Dean scanned the bar. his eyes shifting from person to person. clutching the Mark on his arm, the first blade resting in his leather jacket. it had been a long while

since Dean had killed, and it was becoming difficult to control. truth is he didnt want to control it. he watched a small woman, choppy short blonde hair sporting a

blue cocktail dress head out the door alone. he got up from the bar and proceeded to follow her. she took a turn down a blind alley, Dean drew the blade. unaware of

her potential attacker the girl continued on. gripping he blade, ready to strike he is suddenly slung into a brick wall

"stay out of this Cas!"he yelled, eyes flashing black. the girl screamed, frozen in place. "leave." the Angel ordered. the girl nodded and ran. right arm pinned

against Dean's throat the Angel glared. Eyes luminous with a white blue glow. Dean grabbed the Angel by the collar of his trench coat twisting him and slamming him

against the wall. twirling the blade in his free hand, the other gripping the collar of the trench coat. he scoffed "what are you doing here Cas?" the Angel glared

"I'm here to stop you." Dean laughed heavily "stop me? from what? killing?" "I don't know if you forgot but I'm not exactly human any more." the

demon flashed his black eyes again."you won't hurt me Dean." the Angel assured. "oh? I wont?" Dean quickly grabbed Cas's arms pinning them above his head

against the brick proceeded to bring the first blade down Cas's chest leaving a deep slash and tearing his shirt. the angel groaned and felt his legs weaken

"Ya know Cas if I didn't know any better I'd say you were enjoying this." he slid the blade down the angel's chest again, lighter, but still drawing blood the

Angel groaned again, this noise was louder as if meant to cover another noise. " this..." he panted, still feeling the sting of the blade. "oh?"

releasing his arms, Dean slid his hand down the front of Cas's pants. "your body seems to think differently." Cas felt his face grow hot as Dean stroked him, a

loud moan escaping his lips."mmm...ah...Dean..." the demon smirked continuing the motion, he slipped the blade into his jacket. he leaned toward the other man's

ear, voice deep and menacing. "Ya know Cas, I'm going to fuck you right here, in this alley." Angel only moaned in response.

shucking off his leather jacket, he proceeded to pick the dazed Angel up with ease. Cas subconsciously wrapped his legs around the demon's waist as he was

forced against the wall again. hands grasping the other man's ass as he held him up, Dean slipped his tongue down the warm throat, moans still escaping through the

kisses. Dean, already hard, began grinding against Cas. fabric constricting, dean held the Angel up with one hand unbuttoning Cas's pants, followed by his own. jeans

fell at his ankles as he continued to feverishly kissed the Angel. Cas hadn't been wearing any underwear, making it all the easier for Dean. pulling back he slipped two

fingers into the quivering angel's mouth. he moaned as Dean wet his fingers and pulled them free. gasping and choking, trying to claim fresh air, drool slightly

dripping from the corner of the angels mouth. grabbing Cas's ass Dean slipped he newly moistened fingers into the Angel causing him to gasp in surprise as dean's

fingers slid in and out of him. burying his face into dean's shoulder, trying to silence himself. demon or not, he still smelled like Dean. the scent of spice and leather

became stronger as he buried his face into Dean's neck.

a unkind smile spread across dean's face, as he pulled his fingers free and dropped Cas on the hard concrete. then proceeded to pull his jeans back around his

waist. the Angel gasped as he hit the cold hard ground half clothed. looking up at Dean who was reaching for his jacket. "D-Dean...wait." Cas reached out grabbing

the arm with the mark. Dean felt his arm sting as he looked down at the half naked angel, blue eyes full of desperation "do you want me to fuck you that badly

Cas?" the angel, still panting, nodded in response. putting down his jacket, he squatted down in front of him. hand against Cas's face, Dean almost looked like Dean

again. however bright green was once again swallowed by black causing all the hope Cas had to disappear. ""I would break you Cas. break you so hard you

wouldn't be able to mentally handle it." Dean thought for a moment of how much pleasure would come from him breaking the innocent Angel, how good it would

feel, even better than killing. without warning Dean slung the injured and dazed Angel over his shoulder. "Dean?" blue eyes looked up. suddenly they were in a place

Cas didn't recognize. it was an abandoned building, didn't look like another human had entered it for years. in the center rested a dusty old mattress. he wondered

what this place could be."Dean...what?" he asked as the demon sat him down on the worn mattress "I don't want to be interrupted." Dean answered as he

crawled on top of Cas. fleeting hope again as he stared into those green eyes he missed so dearly. "don't get the wrong idea." Dean scoffed "I just want to take

my sweet time breaking you."

Cas's heart fell at those words but he didn't care. he wanted Dean, demon or not. and if this destroyed him so be it. slipping Cas's tie over his head, Dean pinned

his arms above his head "Dean what are you..." ignoring him, he began securing the the angels wrists together with the tie. "shut up and don't move." he

ordered as he tightened the fabric around the angel's wrists. unable to move his arms, pants still hanging loose, he stared as Dean pulled his t-shirt over his head.

Dean was so beautiful. he looked exactly as Cas remembered him. with the exception of the dangerous intent in those green eyes as they scanned the bonded Angel.

trying to regain control Cas spoke as Dean crawled on top of him. "Dean you know this won't hold me right?" lifting his bound wrist. "I'm an angel." Dean

seemed to ignore him as he leaned down, slowly dragging his tongue along cas's exposed neck. "a...ah..." Cas shuddered as he felt his entire body jolt. without

warning Dean sunk his teeth into Cas's neck, causing the Angel to cry out. "ah...Dean...s-stop...that...hurts." Dean responded by biting harder. Cas tried to move

his arms, Dean snapped the them back above his head, refusing to lose grip on the man's neck. trying to ignore the pain to focus on something else, Cas breathed

until Dean had finally released his sore neck.

pulling back he observed the large mark he had left on that pulsing neck. marking Cas was more fun than he expected and he wanted to do it again. ripping the

remains of the torn dress shirt Dean exposed his body even more. nose grazing, he bit down harshly on the angel's already injured chest. Cas winced trying not to

show how much it hurt or how much he loved it. Dean finally released his teeth and came in contact with sky blue eyes. slipping his hand under the angel's back, he

pulled him into a kiss. it wasn't a gentle kiss, it was rough, animalistic as Dean forced his tongue down the angel's throat pulling back to occasionally bite his lip. Cas

lost in thought as the vicious kisses continued he felt a stinging pain. Dean was digging his nails Into the small of the angel's back. He watched as the injured back

arched from the abuse and Cas, who could scarcely believe him self, moaned and began to grind against Dean "Dammit Cas, you're making it harder for me to

mess with you first." Cas grinded again, Dean moaned and returned the motion. "ah Cas...hmmm." Dean bit his lip. "screw this game, I'm fucking you now."

he roughly turned Cas over on his stomach, hurriedly shuffling his jeans off. he roughly grasped the angel's hips, grinding against him as Cas willingly raised his ass

higher against Dean.

Grasping him self Dean entered Cas fully and without warning. the Angel howled in pain as his knees nearly gave out from under him. digging his nails into the

dusty old mattress Cas buried his face so Dean would not hear him cry or scream as he slammed into him. Dean kept pumping, Cas felt as if he was being torn apart.

he moaned as he felt a tug at the back of his head. Dean had him gripped by his hair, still pounding into him. "ah...Fuck...Cas..." the Angel tried to hold in a slight

moan but to no avail, it escaped his throat, exciting Dean even more. "scream Cas. scream for me." Dean taunted gripping the dark hair even

tighter."ah...Dean...please..." the demon smiled "louder." the Angel obeyed moaning so loudly that it could have been heard for miles. "AH...D-

DEAN...HARDER!" "Fuck me harder Dean!" Dean happily granted the lustful angels request. slamming with such force that Cas couldn't catch his breath. Dean

could feel his muscles seize as he released into Cas. the Angel came as well a few seconds later then collapsed unconscious under the panting demon. Dean pulled

out of Cas slowly and slid he jeans back on, slipping on his jacket, he headed for the door. "good seeing you Cas." hand grasping the handle, he turned to see the

unconscious half naked Angel sprawled on the old mattress. Dean sighed, pulling the first blade out of his coat, he tucked it in his belt. leaning down he placed the

leather jacket across the naked sleeping Angel and gently kissed his forehead. without saying a word Dean headed for the door closing it behind him. Cas left alone,

dreaming of the Dean he once knew.

This account is no longer active. i have moved to archive of our own (a03) i currently have 22 supernatural stories written as of 5/29/15. some multiple chapters. my page is /users/captaindestiel1/works. i write minimum one story a week and sometimes four stories max a week depending. if you want to keep following me or like my writing then please visit my a03 page :).