
This story is brought to you by two authors who are known as the Wicked Witches of the East and West. The story is told from two narrators points of view, Elphaba and Galinda. Elphaba's writing will be in bold, whilst Galinda's is normal. This was originally a rp thread, as will all of our stories be, so the format is a little odd. If you would like more information on this please do visit our main page.

This story had trigger warnings of rape and torture so please do not proceed any further if you have issues with this.

Sincerely, The Wicked Witches

Note: This story takes place after the melting, Elphaba is presumed dead by oz.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I can do what I want, I do not owe you an explanation," The green witch smiled wickedly at her captive before she turned away and started to search through the chest against the wall for the tie she needed.

Glinda was scared, she had to admit. In all her years of knowing Elphaba she had never acted quite like this. But they had been apart for a long time. She was Glinda the Good now, and the person that stood in front of her was most definitely playing the part of the Wicked Witch. She decided to alter the question slightly, to see if she could gain a better answer.

"What do you intend to do with me" She asked shakily, unable to eliminate that wobble from her voice. She was trying to appear strong, well as strong as one could when tied to a chair.

She turned around with the tie and a whip in her hands. Anger burned her veins as she stepped closer to the blonde.

"Payback, you rat." She hissed.

Glinda's eyes zeroed in on the objects Elphaba held. Or rather the Witch held. For this creature before her did not seem like the green bean from Shiz.

"What for?" She asked, a panicked tone evident in her voice. She didn't even try to conceal it.

The witch tied the cloth around Glinda's head in an attempt to mumble her words.

"For abandoning me, for helping the Wizard, your list goes on and on your Goodness." she spat at her before moving away again, testing the weight and feeling of the whip in her hand.

Glinda baulked as she was silenced and Elphaba strolled round with the whip. She was petrified. She was unable to plead her innocence, unable to bring Elphaba to her senses. Still she tried.

'Please Elphaba' she tried to say, but all that was distinguishable was a muffled whine.

The witch heard the whine but ignored it as she stopped behind her captive and raised the whip taking a deep steadying breath as she readied herself to strike the blonde.

She'd stopped. Why had she stopped!? Glinda struggled to turn, and failed, to see why Elphaba had halted, her panic elevating.

She brought the whip down hard, smiling at the snap of leather hitting bare skin.

Glinda screamed, her cries being slightly muffled by the fabric. Still they pierced what had been silence. It had been so unexpected, despite knowing Elphaba held the whip. She hadn't truly believed that she would harm her.

"Elphaba" She tried to say, once again failing, it only coming out as a muffled cry. Tears fell from her eyes as the pain radiated across her shoulder, that being where the whip had struck her. She needed to bring the green girl back to her senses, before she was harmed more. She seemed to have gone insane.

"Elphaba please" She cried, the words being distorted as they left her mouth.

The witch smiled at the muffled cries, and debated removing the gag to hear the full scream but decided against it. Instead she brought the whip down across the other shoulder before bringing it down once again over the mark left by her first hit.

She screamed. It hurt so much. Why was this happening? She did not deserve this punishment, she had been forced into an alliance with them. Surely Elphaba new that when she had left her behind that fateful day. As the whip came down across the previous mark she lunged forward in reaction, her hands lifting a little behind her back, unable to do any more being bound behind the chair.

"Elphaba" She tried to shout, "ELPHABA!"

She decided now was the time to talk.

"You call me Wicked! Now you will find out just how Wicked I can be." She grabbed Glinda's upper arm harshly and threw her face first to the floor, a foot to the small of her back keeping her pinned down as she landed more hits over the blonde's back with the leather strap.

Marveling at the bright red and purple marks forming on the pale skin.

Glinda's head span briefly upon the impact with the floor, but she was soon returned to clarity as fresh pain flared across her back. Pitiful cries fled from her mouth as she was pressed harshly into the floor, her hands still firmly secured behind her back, stopping her from struggling away.

"Stop. Stop" She screamed, still unable to form words. She was going to die here, there was no doubt in her mind. And she was terrified.

She stopped after a few more hits. Leaning down she removed the dagger from her boot and cut the tie off from Glinda's mouth finally deciding that she wanted to hear the screams. Pulling back and stood up, taking the blonde with her, and moved over to a rope hanging from the beams above. She quickly untied and retied the blonde's hands in front of her before tying them to the rope to hold them over her head.

"Keep screaming your Goodness, maybe your fellow Ozians will hear and come to your rescue," She taunted as she pulled back and brought the whip down over the blonde again.

Glinda struggled to stand as she was hit again, leaning heavily into the rope that supported her weight from above. She heard her clothes rip a little, and in any other situation would have despaired at the action. Right now she had greater fears, like for her life.

Biting back pain she began to plead.

"Elphaba please. You know why I work with the Wizard, It is not by choice. You think I like to call you wicked, to turn people against you…"

"Stop talking and scream!" the witch growled as she brought the whip down close to the blonde's neck this time. "I don't believe a word you could possibly say! You're the one full of lies and deceit!" Another hit, this time out of blind rage, hit the blonde across the face.

Glinda hissed in pain as the whip lashed across her cheek, cutting it and drawing blood. But she bit back her scream. She refused to give Elphaba what she wanted, thinking it might keep her alive a little longer. And also because of that little defiant streak that refused to give in to her, to give in to the Wicked Witch.

"Never" She spat, meaning it as an answer to both statements. She was not the one lying in this room, not the one putting on a mask. And she was going to try her hardest not to utter another whimper.

She backhanded her across her cut cheek, moving the blood around her fingers with a wicked smile as she pulled her hand back, admiring the bright red over her green skin.

"We will see," She hummed almost singing as she moved back to the chest to pull out another switch, this one a razor on its tip. "We shall see."