri fly off into the sky, her face pressed firmly against the glass. It was a bittersweet moment for the young saiyan warrior, after her pod was no longer in sight, Mizuna turned toward her sister, to notice Gine held a sympathetic look on her face, "Sister I.." Gine started before Mizuna cut her off, "Nonsensical emotion, please spare me. Now lets go kick some lizard ass."

Three years had passed since that dreadful day. Kyuri wrote down in her journal that had been given to her by sister, Bulma. I am now seven years of age... my mother has not held up to her promise. She had told me she would come for me. But here I am still living with these humans, not that she minded much. Over the years she had even grown to love them as her own, she vowed she would defend them with her life if it came to that. She held a deep longing for her own mother that was all, she meant no disrespect to Mr and Mrs. Brief. They had taken her in and asked few questions of her, which in a way she was glad. Her space pod had landed beside young Kakarots, now called by the name of "Goku". He didnt remember any thing about Aunt Gine or Bardock, so to keep his naivety bliss she kept their heritage to herself. it had been a huge leap step to accustom to their ways, and in time she realized she much preferred it. She wasnt forced to fight with anyone, her father had been shamed to have a daughter that loathed combat, thus forcing her to train relentlessly and fight one on one with her cousin, Raditz. He had always taken it easy on her she remembered, and for that she was grateful. She used her tail to grab another notebook and sat it on top of her desk she occupied. Bulma had shown her other ways of writing, this one was called drawing. Bulma, being the same age as her, often questioned Kyuri who she was drawing. She kept it simple and only told the basics, her mother, father, and cousin, Kyuri wanted to always remember their faces and this was the only way she knew how. She looked down at her mothers face with a slight pang in her heart, she resembled her mother the most. Taking her blackish blue hair and her bright blue eyes, soft features other than fathers sharp ones. Tracing her fingers along the lines of the drawing, she closed the notebook and stood, stretching her legs and arms.

Kyuri could smell some sort of chocolate baking and this made her tummy growl. From the day she arrived she had these desserts shoved in her face, they couldnt believe she had never even heard of chocolate, now she couldnt get enough. She ran down the stairs almost colliding into Bulma on the way down, "Hey! You almost knocked me over!" Bulma yelled after her still standing with her hand resting on her hip, Kyuri just gave her a sweet smile as she rounded the corner into the kitchen. Brownies. Oh Kami. Life was complete. "Mom said we had to wait, Kyuri" Bulma laughed as she nudged her softly in the rib. Disappointment washed over her pale face, turning to face her she exclaimed "But, But why?!" "Hmmmm, I think she said something about having guests over later." Bulma stated placing her finger up to her lip in concentration. "Hmm, I dont think they will miss two disappearing, Bulma." she flashed her a bright smile with her hand behind her head, "And anyway, why would she just leave them out here in the open... if she didnt want us to have one?" Bulma looked thoughtful as she pondered lifes greatest mystery, "Well maybe just one wouldnt hurt..." she found herself saying. "Great!" was Kyuri's response her brows knitted in concentration as she snatched two and handed one over to her new partner in crime. Giggling from the mischievousness ways, Kyuri turned from humor to panic as she whispered her mom was coming. "Oh crap." Lets go, and hurry!" Kyuri grabbed Bulma by her wrist and dashed outside the double doors before they were caught, they sat on the warm, green grass enjoying the warm sunny breeze and of course the stolen brownies.

"Wow, I wish I ran as fast as you." Bulma said as she caressed her wrist that had been in Kyuri's grasp, "How do you move so quickly?", "Oh I dont know, guess it just runs in the genes." Kyuri responded laughing as Bulma didnt quite catch on to the corny joke she had left in there. "Well whatever you are," Bulma started as she eyed the brown tail that swung behind her sister, "I'm just glad we became close. I love having you as my sister." "Yeah, me too." Kyuri agreed her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "Ya know, dad thinks you should start training some, he says you have good potential, like your cousin Goku. Of course it is up to you though." Kyuri looked over at the blue haired girl sitting next to her, her eyes held some what seriousness in them, "Maybe, if only to be able to protect myself and you guys." Bulma nodded her head in agreement, then said "Say Kyuri, you should go wipe your face before mom finds you. You have chocolate all over your mouth!" she started laughing and pointing at my face, she stood when I heard Mrs. Brief opening the door to come check on us outside, Kyuri quickly turned and wiped all around her mouth with her black shirt as hard as she could to conceal any evidence. "Girls!" 's voice rang as she trotted to us, "Would you like some brownies and milk? Guests later tonight but I made these for you two beauties." Huge sweat drops formed on the backs of both their heads. The two girls locked eyes and just instantly burst out laughing leaving Mrs. Brief in the dark.

Since that day the two girls had been inseparable, bonding so closely many wondered if they were indeed fraternal twins, Bulma introduced many hobbies to Kyuri who delighted in the knowledge of the human girl world, she often took her shopping, picked out romance novels for her to read, talked with her about school crushes. Kyuri had such a close knit bond formed with Bulma she would talk with her about her home planet called Vegeta, her mother, father, and family in general, Bulma always listened with eagerness, she was intrigued to find out her suspicions had been correct about Goku and Kyuri, they were in fact aliens. But their home planet and its inhabitants seemed scary, she hoped none would ever come looking for the two. Kyuri started training with her young cousin Goku only to help her defense, she realized while talking with Bulma that if in fact her parents ever came back for her, this planet would more than likely be wiped clean. She couldn't stomach that thought. Her cousin had grown strong in his time on earth, grandpa Gohan must be a pretty tough old guy. She enjoyed Goku's naivety, he saw the good in everything and anyone. If he continued on in this way, pretty soon Goku would have to be the strongest fighter on earth.