2 months later..
Kiyal just laid in bed wide awake. She tried to sleep but lately the baby inside her had been making that hard.
"Trouble sleeping again"Viral asked opening his eyes.
"Yeah it's like the baby is doing flips in there"Kiyal said laughing. "Feel for yourself"Kiyal said putting his hand on her stomach. His eyes widened when he felt it kick.
"You know how you're immortal do you think that's something our kid could get"Kiyal asked.
"I never really thought about it I guess it's possible tomorrow we can ask the Spiral King"Viral said.
"Well we-"Kiyal cut off when she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen.
"What's wrong"Viral asked.
"I think my water just broke but that makes no sense it's a month early"Kiyal said.
"Well either way we gotta get you to Leeron"Viral said picking her up bridal style and rushing her out the door. When they got to Leeron's he smiled.
"Ah what brings you two here"Leeron asked.
"I think the babies coming"Kiyal said.
"The baby is nearly a month early"Leeron said.
"We know"Kiyal said.
"That shouldn't happen unless…." His voice trailed off and he looked at Viral. "Unless Kiyal got to you before I did"Leeron said winking at Viral. Viral panicked and backed away from Leeron freaked out that he would say something like that.
"I hate to break whatever the heck this is up but i'm kinda in pain"Kiyal said.
"Ok set her in the other room"Leeron said. Viral did and then Leeron shooed him out. After a few hours Viral couldn't stand just sitting outside the room waiting so he went to talk to the spiral king.
"I haven't seen you in awhile"Lorgedome said once he saw Viral.
"I have some questions for you"Viral said cutting right to the chase.
"Involving your child I presume"Lorgedome asked.
"How did you-"
"I overheard Kinon talking about it"Lorgedome said interrupting him. Viral just nodded and got back on the topic he came here for.
"The baby is coming a month before it's supposed to"Viral said.
"And you wish to know why"Lorgedome asked.
"Yeah"Viral said.
"You're a beastman and beastmen's children develop at a faster rate. The only reason the baby only came a month early is because Kiyal is a human. The child will inherit some of your beastmen qualities and some of Kiyal's human traits.
"So it might also be immortal"Viral said.
"Probably not but it's life span will definitely be longer than that of an average human"Lorgedome said.
"Can that woman's body take the stress of having a child with beastmen qualities inside of her"Viral asked.
"It's not likely. There is a less than five percent chance she will survive"Lorgedome said. Viral gasped and looked at the head shocked. Because of his own selfish desires to have a family the woman carrying his child was about to die.
"Don't look so down she's part of team gurren and we work better when the odds are against us"Kinon said.
"What are you doing here"Viral asked.
"Coming to see our niece or nephew of course"Kiyoh said.
"Viral you can come see her now"Leeron said. Viral didn't hesitate he followed Leeron who stopped outside the room.
"She's really tired so you can't stay too long"Leeron told Viral. Viral just nodded before going inside. He was surprised to not only see Kiyal alive but he saw her holding two bundles. Viral walked over to her and when she saw him she gave him a tired smile.
"So what do you think"Kiyal asked looking down at the two bundles. Viral looked at the babies and couldn't help but smile. He had been doing that a lot more ever since Kiyal moved in with him.
"Lorgedome said there was a really good chance you wouldn't have made it"Viral said.
"I know he told me the chances of survival a long time ago"Kiyal said smiling.
"You're crazy"Viral said.
"Do you wanna hold one"Kiyal asked.
"I don't know if I should"Viral said looking at his hands.
"It will be just like when you held Anne"Kiyal said handing him one of the babies.
3 months later….
Lorgedome had definitely been right both of the kids were walking and talking just as well as Anne who was more than a full year older than them. They both had beautiful golden eyes and one had white hair while the other had black hair. The girls were playing together while Kiyal and Viral watched them.
"Is this what you wanted"Kiyal asked leaning her head on Viral's shoulder.
"No it's more"Viral said. He smiled as he watched his girls. He had a wife and two beautiful daughters which was more than he ever thought he would get. The scene in front of him was much better than his dream.