Chapter 3: The Wonders of the Returning Smasher

The entire manor was in an uproar once hearing the announcement, everyone stopped what they were doing immediately and rushed to the tournament's stands. They gobbled their lunches, got out of bed, ended their training sessions, everything that didn't involve seeing this match was put to an immediate hault. With only an hour passing the tournament's stands were jam packed with smashers from the entire mansion just waiting to witness this spectacular event.

Rumors were being scattered around like flies, stories of Red's new abilities that were stated in Mona's quick speed newspaper article got everyone riled to wonder what it could be. Even though the article itself didn't say anything about his powers, instead stated that Master Hand assumed he did. Either way they didn't care much of the little info they gained, all that mattered was the match itself.

Through the entrance Zelda and Peach finally made it to the stands after taking a quick shower and getting dressed in their usual attire. The two princesses scanned around for an empty seat but it was almost impossible to do so, everyone was attended for and were in impatient anguish to see this unexpected match up.

"Ugh!" Peach groaned, "Are you serious! There are no free seats anywhere!"

"Calm down," Zelda insisted, "I'm sure there are a few free seats left."

The hylian princess wasn't really that excited of the match, she was happy to see Red return after all theses years but her main importance was on Link. From the training simulator to the stands themselves that's the only thing that's been on her mind. Peach would have protested for her not to attend but this news of Red and his new power overloaded the blonde's curiosity.

"Hey guys! Over here!" a voice screamed.

The two turned their heads and just two rows up behind them was Lucina waving at the two.

"Need any seats?" she asked.

"Your a life saver, Lucina!" Peach chimed.

Grabbing Zelda's arm, Peach hurriedly dragged her best friend up the stairs and beside Lucina were two empty seats that thankfully weren't reserved for anyone. Satisfied Peach sat in her comfortable chair and with a strong thankful breath she finally felt ready to watch the match.

"Thanks again, Lucina." Peach said happily.

The newcomer swordswoman smiled, "No problem, I'm sure no one wanted to miss this match."

"Of course not!" the blonde princess replied, "It's been so many years since I last saw Red, I wouldn't miss this match for the world."

Lucina placed a finger on her chin and looked in the sky baffled, "I don't think I met him. His name is Red, right?"

"Yes," Zelda answered, "And all of you newcomers haven't seen or met Red before due to his absence six years ago."

"Why did he leave?" Lucina asked, "Did Master Hand dismiss him or something?"

Peach sighed, she knew this was going to be a long explanation, "Red was part of the Brawl tournament and Subspace Emissary Invasion but unlike any fighter here, he didn't fight but instead used his pokemon to fight."

"You mean those weird animals that roam around the mansion?"

"Yes," Zelda told, "Unfortunately though almost everyone made fun of him for his fighting style. He was just a normal human with no particular power or ability so he couldn't fight himself and over time this caused a lot of confliction and trouble."

"Eventually he left without a word and since then we haven't heard from him until today." Peach finished.

Lucina shook her head, "I see. Sounds like he had it rough. Now I see why everyone is so curious of his new powers."

Suddenly lowering down from the roof of the stadium were four flat screen televisions, each facing the four sides of the stands. With a loud echoing snap each TV activated simultaneously and viewed on each set were the training rooms of both Red and Link. From Link's perspective he was battering up the sandbag with his magical sword, throwing combo after combo tearing the training bag with each swing.

He knew that his training room would be televised to the spectators of the stands, so he decided to show them what his opponent was at hand of facing. Link smirked as he performed a spin attack sending the sandbag off into the distance.

"Let's see that punk outshine me now!" the swordsman spoke beneath his breath.

Sadly for the green clothed warrior, the pokemon trainer did that and more without even moving a muscle. Red stood there before his sandbag with a bored expression splattered all over his face. He always hated this stupid training session in between matches, they were completely pointless that only compared both fighter's skills. No one cared of them fighting a sad looking sandbag but the brawl against each other.

Everyone in the stands were quiet when witnessing Red's new appearance. He looked so much older, so much more mature and serious. His face was slimmer and eyes grew more stern and earness, his body developed for him to become a fairly tall and lean-built young man that looked more than ready to be awarded with the title, smasher.

His peach skin shining against the lights of the training room showed his complexion brightening and hair that resembled Roy's hairstyle but instead colored black. His attire remained the same except with a few changes, the white in his hat and jacket both changed to black and attached to his red jacket was a black hoodie. His black shirt underneath changed from a t-shirt to longsleeves with a red line detailed up the sleeves and blue jean pants replaced with the recoloration of black with red like flame details at the bottom length of each pants leg.

The stands were hovering around the Midair Stadium, the battlefield that was used in the Brawl tournament. Everyone in the stands were in awe at the new appearance of the returning trainer, both veterans and newcomers alike were stunned at the rejuvenated smasher. Most of the women were lovestruck at his new mature body and looks while the men were curious of what Red has developed over the years and what new powers he possess.

"Oh my Red!" Peach squirmed, her eyes in shaping into hearts, "Look how manly you've grown!"

"T-that's Red?!" Lucina said shockingly, "He doesn't look anywhere as bad as you described him."

"Y-yeah.." Zelda stammered, "This is a shock to us too."

From the seats around them Zelda could hear the crowds go into a frenzy, mostly girls fangasm though. Even she couldn't believe the change he has gone through, he looks totally different than she last saw him. Much more taller and older, and even she had to admit he did become a bit more handsome. But she couldn't lose focus, her main attention was nothing else but Link. Just a few seats above the girls were Mario, Sonic, and Megaman all in a state of shock just as the others.

"Geez louise, are you sure that's Red?!" Sonic asked.

"Seems so." Mario answered, "That kid sure has gotten-a-um... taller."

Megaman was one of the newcomers to the smashverse universe just as Lucina, he has never met or seen Red so his interpretation on the teen's appearance didn't phase him much. He actually smiled in delight, when joining he was always looking for a new challenge. This wasn't his first universal tournament, he has faced incredible fighters from all over the galaxy. His skills were acknowledged by several and was a no brainer that Master Hand eventually chose him to be part of his community. He has met many since being here so maybe now he could find a new rival.

"He looks pretty strong, you think he's in the big leagues like us?" the cyborg asked.

Sonic smirked, he greatly enjoyed his status as one of the best in the tournament's rankings and always felt proud when addressed by it. "Probably who knows, that would be a huge surprise from the kid."

"This match will show his progress," Mario stated, "Link is one of best here in the smashverse, he's an original don't forget that and also won second in the previous tournament."

"Yeah and speaking of surprises, that Bowser though.." Sonic started.

The plumber sighed annoyingly, "Here we go…"

For week has heard nothing but talk about Bowser. Yes, he was surprised that the once villainous reptile and his rival actually won the tournament and turned a new leaf. But the talk about the koopa king was really starting to get on his nerves and his patience was becoming very little when hearing of how stunning his match was against Link. Luckily for him though the intercoms interrupted the blue hedgehog and booming from the speakers was none other but Master Hand.

"Hello all smashers and non-smashers alike to this exhibition match against the finalist of the recent smash tournament, the hero of time Link!"

The crowd blew out in excitement as the green tunic wearing hero came walking into the center of the stadium with a smirk on his face.

"And his opponent, the returning smasher after a six year absence..Red!"

Now the crowd went absolutely insane, Red came walking out into the stadium surprised to see the reaction given to him. He remembered during his last fight many years ago, his crowd reaction was nothing like this. He recalled from before he could hear a few claps and cheers but not an applauding roar from almost everyone in the stands, though he could hear they were mostly female voices. Turning to Link's face the trainer could notice that the hylian hero was more shocked than he was. The swordsman's face was in distraught and disbelief, Red could notice Link's teeth tighten and fist clutch in a ball of rage. Red could tell Link's jealousy was overwhelming him and that he was losing his cool and calm composure.

"This will be just a one stock match, no items, or stage effects. This will be a match of pure skill between the two combatants!" the god announced.

"You ready prissy boy?" Red gloatingly asked.

"We'll see who's the real prissy boy." Link barked.

With the crowd going wild, Master Hand decided to start the competition, "The match will start in 3! 2! 1! SMASH!"

Immediately Link took a grasp of boomerang and lunged it towards the trainer. Red recognized that the boomerang had gone through some enhancements now being enveloped with a gale of wind that was crackling the stadium's floor. At the last second Red side-stepped the spinning weapon and with a surprising speed raced towards Link.

Being the tactical swordsman that his is, Link unsheathed his Master Sword and performed a defense stance with his colorful blue, red, and yellow shield in front of him. Red was coming closer to his opponent until from behind he could hear the sounds of the sharp winds of the boomerang returning to it's master.

"Gotcha." Link whispered as he prepared to grab his returned weapon after he laid contact with Red, so that he could then perform a strong hit against the trainer.

Surprisingly to the hero of time, the exact opposite happens. Red knowing well of the swordsman's tactics performed a front flip in the face of hylian and was now behind him. But before Link could react, Red kicked Link in the back sending him into his own vortex of winds. The winds of the vortex was not just a strong gale but were so fast they were as sharp as miniature blades and was Link was in the middle of that torture.

The hero wailed and screamed in anguish and struggled to get out of his own attack but the onslaught of pain was yet to be over. From the corner of the stadium Red held his right arm out and from his hand to his fingertips they began to glow a bright green hue with a bright aura surrounding it.

"DRAGON SLASH!" he roared.

With an unrelenting thrust of his arm, Red unleashed a large green and white visible slash that immediately destroyed the boomerang and it's winds and struck Link head on, leaving a miniature explosion when hit. The crowd stopped their cheering and were breathless in amazement and shock, a black smoke enveloped where Link was struck and slowly but surely it began to fade and taking it's place was a heavily battle damaged Link. He was lucky to avoid the attack just barely with his shield but still seemed to have taken a bit of recoil damage from Red's slash.

"You think that was a surprise." Red spoke lowly in a serious and darkening tone, "Extreme Speed…"

Suddenly with a break neck speed the trainer was behind Link, giving the swordsman a look of fear for the first time in a long time.

"This is only the beginning…"