Title: Wash Day
Author: Mistress Nika
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kagome and Sango are tired of smelling their male companions. Rin gets an unintentional anatomy lesson.
Pairings: originally meant to be Sesshoumaru/Kagome, but can easily be read as gen
Warnings: nudity, mild description of male genitalia
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.
Notes: Originally, this was part of a much larger fic, but it never went anywhere.

Kagome was horrified by her male companions' idea of hygiene. With how they were all sweating as they marched around the countryside, she and Sango had taken to bathing at least once a day, preferably twice. InuYasha had quickly learned not to complain when they insisted on camping near a water source, as a tired, hot and sweaty Kagome was an easily provoked Kagome, and even Sango was more slap-happy than normal.

The men, however, just rolled their eyes with long suffering sighs as the two girls gathered their dirty clothes and toiletries and headed for a river. As if the two of them were the crazy ones.

Frankly, Kagome was sick of smelling them. To be honest, it did take longer for InuYasha to start to smell, and Sesshoumaru didn't even seem to sweat, but Miroku made up for the both of them. So, that evening they had cornered the three stubborn males.

Sango stalked up to Miroku, one hand on her hip and the other outstretched expectantly. "Give me your clothes," she demanded with a hard look in her eye.

He immediately began stripping.

By the time he realized she hadn't suddenly turned into an exhibitionist, he was naked and hiding in some bushes while she absconded with his clothes. All of his clothes. He had not a single stitch to wear and was forced to cower there while she violently beat his robes against a rock.

He consoled himself with the rather pleasant view he got of her bared legs up to mid-thigh as she hiked up her kimono and waded into the stream.

InuYasha crouched beside him, looking very put out. He wasn't enjoying a single bit of this, not at all. Bared legs were nothing to him. With Kagome's short skirt, he'd seen it all before and didn't much care to watch her abuse his precious firerat robe. He hadn't even had a moment of thinking she suddenly wanted to jump his bones. She'd just sat him and walked off, leaving Shippo to strip him.

The little fox had looked far too pleased with himself as he dragged InuYasha's clothes through the dirt, leaving the hanyo to pull himself over to Miroku's bush to save himself some embarrassment.

His only consolation was that his bastard brother was not spared this humiliation. All it took was one puppy-look from Rin and the daiyoukai was stripping behind a tree.

Kirara lazed in the sun, tails flicking contentedly as she watched her charges. Shippo, being of insufficient size to carry laundry without pulling it on the ground, was happily playing in the cool water. Rin alternated between playing with Shippo and helping the two girls. Every time they finished a garment, Rin would happily take it from them, carefully climb a boulder and drape it over a line strung between two trees to dry.

Sango wrinkled her nose as she held purple cloth up for examination. Somehow, despite the other girl washing two people's clothing to her one, she thought that Kagome had gotten the better deal. Dunking the offending item in the water, she scrubbed at it with Kagome's soap. She'd wash the thing until it came out smelling like roses, or until she'd scrubbed holes straight through it. Either way, she would not suffer his stench any longer.

Kagome hummed pleasantly as she swirled Sesshoumaru's obi through the water. Both sets of clothes were of youkai make and came clean very easily. All she had to do was splash it in the water a little, maybe use a bit of soap for the underthings, and she was done. She'd probably have to help Sango with Miroku's things when she was done. Unlike the other two, he actually changed his clothes when they got too gross to wear. Being human, he was more prone to sweating and having a dirty hem and such, and he couldn't just give himself a good shake after battle and expect all the blood and youkai entrails to just fall off.

That meant Sango has several sets of some of the foulest clothes ever worn to contend with.

Passing the obi to Rin, Kagome turned to reach for InuYasha's hakama when she caught sight of a group of strange men on the opposite bank. They were ugly, dirty and leering at them. She briefly wondered if they'd come for a wash too, but quickly dismissed it. They were armed with a variety of rough weapons, clearly not samurai quality, but not just villagers either. Bandits, most likely, and they were staring with ill concealed lust at both she and Sango.

As the men leered and made lewd grunting noises that she assumed were supposed to be catcalls, Sango finally took notice, looking up from trying to burn a hole through Miroku's fundoshi with just the heat of her eyes, and they both took a step back toward the relative safety of their male companions.

She'd left her bow, along with Sango's weapons, in a neat pile next to Kirara. If she needed it, they were well within dashing range and she didn't really feel very threatened at this point. They were ass-kicking females, not docile village girls, no matter what the bandits might think. If they got too close, they'd just brain them over the head and stick a few arrows in sensitive areas.

Easy prey, they were not.

Rin took this moment to shriek and run for the treeline shouting for "Sesshoumaru-sama!" at the top of her lungs.

A half-second later, a swift wind blew through the area and both the girls and bandits were stunned. Out of the bushes leaped one nude monk, fiercely determined, one nude hanyo, growling aggressively, and one nude daiyoukai, stoically intent on destroying the threat to the women and children, all with swords and staff in hand.

Before anyone could blink, much less think to look away, the bandits were defeated, lying unconscious on the ground.

As they turned to assure themselves of the women's safety, momentarily forgetting their au naturel state, Kagome could not help but note, in a rather clinical and detached way, the differences between the three men.

InuYasha was longer, but Miroku thicker. Perhaps it was because he was a full-blooded daiyoukai, but Sesshoumaru put both to shame. Kagome had a fleeting thought that he did not need Bakusaiga. He could simply club his enemies to death with his manhood.

A blink later, the moment was broken.

Kagome blushed, squeaked and slapped her hands over her eyes, mortified at her own thoughts.

Sango blushed, spun around and ducked her head, the picture of maidenly embarrassment.

Rin pointed and emphatically declared, "I can see thingies!"

Shippo beat his fist on the ground as he laughed uproariously.