The following is a non profit fan-made fan fiction.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Ball XENOVERSE is owned by Funimation and Bandai Namco Games.

Please support the official series and official release.


The history of my world is what made it the way it is today.

To this day, we all still honor the one that risked his life to save our world countless times.

His name was Goku.

The story you're about to the story of how I went back to his greatest battles and fought alongside him, how I fought to restore time…..

...and how I, a regular teen girl who had no idea of her past, saved everything.

This story began with just a simple rewatching of history…. starting from a chain of events that started everything….

A Saiyan warrior and Goku's blood brother, Raditz, arrived on Earth to recruit him to his cause. He kidnapped Goku's son, Gohan, in order to convince him.

With the once Demon King Piccolo on his side, Goku was able to save Gohan and stop Raditz, but at the cost of his own life…

Then one year later, 2 Saiyan warriors by the names of Vegeta and Nappa arrived, just as Raditz said before he died.

The Z Fighters, a team of Goku's friends from his past adventures who trained their hardest during the last year, fought against the Saiyans in order to protect the Earth. 4 of them have died during the battle with the Saiyans. Luckily , Goku, his best friend, Krillin, and Gohan won the battle against the Saiyans but Vegeta escaped, swearing revenge.

In order to revive the ones who died during the battle of the Saiyans, the remaining Z Fighters went to the Namekian homeworld of Planet Namek but were soon involved in another situation.

Vegeta, who has recovered and stronger than before, and the galactic tyrant, Frieza, was after the Dragon Balls with the wish of immortality in their minds.

Krillin and Gohan, and eventually, Vegeta, gone through a series of events to get the Dragon Balls and during the battle with the Ginyu Force, Goku finally arrived.

Then, after the Grand Elder Guru died as Krillin and Gohan resurrected Piccolo, the Z Fighters faced off against Frieza himself and even with Goku and Vegeta, who met his end, at their side, Frieza was unstoppable….

That was when Frieza did the unthinkable and destroyed Krillin, making Goku erupted into the legendary being Vegeta mentioned, a Super Saiyan.

This final battle on Namek soon occurred….

...with unfamiliar results...

-AGE 762-

After Gohan, who stalled Frieza long enough for Goku to recover, was finally out of sight and headed back to the Capsule Corp. ship that Goku used, Goku, who is still fueled by his Super Saiyan anger, faces the overpowered Frieza head on, continuing their battle on the now crumbling Planet Namek.

Both fighters throw hit after hit at each other, both in fueled with great rage. Frieza, still thinking he was going to win, kept taunting Goku.

"The planet has began to implode...It's likely that we have less than two minutes left until the explosion. Which will be first; your death by my fists or the big bang? Either way, you can't survive in outer space, so your death is assured."

Goku, still glowing gold in his Super Saiyan form, gave Frieza a confident smirk," Could be. But I've been waiting for this...It's just the 2 of us now. I can fight without holding back."

"Well either way, you will die in two mins. Poor little thing" Frieza said with a evil chuckle.

Goku balled his fist up and got back into his fighting position,"Look who talking. You detested Saiyans. You called them monkeys. And now, you're going to be killed by one."


Frieza's cold rage quickly returned as he gave Goku a look of disgust," Bluff all you want, but in the end, I'll be the one who'll get to watch this planet explode! Impudent fool!"

With their small converse over, the two powerful warriors continued their battle but then...Goku noticed something as he slams Frieza to the ground.

Frieza's power suddenly rose up and his eyes suddenly…

The events of history then continued on to a new threat: Androids created by the extinct Red Ribbon Army…

Joining the Z Fighters was Vegeta, who was brought back and sent to Earth along with everyone else who died on Namek, and a mysterious youth from a destroyed future and the future son of Bulma and Vegeta, Trunks….

Trunks transformed into a Super Saiyan and with little trouble, he eliminated the resurrected Frieza and his father and warned Goku of this new threat…

Then 3 years later, on an island 9 miles south-west of South City, the Androids made their appearance….but soon, it was revealed that these Androids weren't the ones from Trunks' future...

After the death of one of them by the hands of Super Saiyan Vegeta, the other, revealed to be their creator, , escaped to his lab and released the real Androids, #17 and #18. This resulted in his death from their betrayal….

The Z Fighters were no match for the Androids and were able to survive the encounter against them. But soon, a new threat emerged, a bio-android from Trunks' future, Cell….

Cell came from the future to find and absorb Android #17 and Android #18 because if he succeeds, he will gain unspeakable power….

The Saiyan duos of Vegeta and Trunks and Goku and Gohan trained in a room called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in order to gain enough power to stop Cell but during Vegeta's battle with the Semi-Perfect Cell, Cell was able absorb #18 and finally gain his perfect form and overpower Vegeta….

Cell then announced all over the world that he is holding a contest for Earth's survival called "The Cell Games"...

The Z Fighters, along with the 3rd awakened android, #16, arrived to the Cell Games to battle Cell….

The Cell Games began as history said…

.but ended in a mysterious way…

-AGE 767-

After Cell "disqualified" the "first" challenger, he stood back in his spot to look back at the Z Fighters,"So...who will it be?"

That was when Goku himself, in his perfected Super Saiyan form, stepped into the opposite side of the arena, staring down Cell as he walks to his spot. Cell gave look of evil delight as he saw Goku enter," Ah, so you're going to fight me first, Goku?"

With a smirk, Goku replied, "Yes I am."

"I didn't expect to be fighting you so soon.." Cell began, with a smirk on his face,"I was hoping to save the best for last. Oh well. Show me what you've got!"

The battle between Goku and Cell soon began as they started their exchange of regular attacks from close range punches and kicks. The battle was going at a usual speed so everyone, even the so-called "World Champion" and his crew of idiots, was seeing all the action. Soon, the battle was taken to the air for a brief moment before being put back in the ring.

As the exchange continued, there was a brief pause in the fighting.

"All right, that's enough warm up." Cell stated. As he begins to get serious, he then talked in his mind," So this is Goku...he doesn't disappoint. Definitely no stranger to a close fight. You're mountains above the others, Goku. That much is plain."

Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, Goku was talking in his own mind," Hmmm, he packs an even bigger punch than I imagined. Better keep my guard up. One slip up and he's gonna mop the floor with me." His mind made up, he gets back into his battle stance and with one powerful yell, he charges up to the point where his body is glowing gold. Cell, becoming serious too, charges himself up with a powerful yell as well to the point where his body was glowing purple.

Then, after one powerful staring contest, both fighters began the real battle, with more powerful attacks and defenses. Eventually both fighters were taken into the air after countering power energy waves and ki blasts.

Goku then gained the upper hand and smacked Cell into the ring so hard, it was nearly destroyed. Cell laid there on the spot, not even moving once.

Gohan and the Z Fighters looked in surprised,"Is it over?"

Goku landed back in the ring to check. It seemed like the battle with Cell was over….until a unknown power surge and a mysterious purple glow developed around Cell…

As the Ages continue to pass, an unknown threat continues to appear….

After the heroic sacrifice of Goku and the defeat of Cell at the hands of Gohan, who awakened into a Super Saiyan 2, 7 years of passed…

Gohan was a high school student and fighting crime as the Great Saiyaman…

One day, he learned from one of his classmates, Videl, the daughter of World Champion Hercule, of the new World Martial Arts Tournament and soon, he and the Z Fighters learned that Goku is returning to Earth for 1 day to participate in the tournament….

After long days of training with his little brother, Goten, Gohan and the Z Fighters reunited on Papaya island, where not only the tournament took place but where they learned of a new threat, an evil wizard named Babidi who is trying to resurrect his father's creation, a creature called Majin Buu…

Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, and Piccolo were lead by the Supreme Kai as they followed two of Babidi's henchmen, that stolen Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 energy, to Babidi's ship, where they fought various warriors, including Demon King Dabura….

Then, Babidi took control of Vegeta and Goku was forced to fight him as Gohan and the Supreme Kai tried to stop the resurrection of Majin Buu but unfortunately, due to Goku and Vegeta fighting at the level of Super Saiyan 2, Majin Buu's resurrection was hastened and ensured ...

Buu killed Dabura and easily defeated Gohan and nearly killed the Supreme Kai until Vegeta, after knocking Goku out, arrived to destroy Majin Buu and with a final explosion, Vegeta gave up his life to protect his family…

But Vegeta's sacrifice was in vain, as Buu revived as quickly as he died. In order to gain more time and to try and stop Buu, Goten and Trunks began to learn the fusion technique but with Buu on his way to West City, Goku went to stall for time, transforming into a Super Saiyan 3, a level further beyond Super Saiyan 2…

With the Dragon Radar and the boys learning fusion, Goku returned to the Otherworld but found out Gohan survived and was taken to the world of the Kai's in order to become stronger enough to defeat Buu…..

The boys soon perfected fusion, becoming the warrior Gotenks, but was encountered by a different Buu as the original Majin Buu, who swore to never kill anyone again, thanks to the actions of Hercule, was absorbed by the evil within himself….

After eliminated the entire Human Race with one barrage of energy waves, Gotenks fought Buu and as a Super Saiyan 3, easily overpowering him, but soon the fusion wore off. That was when Gohan, who finally awakened to his potential thanks to the Kais, stepped in to fight Buu….

Unfortunately, Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo were absorbed by Buu as Goku and Vegeta finally returned to battle. However, they used a back-up plan, fusing with Kai's Potara earings and becoming the ultimate fusion warrior, Vegito, who easily overpowered the mighty Super Buu and even transformed into a Super Saiyan to finish him off. However, Vegito didn't plan to end him, he let himself get absorbed by Buu and after defusing back to Goku and Vegeta, they went into Buu and saved Gohan and the others…

But when they finally escaped, Buu changed into a childish body but as they thought the battle was easily over, Buu unleashed a massive ball of energy that destroyed the Earth…

Goku, Vegeta, Dende, and Hercule were then taken to the World of the Kais, where Buu easily found them using Goku's Instant Transmission…

Now...Goku and Vegeta is what stands between Buu and his path of destruction…

Goku prepares to fight Buu, unaware of what's to come….

-AGE 774-

"Alright, time to fight with all I got. If we lose, the universe is history…"

Goku, glowing golden and surrounded by lightning in his long-haired Super Saiyan 3 form, stood in front of the monstrous Kid Buu, who was standing in front of his banging on his chest like a ape. Goku couldn't help but give a weirded out look.

"Hmmm, what a strange guy…"

That was when Buu looked at him with a look of pure insane evil and with one jump and kick to the chest, he and Super Saiyan 3 Goku continued their battle.

As their fight continued, it looked like neither was gaining the upper hand as their destructive battle continued to shake the very universe itself. As their battle continued, Goku's allies and even his previous villains, Cell and Frieza, watched the battle that will decide the very fate of the universe.

Then when Buu hide himself underneath the ground, he caught Goku off-guard and sent him into a rock formation, leaving Buu to stand there laughing hard. "I can't keep up with him, even at Super Saiyan 3…" Goku said to himself, recollecting himself after getting back up,"All those hits and he's not even showing a single sign of exhaustion." Buu then stopped his laughter and looked at Goku with a disappointed look with his hands on his hips, as if he was a normal fighter.

"I might regret this but now's not time to conserve energy…"

Goku then brings his cupped hands together and bring them to his side," KA-ME…"

Buu then goes on the attack, charging towards Goku with his evil smile on his face. "...HA-ME-HAAA!" With a powerful yell, Goku fires his Super Kamehameha wave towards Kid Buu, who was completely caught off-guard and consumed by the blast. As the wave finally dies down, Goku falls to his knees, completely exhausted.

He thought the battle was finally over, until he felt suddenly Buu's ki and looked up, Buu then created miniature copies of himself and fired ki blasts at the exhausted Goku, who reverted back into his base state. Vegeta, who saw the whole thing, knew it was time for him to step in and rushed over to Goku.

"Kakarot, are you alright?" Goku tried to get up but he couldn't move his body," Yeah, I'm fine." That was when they felt a massive rise in Buu's energy and looked up.

Buu was a single being but something was seriously different; he was covered a purple aura and his eyes was red, giving a more demonic look than before.

Goku can only look in surprise and horror,"W-What?!"

These changes in history are only the beginning...

...of the threat that's soon to come….

" changing?!"

"The flow of time...something is very odd about it….

.at this rate, history…, everything will collapse."


And so, a new adventure begins! Glad to finally start this series off. I'll see if I can update this as soon as I can since I'm working on other stuff so just bare with me. Thanks for reading!