The shuttle was quiet as it undocked from the Pride of Venus, the Earth Gov's latest warship. Corporal Jacob Bradly sat still, in a state of near petrification at the sight out the window.
The USG Mako.
Earth Gov said it would be a routine search and acquire mission, not a death sentence. 'Had I done something wrong? Did I know something they have to keep secret?' these thoughts rang through Bradly's head as they neared the crippled ship. The ship that had been crippled on the planet as part of a "Terrorist plot against the Earth Gov". What a load of horse shit.
Bradly looked to his men, fresh and eagerly awaiting a fight, little did they know what they were getting into. He knew what was happening on this ship was the same thing that had happened on the Ishimura.
"We're 10 minutes out men!" The pilot informed over the intercom. The other soldiers were dressed in standard UEG military armor and each held their own Plasma Rifles. Standard issue in the UEG. They dealt with people well enough but… these weren't people.
"Man this is going to be easy!" One of them spoke up as they neared the Mako.
"Yeah, drinks are on me if we get out in 30 minutes or less!" There was a round of cheering amongst the men as the ship shook and docked with the crippled ship that now rest on the planet's surface. Bradly stood and made his way to the door.
"Remember men, safeties off… if it doesn't have an IFF tag kill it." Bradly said coldly as the door hissed open, following the dozen clicks of the safety switch.
"What are we going to be shooting? There's nothing alive on this bucket." The solider finished with a chuckle.
"Your right…. There's nothing on here that's "Alive'" The way Bradly said it sent a chill up the soldier's spine.
"Alright! Here's where we split up, Spades 1-4! Take the upper decks, Spades 5-8 Take Medical, and lastly Spades 9-11 on me! Move out and report anything suspicious." Bradly barked out orders and within the minute he was alone with the three other soldiers. Bradly whipped his visor as he headed towards R&D.
They made their ways down the hallways, slowly and cautiously. Jacob's suit was the most advanced the UEG had at their disposal, at least he could feel happy about that. That they trusted him with it, and now he was going to die with it. The suit was the standard UEG suit with more plate armor and advanced storage capabilities. The usual single visor was replaced with a double eye visor that allowed a wide view while providing decant protection.
The only noise that echoed through the pitch black corridor was that of metal boots on the metal plates. Jacob had stopped for a minute when his RIG beeped, it was from Spade 1. He pulled up the menu and answered the call.
"Sir! We lost Kyle…. He said he heard whispering and he went off, there was screaming and then his rig flat lined! We are seriously freaking out here!" The solider was visibly shaking in his suit as were the two behind him. They were scanning their surroundings when one of them flashed the light behind the solider. Jacobs's heart stopped, behind the man were several dozen pairs of red eyes.
"Behind You! Open fire right now!" Jacob yelled as the solider whipped around. He let out a scream as one of the necromorphs jumped on the man next to him and proceeded to gut him like a fish. They raised their rifles and started firing but they were useless as they didn't know where to aim them. They were over run and slaughtered as the comms cut out. Jacob looked to the three soldiers next to him and saw their blank visors, their faces were filled with fear even though the visors were in the way.
"We make it to R&D and they can't touch us." Jacob stated as he started jogging. The others followed in tow as he contacted the other squad. The rig rang a few times before a message designating the attempted contact of a critical condition RIG confirmed his fears. They were the last four left.
That was ten hours ago.
They had spent that past ten hours trying to contact the UEG ship in orbit and failed every time. They had tried to find a ship that still worked on it and found none. They had encountered another survivor, one from Spades group 5-8. He was killed only an hour after they found him when a tentacle pulled him into the wall. They were going mad, and desperate. Jacob had tired of waiting and decided to set out on destroying the marker on the ship.
"It's just through this door. Come on men." Jacob opened the door and froze solid. He counted 30 necromorphs right off the bat with another dozen coming out of the vents. Jacob dared not breathe, but as luck would have it, the door screeched when it opened fully and the necromorphs spotted him.
"Run! This way!" He started running the other way as inhuman screams echoed through the halls. The solider in the back was to slow as he was stabbed by a slasher and disemboweled by the hellish beast. They had just rounded the corner as a door on the right side of the hall burst open revealing a Brute. The manifestation of pure, unbridled anger, shot forward and grabbed the solider in its claws.
"Fuck!" Jacob yelled as the Brute smashed the last two soldiers into each other, turning them into a red paste. As he kept sprinting down the hall he saw the growing number of Necromorphs behind him. He saw a door stuck open slightly and pushed himself even harder than before. He reached the door and just barely fit through as he smashed the panel sealing to door.
He breathed a sigh of relief as he slumped down against the far room of the wall. He was breathing steadily as he heard a slow whispering directly in front of him. He froze with fear as he turned on his flashlight and pointed it straight ahead.
The Red Marker.
There it sat straight ahead of him, he no longer wondered why there was no banging on the door he just came through. He slowly stood and started edging towards the Marker. 'What's happening?!' his thoughts were frantic as he slowly reached out and grabbed the Marker, against his own will. His mind flooded with information and symbols as his vison turned hazy. He let go and collapsed onto the ground in front of the Marker. He slowly righted himself and started seeing the shadows moving. They were reaching for him. He had to escape. He burst through a security door on his right and received another piercing headache. When he looked up and saw the 5 soldiers from the group stationed on the Mako.
"Guys we need to get out of here! What's the matter, can't hear me?!" He yelled as the figures started twitching and splitting apart. Their faces contorted and tore open as Jacob looked on in horror. They started moving towards him. Hit comrades turned necromorphs. He raised his shotgun and they stopped, almost as if frightened.
Jacob fired his shot gun and took a chunk out of the first ones torso. It collapsed immediately and did not twitch. He should have found this strange but the piercing headache and fear propelled him to fire again. They dodged the slug and got within striking range.
One landed a bladed arm straight through his shoulder and out the other side. Jacob cursed as he hazily shook his head and kicked it away. He pulled out his plasma pistol and blasted the creature's arms off, killing it.
He still had 3 left to kill. His arm hurt horribly, besides having a huge hole in it, the nerves and bones were probably turned to paste. He struggled to aim as he decapitated and de-legged the second one. The third one was pasted as it met the muzzle of the shotgun at point blank. He took aim at the last one as his head shook again. He saw the beast slice at his mid-section, tearing through his armor and cutting deep into his stomach. However before his fell against the wall he shot the pistol and hit the beast in its chest. His head pierced with pain as he closed his eyes and opened them again. He was met with the face mask of a UEG solider, he looked scared as he had his Energy sword. A growing red spot through his armor indicated the shot that Jacob had taken.
"Sir? What have you done?" The soldier said as he slumped against the wall and slid down leaving a trail of blood. Jacob wondered what he said as he looked down and saw the bodies of 4 UEG soldiers, heavily mutilated, signs of plasma shotgun blast prevalent. 'Wait… I did this!' The realization of it hit Jacob like a truck, he had killed 5 UEG soldiers, 5 brothers in arms. He then clutched the wounds on his mid-section and shoulder. The one on his shoulder now did not resemble a Slasher claw but an energy sword. A very deep bleeding wound that went clean through his bone. His artery was severely bleeding and his arm was limp now. The wound on his midsection was nothing to laugh at either, It went across his entire midsection and was relatively deep. He looked towards the marker.
"You did this? Why?" He went over the armory cabinet and pulled out all the explosives he could find. He sluggishly went about surrounding the Marker in explosives. He knew he would not survive and left the room, trailing blood down the hall as he reached the main corridor. He pulled out the detonator and slumped against the wall as his blood loss caught up to him. His vision was fading as his white suit was now drenched with blood. He could hear the necromorphs closing in as his vision darkened. 'Hopefully the destruction of this Marker will prevent another disaster like this, and spare the rest of us the… horror… of the Marker….' His breathing slowed as he depressed the trigger.
From the bridge of the UEG Pride of Venus the Mako could be seen bulging before erupting in a fiery explosion. However for Corporal Jacob Bradly the fireball froze, the necromorphs froze, and time itself froze as he descended into a blinding white light.
A/N: This was a quick "Imma throw some stuff together"
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