Hey, everyone. This is Roysuko, aka Roy Ember Masuko, the Flaming Seeker. If you know me, good, if you don't know me, I really don't blame you.

I wanted to make this message in order to thank all of the readers of my fanfic. I know I kinda left it in the dust because of college and IRL issues, but to see that people are still reading this, putting in their thoughts into it, and such really helps my motivation to continue the story in the future.

Just so you guys know, I WILL continue my Dragon Ball fanfic series, starting with completing "Story of Amber", which will be renamed as "Dragon Ball XV: Enter the Xenoverse". I just need to redo a few plot points, replace and remake a few characters, redo some of the chapters with the redone and added touches and then the story will continue from there.

So, with that, I leave you guys to be prepared for more content. Thank you for following the development of my fanfics and I hope I don't let you all down!