So... in short, this story tells the story of warriors... if they were human. Not a Warrior Cat High story... more like a human version of the Warriors Story. Firepaw as a new kid in the neighborhood... who gets into a scuffle involving Greypaw... lotsa randomness! T for swearing!


The car hit a couple bumps as Rusty's parents cheerfully stared at him through the review mirror. "We're almost to our new apartment!"

Rusty looked out the window. City, lots of alleyways (this will makes sense later) as they rode into the city and into their apartment building. Many kids gave his family and him strange looks. You see, among the humans (or twolegs as Rusty liked to call them) lived some half human cat hybrids and some mothers even led their children away. Rusty sighed. Rascist.

His parents were too oblivious to notice. They signed in at the counter. This was an extremely expensive, nice place. Rusty didn't like the pish posh look though.

"Sorry, you can't stay here." said the man at the counter. Rusty's head snapped from the brown haired boy who had slowly been backing away from him to the man at the counter. He wasn't seriously going to-

"No cats allowed." His parents tried to protest, but the man cut them off. "Leave." he said coldly, and Rusty's claws unsheathed from his fingers. 'How DARE he-' but his parents quickly leftthe building without a fight. Reluctantly he followed, growling at a boy trying to touch him.

They ended up in an extremely cheap aprtment that could barely fit the three of them. It was near an alleyway, which kind of intrigued Rusty.

Paint was peeling of the walls, there was a thick layer of dust covering everything snd several cobwebs. Not to mention the windows, which we'ee cracked and let cold air in. He tugged unconciously at the cat collar he wore, almost ripping it. But he stopped himself, knowing his parents wouldn't like it if he ripped it.

Rusty was a teenager with firey red hair with two rather large "ear tufts" protruding from the spiky mess that was his hair. He had bright green eyes and wore a sleevless orange shirt and white shorts.

'Well, home sweet home' he thought.