Summary: The body of Android 20 was a work of art, but it was weak and unfit for his ambition; the body of his Biomechanical Android was still in its development stage, it would be another 20 years until it was ready for his consciousness to take over; the body of Project Maelstrom however, Android 21, unlike 17 or 18, Android 21 was perfect for dealing certain pests problems he had right now because it was stronger than 17, faster than 18, and had more genetic potential than the two combined... too bad it wasn't perfect.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Dragon Ball Z.
{Universe Seven...}
Within the confines of his underground lab, Dr. Gero hurriedly scrambled to activate his creations before it was too late, as the friends of Son Goku were hot on his tails, each determined to eliminate him before his revenge could be completed.
#17 and 18 - despite their unrivaled strength - were utter failures due to their lack of obedience the last time he had activated them, and it was because of that, he shut both of them down, hoping that he wouldn't have to activate them ever again, until at least he managed to fix the problem he had with the pair.
Unfortunately for him, because he was too focused on his other creations, he didn't have the time needed to focus on 17 and 18, but he realised that the focus wasn't really needed because the android he was about to unearth was stronger than 17, faster than 18, and contained a potential that far surpassed the two; it was needed because until his work in the lower levels of the lab was complete, the body if this new Android, #21, was going to be where his consciousness rested seeing as the prototype he was currently occupying did not seem to surpass his expectations.
He found the android that was once a teenager perched a in a crater close to his lab, and he was originally going to dismiss the body because he wasn't that interested, but then he realised that he needed more test subjects for his goal to succeed; the fact that this one proved to have healing capabilities only served to flood curiosity into his mind.
He was stunned at what he found once he brought the body to his lab and ran some tests.
This boy, he thought back then as his mind ran through different possibilities when examining his body, this boy could be the key to defeating Son Goku with the right resources; it was why he spent most of his time and working on him in the days following his discovery: to ensure that this Android would help in succeeding where others might fail, and transforming his bone structure, modifying his body, implanting all the techniques and fighting styles of Son Goku and his friends? Well they were child's play for someone with a mind as great as his own; he even had to thank the blonde male because it was his presence that gave birth to the beginnings of another perfect android.
What was once a human, was now a powerful soldier under his command capable of thumping all his enemies and learning from his mistake, while owning an infinitely regenerating energy reserve however...
What if he went one step further?
What if he was the one mentally controlling the body of the Android that would take out his enemies?
That single thought, with many hours of research, was what led to the process of him creating a way for his mind to inhibit the blank mind of this body… this perfect warrior poised with an athletic build that perfectly fit his height of 5" 9 with the insignia or red ribbon army on the right breast of his black short sleeve shirt worn on his upper torso, and on the right butt cheek of his dark orange baggy trousers that covered his ankle - an improvement from what he originally wore - bright blue eyes that shone with such intensity that was nearly covered by bangs dropping down from his spiky golden locks that seemed to defy gravity as they shot in all directions...
A malicious smirk formed on his face as he stared at the project as he spoke his order: "Computer, begin preparation on the transference procedure. Make sure everything is perfect by the time I get into the chamber."
"Understood Dr. Gero..."
Now came the task he dreaded to perform: the awakening of #17 and 18.
'Ugh...' he thought, moving to grab the remote on the platform next to the pod of the twin androids. 'As much as I would like to avoid this, I need to keep Prince Vegeta and the others busy while I work, and the best way to do that is by unleashing these two at them… at least this time, I have a way to ensure their loyalty should they decide to act out of order.'
He walked towards the panel controlling the activation sequence for #17 and 18, and punched in the needed keys to open their slots. Once he was done with that and pressed enter, he stepped back a few meters, and watched with his own two eyes as the pods opening in sync revealed the two androids while the remote he picked up was placed on the small of his back, just outside the field of vision of the troublesome twin androids.
"Good evening android's 17 and 18." he greeted.
"Dr. Gero," Android 17 greeted robotically, staring at the doctor with the corners of his lip curving up in hidden amusement. "How are you today?"
"Ah yes, it seems you remember me android 17…" Gero drawled with a pleased expression on his face. He then shifted his sights to the female android. "What about you 18, do you know who I am?"
The female Android glanced at the old man.
"Of course doctor, you're the one that gave us life. And from further observations, it would seem that we are not the only ones you have blessed." She stated, earning a look of victory from Gero who'd then turned to face the unresponsive figure within the pod once it was clear that these two were now fully obedient to him.
"Ah yes, I see you've noticed one of my higher models; quite impressive is he not?" he stated, "21 is one of my finer works, one of the few reasons I've chosen his body as the one I'll transfer my consciousness to."
"Unfortunately," Gero continued, sighing, as he walked passed the twins and stopping in front of the pod of his amazing work. "Because the friends of Son Goku are currently trying to break into my Underground Lab, the consciousness transference process will be in jeopardy; therefore I need the two of you to guard me while I'm busy."
However, rather than respond in the way he would want them to, the androids, specifically Android 17, suddenly snatched the remote in his one good arm, causing the mad Doctor to turn around in shock and fear, missing as Android 18 walked around him and onto the pod of Android 21.
"This is the controller you used to deactivate us last time, isn't it Dr. Gero?" The black haired male mused, inspecting the device he held. "I think I should better hold on to it, just to be safe."
And suddenly that shock and fear the old man felt, turned into rage.
"Android 17 what are you doing?" He, Gero, demanded, "Give me back that controller!"
But rather than follow Dr. Gero's orders, the rebellious Android crushed the device in his hands with a smirk on his face, before he dropped the pieces on the floor... and not a second after he did that, the titanium doors shielding this lair from outsiders, explosively shattered to pieces.
Gero snarled. 'Damn it!'
Because on top of dealing with these disrespectful little brats, which was annoying enough on its own, he now had to deal with the arrival of Son Goku's friends, who he wouldn't have had trouble dealing with if everything had gone according to his plans. If Android 17 and 18 acted like they were supposed to, then while they would deal with the friends of his enemy, he would be getting comfortable in his new body before heading over to kill Son Goku (after the twins would have killed his friends) before he moved to take over the World and shape it in his image.
'Maybe I can still salvage this,' he thought, ignoring the rage he currently felt at the rebellious twin androids because maybe at this moment... their programmings would recognize him as it was supposed to, and maybe he could still achieve his goal. "Kill them! Kill them now my androids! I created you so you have to do as I say!"
"Why don't we hear what 21 has to say about that?" Android 18 suggested, smirking.
Android 17 crossed his hands over his chest, smirking. "Good call sis; but we won't know until we pop open that lid. Care to do the honors?"
"What!? NO-"
However Gero was silenced before he could finish his sentence.
'Curse… you… both!'
And as he felt the invading limb in his chest roughly pull out the life faded from his eyes, while his body dropped to the ground headless, because Android 17 sliced off said body part and crushed it under his knee.
"Finally, now we can work in peace."
A growl escaped Trunks' throat.
"How is this possible?" he stated, referring to what was happening to his eyes but it was for reasons different from what most would think. "My arrival shouldn't have contaminated the Timeline this much!"
The news of Time Travelling didn't surprise the Z-fighters that much; in fact, it was thanks to that, the Time Traveling, that they were able to survive today so far because if they didn't heed Trunks warning three years ago, they, the Z-fighters minus Goku, wouldn't be as strong as they were right now and in response to their lack of training, the Androids would have taken their lives with their first strike.
Unfortunately they weren't dealing with the ones that took their lives.
Thanks to Trunks' returning to the past - or their present - they were able to realise that the ones that they fought and were about to defeat, were fakes; that the real androids might be out there still waiting and watching; by the time they got their grip, however, in order to end the life of the one capable of activating said androids, their target had vanished, leaving all seven fighters to search for the man who didn't even leave an energy trail for them to trace.
It was thanks to Bulma that they were able to find his lab.
Unfortunately, they were too late, however, because it seemed like the Androids that Trunks warned them about, were already activated by Gero and because of that... the expression on many of the Z-fighters faces was fear, while some others looked on at the pair who just murdered their master with anger, and dismissal.
"Oh please, don't tell me that this is what you're all afraid of." the Prince of the Saiyan Race was the one who looked at the pair in a disappointing dismissal. Unseen by most however, was the bubbling excitement that was hiding underneath. "You must be weaker than you look if you can't even handle these… pests."
"You do not understand father, those two monsters are stronger than they look!" Trunks stated with anger visible in his voice, one that hid a silver of panic. "And with that third android, this is why I said we should have waited for Goku! On our own, we stand no chance against them!"
"Waiting for Goku wouldn't have made a difference," stated Piccolo with a frown on his face. The Namekian he clenched his hands while he continued speaking out. "…because Gero would still have activated the androids which will in turn cost us a lot of lives."
"See? The Namekian agrees with me, and we all know that it will be a cold day in hell before I allow Kakarot to fight my battles for me." Vegeta said as he brought his right arm and aim's his palm at the Androids, while he begins to charge up his Ki energy. "And unless you want to be a pile of ash like these pathetic waste bins are going to be in a few moments, you will not interrupt me… oh, and stop calling me your ather brat, I have no son."
And at that, Trunks couldn't help but freeze.
"Boy these guys sure are loud…"
Android 17, having just smashed Dr. Gero's after easily kicking it off of his body, crossed his hands and walked up to his twin sister. He ignored the fact that they might be outmatched and outnumbered.
"What do you think sis?" he continued. "Think we should do something about them?"
"Whatever, I don't care."
Android 18, meanwhile, wasn't focused on her brother's question as; she was more focused at the pod in front of her as it opened up with a steamy hiss; and of course, like her 17, she too ignored the fact that the two of them - her and her sibling - might be both outnumbered and outgunned.
"I wonder what our new friend's like." She stated. "Better yet, where do you think the old man found him? And what makes this guy so special that Gero would want to take over his body?"
"Beats me; but nothing's stopping us from finding out."
With an explosive roar of anger, Trunks transformed into a Super Saiyan, charged his energy and fired a blast of raging Chi at the trio of Androids in front of him before Vegeta even had chance of to form his usual dialogue.
The blast from the angry blond was so powerful, that it completely destroyed both Gero's lab, and the mountain that shielded it from unwanted eyes; unfortunately rather than feel the relief that they should've felt from said attack that should've eliminated the threats that were prophesied to take out most of them, most felt shock and fear at seeing that the Androids, surrounded by an orange energy barrier, were still standing unscratched and unflinching… well except for the blond male standing with his right hand stretched out.
"Oi, what the heck? Give a guy to get used to his body before you start wailing on him like a baby."
"But…" stated a shaken Trunks who, was staring at the trio of unharmed Androids in shock as like the rest of the Z-fighters and Vegeta, he was levitating on the air and away from the charred remains of Dr. Gero's lab. "But that was my-I hit them with my strongest attack!"
"And you say your my son?" Vegeta stated, scoffing. "Pathetic. Like I'd ever have a weakling for a brat. I'll be showing these so called monsters how a true Saiyan warrior deals with a pest like them."
"Glad to see you're fully operational 21." Android 17 stated to his newly awakened ally, ignoring the incoming Saiyan Prince. "But you didn't need to do that; pretty sure my sister and I could've tanked that blast..."
"Probably, but I needed to see if the old man really messed me up." Android 21 stated as he withdrew his hand, and looked at both palms while clenching and unclenching them as he dismissed the barrier around him. "Oh, and by the way, the name's Naruto; The old man might've taken away some memories of my past and humanity, but taking away my identity? I'm not going to let him do that."
"Well it looks like another failure for the self-proclaimed genius." Android 18 stated, while her brother chuckled lightly. "I wonder what other mistakes he made when he was working on the three of us."
The arrival of Vegeta stopped a response to Android 18's statement because the trio of androids turned to look at the arrogantly smirking Super Saiyan who stood in front of them, the trio, with his hands crossed over his chest.
"So the three of you are supposed to be this 'big unstoppable threat' that's supposed to kill us?" the prince scoffed. "All I see are a pair of tin cans, and a washing machine that's out of order. I am not impressed."
And suddenly Prince Vegeta found himself hunched forward, gasping a ball of air as the right hand belonging to Android 21/Naruto, screwed itself deeper into the Princes' gut before it was suddenly wrenched out leaving Vegeta to fall to his knees and then on his face while his hair shifted from blond to black.
Naruto stepped back while watching the Prince writhe in agony.
"Huh, will you look at that? I knocked out a bastard in a single punch."
The blond looked up at that voice, seeing an angry Trunks (he didn't know the kid's name) charge at him with his sword drawn and a mighty yell, however instead of showing fear, the whisker faced blond caught the blade of the sword was between his index and middle fingers, snapped it, and threw the pieces of the snapped half away from him.
This transformed Trunks' anger into shock.
But before he could properly process said shock, he was knocked off his feet by a gut wrenching blow from Android 17, and then fell flat on his face with the follow-up 'heel kick' from Android 18.
The three androids watched as, like with Vegeta, Trunks' hair went from blond to its natural blue colour.
"Huh… so they can turn off the blonde, neat."
"The two of us are going to ignore you said that."
"What? I was just pointing out the obvious..."
And as their strongest fighters had been taken out, the Z-fighters could do nothing but watch as the trio of androids took of the flight, away from this scene and away from them, but by the time they were gone, Piccolo and Krillin - finally recovering from their shock - went to recover the bodies of the knocked out Saiyans, speeding each of their recoveries with Senzu Beans and while Trunks was grateful...
Vegeta wasn't.
He was more focused on the blonde pile of garbage that managed to humiliate him, something that made him feel nothing but anger and rage. He was unaware or didn't care that his brief burst of anger forced the Super Saiyan out of him, however, around him, others noticed this and couldn't help but feel concerned.
"Don't tell me you're actually thinking of confronting the androids again." Piccolo stated.
"What I chose to do is not your problem Namekian." Vegeta replied with before he turned to looked at Krillin with a demanding glare. "You, bald one, tell me which direction they fly off to."
And afraid of what Vegeta might do should he choose not to answer, Krillin pointed his finger towards a random direction while responding: "They flew towards that direction, that's all I know!"
"Father, wait!" Trunks yells, appearing in front of the and blocking his pathway, spreading his arms wide as he did so. "You cannot face them on your own! You of all people know how powerful they are!"
"Get out of my way you useless brat." Vegeta replied with a sneer on his face, while he flashes his aura that literally tells Trunks to 'back off'. "Of everyone out here, you don't have the right tell me what to do; and for the last time, I AM NOT YOUR FATHER!"
And at with that said, Trunks couldn't help but watch with a defeated and angry expression on his face as 'his father' shot like a bullet in the direction the androids flew. He dropped to his knees and muttered quietly to himself, "Why father? Why wouldn't you just listen to me?"
"Don't blame yourself Trunks, it's going to take a lot more than words to reach out to someone as hard headed as Vegeta." Piccolo stated as he placed a hand on Trunks' shoulder in a consoling motion. "And besides, in case you haven't noticed, Goku is your father in this timeline even if he isn't is yours, so if you're looking for parental guidance, I suggest you go to him or Bulma right now."
Those words hit Trunks more than Piccolo thought they did, but could he, the half-Saiyan just abandon one father for the other?
He didn't know.
{Back with the Androids...}
"21? 21 are you in there?"
Naruto shook his head.
"Huh?" he stated. "Sorry about that, I was a bit lost in thought."
After flying for a few minutes, the androids landed on a freeway as per 17's request to hijack a ride big enough to fit the three of them. Apparently, knowing that their main goal would eventually be complete because of the lack of strength to oppose them as a group, 17 suggested that they'd all take it slow and steady so that they could have some fun… and what said objective was you ask?
Kill Son Goku of course.
18 didn't bother to argue with her brother knowing how hard headed he could be sometimes.
21, aka Naruto just shrugged and remained silent with his arms crossed over his chest as his back leaned on the rocky wall behind him, and before any of his friends knew it, he was lost in thought. 17 calling his designated name brought his mind back to reality but then before any comment could be made about the whisker faced blond's absent mind, the visions of the trio shifted to the sound of the approaching prince of all Saiyans, before watching said figure touching down a few feet away from where they were.
"Well, I didn't think you of all people would be this stupid Vegeta," 17 said as a smirk appears on his face. "Are you here to beg for us to spare Son Goku?"
"I care not for the life of that weakling." Vegeta stated with an angry snarl on his face. "I am here to exact my revenge and show you useless piles of junk just who it is you're dealing with, and the blonde male who dared humiliate me is going to be my first victim."
"Did you hear that 21?" 17 asked with an amused expression on his face. "Vegeta thinks he's strong enough to kill you…"
"You're not going to let him get away with it…" 18 trails off while she walked up to her fellow blonde - who looked at her with a quirked eyebrow - before pushing herself up his chest and whispering as her lips were a few inches away from his ear, "…are you?"
"Give the man some breathing space 18." 17 chuckled lightly at his sister's antics. "How's he supposed to move if you keep on suffocating him like that?"
Vegeta snapped, "Are you quite finished, because I don't have all day to stand around and watch this nonsense!"
Naruto grabbed 18's shoulder and lightly pushed her away from him, while ignoring her startled look, before stepping in front of her and walking towards Vegeta.
"If Vegeta wants to fight me so badly, then who am I to stop the all-powerful Prince of all Saiyans?" He said before he came to a stop a few meters in front of the Saiyan prince. "Well Vegeta, ready for round two? I'm still getting used to this body…" His smirk turned malicious at this point, "How 'bout it, wanna help me work over some knicks?"
"Let's see if you'll be singing the same tune when I'm done with you."
{Moments Earlier…}
Naruto smirked as he looked at the bloodied and beaten figure bound in front of him with chains.
The figure was like a mirror image of him except where he had red eyes, right now, this one was with a pair of blue eyes, and compared to the mirror image in front of him, he had a thicker shade of whisker marks on each of his cheeks.
"How does it feel to be on the other side of the bench? Kurama's cell doing it for you?"
All he received in response was a growl.
This did nothing to shake the look of victory on his face. In fact, he laughed a bit at that, walking past the cage in front of him before stopping in front of his prisoner and crossing his hands over his chest.
"'Gotta say, I was honestly surprised when I realized I split from you again." he stated. "At first I thought that maybe it had something to do with Kurama you know? With him and the other Bijuu's sacrificing themselves to make sure we come out of that particular blunder alive... I thought that maybe I might have been a remnant of that massive explosion which I guess would make me the manifestation of a new Juubi, but then I a little while later, I realized: 'What if I could use this'? I'm sure you can put two and two together to figure out what happened next. Your body being in comatose for all those years made it a little bit easier."
"You…" the bound duplicate growled. "You won't get away with this."
"Maybe," stated a shrugging 'Naruto'. "Maybe not. All I know is that I'm out, and I'm gonna enjoy my freedom for as much as I can."
"21? 21 are you in there?"
Both 'Naruto's' felt as their entire mindscape shook and the Naruto that wasn't bound, looked up, before he looked down at his duplicate - that was definitely not a shadow clone - with his smirk returning.
"Well, this is my stop. Don't know when I'll be coming back so yeah… have fun."
The bound Naruto glared at the space the his 'other half' once stood.
'I'll find a way out of this… somehow.'
Author's Note: So here we go again. Good news: This story is being rewritten from scratch with one or two things being changed along the lines. This first chapter is a rework of the original Chapter One and because I have all the original chapters stored in a drive, it's going to be easy for me to work. Bad news, I deleted the old chapters on the .net site.
Here's hoping I get a good response to this.
Also, the whole 'Chaos Emeralds' thing? While it was a good idea, I think that's one of the few things I'm gonna scrap out… that was pretty obvious with me making Dark Naruto sort of the physical manifestation of the combination of the remainder of all the tailed beasts chakra.
Don't worry I have a plan.