Chapter 15: Master & padawan

Jhoan Ti's POV
I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, master Obi-Wan Kenobi was right in front of my nose! I always heard stories about him and his deceased master Qui-Gon Jinn, and he was going to be my master!? This could be interesting, I properly kneeled in fron of him, bowin' my head in respect, suddenly I felt a hand in my right shoulder and heard a calm voice, "Rise my young padawan, there's no need for formalities."

Immediately I stood up in my two legs facing master Kenobi, Obi-Wan took me throught the halls of the temple until we arrived to my chambers, "There are jedi robes inside your chamber, put them on and meet me in the hangar." And with that Obi-Wan was gone leaving me alone in my chamber, I striped myself naked and change into my new jedi robes, what surprised me was that my Jedi robes were all white including my boots, after getting changed I walked towards the bathroom with a shaving knife on my hand and looked at myself reflected in the mirror, having a master was a big step for me and I didn't know how to feel at the moment, one word could describe it, and that was scared, then with great care I started shaving my head leaving a piece of hair at the nape that in time it will grow to be a braid.

After shaving my head I walked out of the chambers and went straight to the hangar, I got many stares from other Jedi and young ones as well but it was easier to ignore, I didn't saw Ahsoka the entire way, so I figured that she was in the library, when I finally got to the hangar I saw my master with a few temple police troopers near the cruicible, the ship was a sight to be hold, it transported the young ones who were ready to travel to the planet Ilum to get their Kyber crystals when they were ready, It's a tradition that has been carried out for generations during the days of the old republic.

I walked up to my master and bowed my head in respect, he motioned me to walk with him inside the cruicible and we walked straight towards the quarters while the pilots were getting ready for takeoff.

Once in the quarters they sat Indian style facing each other, Obi-wan's blue eyes looked deeply into Jhoan's blue ones as they sat in an awkward silence,

"My padawan," said finally Obi-wan breaking the silence "You won't be going to Ilum, master Yoda has a different test for you in mind"

"What test master?"

"A different kind of test my young padawan."

And so the cruicible took off into the coruscanti space and jumped into hyperspace.

"As you know my young padawan the Jedi order has many temples or outposts spread throughout the stars. Well, I need you to concentrate in one of them and..."

"The force will lead me to one of them?" Interrupted Jhoan.

"You're a fast learner padawan." Remarked Obi Wan Kenobi.

And so Jhoan closed his eyes and concentrated deeply.

"I see a tunnel of some kind, it is long and has 4 bright stars and..."


"It's on Lothal!"

"Then to Lothal we must go, pilot?"

"Yes master kenobi?"

"Set a course to the Lothal system."

"Yes sir."

2 hours later...

After two hours of hyperspace travel the ship finally arrived at the Lothal system and touched ground in front of a giant rock, most of the soil was iced and there was an iced lake nearby, Jhoan was stunned. "Master, I was expecting a temple, not a boulder, maybe this isn't the right place but at the same time the force tells me otherwise."

"Looks can be deceiving my young padawan," explained Obi-Wan "now, go look for the entrance."

While Obi-Wan meditated Jhoan aproached the giant boulder looking for an entrance, after hours of searching he was about to give up but he felt it again, like the boulder was calling to him, and so, trusting his instincts he placed his hands on the boulder and closed his eyes, "The temple, it's calling to me. No wait, us, master and padawan, together!" Thought Jhoan.

"Master!" called out Jhoan while running towards Obi-Wan Kenobi, "I figured it out, it has to be together." Obi-Wan smiled at him like a father proud of his son and got himself up, "Then together it shall be."

Both of them faced the boulder, stretched their hands and closed their eyes, conecting with the force, suddenly the boulder stated rotating and raising at the same time, after five minutes which felt an eternity for Jhoan, master and padawan opened their eyes, Jhoan was amazed. There was an entrance right in front of them!