Caroline shoved the pillow over her face, her blonde hair spewed over her eyes. She rolled over on her stomach, peeking out between the folds of the blankets and her own hair. It took a while, but she finally rolled herself out of bed.

"Stefan?" She called, tugging on a pair of fuzzy socks, and adjusting her sleep shorts. She rounded the guest's rooms corner, and came into the hallway. "Stefan are in there?" She knocked on his bedroom door.

When there was no answer, she twisted the knob with one hand, expecting to see her best friend either sprawled out in his bed, or busy getting ready for the day. But he wasn't. The room was empty, and Caroline cocked her head to the side, confused.

She shook it off, going down the stairs to check in the kitchen.

When there was no sign of life in the kitchen, she figured that everyone had gone out. Damon and Elena probably went with their usual business, (whatever that was, she didn't really want to know) and Stefan probably had some sort of errands to run.

With her main priority being trying to figure out how to get Bonnie back from the nineties, that was the first free moment Caroline had gotten to herself in weeks.

She trotted back up the stairs to shower and dress, hoping by the time she returned downstairs, some sort of life would be waiting for her.

She was wrong.

"Stefan?" Caroline yelled, holding her cell up to her ear as she walked down the stairs. No answer. "Elena, Damon?" Still nothing. Her phone beeped in her ear, telling her that she didn't have a signal. "You guys! This isn't funny anymore!"

With a huff, Caroline shoved her phone in her pocket and made her way to the front door. The sun nearly blinded her vision, so she stuck an arm above her eyes. The street was empty, and there weren't any cars on the usual busy road. She stepped down the front steps, making her way to the garage where she knew Damon and Stefan kept their cars. They weren't there.

"What the hell is going on?" Caroline mumbled to herself. She watched for cars as she made her way back to the boarding house. Nothing.

Was this some sort of practical joke?

By noon, Caroline had basically given up as she walked out the front door again, (this time with a pair of sunglasses). She walked the grounds around the boarding house for a while, not quite sure where she was going, or what she planned to do if she did. As she looked up at the sky, she noticed that the sun was growing darker. Now, she may not have been an expert in science, (or bio, or whatever the hell the name was) but she knew what was happening.

An eclipse. It lasted for a couple minutes before it fizzed out and the sun reappeared.

Caroline fixed her brow, she'd watched the news yesterday, no one had said anything about an eclipse.

Heading back inside the house, she decided to try her cell phone again. There was still no signal.

"Great," She muttered, throwing the phone on the couch. Just great.

"Stefan?" A voice called from the front door. She froze as she made her way to the voice. He wasn't supposed to be here.

"What are you doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Caroline," Klaus said, smiling.

"Shouldn't you be in New Orleans?" She tried not to look him in the face.

"Yes," He nodded, "but as you can see love, I'm not, and I haven't the slightest idea why this morning I woke up in the Mystic Falls. Much less, in my old home,"

She raised a brow. "What?"

He didn't answer her, "Have you seen either of the Salvatore's?"

"I haven't seen anyone since I woke up this morning," She took a step closer to him.

Then suddenly, it dawned on her, "I'm in 1994,"

"We're where?" Klaus questioned.

"!994," Caroline said, eyes wide. "And I'm stuck here with you."

I hope everyone is in character and that everything makes sense. I apologize for any grammar mistakes. :)

Reviews are appreciated, I would love to hear your thoughts!

