A/N: So, another meeting. Our round begins like that Mayweather-Pacquiao fight when I started writing this. It'll be very old news by the time I'm done, so without further adieu, let's begin!

Once again, thanks for the kind suggestions dear anon, known as Veil Hasoc. Also, I'm going to try doing something new, it won't be hard to miss.







"Adapt to your surroundings. If you fail, you might be better off fighting a Deathstalker with a spoon."

-General Stratus Arc, Vale Combative Forces

The Ozpin Office- Several Hours Later

Alabaster was awoken by the gentle rays of light streaming through the windows. As she realized that she was no longer in the chair by Ozpin's desk. Instead, her form rested on a cot, near one of the gear clad walls of the room. Her next realization came when the door opened, Goodwitch entering the room. Besides from that, her brother was at his desk, doing what appeared to be some paperwork.

Ozpin had spotted Alabaster's stirring, "Good morning, how was your nap?"

She stretched, "It was alright, what time is it?"

"Almost eleven. Six hours of sleep. Not bad."

Upon hearing the time, Alabaster leapt to her feet and dashed to the door, impacting with Glynda in the process. Several seconds of recovery the Combat professor stopped her. "Relax, the next term hasn't started yet."

The younger one stopped struggling "Oh, sorry about that. But I thought Ozpin told me that… Nevermind"

"Just, don't run to your destinations." Goodwitch said before turning to the Headmaster. "I believe you two owe me an explanation."

Ozpin entered the conversation, "Of course, Alabaster, I'm going to have you stay here and assist the both of us, just to make sure we don't have any misinterpretations."

"Must we not include Oobleck?"

"Alabaster has determined to keep him in the dark for now."

Said girl cleared her throat. "So, should we begin?"

The teen told her story once again, the adventure, allies, struggles, and the Grimm. This time, she left out some of the details she told Ozpin. like the effects of her team's death and the friendships she made, especially her kill count. She still told Glynda about her supposed suicide mission into Vytal, clearing heavy concentrations of Grimm, so the other armies could advance. But overall, she focused on The War the most, as she was speaking on the topic, she felt like some old war vet, sharing war stories with younger people, and to some degree, she kind of was. As she neared the end of her tale, Ozpin's terminal began to flash. When he answered the incoming message, the larger display activated, showing none other than the shadowy council of shadowiness, also known as the Vale Council.

"Ah Ozpin" One of the figures said, bored. "The council has reached a consensus regarding the reactivation of a Huntress's license."

Before the headmaster could respond, another voice spoke, this time a female, "We have decided to reinstate Alabaster Ozpin-Rose, and in so doing," she let out an exasperated sigh, "the titles and privileges that come with it. However, we must have her confirmation code, to insure that it is indeed her."

"Well, you're in luck." The Headmaster finally got a word in. "She happens to be with me at the moment."

"Councilors" Alabaster said, "Permission to establish status as active."

"Granted" the third councilor said, "It should be noted that you will be unable to take up class A or S ranked missions until your graduation of Beacon."

"Very well."

"Now for your confirmation code." The female figure spoke again, "Then we can get this over with."

"As the exalted rise from the depths, we were created to protect the masses." The first councilor spoke. Alabaster stood at attention, her aura beginning to flare, covering her in a pitch black, with a faint silver outline, responding to the statements from the figures.

"And thus we serve. awaiting the call."

"Our lives we shall give, without hesitation" The female councilor recited.

"For without the people, we are but walls guarding the ruins of ourselves."

"When the peace is threatened, we act." The third continued the phrase.

"Without hesitation, we must do what must be done for the greater good."

It was Ozpin's turn to speak, hoping Alabaster didn't know the response to his line, as it would mark her as one class of hunter who many feared, a member of Noctis, ruthless huntsmen who would not hesitate to achieve their task, regardless of the cost. "And in the end, even the brightest of stars will fade." Sadly, his wishes were not fulfilled.

"And out of the darkness, we rise. Remnants of ourselves, willing to sacrifice what little we have left to offer." As she spoke this, her Aura quelled, and she gave the council a salute.

It would be a while for any of the adults in the room, or on screen, to react. None of them could've expected the girl in front of them to be the very embodiment of harnessed chaos.

"Welcome back to the Huntsmen." The three councilors spoke in unison, "You can expect your next assignment in several weeks, Noctis." With that, the screen faded, and the reinstated Knight-Commander turned to face a shocked Ozpin and Glynda. It took a good five minutes before someone spoke.

"Hey Ozpin?" Alabaster said, breaking the tense silence, hoping to put off the impending discussion.


"If it isn't a problem, how's the ol' team doing?"

"Well, Taiyang and Qrow are teachers at Signal, one of the neighboring training schools in Patch."

"Figures, those two always wanted to continue their legacies. I'm assuming that Taiyang is his usual charismatic, lady killing self?"

"He actually settled down and has a family."

"Really? You have a picture of the kids?"

"Well, his children are in fact two of your teammates, Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose." If Alabaster had consumed a beverage, it would've created the most amusing of spit-takes.

"What about Summer and Raven?" the girl asked.

"Raven went missing around eight years ago and Summer, well… She was listed Killed in Action roughly a decade ago. "

Alabaster's face paled at the statement, the three of them were practically unofficial siblings with each other, "Did she at least go out with a bang?"

"I'm not sure you'd want to read it, but it's on record. Your occupation should grant access."

She sighed once again, "Ah, the perks of Noctis. Impossible missions, no restrictions, and the likely prospect of death."

"Alabaster, I noticed your aura." it was her older brother who decided to bring up the coloration of her aura. "how many times?"

"Huh?" The girl was at a lost for words.

"Your semblance, Alabaster. How many times have you used it?"

"Ozpin, let's just say I shouldn't be here right now."

"Is there anything else you wish to ask?"

"How's home doing? I know you're headmaster, but do you think we could visit sometime?"

"Alabaster, Mountain Glenn is gone." upon seeing his sister's face become even more pale, he continued. "Grimm overran the defences, its a tomb now."

"I see. I was looking forward to seeing that place one more time." The reinstated huntress said as she walked out the room, and to lighten the mood, or so she hoped, "I've been keeping track for three years, and just to let you know, you're still it." Seconds later, she dashed into the elevator and left.

The headmaster turned to Goodwitch, "Did this meeting help clarify your questions?"

"Unfortunately, it brought far more questions than answers." The professor stated, "Though it does worry me that there's a Noctis on our campus, even though she is your sister."

"I'll bring it up next week, once classes resume."

The two adults were about to share several words, but were interrupted by Ozpin's terminal lighting up once again.

"Glynda, we'll have to discuss this another time, perhaps with coffee?"

The headmaster was met with another, albeit much kinder glare. "You realize you have an addiction, right?"

"We established this after the first twenty times."

The older professor rose from his desk, a faint grin on his face. "I'll finish the paperwork later. Now if you excuse me, I have a game to resume."


Beacon Cafeteria/Mess Hall/Dining Hall

Yang was discovering the art of tossing and consuming food items. Tor the past ten minutes, she was locked in battle with Nora, seeing who could continue eating the other's thrown fruit. Now, they were locked in a duel of accuracy, which none had failed to hit their mark. It was then where Alabaster took the time to enter the large hall. Unfortunately, she was unaware of her hair being a disheveled mess. Upon her entry, an abnormal silence consumed the room, followed by a low stream of whispers.

"Who's that?"

"Is she a transfer student?"

"What academy did she come from?"

"Hey man, you think she's single?"

Although she had rested in Ozpin's office, the girl's energy had faded since her meeting with the council, replaced by a groggy husk, slowly limping towards the nearest coffee pot. After obtaining the beverage, she directed herself towards the nearest table, noticed the stares aimed at her, and continued walking, drinking from the mug on the way there. Spotting the table seating Team RWBY she made her way and sat down, content with the peace of caffeine and her thoughts. The time of this peace was measured in mere seconds, most of which was due to the group of girls to surround her. As she set the mug down, she was swarmed with questions.


"Where were you?"

"We were looking for you…"

"So you didn't lea- ouch! Ruby will you stop with that? Ahem, it's good to see that you haven't left."

Sadly, these questions were dismissed with a wave of Alabaster. As she looked at the group, she began to speak, voice hoarse.

"Coffee first, discussion later." Not long after, she continued drinking, which silenced the four. It didn't last long, as team JNPR made their entry.

"I'm telling you Pyrrha, motion sickness is far more common than what you think." the blond leader,

"Jaune, I thought we were talking about that new student." his partner responded.

"Oh yeah," Jaune muttered, "She really did cream us, didn't she?" Ren nodded in agreement.

"I still find it curious that we've never heard of her before." Pyrrha continued as the group sat down next to team RWBY, "She was able to beat the four of us without much of an issue."

"The fight was closer than you think." Yang said, entering the conversation, "She nearly lost to Jaune."

"That's right," It was Nora this time, "How did you Jauney?"

"I don't know..."

"Jaune?" Ruby asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's just… I don't know." Jaune admitted, "I'm still confused how she knew so much about Croca Moors. I mean, no one told her about it, right?"

"It may be good to ask her." A tired voice spoke.

"Good idea, thanks Pyrrha."

"Um, Jaune? I didn't say that."

"Oh, well thank you whoever did. Now, where is she?"

Alabaster finished her third coffee and oh so gracefully slammed the mug on the table. (Where did she get the other two? Good question.) "One, you're welcome Jaune, and two, I'm right here."

"I guess you are." Jaune commented, resulting in several moments of awkward silence.

"So, you have questions?" More silence.

Finally, Pyrrha decided to ask her own questions. "How did you learn to fight so well?"

"I did The Incursion Memoriam twice." Jaune had a look of realization on his face, while in a strange twist of events, Pyrrha was the one who was clueless.

"What is it?"

"You know how the War was ended by the Grim Uprising, right? And how Vale and Vacuo had formed a coalition against them?" Alabaster asked.

"We learned about that, but what does that have to do with it?"

It was Jaune who took over the explanation. "Since Vale's army was crippled, they wouldn't be able to secure their borders, and because of the previous hostilities with Vacuo, whatever land either kingdom cleared of Grimm, they would most likely take it as their own. So the Vale council decided to send a small group on a nonstop march to clear out the heavier groups of Grimm; so that way, the main army would have less Grimm to deal with, and by result, Vale would establish larger borders at a faster rate."

Everyone at the table was stunned by Jaune's knowledge of the situation. But still, there were questions, primarily by Blake. "But wouldn't the group be fated to die?"

"But that's the thing." Alabaster joined in "They didn't, and they even suffered fewer casualties than the main army."

"After they returned, the surviving soldiers were immortalized as heroes, and their march was known as The Incursion. The Incursion Memoriam was a celebration that the descendants held, following the path taken by the brave souls." Jaune finished his explanation.

"How come we don't know about this?" Ruby asked, "It sounds like the sort of thing parades and celebrations are held for."

"It takes the exact path, right into hordes of Grimm" Alabaster answered, "After too many casualties, it faded into a 'coming of age' event for very few families."

"Then why do you two know of it?" Weiss asked before receiving quizzical looks from most of the group. "What? It's just a question,"

""Well, Jaune and I are descendants of the two commanding officers of The Incursion."

""Well, my great-great-great grandfather was a General in The War, and second in command in The Incursion. His name was-"

"Stratus James Arc." Jaune was interrupted by Alabaster, "General of the 5th Army, and often worked with the 27th Huntsmen Tactical Division."

"Well Alabaster," Yang inquired, "What about you? How do you know about all this?"

The question was met with a single response. "L'Avant-Garde."

Everyone but Jaune asked the same question, "Who?"

'Well, it appears I've faded from history, good.' Thought the time-traveller before speaking. "You'll learn soon enough. So Jaune, any more questions?"

"Just a few more."

"Like what?"

"When did you do Memoriam?"

"The first time was with my dad and brother when I was ten. However, I just finished my second run. Solo." 'Well, I did lead the original, and my first one was with Ozpin. I just hope he believes it.'

"Wow. How did you know about Crocea Mors? And what was that you did with it during our fight?"

"Well, my weapons belonged to L'Avant-Garde, and our two families know each other. As for what I did, Crocea Mors has been able to do that."


""Most huntsman weapons of the era have something called a Dust Core. It's designed to utilize the user's Aura to strengthen the user's weapon. Kind of using Aura to strengthen one's speed or as a shield, just for weapons though."

"Wait, if it's like that," Ruby asked, "Why don't huntsmen everywhere use this?"

"Good question. The thing is that it uses most of the user's aura, so you can't block things with aura, and it uses a lot of it, so you'd also have to have extensive training. Not to mention that the means of creating them are lost in time, as the group who designed them disbanded not too long after the war."

"What about those bracelets you showed me last night?

"My parents had taught me how to make them. It was a tradition passed down for generations. Thing is, just like the Dust Core, I can't use my aura defensively. I really can't do much else really." 'Well, the natural aura I have. I could use my… other type, but I should reserve it for vital situations. Having an ace up my sleeve and all.'

"Then how do you protect yourself?" Weiss questioned, "Aura is a huntress' primary, if only, means of defense."

"I have three ways actually. Reinforced Armour, preemptive strikes, and the five D's: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge. Deflecting an attack also helps with the whole surviving thing as well."

"Well, I'm going to ignore the fact you said dodge twice, but what if you get hit?"

"You don't. And in the event you do, as what I believe Ozpin says, 'Well fuck, you're screwed. Good luck with that."

"That's a bit grim. And are you sure he said it in such a… vulgar manner?"

"You learn to live with it and ask him for the actual version. I watered it down a bit."

"Hey Alabaster," It was Ruby, "You said your last name was Rose, right?"

"That's most of my name, but yes."

"That means you're related to Summer Rose, right?"

"Well, my dad tells me stories of his time in Beacon. Their teams were siblings in every way but blood. So I guess we're honorary family. I was actually named after someone who fought in The War who shares the same name." 'I'm not lying completely here. Funny, I just realized that I was named after my time-traveling self. Ozpin isn't going to be too happy with this."

"Oh," Ruby said, a bit disappointed. "I guess we're kind of like cousins..."

'Technically,I'd be more like your aunt, but time travel and stuff.' "If you want to, I'm fine with it." She didn't have much time to say anything else as she was glomped while the perpetrator was rapidly saying something close to 'ohmygoshIcan'tbelieveIhaveacousinIknowIhaveasisterbutnowIhavesomeoneelsetospendtimewithandtellstoriestoandmaybeweapons!'

"Calm down there." Alabaster managed to say, straining from the pressure of the hug. "I think Jaune wanted to ask me something, kind of cant do that while being strangled."

"Huh?" Jaune asked, snapping out of his thoughts, most of them revolving around the newfound information of the weapons he thought to be so plain. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Alright, if you say so."

"Actually…" he amended, "Is there anything else about Crocea Mors that you haven't mentioned?"

"Well, it was made for a style of combat known as Form Five. It could also use a new Dust Core, but that's about it. There might be a couple books on Form Five, but I guess I could help you with the more advanced techniques."

Jaune looked at Alabaster with a straight face. "What form do you use?"

"I typically use Form Four," the girl responded, "but recently, I've been using Form Seven more often now."

"I see."

Before another question could be asked, Alabaster stood up and gathered all of her things. "If all the questions are out of the way, I'd like to visit Vale, it's be some time since I've been there."

Ruby's eyes lit up at that statement. "We're going to Vale too. We can show you around!"

"It's alright, you don't have to go out of your way."

"Besides, you haven't even asked-" Weiss said, before the rest of her words were muffled by Yang who, with a nervous smile, covered the heiress's mouth with her hand.

Looking away from the brawler, Alabaster turned to Ruby, plan ready on how to get herself out of the situation. What she didn't expect was to be faced with the puppy dog eyes of the redhead. "That it isn't going to work Ruby." The pouting increased. Alabaster countered with maintaining a very stern, almost Goodwitch like face. The two's actions continued to resonate, going back and forth in attempt to outdo the other, it finally ended when the scythe wielder finally conceded to release a breath she had held throughout the entire duel. With a small smirk, the victor patted the former combatant on the head. "As I said, that won't work on me." This caused Ruby to don the face of 'pouting disappointment.' Signing, she continued. "I'll be waiting for you by the skydock." WIth that, she stood up and left.

"YES!" Ruby exclaimed when the door was closed, startling everyone within a several meter radius, with the exception of Nora, who was enjoying another serving of pancakes. Without warning, she grabbed her teammates and dragged them out of the room. "Come on girls! We've got some shopping to do!"

Team JNPR continued on with their meals, except for a certain yellow arc. Seeing the change in her leader's mood, Pyrrha took it upon herself to bring up the issue.

"Jaune, are you alright? The last time you were like this was when Cardin was bullying you."

"I'm alright. Just thinking of what Alabaster said."

"You understood what she was talking about?"

"I do, but she shouldn't. My grandfather talked about those fighting styles and how they have been kept within the Arc family. Or they were supposed to be."

Beacon Skydock- Five Minutes Later

Alabaster was sprinting down the pathway, hoping to get a ship to Vale before she encountered anyone else. Unfortunately, as she sat down, it became apparent that another person waiting for said transport.

"Hello Alabaster,"

"Ozpin. What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying the peace."

"Yeah right, I'm supposed to expect the Headmaster of Beacon Academy has to go to a skydock in order to get some peace and quiet?"

"I assure you, that is all. However, you may want to prepare yourself."

"What do you mean by that?"

Sadly,Alabaster's question was never answered. What was heard however, was the shouting from Ruby

"Alabaster! Over here!"

The person in question flinched as she frantically looked for Ozpiin, who was nowhere to be found. Siging in resignation, she stood up, and began walking to the assembled group that was team RWBY.

For Alabaster, the next half hour was a blur, as all she remembered was getting on the transport, listening to some discussions, and hearing the following phrase.

"Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for descent. Welcome to Vale."

As soon as she registered those words, she ran to the window, and looked out of it.

"It's been too long." And for her, it had been. What was once the crowded city of her youth was gone, so was the grandiose avenues and palaces of her days as L'Avant-Garde. It was still bustling, but much cleaner, more advanced. Well, most of it. From the air, the slums looked as it always had. Her thoughts were interrupted by Yang.

"Do you have any plans once we get into town?"

'I guess it's time to see if I am, in fact, screwed..' After making a couple mental notes, Alabaster decided to respond. "I'd like to catch up with some old friends. But first, I need help finding somewhere."

"And that is?"

"Where's the bank?"

Entry 5- Noctis

As the invading armies attacked Vale, the kingdom decided to warge a total war against the kingdoms. Thus, the Noctis were created. Selected from members of The Order, Noctis agents were assigned from tasks ranging from attacking fortified positions to civilian populations. Because of these actions, the kingdoms feared these operatives, even more so due to the fact they would fight to the death before surrendering. These attributes combined with their nocturnal operations and black and red uniforms gave them the reputation as human grimm.

Entry 6- The Incursion

After The War ended, the kingdoms of Vale and Vacuo began a land grab over the disputed areas in Vytal. While vacuo used its fast moving army to sweep through, Vale was at a disadvantage. Its solution to this was to equip a small army to spearhead into heavy concentrations of grimm. The group was the remainder of the Fifth Army commanded by General Stratus Arc, along with whatever remained of the 27th Huntsmen Tactical Division who was led by Knight-Commander Alabaster Rose. The combined group was just under 300 men, while the main army group numbered over 2,000, yet the vanguard has a recorded kill of thousands of grimm while suffering under fifty casualties, a record considering the hundreds lost by the main army goup. The event itself is remembered by the participant families, now used as a passing of age trial to go through.

Alright, and that's a wrap. I'm so very sorry for keeping you wait for six months, but I've had to rewrite this a couple of times before coming to a decision. Either I take this time or longer to write longer chapters, or I can write shorter ones at a faster pace. And by shorter, I mean 2.5k-ish words instead of the 7k+ words I wanted to. In other words, the world's been going through some stuff. ISIS/ISIL recruiters in Florida, USA, Russian Aircraft shot down by the Turks, and most notable of all, The Paris Attacks. "N'oublions jamais" are the words one of my friends had said. or "Never Forget."

Je suis désolé tout le monde.
