A/N: Welcome to Beautiful control. A story I started several years ago and kind of stopped when Evelyn's story slipped away from me. Evelyn is near and dear to my heart. She helps me get through tough times in my life, and trust me... I'm feeling the hard times. I've decided to rewrite this story and put more effort into the execution of the ideas I want to get across. Some story points will be different or rearranged, but I promise it's for the benefit of a better story. Once again, I still must preface this story with a TRIGGER WARNING: this fiction shall contain themes such as, BDSM, Abuse, Assault, Loss of Control, and any other dark themes that pop up along the way.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this new version. For those of you who have been around from the beginning... I hope you can forgive me for starting over. I love you xx

Beautiful Control

Freedom, Beauty, Truth, and Love

Chapter 1

England's summer sun was not usually considered alarmingly warm or severe, given it was usually a miracle to see the sun at all in England. However, that did not stop the discomfort Evelyn felt as she hung out the laundry. Sunshine licked the back of her neck, prickled at her fair skin and made her loosen her bun so that her long black hair would at least cover her.

Evelyn Grey was a thin girl of sixteen who rarely smiled. At least not at home. As she worked, her ears strained to listen to any noises coming from inside the large, but dishevelled townhouse behind her. She twitched and paused at anything louder than whisper.

Despite the heat, she was grateful there was no breeze to disguise any sounds that could alert her. The neighbours were mostly single businessmen and women who were out during the day, even on school holidays. The only noise was clothing brushing against each other and her light breath.

Once the laundry was finished, Evelyn took the empty basket and made her way back into the house. The town house was nothing fancy, befitting enough for their 'Pureblood' status, but nothing even close to the luxury of, say, the Malfoy Manor. That family was as close to royalty as wizards got.

Evelyn set the basket on the counter and braced herself to walk past Edward's office to go upstairs to her bedroom. She could smell the cigars and whiskey drifting from his open office door. The room was positioned in a way where, when the door was open, Edward could see both the front door and the stairs to the second floor.

Evelyn retied her hair in a tight bun and began to make her way through the house as quietly, but naturally, as she could. The moment she stepped into sight of the door, however, Edward was already staring straight at her.

Edward was a rather ordinary looking man upon first glance. Neither tall, nor short. Fat, nor thin. His dark brown hair was neat and only just beginning to get grey at the temples. Evelyn did not see any of herself in her features. Though, if the photographs were any hint, she clearly took after her mother.

No, Edward Grey was perfectly ordinary until you looked into his eyes. They were a cold, sapphire blue set into sunken eyes. Heavy brows seemed a permanent scowl on his face. Sometimes, looking into his face, Evelyn wondered if he was even still on this plane of existence, or if he was somewhere else. Most of the time, it felt as though he were waiting for something. But for what, Evelyn did not know.

"Evelyn. Did you take out the laundry?" He asked, his voice still held a hint of his old German accent even after 20 years of being in England.

"Yes, Father."

"And did you put dinner on?" His eyes maintained their stare as he slowly lifted his glass of whiskey to his lips.

"Yes, Sir. We are having a stew tonight. It should be ready in two hours."

"Did you take out the rubbish?" he pressed again, his voice lower, already knowing the answer.

Evelyn faltered and felt her stomach drop. She had not taken out the rubbish, and this was the second time he had asked. She forced her breathing to remain calm. Where Edward's coldness came naturally to him, Evelyn had learnt to manufacture a false coldness that Edward preferred...most of the time.

"No, sir. I will do that now," she told him, lowering her eyes to carpet. He stood slowly from his desk. Evelyn heard him slam the whiskey glass back down.

"This is the second time I have had to ask, Evelyn. Is your memory so poor that you cannot remember a simple task? Or do you just not care if this house descends into filth and squalor?"

"I'm sorry! I promise I'll do it now," Evelyn pleaded, losing her composure more and more with every step he took towards her.

His lips turned up briefly at her pleas. It didn't last long before the look of rage took over.

"I do NOT give second chances in this house! I ask you to do very basic tasks in order to keep this house clean and you deliberately disobey me! I work hard to make sure you have food to eat and a roof over your head, and you cannot even do this right?" His voice rose as he spoke, and this perfectly average man seemed taller and more intimidating as he stepped close to his daughter.

"I'm really sorry, dad! I'll fix it, I will!" she cried. Then she made the mistake of taking a step back, an action that Edward took as a cue. His hand lashed out her throat, fingers squeezed tightly until he brushed the sunburn on the back of her neck. Despite knowing it was better not to fight, her body always tried at the start.

She began to kick and claw at him, trying to get him to release his tight grip on her neck. When her nails caught his arm and the skin welted, she felt a hard blow to the left side of her face. The hit knocked her aside and barreling into the staircase with a cry.

"Dad, stop! Please!"

"You stupid bitch! You made me do this! Why can't you just do things right and I wouldn't have to do this!" he yelled, he gave her a final kick in the back as she was trying to stand up and turned, slamming the door to his office shut.

Evelyn finally stood up, despite how sore her back was, and made her way into the kitchen. When she looked in the rubbish bin, it was only half full. She choked back a sob, put on her brave face and took the rubbish outside before her bruises could form. If anyone ever found out, Evelyn doubted she would live past her next beating.

The moment she saw the striking scarlet train, she wanted to run and leap on. Hopefully to never return. But the firm hand on her shoulder kept her from doing anything so rash. From the moment they apparrated to a nearby alley, and all through King's Cross Station, Edward did not move his hand from it's possessive position. Evelyn watched through her hair, that her father had demanded she wear down, as people looked at them sweetly, thinking it was just a father caring for his daughter. They couldn't feel the vice grip, or hear the harsh hisses that filled her ears.

She looked around at all the other families. Logically, she knew she could not be the only abused child at Hogwarts, but then she supposed the sad ones tended to blend in and disappear amongst the loud and bright other families.

Once they were close to the train, Edward finally spun her around.

"That glamour should hold up until tonight. But try and keep your head down. The teachers won't be fooled," he growled, hating to admit to his own weaknesses, "Make sure you keep it glamoured until the bruise goes away. The last thing I need is for that old codger, Dumbledore, to be meddling in our affairs. I'm sure you don't want them to know what an awful daughter you are so keep your mouth shut."

"Yes, father."

He nodded slowly. "Good. Now give me a kiss."

Evelyn carefully stood on her toes and planted a chaste kiss on his stubbled cheek. Only when her heels touched the ground again did Edward finally let go. Evelyn winced internally at the new bruises that his grip would have left.

"I'll see you for the holidays. Don't even bother asking to stay at Hogwarts for them."

"I understand. Goodbye," Evelyn said, forcing a smile on her face. Edward nodded and watched as Evelyn boarded the train.

Despite the instant relief of being on the train, Evelyn made sure not to visibly relax while he was still watching. He kept track of those sorts of things.

Evelyn made her way to the compartment that she and her group tended to sit in. It was in the 'Slytherin' portion of the train along with the rest of her house. When she opened the door she was greeted to the sight of her best friend, Kelsi Jackson enthusiastically playing exploding cards with Noah Perrabel, Evelyn's Boyfriend.

Kelsi was a pixie of a girl, with short, spikey brown hair and large, brown doe eyes. Kelsi's family was from the Caribbean and she was the closest to an American that Hogwarts had. She was ruthlessly competitive and ambitious, so it was no wonder why she was in Slytherin.

Noah put down the cards the minute Evelyn entered.

"Hey, love. Have a good holiday? Me and my family went to Switzerland," He told her proudly. Noah was a good-looking guy, if a bit too broad and brawny for Evelyn's tastes. Yet, he could be really sweet and caring, plus he was pureblood and one of the few people in the world that Edward didn't mind she was dating. Noah, Kelsi and Evelyn had been friends since first year and had become really close. It was a huge surprise to Evelyn when Noah confessed his feelings, and she could see no reason to say no. She did love him, in a way. But probably not in the way her preferred, or deserved.

"Yeah, it was great. Dad and I went to Germany to visit the family," Evelyn lied. The truth was that 'the family' hadn't spoken to Edward since he had run off to England. Edwards says he left for Rosalie, Evelyn's mother, but she never truly believed that.

"Nice! How's the old family going?" Noah asked as he settled Evelyn into the crook of his arm after watching her put her luggage and Cas, her cat, into the carrier above.

"Uncle Reinhardt says he may be able to score me tickets to the World Cup next year, but can't guarantee anything," Evelyn lied again. Evelyn didn't even know what her Uncle's names were or if she even had any. Some Pureblood she was.

"Great! You'll take me right?" Noah asked with a goofy grin, showing off his perfect teeth. He had sandy brown hair that was just long enough to run a hand through and always looked mussed.

"Of course, Noah! How are you, Kelsi? Winning?" Evelyn asked with a smile, her hair neatly covering the side of her face, even though she was sure none of her friends would be able to see through the glamour.

"Well, I would be winning if Noah would pay attention. Honestly, Noah, its no wonder your grades are so low," Kelsi said with an imp like grin and stuck her tongue out childishly. Evelyn smiled. There was something about Kelsi that always cheered her up. It was not true that all Slytherins were sour and mean. Well, Kelsi could be mean, but only to her nearest and dearest. Otherwise she was very sweet and bubbly.

"Alright, calm down, Kel," Noah said, rolling his eyes and picking up his deck with his free hand. His other arm was still firmly around Evelyn's shoulders. Evelyn was always astounded at the difference between Noah holding her and her father holding her. It was like the sun and moon in difference.

The door opened again and in walked Clarissa. Clarissa was a fairly new addition to the group since she started dating Kelsi last year. She was the embodiment of perfection. From her long golden hair to her big, baby blue eyes, she was every Pureblood families wet dream, except the part where she was a raging lesbian.

Clarissa swept across the compartment and crossed her long legs as she took a seat next to her much smaller girlfriend.

"Hello, everyone. I trust you've been well?" she asked with her lofty voice. Her perfectly manicured hands made their way into Kelsi's short hair and began scratching her scalp.

"Just beating Noah at exploding snap, again, Sweetie," Kelsi said. Her voice was lower and calmer around Clarissa. The two seemed to balance each other out with how completely opposite they were.

Evelyn sat back against Noah as she read her new potions textbook. Potions was easily her best and favourite subject. She was just reading a passage about sugar nullifying the effects of Wolfsbane when the train shuddered to a stop and the lights went out.

"Shit, is everyone okay?" Noah asked, squeezing Evelyn's arm.

A chorus of "I'm fine" followed.

"I'm sure it's just a malfunction," Clarissa said calmly.

"Ugh, I hate the dark. Hold me!" Kelsi complained to her girlfriend. Evelyn could basically feel the eye roll that Clarissa gave.

"I'll go check it out," Evelyn said, pushing off Noah's arm. Not that she would say anything to the group, but she knew Noah was terrified of the dark as well as Kelsi. His Brothers locked him in a cupboard for hours while they hit it with sticks and called him names when he was seven.

Evelyn pulled out her wand from her pocket and made her way over to the compartment door. With each step it got colder and colder. Evelyn slid open the door and nearly walked face first into a hooded figure. Evelyn felt her spine shiver and her breath catch.

"It's a fucking Dementor..." Noah mumbled from the corner.

Evelyn couldn't take her eyes off here the creature's face was meant to be. There was only darkness in its hood, though. It began to make a noise like the low whistling of wind through a thick forest and Evelyn felt her mind beginning to swim in fog. Images of her father and his cold eyes seemed to hang in the air between them. Her eyes prickled with the beginnings of tears.

"No, please, don't," she whispered, stumbling back into the compartment.

"Expecto Patronum!" came a voice from behind the Dementor. A brilliant blue light filled the space and sent the vile creature from the room like a puppet whose strings had been jerked suddenly from the stage.

Evelyn felt her knees wobble a moment before she crumbled down to them.

"It's alright now. Here, have some chocolate," said the man as he passed her the candy from his pocket. He also made sure to give everyone in the compartment a piece.

He was a dishevelled looking man but he had an air of confidence that reassured Evelyn as she began to nibble on the chocolate. He was fairly tall with light brown hair speckled with grey and kind green eyes. Evelyn now looked properly at his face and noticed the thin scars that decorated his skin, and he looked at the glamour on her cheek, knowing it is there. Evelyn wasn't sure, however, whether he knew what it was hiding.

"You'll be okay. I need to get to the driver but that should be the last we see of the Dementors on this ride," He told them reassuringly before leaving.

"You okay, babe?" Noah asked, finally scooting over to grab Evelyn and pull her into an embrace.

"I...uh...that was straight up awful," she admitted. She didn't want to be cuddled. She wanted to be left alone. But pushing her friends away now would not be good. Even if she didn't want to cuddle, Noah was shaking and clearly needed someone to hug, so she let him.

They finally arrived at Hogsmead Station. Hogsmead was a quaint little town with a lot of novelty shops that third years and up could visit, so long as they had parental permission. It was also the only wizard only town in all of Britain.

Evelyn and her friends made their way to the self-pulled carriages that transported the students from Hogsmead to Hogwarts. The Castle was a beautiful building. Ancient and powerful. It stood proud against a skyline backed with the vast Forbidden Forest.

Kelsi played with Clarissa's sunny blonde hair, with her legs draped over the taller girl's knees. Evelyn watched as the sun kissed pixie tried to hide her shaking hands in the golden tresses.

Noah kept his hand on Evelyn's knee, not so much to reassure Evelyn as to comfort himself. Evelyn gently ran her fingertips over his hand until she could feel him relax.

"Well, it was a pretty awful start to fifth year, but that won't stop us from having fun!" Kelsi suddenly declared, turning her large brown eyes on the rest of the group. Clarissa smiled at the return of her girlfriend's energy.

"You're right," Noah said with a lopsided grin, "a few pesky dementors aren't going to stop us. We're all going to smash our OWLs and have a great year doing it!"

Evelyn finally felt the rest of her unease melt away. Her friends always knew how to lighten the mood. It was a trait that she admired greatly in them.

"And we're going to beat Gryffindor in Quiddich this year!" Kelsi added enthusiastically. Kelsi was a chaser on the Slytherin team and was damn good. She would have been a seeker if that Brat, Malfoy, hadn't bought his way into the position.

"And beat them at the house cup, too," Clarissa added, getting into the spirit of the group.

The sorting ceremony, where new students are sorted into their houses, passed without any interest. It was the announcements that they were all waiting for. It turns out that the ministry had appointed the dementors to the school grounds.

It was also announced that Hagrid would be taking over care of magical creatures from Professor Kettleburn. Evelyn smiled; Hagrid (the resident half giant) was renowned for his love of creatures. It was incredibly fitting for him.

The third announcement was interesting. The man who saved Evelyn on the train was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. That made sense considering his confidence in handling the Dementors, Evelyn thought. What was more interesting was the look of pure loathing that came across Evelyn's Head of Slytherin House, Professor Snape. Evelyn looked between them in thought. They did look roughly the same age; she wouldn't be surprised if they had both attended Hogwarts at the same time. Her natural curiosity made her wonder why there would be so much animosity there.

Once dinner was over, Evelyn, Kelsi, Clarissa and Noah slowly made their way down to the dungeons, where the Slytherin dorm was held. It was colder and darker down in the dungeons, and not to sound too cliché, Evelyn loved that. Evelyn loved the cold. It gave her the option of dressing up really warmly and snugly when she wanted. Unlike summer, which gave her no option but to wear as little clothing as she could get away with.

Evelyn and Kelsi bade goodnight to their respective partners and wandered off to their dorm, which they shared with two other girls.

"Ugh, I wish Snape would just let Clarissa move into the same dorm as me. It would be so much easer!" Kelsi whined as they unpacked their things.

"Are you kidding? Professor Snape is not an idiot. He knows you two are dating. He's never going to put you in the same dorm room," Evelyn told her with a laugh.

Kelsi shrugged. "Whatever. His slimy ass isn't going to stop our love. Hell, we'll make love on his pristine desk if we have to. That would show him!"

Evelyn cringed. "On his desk? No way, he grades my papers on that! Keep your filthy bodies off of it."

Kelsi laughed and threw a bundled up pair of clean socks at her friend.

"Don't be jealous of our love. Besides, there are all sorts of fun things you can do on a desk!" Kelsi got a dreamy sort of tone to her voice, as though reminiscing.

"I don't want to know," Evelyn said with an exasperated smile. She felt Kelsi's energy change and turned around to her.

"So...how was your holiday, really?" Kelsi asked seriously. Evelyn sighed and sat on her plush four-poster bed. Kelsi crossed the room and sat beside her.

"Can't fool you, K. It was fine for at least half of it. He got me gifts and told me how much he missed me, but in the last few weeks...it was like a switch changed. I don't know why I feel so surprised every time. Each time it gets worse," Evelyn shuddered and waved her wand over her face, removing the glamour and revealing the dark bruise beneath, and the finger shaped ones on her neck.

"Shit, Ev. You need to tell an adult about this."

"I can't. What are they really going to do? I don't have any other family, K. He's awful...but he's all I've got."

Kelsi silently pulled Evelyn into a hug and began to stroke her hair.

"Oh, Evvy baby. It wont be like this forever. You're lucky I'm good at charms though, because there is no way you would be able to keep this glamour up all day by yourself."

Evelyn let out a sad laugh. It was sadly true.

"Also, you should tell Noah the truth. He will understand. You don't need to keep lying to him."

Evelyn shrugged. "He's so sweet. I'm scared it will be too much for him. We've only been dating for a few months...I don't know. It's weird to date a friend. We've been friends since we got here. I never expected a relationship to form. I don't even think I really feel anything like that for him."

"Then don't lead him around for too long. You guys are friends first, babe. He is one of the most understanding guys I know. It'll all be okay."

The two girls only hugged for a brief moment more before going back to their unpacking. Evelyn thought on Kelsi for a long time. It wasn't fair she was athletic, pretty AND smart. Wasn't there a rule against that? Evelyn smiled, but she was right about some things. Not about her telling an adult about her father, but about Noah. They were friends first and he deserves to be treated as such.

Evelyn sunk into her Slytherin themed bed sheets and drifted off. Finally, she was home.

A/N: Okay, so those who have read this story before can pretty much tell that this is completely different from how I started the original Beautiful Control. I'm older now, and realised that giving Evelyn -NO FRIENDS- kinda sucked. I promise the core of this story will be the same, but my execution will be slightly different. I also decided to start Evelyn off a bit older, so I feel less creepy and hopefully you guys wont have to wait 30+ chapters for any kind of romance to happen :)