Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.
Hello all. It's me again.
I think I will end this here, but if you would really like a third and final part, I'm sure you could guess what that will be about once you read this, let me know. If you do, just remember to alert the story so you will know when it will be updated, because the story is now posted as complete.
Sorry if there is any grammar or spelling errors, I was told of them in the first chapter. I will reread everything a few more times before posting and try to find any errors that I can. I do try to take your comments to heart. They help make me want to be a better writer.
Reviews are lovely. Criticize if you feel the need, but try to stay away from the flames.
Happy reading!
Blaine was upset with Dave for leaving him in the shower, but that did not stop him from snuggling up with him in bed once they were both cleaned and fed. He always felt so safe in his lover's strong arms. "Dave," He waited until he heard the other murmur an acknowledgment. "I love you."
David's heart seized in his chest. For no one (other then his dad) had ever said those words to him before. He was not sure how to respond.
Panic surged through out Blaine. He knew it was too soon. He should have waited for Dave to say it first, but it was such a perfect moment. For as he laid there safe and sated, he knew just how deep his feelings ran. Now, he had tainted his safe haven. He would never be able to feel the strength that Dave had offered so willingly.
The lithe young man pulled himself away from David and set on the edge of the bed. He knew he needed to get dressed and leave, but he did not think he was able to stand. He just felt so defeated. And here he thought that Kurt had broken him. As he was gathering his resolve, he felt those oh-so-strong arms wrap around him from behind. Thin lips moved against the back of his neck and Blaine held back a sob.
"Where you going?" There was concern in Dave's deep voice.
Dave winced at how small Blaine's voice sounded. "Don't. Stay."
"I like it best when you are here with me." It was as close to sappy as Dave had ever aloud himself to be.
"Really?" It was not a question as much expected response. "Just so you can have a warm body in your bed." He knew he sounded bitter, but he could not stop himself, because at the moment, he felt used.
Before he really knew what he was doing, Dave used his superior strength to lift Blaine up and back onto the bed. He trapped the smaller man in his arms as they laid on their sides, facing each other. He could not deny the anger he felt at Blaine's words. For how could he say he loved him and then believe that all they had was just for a fuck. At least that's what it sounded like to David.
"Let me go." Blaine said as he struggled uselessly to break free.
"No." There was still an fire in Dave's hazel eyes, but it was more pain then anger he realized. "Not until you take back what you said."
"Why? Because it's the truth?" Blaine said as he looked deep into Dave's eyes. Eyes he had grown to love just as much as the man himself. They changed colors with his moods and Blaine was getting good at determining just how the other was feeling, just by his eyes. Now they were a color he did not remember seeing since they had been together. They were such a light a brown that they were almost gold.
"Because it's not the truth. I thought you knew me better then that." Dave took a deep breath to try and calm himself before he continued. "You know me well enough to love me. Well enough to know that that's not who I am. I would, could, never use you like that."
"Yet you don't love me." Blaine snapped. His own anger was just to keep himself from breaking down and crying. He did not want to loose what little strength he had left.
The two just stared at each other for a moment. Dave now knowing why Blaine had said what he did and he was now feeling the guilt. So, he was trying to think of something to say. However, Blaine noticed the dull sage color that Dave's eyes took on. He knew what his older lover was feeling.
"Why feel guilty? I can't make you love me."
"I never said that I didn't love you." Dave said in frustration. This was not how he planed their wonderful evening to end. "I'm just not as good with the whole 'talking about my feelings' thing like you. I prefer to show you in my actions. Have I not done enough to show you just how much I care?"
It was Blaine's turn to feel guilty. He should have known. Not everyone was as quick to admit their feelings as he was. He was a hopeless romantic that always seemed to fall fast and hard. He should have known better. "I'm sorry."
"Don't." Dave said as he tightened his hold and kissed the top of Blaine's head. "Our relationship is still new. We both are going to make mistakes." He grinned as his eyes started to take on more of that green color that Blaine had claimed to love so much. "Instead of feeling guilty and sorry, why don't we do something a little more enjoyable."
Blaine's laugh rang through the apartment. "Just what do you have in mind, oh lover of mine?"
"Well, you know how you were wanting to try some new stuff? How about..." Dave said as he leaned in closer so he could whisper in Blaine's ear.
"What did you just say!?" The brunette asked with a look of pure shock. "I know I did not hear you right."
The smile that crossed Dave's features could not be stopped. Blaine was just too cute for his own good. "I said, how about you being inside of me?"
"Are you sure?"
Dave blushed. "Yeah. It wont be my first time."
It took a lot for the larger man to shy away with a blush like that. He liked that Dave was comfortable enough to let him see this weaker side of himself, but he also didn't like to see his strong boyfriend with any weaknesses. Selfish, he knew.
"I don't have a lot of experience giving." Blaine found that he was finding it hard to make eye contact. "I can't guarantee that I can make it as good for you as you do me." Kurt never seemed to like it so much when they would switch places.
Dave caught Blaine's chin and made him look at him. "It will be good, because you will be the one pleasing me. I want to feel the love that say you have. I want to feel it with my body." He was not really sure where the words came from. He had never had the desire to say such things before. He just hoped that they were coming off more romantic (something he knew Blaine loved) and not some form of cheep porn (something neither of them liked).
It was Blaine's turn to blush. Dave's word might not have been something you would hear in an award winning romance, but the slightly dirty sound of them were turning him on. Making him want to take Dave as he asked.
"Alright." Blaine said as he pushed David's shoulder slightly. He then rolled with him as Dave rolled onto his back. "Just let me know if you don't like something."
Dave smiled and nodded. He wanted to see Blaine become the confident young man he knew he use to be. So, he was not only doing this for himself (which he really, really wanted), but to also maybe spark something in Blaine. Allow his lover to feel more comfortable with him and himself.
Moans and sharp intakes of breath were filling Blaine's ears as he paid homage to his boyfriend's broad chest. He kissed and licked every inch he could and even left a few love bites. He was enjoying himself greatly. He moaned around a nipple as he moved his hips against Dave's. There was just something so empowering about having such a strong man withering beneath him. That thought gave him the confidence to move lower.
It did not take soft lips long to move past a hard stomach to reach wide hips. Blaine grinned up at Dave, only to see that his eyes were shut tight, but Blaine could still see the pleasure that the other was holding back. He looked to the side and saw that large hands were holding tight to the blanket they were laying on. His grin grew as he lowered his lips once more. He made sure to leave a mark that would last for awhile on his lover's right hip.
Once he was satisfied, Blaine moved to muscular thighs. They were so thick and strong, every part of Dave was strong and Blaine loved it. Loved him. He set up slightly as he ran his hands along the jumping muscles. It was as if every touch he gave his lover was sending shocks through his larger body.
"Dave, I want you to watch as I prepare you. Let yourself go and do whatever you want. Touch me, talk to me. Anything. Everything." Blaine said as his hands moved slowly, closer and closer back up to his lover's hips. "Hand me the lube, Yogi."
Dave shivered at the command in his little Boo Boo's voice. It was not harsh or forceful, but Dave still found himself wanting to do whatever his boyfriend asked of him. So, without really thinking about it, and never letting his eyes leave Blaine, Dave reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the lube. He then handed it over with not so steady hands.
"Thanks, Love." Blaine smiled sweetly. "Now, prop yourself up. I want you to see this."
Hazel eyes watched as his larger lover scooted back slightly so that he was leaning against the pillow that was against the headboard. "Comfy?" Blaine smiled when he received a nod. "Good. Remember to watch." With that said, he lowered his mouth to run hot kisses along the hard erection before him.
"Jesus, Blaine." A large hand moved to curly ungelled hair. "You're such a tease. I love it."
Blaine smiled as he lubed up his fingers, nice and slick. As a wet finger moved to gently circle David's tight entrance, his kisses turned to licks as he laved at the treat before him. It's not the first time he had given his lover oral pleasure, but it was the first time he ever felt as if he was the one in control (not that Dave was controlling), the one who was taking care of the other.
"More, please." Dave begged. His fingers tightening in Blaine's hair. "I need you, babe."
Hearing his lover's desperation, Blaine finally allowed his slick finger to enter Dave's tight entrance. It was tight from not being used recently, but Dave was trying his best to relax his muscles, so it was not long before Blaine felt comfortable adding another. He had moved to sucking on the head of Dave's cock when he done this. It had also caused his lover to arch his back and cry out, causing Blaine to take more of him into his mouth.
The sounds and even just the smell of David Karofsky were driving Blaine wild. Especially when he found that sweet spot hidden deep within. If he did not have such good control over his body, he was sure it would be enough to send him over the edge.
Dave knew Blaine was good with his mouth, but add that to the feel of now three of his fingers? Well, it was safe to say that he was in some kind of erotic Eden. "Enough, I can't take it anymore." He did not even know who was talking, for it could not have been him. There was no way that whiny, weak voice belonged to him.
Blaine could see the raw passion that was flowing through his lover. It made his heart swell, as well as his own need. He reminded himself that he was Dave's and Dave was his. They only felt this complete bliss with each other.
The dark haired man moved to lay on top of Dave. He could feel the thick cock pulse between their stomachs and his own gave a twitch as it brushed against the stretched entrance. Their kiss was hot and desperate, but so were they.
"Lay down for me." Blaine's voice was deep with passion, but his eyes were soft with love. He was going to make this good. "That's right. Nice and wide." He said once Dave was once again was laying on the bed with only a pillow propping up his head and automatically spreading his legs as wide as he could. Inviting Blaine to take his place between them, which he did.
Blaine reached for the lube, which was laying on the bed where he left it. Once he was satisfied that he was slick enough, he gently started to push into his lover. He could tell that Dave was trying to relax, as well as listen to his earlier order to keep his eyes open and watch. There was no panic or pain on Dave's face, but Blaine could see love. He had thought before that it might have been there, but now he was sure. It was stronger then an other emotion the other was feeling at that moment. It made it easy for Blaine to decipher.
"More." Dave knew that he was still sounding unlike himself, but Blaine had barely entered him and then stopped. He was not sure if it was to make sure he was alright or what it was, but he needed his smaller lover to move. Give him more. "I'm fine, just move."
Hazel eyes refocused. For Blaine had lost himself in the thought that his love was returned. He could see it, but now was not the time to ponder, he needed to move... for both of their sake's. Slowly, to both be gentle and to savor the moment, Blaine moved deeper and deeper into the tight slick heat that was Dave. He wanted to close his eyes and just feel, but he wanted to watch just as much as he wanted Dave to.
"I like how vocal you are being. More so then usual." Blaine said with a smirk in his voice and on his face, as he rocked his hips. With each rock, he was entering his lover just a little bit more.
Both watched as Blaine's thick length entered more and more.
"Shit!" David exclaimed at the very sight. Choosing to ignore Blaine's earlier comment. "Faster. I need you to fill me now." He could feel one of his lover's hands moving along his thigh. The simple touch only adding to the pleasure his over stimulated body was feeling. "So good, babe."
Blaine finally bottomed out, his moan echoed by Dave's own. Usually they would savor the moment, but Blaine was over excited and knew Dave was as well, when after only a short moment, he was rocking his hips once more.
"Move dammit!"
"My pushy little bottom." Blaine said with a laugh. "Maybe we need to do this more often." He said as he started to move at a pace that was probably a little too quick too soon. "I'm seeing all new sides to you and I'm loving them all."
"Holly Hell I don't care!" Dave screamed as his back arched and his head went back. As if remembering that he was to watch, he tried to see what he could. It was hard with him laying pretty much flat, but he would do as he was told. At the moment, he was Blaine's to do with him as he wished.
The words that flowed from Dave were music to Blaine's ears. Never had he heard a song so sweet. They inspired him to sing along. For every command and dirty word that left his partner, Blaine gave his own moan of want and approval. He was lost in his pleasure, but not so far gone as to remember the one who gave him such a thrill.
Blaine could feel his orgasm approaching, even if he tried to hold it off, he wanted them to cum together. He knew Dave was close, if his begging had been anything to go by. So, a slender hand moved from a thick thigh to take a tight hold on a leaking cock.
"Fuck! Don't stop! Don't let go!" Dave was half-crazed with all that he was feeling. He was not even sure what he was saying. For every thrust of slim hips, Blaine was hitting his prostate dead on. "Please, can we cum? I need it." His deep voice was now quieting down, because he was starting to grow hoarse from all of his screaming and crying out.
"Yes, baby." Blaine said with as much love as he could. He could see how much his lover need it and he could feel how much he, himself, did. "Cum for me."
With the soft demand, Dave came with a raspy shout, head thrown back and large hands grabbing blindly to pull Blaine closer. He could feel his inner muscles literally milking Blaine dry. Just the feel of his lover filling him prolonged David's bliss. It made him smile knowing that they were able to give and receive pleasure from one another. That it was not all take on his part.
"I love you." He did not mean to say it, was not even thinking it. Yet, there it was. It just slipped out at the same time Blaine had slipped out himself.
"What?" He had to make sure that it was not just some post-bliss dream. For he did not think Dave would actually say those words to him.
"Should have been paying attention." Dave was embarrassed and turned his head to try and hid the blush he could feel spreading. He could feel Blaine's hazel eyes look into him.
Blaine smiled. It was just like his boyfriend to return to his old gruffy ways when something like this happened. Guess they don't call him a bear for no reason. "Well, whatever it was..." He playfully nipped Dave's chin to get the other to look at him once more. "I'm sure you'll tell me again someday."
Neither felt like getting up for another shower, but Blaine went into the bathroom to wash himself off and to bring a washcloth in to clean his lover. He liked taking care of Dave. It made him feel useful and just a little bit stronger, knowing that the powerful man was leaving his care in Blaine's own hands. He knew that it was going to take some time still, but he knew that with each passing day that he spent with his Yogi, he was going to get just a little bit more of his strength back.
As he snuggled up to an almost asleep David Karofsky, Blaine Anderson could not help but smile at the joy that was in his heart. "Next time we are defiantly doing it in the shower."