What You Never Know

Written By: Caladhiel Alcarin

Chapter 1

A Hole in the Ground

Thorin's POV

I had only just knocked on the green door when I heard someone calling for help. I turned around and saw a woman coming forward. She was half helping and half dragging a young boy along with her. I could see blood and I ran over.

"Are you alright my lady?"

She was dressed strangely but the boy seemed badly hurt.

"I am fine, but please my brother needs help!"

I nodded and helped her with the boy. I took her back to the hobbit's home and pounded on the door. Gandalf opened it and I helped the poor boy inside.

"Quickly! We need some water!" I said.

I laid him on a sofa and Gandalf brought me the water. The woman took it from me and cleaned his wound.

"Thank you." she said to me.

She looked at me. She had the bluest eyes I had ever seen, large full lips, tanned, flawless skin. She had a thin but strong figure. Her hands looked delicate and they were bandaged in several places. The boy looked a little like her, but he was too old to be her son. Perhaps her brother? Most of the others had gathered by now. Most of them were staring at the woman. Gandalf cleared his throat and I looked at him.

"Excuse me my dear, may we know your name?" he asked her.

She did not look up.

"Elena Delevaga." she said.

It was a strange but interesting name.

"And this is my little brother, Alejandro Delevaga." she said.

"What happened to him lassie?" Balin asked.

"I woke up in the forest and he had hit his head on a rock. I saw lights and went towards them. Alejandro is all I have left."

She looked at me and then she seemed confused.

"What are you wearing? And…" she looked around. "why are you all so short? I mean, sorry that was rude."

Several of the others looked amused.

"Have you never seen a dwarf lass?"

Her eyebrows shot up.

"Dwarves? Dwarves are just fairytale creatures. Same as elves and fairies and gnomes." she said.

I looked at Gandalf. He looked just as confused as the rest of us.

"Where are we exactly?" she asked.

"The Shire. Bag End to be more precise?"

At first she looked confused. Then a look of realization came across her face.

"Oh shit!"