Lindy buried her face in her pillow, attempting to block out the fuzziness in her own mind. Sleep had been seldom for the past few weeks. Sophia tired to take her to the doctor, saying something about insomnia, but Lindy wouldn't listen. She couldn't take the time to think about herself, not when there was a killer out there that needed to be tracked down. Not when she had a sister to find.

She kept thinking about Tommy, about Ben. Her mind wouldn't stop thinking about all the lies. The hurt.

Lindy kicked off her covers, paddling to the kitchen to make herself something hot to drink. (She'd been doing it a lot lately.)

She watched the front door through the darkness. Her fingers inched to walk over and open the door, (she wanted to see if Yeager stood at his usual protective stop outside the apartment door) she knew he did. That was one thing Tommy had been truthful on.

"Just because Ben still loves you doesn't mean I won't do my job,"

She closed her hands around the mug as she brought the hot liquid up to her lips, with a small blow at the steam.

A knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts.

The face was familiar. "Look," He spoke softly, (Lindy eyed the badge that hung from the chain on his neck.) "I know you don't wanna see me, but this is important."

She raised a brow. "What kind of important?"

"Katherine found Sara," Tommy said softly, nodding as he spoke.

The look on his face was enough to know he was telling the truth. Lindy backed up from the door. "Come in,"

Tommy's silhouette hovered over Lindy as she shoved the rest of her clothes into the large duffle on her bed.

"I really don't think this is a good idea," Tommy spoke.

"You don't get to make choices for me anymore," Lindy fired, zipping the duffle, and throwing it over her shoulder. "You lost that right when you lied to me."

"Right," Tommy nodded as she pushed past him to get through the doorway. He followed her out.

"Promise me you'll call every hour," Sophia told Lindy as she pulled her in for a hug. "And you," She looked at Tommy, "take care of her."

Tommy's lip curved up as he grabbed Lindy's duffle off of the couch. "We'd better get going," He said, watching as Sophia let go of Lindy. He didn't miss the look Lindy gave him on the way out.

Tommy wasn't sure who's bright idea it was for him to take a road trip with Lindy, (A month ago, he would have jumped at the idea, but now.. It was going to be a long car ride.) As he climbed into the driver's side, he eyed her form in the passenger seat. She wouldn't even look at him.

Three hours later, the car was still silent, until Tommy piped up about wanting to get gas.

"Do you want anything?" He questioned as he gestured to the gas station.

Lindy shook her head. "No,"

Tommy sighed. "Okay," He stepped out of the car to pump gas.

She couldn't ignore him forever. He was going to make it up to her at one point or another. He just wasn't quite sure how.

"How long till we're get there?" Lindy asked as Tommy shut the door when he got back in the car.

"Four more hours, give or take the traffic,"

"Okay," She chewed her lip as Tommy got back on the highway, her head rests against the window.

It wasn't until it started raining that Lindy felt the panic start to settle in. She wasn't sure why she felt anxious. Maybe it was the rain, or being in a car with Tommy, or maybe it was just the situation as a whole.

It doesn't take long for Tommy to notice the terror in Lindy's eyes. "What's wrong?" He contemplated whether to pull the car over as she shook her head.

"I'm fine," She lied easily, (although the way her knuckles turn white as she gripped the door said otherwise).


"No," She hissed. "keep driving."

"You're not fine," Tommy told her, checking his mirror, before turning his blinker on, and pulling to the side of the road.

As soon as the car came to a halt, Lindy opened the car door. She doesn't know what came over as she bent down, heaving her insides out in the ditch. She fell to her knees, shutting her eyes as the bile rose higher in her throat, (she couldn't remember the last time she was sick).

"It's okay," Tommy whispered, pulling her hair back with his hand, kneeling down beside her. Lindy didn't reply, as she wiped her mouth with her hand. Her lips twisted in a foul expression. "You just had a panic attack." He told her, chewing the inside of his mouth.

She nodded, but as she looked at him, her eyes seemed far away. She hugged her stomach tight, making sure she wasn't about to heave again. She tried not to look at the spot on in the ditch as she tried to stand.

"Hey," Tommy spoke quietly. "Maybe we should just sit here for a minute. You need to catch your breath." His voice was filled with concern as he gripped her wrist, keeping her grounded.

"I'm good," Lindy answered, but her voice was wobbly. She looked at the ground. "I'm better now."

"If you were really fine you wouldn't have just emptied your breakfast into the grass," Tommy argued. "Now just sit here for a second so I can make sure you're okay."

There it was. The information was out in the open, the words spewed out of him like a faucet. He just needed to make sure she was fine, because judging by her pale face, she was far from okay.

Lindy didn't question his words as she rocked back on her knees. She chewed her lip and took a breath. "Sophia's been trying to get me to see a doctor for weeks. I haven't been sleeping, she's basically had to shove food down my throat. Everything's just been going to my head. It's all built up and then, now, I exploded,"

"It's normal, you can't keep everything so bottled up," Tommy let go of her wrist, sitting back on his bottom.

Lindy laughed bitterly. "Okay, now you sound like a therapist,"

"No I don't. I sound like someone who's concerned about you Lindy. Sophia's right about this you know. Maybe seeing a doctor wouldn't be a bad thing for you to think about,"

Lindy shook her head. "You don't really have a right to worry about me anymore,"

Tommy raised his eyebrows. "Did I lose that right too?"

"You used me," Her voice was bitter and her words stung.

"I didn't know you then Lindy. It wasn't personal. I was just doing my job,"

"Oh yeah? Then how come Ben seemed to think differently?"

"Because that turned out so well? I didn't want to have to get attached to you! The last time that happened it didn't end so well,"

"What was your plan, huh? Just to meet me, find out information and then dump me like I was nothing?"

Tommy was silent.

"I thought so," Lindy spat, rising from the ground. Her knees shook a little, but she managed to grasp ahold of the car handle to steady herself.

"If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn't have done it!"

"It still doesn't change a thing," Lindy looked over her shoulder.

"What do you want me to say?" Tommy sighed, "That I care about you! That I would rather put my life on the line then to see you hurt again?!"

Lindy shook her head, opening the car door. She didn't look at him as she spoke. "Come on, we've wasted enough time as it is. Let's go,"

This is my first shot at writing Tindy, reviews are appreciated.

