I know that I've already done one of these, but I want to make another (hopfully much better) one. So, enjoy!

Harry walked down the hall of Number 12, Grimmauld Place. As he passed the Study, a voice called out, "Harry!"

Said boy jumped, turning around to look through the open Study door, only to see Sirius and Remus, sitting on the couch. They must have been talking a moment ago.

Sirius, the one who had called out, gestered for him to come over. Harry obeyed, sitting across from them. Everyone else had gone to visit Mr. Weasley at St. Mungo's, leaving Harry, Remus and Sirius by themselves. The two men smiled at him.

"We were just talking," Sirius said, "And, in your opinion, who would win in a duel, me or Mad-Eye?"

"Mad-Eye." Harry said immediantly. Sirius threw his hands in the air in disbelief. Remus chuckled, "Told ya, Padfoot."

Harry smiled at them, moving his hand up to push his glasses up his nose, the sun coming out from behind a cloud and shinning through the window- Remus suddenly made a move as if to strike him- Sirius jumped- Harry flinched violently- and suddenly found his wrist in a vice like grip.

"Remus- ?" Harry felt his blood run cold. The werewolf was gripping his right hand, staring at the words carved into the back, which stood out in the dazzling sunlight.

I must not tell lies.

"Remus, what is-" Sirius began, but then he realized what his friend was looking at. His face turned from shock to pure fury in a matter of seconds. His hands clenched into fists and his eyes flashed.

"Who?" Remus growled. Harry supressed another flinch. This was the first time he'd ever seen the wolf in his ex-professor.

"I-It's nothing." Harry said, trying to pull his hand away, but Remus's grip only tightened. Harry's fingers were starting to go numb.

"Nothing?" Sirius growled, his godson not meeting their eyes, "You call this nothing?"

Remus took a couple deep breath's, trying to calm himself, "Harry, I asked you a question."

Harry didn't look at them, keeping his eyes firmly on the floor. He tried to pull his hand away again, but Remus's grip wouldn't budge. Harry was starting to panic.

"Harry," Sirius said warningly.

Remus opened his mouth to say something, but Harry, not thinking straight and just wanting to get away, bit his hand. Remus yelped, letting go of Harry in shock. The boy immediantly dashed out of the Study, his heart hammering in his chest.

He ran up the stairs, past his and Ron's bedroom, past Fred and George's, past Sirius's, and up into the attic. Harry leaned against a dusty carboard box, his heart still thumping against his ribcage. It was then that it all slowly began to sink in.

Sirius and Remus knew about the scars and they were smart enough to figure at least who was responisble. And, oh God, he'd bit Remus! He was in trouble, and he knew it. Where they going to come looking for him? Would they even find him? Will Remus hate him now? Will Sirius realize he's too much trouble and abandon him?

Tears pricked at Harry's eyes and he furiously whipped at them. He didn't know how long he sat up there, stuck in his thoughts, whipping away the tears that refused to stop prickling at the back of his eyes, when the stairs creaked.

Harry tensed, clutching at his abused hand, which he realized had finger shaped marks on them, that were quickly turning into purple bruise's.

The attic door opened after a couple moments and Harry heard two sets of feet enter. "Harry?" Sirius called out, his voice lined with worry, "Harry, where are you?"

He didn't answer.

"Lumos." Remus muttered and Harry was suddenly half-blinded by light. "Harry!" he felt himself being pulled into an embrace, his ear pressed against his godfathers chest.

Remus sighed in relief, slumping against a cracked mirror.

"Don't do that again." Sirius said, pulling away slightly to look Harry in the eye, "We've been searching for an hour and a half!"

Harry flinched, feeling guilt claw at his insides.

"Alright," Remus said, after a moment, "Let's get downstairs."

Sirius stood, his arm still around Harry's shoulders. They walked down stairs and into the basement kitchen, where the two Marauders sat on aether side of Harry, who, yet again, wasn't meeting their eyes.

"I'm sorry." Harry finally said.

"It's okay, bud." Remus said, smiling down at him. More silence. "It was Umbridge, wasn't it?" Sirius said, his grip on Harry's shoulders tightening.

Harry nodded, too tired to refuse anymore.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sirius asked, hurt.

"It doesn't matter." Harry said, "I can deal with a little pain."

The two men shook their heads at him, gaping. "Harry, she's torturing you!" Remus exclaimed in disbelief. Harry shrugged, "I've faced worse."

"That's not the point!" Sirius said, turning in his seat to look Harry right in the face, "Harry, this is illegal!"

Harry didn't answer, instead looking down at his lap.

Sirius sighed.

There was another moment of silence. "Can we see it?" Remus asked.

Harry shifted uncomfortably, before reluctantly puting his hand on the table, which Sirius immediantly took gently, tracing the words with his thumb. When he noticed the finger shaped bruise's, he raised his eyes to glare at Remus, who winced.

"Sorry, Harry." Remus said, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay," Harry said truthfully, "I'm sorry for biting you."

Remus smiled at him, flexing the hand that Harry bit, "Well, seeing as I was hurting you, I deserved it."

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but gasped as he felt something cold being pressed onto his hurt hand. He turned his head, only to see that Sirius had gotten up and was now putting an ice pack on his hand, for the sore scars or bruise's, Harry wasn't sure.

Remus then got up and walked over to the cabnite, taking out some potions. "I'm fine." Harry said, as the werewolf sat the potions and balm down on the table. "At least let me see if it's infected." Remus said, sitting down again.

Sirius, who had been keeping the ice pack on Harry's hand, removed it. Remus gently took the boy's hand and examined it. He opened a jar of Bruise Balm and began spreading it over the bruise's.

"Hmm. It looks infected, but not a lot." Remus said, once he'd replaced the cap on the Bruise Balm. He took another potion and began rubbing it onto the scars, which burned slightly. Remus took a roll of bandages and rapped it around Harry's hand, covering the scars and bruise's.

As soon as Remus began taking the potions to put them back in the cupboard, Sirius replaced the ice pack onto Harry's hand.

The boy leaned against his godfathers side, who rapped his arm around his shoulders.

Remus sat down again, watching his ex-student, "Does anything hurt?"

Harry blinked sleepily up at him and Remus thought he looked adorable. He shook his head.

The two men sat there, Sirius rubbing circle's on Harry's back, gently lulling him to sleep.

When Harry's breathing evened out, Sirius turned to look at his old friend in the eye. "Can I go kill her?"

"Death's too good for her." Remus said, cupping Harry's cheek and rubbing it with his thumb.

Sirius nodded in agreement, "We're telling Dumbledore, right?"

"Right." Remus said, nodding.

Sirius sighed, before scooping his godson in his arms and carrying him up stairs, Remus following. He sat him down on the bed, pulling the covers up to the boy's chin.

"He must be exausted." Remus said, as he and Sirius watched the boy sleeping peacfully. "It is only mid-day." Sirius agreed. He ran his fingers through his godson's messy locks, before leaning forward and kissing him on the forehead.

Remus gently ruffled Harry's hair, before following Sirius out the room, smirking at him.

"What?" Sirius asked, closing the door over, but keeping it open a crack, just incase.

"Nothing." Remus said, still smirking at him.

Sirius glared at him, before smiling and walking back to the Study, Remus following.

"I still say I can beat Mad-Eye in a dual."

Should I continue this story? Or just keep it a one-shot?

Please review!