Who's ready for a really short, really cheesy, really bad one-shot? XD Whoops. Hey, I tried! I'm not an expert on romance . . . or dates . . . or middle-aged people . . . or helicopters. Why did I write this again? Oh, yeah, 'cause I love Dasha. XD

I'm not going to ruin this anymore (assuming you haven't already hit the back button). I don't own Lab Rats. MidlifeDateNight . com (separated out here and in the story 'cause FF won't let me keep it together) is a freaky example of my freaky imagination and does not actually exist; in other words, it's mine. Enjoy!

* * * Fear of Heights * * *

"This is a nice place, Donald," Tasha said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I come here a lot," her date answered.

"Really? It's awfully fancy."

"Well, when you've got as much money as I do, 'fancy' isn't something that holds you back." He winked at her and grinned.

Tasha chuckled softly. It was a grin she was slowly falling in love with. Sure, he was egocentric. Sure, he was constantly talking about his own amazingness. Sure, he bragged about how much money he had. But Donald Davenport was still a very sweet human being. You just had to dig a little.

"Thank you for taking me here," she said. "I love lobster."

"Does it taste all right?"

"Just fine," she assured him. She blushed a little.

It had been a long time since Tasha had been on a date with someone who wasn't her husband. The last time was when she was in college, and that was the man she wound up marrying eventually.

After getting over her husband's death last December, Tasha had decided that dating again might be a good idea. She wanted a man around to take care of her son. He needed a male role model in the house. She was worried about him sometimes, and she wanted someone else to take care of him with her.

MidlifeDateNight . com had helped her find Donald. Despite her son's protests about online dating, she thought it was great. Sure, the internet was extremely confusing, and on their first date Donald asked why she had said her favorite food was red and her favorite color was spaghetti. But he was understanding.

Donald was a tech whiz. Half the time Tasha didn't know what he was talking about, but he was patient when she didn't understand. She had learned a lot on just a few dates. He took the time to explain things to her. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it.

"Would you like desert?" he asked when the waiter came around and cleared their plates.

"Honestly, Donald, I'm stuffed. I don't think I could eat another bite of anything." She laughed softly.

"That's just fine. I'll take care of the bill." He pulled out a credit card.

"What a gentleman," Tasha said with a grin.

Was she attracted to Donald because of his money? Not a bit. Sure, it was a plus. But she had fallen in love with him. Most of the time she didn't even remember that he was a billionaire. Okay, he mentioned it a lot, so it was hard to forget, but she really didn't care. No one who knew Tasha would call her a gold digger. She didn't even know how much money he had when she met him online—somehow he had managed to leave that off his profile.

When they were finished paying, Donald stood up and offered her his arm. Together they walked out of the elegant restaurant into the parking lot. Tasha looked around in surprise. "Where's the limo?" she asked.

"I told them to leave," Donald said. "I've got a better way to take you home."

"Better than a limo?" Tasha asked.

"Sure is. Come on!"

"Donald, where are we going?"

Her date was pulling her towards the park next to the restaurant. They ran over the bridge across the creek. They passed under the lamplight and ran through the grass. Donald pulled her up a small hill and motioned towards a helicopter sitting on the top of it. "Ta-da!"

"Oh." That was all Tasha could say. Donald was obviously proud of his idea. He didn't even notice that her face paled a bit as he pulled her closer to it.

"Isn't it great?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah, great," Tasha replied.

"Is something wrong?" Donald finally took note of Tasha's hesitance.

"We're going up in that?"

"Why not?"

Tasha played with her fingers and looked down at her sparkling white dress. "It's . . . fine."

Donald walked closer and took her hands in his. "Just tell me what's wrong."

Tasha looked up into his dark brown eyes. For once he wasn't focused on himself. His attention was fully on her. He was ready to listen to what she had to say. She sighed.

"When I was eight, I was in a plane crash. It was nothing big, really. The pilot just went down too soon. We were on the runway. No one was killed, but a few were hurt. It was terrifying . . . for a minute I thought we were all going to die. I've been terrified of heights since then."

Donald was silent for a moment. "Well I . . ." He paused, then pulled her closer. "Don't worry about that. You'll be safe with me. I'm awesome enough to protect you."

Tasha giggled quietly. "Do you really know how to pilot this thing?"

"I wouldn't take you up if I didn't. Come on, Tasha, I promise it's safe. Do you trust me?"

She looked up into his face. With his eyes he was pleading her to trust him. She smiled nervously. "I do."

Donald climbed into the pilot seat and Tasha got in beside him. She buckled in and gripped the edge of the seat. Her date slipped on his headset and flipped a few switches on the dashboard. He looked over at her and smiled reassuringly. She smiled back and took a few deep breaths.

The helicopter blades began to rotate, stirring up the air around them and generating a loud noise. Tasha's heart began to pound as they lifted off the ground. She lifted her eyes to the night sky instead of looking down at the park below them. She squeezed her eyes shut and her stomach lurched as they went higher and higher.

"Tasha, sweetie, look."

"No, no, I'm good."

"You're missing something pretty amazing."

Slowly Tasha cracked her eyes open. She drew in her breath as she looked at the sight before them. The city was lit up like a Christmas tree. She could see the tiny cars driving down the freeway. It was a beautiful, twinkling display, complimented by the stars above.

"It's amazing," she said as she exhaled. "Oh Donald . . ."

"See? It's not so bad up here."

"Thank you . . . oh . . . I never knew . . ."

"It's the perfect view, isn't it?"

"The city's beautiful."

"I'm not talking about the city."

Tasha turned to see Donald staring at her, a childlike grin on his face. She started to laugh. "Are you flirting with me?"

"Maybe . . ." He pushed a button and leaned back from the controls.

"What did you do?" Tasha asked nervously.

"Don't worry, it's only on autopilot. I built this thing myself. It's completely safe."

"You're sure?"


They cruised along for a little bit, flying over the city. Tasha could still feel the butterflies in her stomach whenever she looked down. But the lights were so incredible, it was hard to look away. She had never seen the city from above. There was something about flying through the air that was . . . liberating.

Unconsciously, Tasha leaned over and put her head on Donald's shoulder. He put his chin on top of her head and together they sat there, simply enjoying each other's company, with a magnificent view directly in front of them.

Both of them turned to look at each other. She looked up at him, and he looked down at her. Then they came together. Her lips met his like a glorious explosion. He pulled her closer and she leaned in willingly, melting into the kiss. If she had ever had any doubts, they were completely gone by now.

Tasha Dooley was in love with Donald Davenport.

Yay! Older people love! :D I love married couples. Well, when the wife treats the husband like he's a human being, at least. That kind of sexism on TV sickens me. (Believe it or, females can be sexist against men! Shocker!) But Donald and Tasha are so cute. XD They're my favorite TV married couple.

So I could've developed the plot a little more. In the end it was mostly fluff, which I'm actually okay with. I hope I got the characters right. I think I did, but I don't write Donald and especially Tasha as often.

See? Short, cheesy, and bad. XD Well, maybe someone out there likes it. *sighs* Reviews are appreciated, and I already know it's not my best work, so you don't have to tell me. WDF will be updated in the next day or two, hopefully. See you all soon!