I was gonna write a chapter of pure smut...but instead, I did this. Sorry? XD; It just wrote itself, and I couldn't deny the inner muse. You can use your imaginations to see everything else! This was a fun ride though, and I am kinda sad to see it end. Still, it was good times. Now to focus on other stuff!

Disclaimer: Marvel is not my property. which is obvious.

Tony was pretty sure he'd lost himself somewhere in the den of impropriety and lust that had become Steve's bedroom. His skin was coated in sweat and the combined slick of his and Steve's cocks, and Loki's personal juices were glistening everywhere; in her hair, on her thighs, staining both their throats and chins in honeyed smears. How many times had they gone down on her? How many times had Loki taken one of them between her bruised, ruddy lips, while the other fucked her from behind and made her scream for more? Tony couldn't even keep track anymore. Somewhere around the seventh round he'd pretty much blacked out.

A gentle stirring to his left reminded him that he was still trapped in the tangle of limbs and sheets taking up the bed. Tony peeked down and saw Loki passed out on his chest, her dark weave of hair cascading across his skin and glistening like an onyx waterfall. In sleep, she looked less like a devious trickster and more-well, peaceful at the moment. With her pink cheeks and smudge of lashes brushing her skin, a pale hand draped across his arc reactor, Loki was beguiling. A true goddess of sex, but placated. Which he could take half the credit for. Yeah, that was a super nice feeling.

Loki made a quiet noise and wriggled closer to his side, the flutter of breath across his flesh making him shiver. Tony grinned, curling his hand deep into that thick mane and brushing it aside to expose her shoulder. Awake or asleep, he couldn't stop touching her. Hell, it seemed like a crime not to have his hand on her in some way! And apparently Steve agreed.

"I think we wore her out." Looking particularly pleased with himself, he rolled over and grinned at Tony. Steve was riddled with scratch marks and bruises, some made by Tony himself, though a fair few were caused by Loki's sharp claws. She took aggressive sex to the next level, not that he was in any way complaining.

"No kidding. I guess even Norse gods are susceptible to the exhaustion brought on by multiple orgasms," Tony chuckled, watching the blond span her hip with his hand and affectionately nose the exposed crook of Loki's neck, dropping light kisses here and there. It was a small thing, but it reeked of an intimacy that transcended everything they'd done together. Tony couldn't help but fluster a bit at the sight. "Let me ask you something. You and Lokes...you're a thing, right?"

"A thing," Steve repeated, quirking a golden brow. Tony couldn't help but notice that it was the exact same gesture Loki always made. Who had learned from the other? Or was it just something they had in common? Either or, it was oddly adorable. "I don't think I've ever seen you this awkward before Tony. What happened to the Tony Stark we're all supposed to know and love?"

"You fucked him into incoherency. And I'm not awkward! I just want to know if you and Loki are legit together. You know, as an actual couple." Not that he really needed an answer. Steve stroked that fair skin as if it was the most delicate china, or the silkiest of lily petals. It wasn't reverence, but pure commitment. Oh yeah, they were definitely together. "You are...wow," Tony shook his head and grinned. "I bet there's a story behind that. Captain America and a living, breathing god. How did that even happen?" More importantly, why drag him into this if they were such a loving couple? It didn't make sense.

Slowing in his caress of the slumbering trickster's flesh, Steve chuckled, drawing his fingertips back up her arm. "The same way it happens for other people Tony. We got to know each other. I don't know what you're thinking, but there wasn't any magical moment where we swooned and fell into each other's arms. It took time. Patience. A lot of patience," he added. "We had to get past our share of hurdles before either of us was comfortable committing to this. But once we did, things just..clicked. I'm not saying it's perfect or anything, but it's pretty damn close."

Goddamn. If Hallmark could patent the look of devout rapture on Steve's face right now, they'd make a fortune. "Aw Cap, is this love? I've gotta say, you couldn't pick a more prime physical specimen. All these curves?" Tony shaped the outline of Loki's hips and breasts with his hand, allowing his fingertips to skin across a nipple shadowed by a stray lock of hair. "She's a knockout."

"You should see him in a suit."

Ok, that answered another of Tony's questions. Obviously the guy was nowhere near being straight, but if Steve was attracted to Loki as a male, OR female, then they probably went both ways. Fuck, what would sex with Loki as a guy be like? "You're one lucky son of a gun. If I had this all to myself, I don't know if I'd be willing to share." Tony followed the lush contours of that body all the way down to the apex between her thighs, and the black curls that dwelt there. Their tickling softness was enough to remind him of all the stuff they'd done together, and Tony was tempted to find out if the trickster was still loose from their last round. "Fuck. This much temptation can't be healthy for a guy! How are you not horny 24/7?"

"Believe me, it's not for a lack of trying on Loki's part. She can be pretty sneaky." Being the god of mischief and all, that wasn't hard to imagine. But Tony was more interested in the sudden grin taking over Steve's face. He knew that grin. It was Loki's. "You know what? I think it's high time the tables were turned."

"You mean play her own game?" Tony smoothed his palm down Loki's thigh, purring darkly. "You're getting all devious on me Rogers. I like it. Loki must be wearing off on you."

"You have no idea," Steve laughed, and hell, the sound of it was enough to get Tony's cock rising to attention again. Holy shit, one man should not have this much sex appeal! "If you're interested, I've got a few ideas in mind." Steve shifted on the bed and knelt beside Loki's sleeping form, which he carefully maneuvered closer to himself, his tan fingers winding into her mane. One gentle tug and she mewled in her sleep, her thighs parting evocatively.

If Tony didn't have a hard on before, he certainly did now. "I'm all ears."

That cheshire smile grew, blue eyes twinkling in the low light. Somewhere, somehow, America's poster boy had become a sexual deviant, and there wasn't a single thing Tony could find to complain about. "Jarvis?" Steve tilted his head towards the ceiling, though his hand was up to its own business, coaxing more noises out of the god's lips as he teased and tugged Loki's hair. And each noise went straight to Tony's crotch. "You showed Tony all the videos of us together, didn't you?"

"Sir was quite adamant about investigating into your sexual exploits, Captain Rogers. Though I'm afraid he only made it to the fifteenth file before he decided to seek out the natural source for his personal entertainment." Jarvis paused, assessing the three of them on the bed. Tony knew that was what he was doing; he'd built him. "You three appear adequately satiated now. I trust your endeavors were successful then?"

"All thanks to you. We couldn't have done it without you Jarvis."

"Wha-" Tony's brain wasn't computing fast enough to keep up with all of the blood rushing towards his cock, but he was damn well aware enough to realize that yes, Jarvis and Steve were having a conversation. Not only that, but it implied prior ones too. Talks that reeked of subterfuge. He turned a shocked gaze on the blond and exhaled a slightly breathy laugh. "Oh, you sneaky bastard. You two planned this!"

"Suspected. We suspected." Steve amended. "You weren't exactly subtle Tony. Loki saw you watching us outside the kitchen, and once Jarvis told us about the videos, it wasn't that hard to figure out what you were up to." He reached across the slumbering god and cupped the back of Tony's neck, pulling him in for a caress of their lips. "Remind me. What's our record for, what'd you call it? Climax suppression?"

FUCK. Fuck, fuck- "Dammit Cap," he groaned, licking the swell of Steve's lower lip, eager fingers joining the blond's in their venture towards Loki's warmth. "An hour, twenty minutes. Maybe fifteen, if Loki begs."

"Right. Jarvis?" A searing cobalt gaze punched all the air from Tony's lungs, its owner staring him down with all the intensity Steve had to offer. "The minimum is an hour thirty. Anything that goes over, make a note. But we're not leaving this room until that time's up."

"I've already taken every necessary precaution to ensure your privacy, Captain. You may enjoy the rest of your night of in peace. There will be no distractions. And Sir?" Jarvis paused, no doubt taking in Tony's panting form and half swelled cock. "Do remember that you are not a genetically modified super being, nor a magically talented extraterrestrial. There is no shame in submission, when it is for the good of your own health. But I do hope you enjoy yourself."

Traitor. TRAITOR! Even still, Tony had never been more proud. "Thanks J. This is why you're daddy's favorite." He turned his attention back to his two new lovers and threw himself completely into the games afoot. No going back now. Tony was going to milk this for everything he could, starting...

Well. He already had.