Chapter 1- New Place, New Friends, New...Team?
It was a cold London morning and for some reason, the weather felt like it was reflecting my own misery. It was my first day at a new school, and I was not the least bit excited. For most of my wizarding schooling, I had attended a little known academy in New York, where the student population was roughly 400. I had built my entire life there, I had built the beginning of my quidditch career there.
All of that had been uprooted when my father decided that I needed to finish my schooling in a school of relative repute. And of course, that school was Hogwarts, which was the best known wizarding school in the world.
I probably sounded really spoiled as I whined about going to a new school, but all I could think of was how I'd be joining Hogwarts in my 5th year, when everyone would have already made their own circles.
The only thing I was even slightly excited about was their quidditch teams, and I hoped I would be able to become a part of one so I could fly again. I had also heard a lot about the quidditch scene in Europe and how it was much more competitive than the scene in America.
However, as I stood alone on the platform, staring at the red train, I couldn't help but wish I could go back home.
"I know this is hard, sweetie, but you need to make your new home there. I know you'll find something worth staying for."
Those had been my mother's words to me as I boarded the plane to England with my father. He had work with the ministry so he simply dropped me to the platform and disapparated.
My father seemed rather detached at times, but he was just really awkward. My father just wasn't able to express emotions without being awkward about it, and my mother was the complete opposite. He constantly told me that it was her feisty nature that attracted him to her. I'm a lot like my mother that way. I tend to express myself a lot, and I also tend to get into fights and arguments easily.
I didn't have too much luggage since my mother had put a spell on my purse so that it could carry all my stuff and not weigh much at all. It was a rather handy trick my mother had learnt when she was backpacking through the States.
I let out a soft sigh and entered the train, ignoring the families around me, and headed straight to the first empty compartment I found. I had kept my copy of very old copy of Quidditch through the Ages on the top so I could do some general reading. My father had also given me a book about Quidditch strategy just because I was rather interested in that aspect of Quidditch. Back home, it was common knowledge I was going to be school captain. Now that all of that was uprooted, it looked like I had to start from scratch.
As I opened the book to start reading, three girls entered.
"Hey! Do you mind if we sit here?" said the dark skinned one in a thick British accent.
I nodded, awkwardly smiling.
"I'm Alicia Spinnet and this is Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson," she said cheerfully.
"Nice to meet you," I said, my smile becoming slightly more confident. "I'm Erica Sanders."
"You're new here, aren't you? You ready for school?" Katie said sweetly.
"Not really, no. I am looking forward to Quidditch though. I don't know which house I'll be in, but I hope I get onto their team."
"Oh wow! You play quidditch? We do too! We're all chasers on the Gryffindor team! Which year are you in?" Angelina said, perking up a bit.
"Yeah, I used to play quite a bit back in New York. I'm in my fifth year now. If I was still in my old school, I would have been School Captain. I can more or less play any position I want, since school encouraged us to learn and perfect all our quidditch skills. Is it different here?" I asked, slightly confused at the looks of mild awe on the faces of these girls.
"Yeah, we only play one position," said Katie with a bright grin. "Which house do you want to be in?"
I shrugged indifferently. "As long as I'm not in Slytherin, I'm fine. I have heard too many stories about that house. I've also heard absolute crap about their quidditch team, and I'd rather not get into a team where everyone is an absolute prat. Is it true that the entire selection process runs on sexism?"
Alicia snorted. "I'm not sure, but they've had an all boy team for quite a long time. I've never even seen a female player in their ranks."
"I hope you get into Gryffindor!" said Angelina with a grin. "That would be amazing! We're actually down a seeker, since our previous captain and seeker just graduated. We've got a new Captain this year too."
"Oh god, Oliver Wood. Don't get me started on that boy right now," said Alicia with a laugh, "Apparently he's gone absolutely bonkers. We're all going to die. He's gone through millions of parchments with his plans for us."
I was a little confused for a moment. I had no clue who this boy was.
Little did I know, that this year, my life would become annoyingly intertwined with his.
The three Gryffindors were kind enough to guide me to the Great Hall for my Sorting ceremony, after which they went to what appeared to be their table. I was slightly uncomfortable because of the uniform (my old school didn't have one and I was allowed to wear jeans as much as I wanted) and the stares I was getting from all the tables. Evidently, it wasn't often that someone joined so late.
"You look too old to be a first year," said a slightly know-it-all voice that reminded me of my best friend, back at home. I grinned at the eleven year old girl sitting next to me, taking in her haughty look and bushy hair. It was obvious that the girl was as nervous as I was.
"I'm a transfer. I studied at New York Institute of Magical Studies before this. My dad decided I needed to complete my schooling in a better known place," I replied, and she nodded.
"I've read about that place. Is it true that the potions department is the best in the world?" she said, her eyes lighting up.
I shrugged easily. "I haven't really had anything to compare it to, in all honesty. By the way, I'm Erica Sanders. What's your name?"
The girl seemed to slowly be warming up to me and getting less and less nervous.
"Hermione Granger. I'm awfully nervous about this whole thing. What if they decide I'm not magical enough?"
"It doesn't work like that, don't worry," I said, feeling a stab of sympathy for the girl. She was evidently a muggleborn and probably had no idea how things worked here. I got that feeling as well, since I was in a new country and in a new school.
"What house do you want to go to?" she asked.
I gazed thoughtfully at the tables.
"I made a couple tentative friends in Gryffindor, and I'd rather not be a Slytherin. I wouldn't mind Ravenclaw though."
"I'm leaning towards Gryffindor and Ravenclaw as well," she said, looking adorably relieved, when a lady with greying hair that was probably auburn when she was younger stood on the dias. There was a stool with a hat on it and I sighed.
It looked like the Sorting was going to start now. Next to me, Hermione clammed up and watched as one by one all the kids were called till her name.
I gave her an encouraging smile and she went to the hat. Mere seconds after, it shouted "GRYFFINDOR!".
The house in question applauded cheerfully.
I was soon one of the few people left at the table when Harry Potter stepped to the hat. Like everyone else, I was interested in the boy. He seemed like any other kid at this table, and really innocent and confused at that. He seemed like a genuinely sweet boy. He was sorted in Gryffindor as well.
There were just a few other students before my name was called. I stood and walked to the stool. I could hear Angelina whisper-yell a good luck. I breathed in deeply and sat on the stool before the hat was slipped over my head.
Well, well, well. Two in a year. You're very fond of quidditch aren't you?
Yes, I am. Please, just put me in a house with a decent team. Anything but Slytherin.
I think you'd eat the Slytherins for lunch, Miss Sanders. I'll do you one better.
I was kinda sad I wasn't in the same house as the trio I had met, but looking at the table of blue and silver, I felt an odd sense of contentment rest in my chest.
I had no clue what the Sorting Hat had meant, but I hoped it was good.
I took a seat at the table, and when the food finally appeared, I dug in.
"Ahem, Miss Sanders," said a voice behind me.
I turned to see a rather short professor.
"I'm Professor Flitwick," he said, in a squeaky voice. "I'm the head of Ravenclaw and I wanted to have a small chat with you if you're done with dinner."
"Um, of course Sir," I replied, confused. The people around me continued to pretended they weren't listening.
I quickly shoved the last of my dinner in my mouth and followed Flitwick to his office. I stared at the various empty classrooms we passed, nervous as hell.
"Have a seat, Miss Sanders. You're not in trouble," he said, as we entered what appeared to be his office.
I took a seat and he sat in his.
"I've heard that you were going to become the captain of your quidditch team back in your old school?" he said, looking down at me kindly.
I nodded. "Yes sir. I was thinking of joining the Ravenclaw team."
"Very good, very good," he said, nodding repeatedly. "That is actually why I wanted to talk to you."
I felt really worried all of a sudden. What if he told me I couldn't try?
"Our previous captain didn't exactly leave much of a team for us to work with. And no one has really shown the capability of being a good Quidditch Captain in our house either. Right now, we only have two beaters, and both of them do not want the position- Jason Samuels and Duncan Inglebee. Both had agreed that offering you this position would probably be the best idea at this point," he said.
I couldn't believe my ears. Was he seriously offering me the chance to actually achieve my dreams?
"Are you….are you seriously giving me the position?" I stammered in confusion.
"We've done extensive research on you, Miss Sanders and have conversed with your old school as well. You are exactly what Ravenclaw needs right now."
I continued to stare at Flitwick for a moment before a huge grin spread on my face.
"Thank you! Thank you! I won't disappoint you sir!"
Flitwick laughed and ushered me to the door.
"Ah, Mr. Samuels! There you are! Come here and take Ms. Sanders to the dorms! She has agreed to take the captaincy!"
I saw a tall blonde boy jogging towards us, an easy grin on his face. From his body type, I could tell he was a rather decent beater, and my mind already went straight to moulding him into an amazing one.
"Before you go, Ms. Sanders, take your time table for this year. I am sure you will do incredibly well in your studies."
"Of course sir," I said, nodding.
As Jason took me towards the staircase, I looked at the paper.
"Hey, Jason. Are you a fifth year as well?"
"Yup! I'm looking forward to classes, but honestly, I just want a good season of quidditch, you know?"
"Oh god, same. I was so annoyed with my dad for making me shift here when everyone would already have their own circles and all that."
"Eh, don't worry about it. The Claws are usually quite nice. And hey, you have me and Duncan. And soon, the rest of our new quidditch team."
"We'll have to make flyers and all that as quickly as possible," I said, thoughtfully and was soon pulled into a heated discussion about the merits of flyers versus actual talks.
Jason dropped me off at the base of the staircase after explaining to me the general rules of the school and promising me he'd take me to the Great Hall in the morning.
I climbed up the stairs till I found the fifth year dorm. I was incredibly nervous, because while Jason and I had hit off immediately, it wasn't necessary the same would happen with the girls of my dorm.
I opened the door to see four beds that were neatly made. Three of them were occupied and the fourth appeared to be mine.
"Hey! You must be Erica!" said a voice and I finally noticed a slightly shy looking auburn haired girl and a brunette standing by my bed.
I smiled at them, unsure of what to do.
"I'm Trisha Montgomery and this is Emily Blackwater. We'll be your dorm mates for the rest of your time in Hogwarts," said the shy looking girl, Trisha.
"There's one more- Leah Smith- but she's currently off with her boyfriend."
"Its nice to meet you guys. I was really nervous I'd end up with dorm roomies I couldn't stand and who couldn't understand me."
"Ah, we Claw girls stick together, man," said Emily with a laugh.
"You need help unpacking?" asked Trisha in a soft voice.
"Oh, unpacking shouldn't be an issue," I said, waving my wand at my purse and one by one all my stuff unpacked itself and organized itself.
"You have got to teach me that spell," said Emily, with a sense of awe. "I can never pack my bag or unpack it with ease."
"Sure," I said, grinning. "My mum taught it to me."
"So," said Trisha, sitting on what appeared to be her bed, watching my stuff fly into place with a look of fascination. "Are you excited for this year? I heard they've made you the new captain."
I nodded, my grin widening. "I was supposed to be School Captain back in my old school, and was incredibly disappointed when I had to come here. But maybe I could actually have fun here."
Emily grinned. "Good luck with that. You only have Jason and Duncan right now, correct?"
I nodded, my smile falling a bit.
"Do you reckon it will be hard to get people? I can basically play any position I'm needed to, so I'm planning on talking to Jason and Duncan about it."
"I think Jason's best friend Jeremy Stretton could be persuaded. And maybe Cho Chang?" offered Trisha, looking unsure.
"I'm sure Jason's already starting to spread news of tryouts being soon," said Emily encouragingly, and I nodded. Maybe with their help, I could spread the word amongst the girls.
AN- Thank you for reading this fic! This is, quite honestly, my baby. I started writing this as a destressing thing, and somehow, its become a monster with a life of its own. I hope you enjoy this! Please to comment and tell me what you think!
This is a crosspost from my HPFF post.
Please R&R.