Jade pulled into her parking spot and almost jumped out of the car before turning it off. She was in a rush and couldn't be bothered with it. She sprinted across the parking lot while keeping an eye out for Trina's car just in case. But hadn't she seen Trina's car parked at their house? She must have been dropped off by Trina at her house, used Jade's car to take Hazel, came back, and was now gone all without transportation, leaving nothing but a note behind? That didn't seem right at all. Jade cursed under her breath. That meant that Tori wasn't missing out of her own free will. Something had happened to her.
The thought alone made Jade sick with dread. Never had she felt more scared than now with Tori in danger. She barged into the pizzeria flustered but set on her course of action. She had to find the manager and demand answers even if she had to get violent. No one threatened Tori and got away with it. She marched through every area of the building looking for the manager, leaving the office for last. She had a feeling that's where he would be, waiting for her. She was right in her speculation. She stopped in the doorway after stomping down the east hall. He sat there, leaning back in the chair, his feet up on the desk. He smiled when he saw her.
"You're awfully early," he commented. Jade scowled at him.
"Don't fuck with me. What did you do with her?" Jade demanded, her voice a terse low growl. He let his feet fall to the ground heavily and then he stood, towering over her.
"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Are you feeling alright? Maybe you've been working too hard," he responded, his own voice calm and even.
"An innocent mask doesn't fit on you. I'm not fooled," she responded. His smile pulled into one that was a bit more sinister.
"You seem to forget who orders who," he told her, taking a step forward.
"You don't scare me," she snarled, her posture like a cornered animal.
"I know, but they do, and harm coming to those you love certainly does the trick," he remarked tauntingly. Something in Jade snapped in that moment. She lunged at him, landing a blow to his stomach then his face. He caught her next swing and backhanded her sharply, dazing her. He quickly pinned her arms to her sides from behind and covered her mouth with a cloth. Jade inhaled once and held her breath, knowing that if she breathed in she was done for.
"Now, now, don't be difficult," he sneered in her ear. He pressed harder over her nose and mouth then slammed her into the desk in front of her. The force winded her and made her involuntarily suck in a breath. She squirmed in his hold but she already began to fall under. Everything rapidly went dark and she passed out. When she groggily came to she was sitting in the office. She groaned and glanced around to see it was dark except for the overhead bulb. Had she fallen asleep during her shift or something? Was it all a dream? She tried to get up and found that she was stuck. She looked down to see she was tied to the chair around her middle. It wasn't a dream. Her arms were free to move so the first thing she did was try out the lights and doors. They worked, but what was she doing here?
"It was nice of you to come into work early. I took the liberty of giving you time to rest before your shift. You've been damaging property so I took measures to keep you in your seat. I hope that isn't too hard of a rule to follow. Best of luck tonight. You'll need it. I won't be seeing you again."
The manager's voice ended with a chuckle and Jade grit her teeth. Her fingers tried finding a weakness in the binding. She was stuck in place, a sitting duck. She had no choice but to play along at this point so she picked up the tablet and checked the camera feeds. She worked at the knots she found in the rope while she checked. No one was in place and the stage was darkened so she shut both doors until she could figure out where they all were. Foxy banged on the door and when he left she checked the lights for Bonnie and Chica respectively. They weren't there. She tried using the tactics she had the last night but the animatronics were worse now and far more insistent. That and she was juggling getting herself free at the same time. With Foxy attacking again and Bonnie plus Chica added in the mix it didn't surprise her when Freddy eventually got close enough to stand in the east hall corner. He never hung around the blind spot so Jade knew he was a step away from getting in. She moved to shut the right door then looked at pirate cove, relieved to see that Foxy was still there. She checked the lights next. Chica wasn't there but Bonnie was. She attempted to close the door on him but she was too late, he already jammed them, and she was still stuck to the chair by a few coils of rope, helpless.
In fear and haste she kicked back to scoot the chair away from him but also managed to hit the button that opened the right door in the process. Bonnie grabbed her and Freddy came in to tear the rest of the rope free in his attempt to get her. Jade kicked at Bonnie enough that he dropped her. She threw herself into a roll past him toward the east hall and stopped in a crouching position where she palmed her scissors from her boot. She lashed out at Chica who ran at her first. She cut her across the stomach then jabbed them in Freddy's eye when he advanced. She lost her grip on it when he reared back, sparks flying. She pushed past them both, through the office, and out into the west hall. Bonnie had gone around the back-up caused by Freddy and Chica to get to her but stopped in the dining area when she came skidding in. A violent twitch made his jaws snap and then he was running at her. She heard scrabbling metal behind her and turned to see Foxy emerge. She threw herself to the side and he missed her when he lunged, crashing into Bonnie. They were too tangled at the moment to get up so Jade ran for the exit. She stopped in her tracks, too stunned to move, when the light on the stage suddenly came on. That wasn't what stopped her though. What really stopped her was what was on the stage.
"No," she gasped, her heart squeezing painfully in her chest. Tori was tied to a chair with her hands held behind her. Jade's lack of movement shifted into high gear when Freddy returned to grab at her. She ducked under his arms and ran to the stage which she leaped onto. Now that she was closer she noticed that Tori was unconscious and a bruise discolored her tan cheek. The thought of that lunatic laying a hand on her made Jade's blood boil but she forced herself to stay focused. She crouched down and untied her then patted at her cheek.
"Tori, you need to wake up. Tori!" she called, shaking her by the shoulders now. Tori groaned and her eyelids fluttered open. Hope rose in Jade when recognition appeared in Tori's dazed brown eyes. She smiled in relief.
"Jade, you found me," she said, grinning.
"Of course I did," Jade replied, resting a hand on her face. Tori's smile fell to be replaced by an expression of terror.
"Look out!" she warned, eyes on something over Jade's shoulder. She spun around but Bonnie already yanked her back by her shoulder. She fell back to hit the tile below where Freddy picked her up by the neck once more. She snarled down at him, his ruined face still run through with her scissors, facing her. She reached for them and tore them loose to strike at his arm over and over again. She must have hit some mechanical form of a nerve because he dropped her at the doorway to the backstage room. She pushed off the floor to escape but he snagged her again with his other hand. This time she was too far from her scissors which were lodged in his opposite arm. She had nothing to arm herself with. A scream from Tori made her grip the doorway in an attempt to refuse entry.
"Jade!" Tori yelped, panicked.
"Tori!" Jade screamed back, desperate to get to her. Freddy yanked on her and her grip slipped. A muscle in her left arm stung from the force. He shoved her into the room where she hit the table laden with spare parts. She scrambled for a head and chucked it at him but he knocked it away and gripped her by the back of her shirt. He pushed her forward towards a spare Freddy animatronic suit hunched over on the floor. The back was open and Jade's stomach gave an uncomfortable churn at the realization that she was about to be stuffed inside. She threw herself back against Freddy but he just shoved her at it. She hit the suit hard, cutting open the palm of her left hand on an edge of metal when she tried to catch herself from falling face first. She hissed at the twinge of pain but it was quickly built upon when Freddy's strong arm came down on her back and began to push. Her right hand splayed out against the shoulder of the deactivated animatronic to try and push back, but it was no use. Her left arm slipped and was stuck under her, pinned to her side.
Rods, wires, and beams pressed into her skin, a stray rod that stuck out at an odd angle began to dig into her side. Freddy made a strange sound and pushed harder. Her legs and arm shook under the force but held. She only hoped they prolonged her time until she was saved. Freddy's hand adjusted to push at the middle of her back while he got the other moving enough to push at the back of her head. The newly applied force crippled her attempts enough that her jaw hit the edge of something jutting out, splitting skin and jarring bone. Her teeth clenched tightly followed by a pained cry when the rest of her left side forcefully made contact with the inside of the suit. Odds and ends along with sharp points struck all down her side from shoulder to hip. She was lucky enough that her arm provided a form of shield for her more vulnerable side. Only the rod that had been poking her earlier now pierced her skin, sinking in and poking out the other side. A particularly rough shove brought tears to her eyes which fell soon after at the sensation of her arm beginning to give in.
The various metals shred flesh and bent bone slowly, torturously, until Jade was sobbing at the pain and begging for it to end. Yet she still held on as much as she could, pushing back with her other arm and her legs. Her neck strained to keep her face away and was a little easier to do since that arm wasn't nearly as strong anymore. Jade screamed in agony when he shoved again. She could feel every tear in her skin, every crack of bone, the flow of warm blood dripping into the suit and painting her torn body. She was starting to loose strength now. It was getting too hard to fight. Her trembling form began molding into the suit and she was just about to fail altogether when a mighty war cry echoed around the room. It was followed by Freddy getting violently thrown to the side. He hit the wall and slid down, his jaw hanging loose. Tori was revealed wielding what looked like a spare endoskeleton arm. She rammed the end into Freddy's head, smashing his face in.
"Tor…" Jade choked out, allowing her body to relax against the suit she was practically melded against at the moment. After Tori had been left on the stage and Jade was dragged away she ran to get her back when Chica tried to catch her. She broke a chair on her to get away and ended up running around dodging Bonnie and Foxy until Preston arrived. He knew she would be targeted and used against Jade. It was only a matter of time, so, he waited for the right moment to step in. He took one look at Tori barely staying a step ahead and ran in with his metal bat. He bashed in Chica's legs, beheaded Foxy with a well-aimed swing, and crushed the whole top half of Bonnie's head. He had always hated the purple bunny the most. With the animatronics in pieces Tori rushed to rescue Jade.
When she found her she grabbed the nearest weapon, a spare endoskeleton arm, and let loose on Freddy. Now he lay twitching and sparking against the wall. When she was sure he wouldn't be getting up she ran to Jade. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes were unfocused. Tori carefully peeled her from the suit, tears welling in her eyes when Jade cried out and more blood spilled. Tori's hands were coated in red, slick with Jade's blood the second she realized she had to remove the rod impaling Jade's side. Once she was separated from the suit Tori held her close and dragged her out of the room. Jade was a mess; too much of a dead weight to carry on her own. Preston ran over to help as soon as he saw her struggling.
"Oh god," he murmured when he laid eyes on Jade's mauled form. Tori fell to her knees crying, gripping at Jade's bloody shirt.
"Geez, ok, um, you get her legs and I'll get her upper half. Let's get her to her car and drive to the hospital," he ordered. Tori nodded. She couldn't lose it now. Jade needed her. She used her upper arm to clear her vision of tears and then hauled Jade off the floor with Preston's help. Jade whimpered and her brows came together. Her sliced up left hand twitched with the jostling movement. Tori quickly looked away, keeping her eyes on the doors leading outside. They set Jade in the back seat where she finally blacked out. Preston drove because Tori was too rattled and he knew the area better. When they got there Jade went straight into the emergency room where the paramedics quickly went to work saving her, leaving Tori cold and bare in their wake. She stood rooted to the spot, tears drying on her face and blood drying on her hands. Preston stood next to her, a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, we got her here in time," he told her, trying his best to comfort her. She bit her lip and more tears fell but she brushed them away.
"T-thank you, but, I, um, I have to start making calls to her parents and letting mine know I'm ok. Could you excuse me for a moment?" she asked him. He nodded and wandered away to lean against Jade's car, giving her space. While they drove Tori remembered that she had dropped her phone in Jade's car when she dropped Hazel off. If she knew Jade, and she did, then her phone would be put in the glove compartment. She found it there along with a notebook Preston recognized. He said he gave it to Jade a while back which made Tori realize that he had been a great ally from the beginning. She cleared her thoughts so that she could speak with as steady a voice as she could. She called her parents first and explained that Jade had been in an accident. She didn't elaborate and just told them where she was and that she was safe but staying with Jade until she heard of any news. She called Jade's parents next, telling them that Jade had been in an accident. They might not have been around as much as Jade wanted them to be but they still cared about their daughter and promised to be there as soon as possible.
Tori gave them the name of the hospital, hung up, and pocketed her phone. She bowed her head and finally allowed a sob to fall from her lips. Preston heard her crying and walked over to offer a hug which she took. Her emotions hit her like waves, changing and flowing. An hour later both her parents and Jade's parents arrived. An hour after that the gang showed up. Everyone waited it out, listening for any news as they talked amongst each other. They were all trying to make sense of the ordeal and understand what Tori and Preston were telling them. By the end of it all both fathers were angry and looking to bring the law down hard on the pizzeria as well as the manager running it. They were gone soon after, looking to get in contact with connections and begin a case. The rest stayed where they were, hoping for more news. Tori sat between Andre and Preston. Andre was talking to Beck on his other side so she turned to Preston. He was sitting at the edge of his seat, his thumbs fiddling and face lined with worry.
"Why didn't I try harder to send her away? Oh, that's right, I was stupidly looking out for only myself. I didn't want to get caught so I stayed quiet," he grumbled guiltily under his breath. Tori nudged him with a weak smile.
"You helped her in the end," she pointed out.
"Yeah, but it was almost too late. God, I'm such a coward," he replied, hiding his face in his hands. Tori shook her head.
"It's understandable. And look at it this way, you were pretty brave to spy on the manager and keep tabs on what he was doing while helping out in the best way you could, even if it was in a way that kept you safe. I couldn't very well expect you to throw yourself under the bus for someone else, let alone a stranger. You did what you could. You aren't to blame," Tori reassured him. He looked at her with a hopeful smile.
"Yeah?" he replied, still a little doubtful.
"Yep," Tori confirmed with a nod. Preston's gaze dropped to the floor and his brows furrowed.
"As soon as I knew something was up I started working against him; little things at first and then building on that. I found out all the horrible things he was doing to the employees. He had extra cameras only he could access so that no one was safe from him anywhere in the building. The parking lot must have had one. He must have seen you talking to me and had already connected you to Jade that first day you guys came in. That's how he knew to use you against her, because he couldn't make her listen by threatening her alone. I put it together pretty fast and hurried back to try and help," he explained.
"He followed me when I dropped off Hazel. He kidnapped me, forced me to leave Jade a note so that she would know exactly what happened, and then knocked me out. When I woke up I was on that stage, tied up, with Jade trying to rescue me. Instead, I was bait to keep her right where he needed her to be," Tori told him. He sighed heavily and looked back at the floor.
"He's demented," she concluded. Preston nodded.
"Why did he do all this?" she wondered. This time he shrugged.
"Why did that guy kill all those kids? Who knows," he replied, just as stumped. Tori exhaled heavily and leaned back in her chair. Suddenly, Hazel came striding into the waiting room.
"Hey, you made it," Preston greeted. Tori looked from him to Hazel and back again.
"You told her?" she questioned.
"Uh, y-yeah. Sorry if you didn't want-" he began but Tori cut him off by standing and hugging Hazel who was a bit caught off guard.
"Thank you for the support, both of you," she told them, releasing Hazel to look back at Preston. They all shared a smile. Tori was touched that they cared.
"Hey, what's with all the hugging? Care to introduce us?" Andre spoke up, bringing their attention to him. Tori chuckled and began introducing her old friends to what she hoped to be her new friends. Mrs. West and Mrs. Vega each thanked the two after being introduced also. By now it was late into the night and mostly everyone had gone home when the doctor brought news. Tori was half awake but became alert in seconds, same as the two mothers. Preston and Hazel woke up just enough to hear the news that Jade would be fine and she was allowed family visitors plus Tori who pressed enough. Preston and Hazel excused themselves, each giving Tori a hug and exchanging numbers before leaving. The three women were then escorted to Jade's room where she was moved to after the multiple surgeries she went through during the course of the night and well into the morning. Entering the room Tori only had eyes for Jade. She walked over and took a seat next to her bed then carefully reached out to hold her right hand in hers.
It was warm and reassuring. Jade's chest rose and fell as she breathed steadily. Her face looked tired even in sleep, a patch on her jaw covering the gash that had cleaved her flesh down to the bone. Tori rubbed Jade's hand soothingly and was content to just stare at her while her ears were trained on the hushed conversation between Jade's mom and the doctor. She was sure her own mom was listening in like she was. Tori knew she already saw Jade as her daughter-in-law. Tori pressed a kiss to Jade's hand and then laid her head on the bed. As it turned out, the most pressing matter they had to attend to was the loss of blood. Once that was under control the rest was a careful process of putting Jade back together, as macabre as that sounded. Jade's whole left arm had fractures scattered in various places throughout it. Her skin was heavily damaged with some small areas that would need a long time than the rest to come back together.
Luckily, her muscles weren't severely damaged to the point that they were disabled. They had some repair work but they would function. It was her nerves that suffered the most. They weren't sure if she would regain all feeling in her arm or just partial, but everyone was mostly happy she still had a fully functioning arm at all. The puncture wound in her side fortunately missed any organs and the gash that hit her jaw took nothing but a nick of bone with it. There were no cracks because of it. In all, Jade would recover, but she would be forever profoundly scarred down her arm, side, and jaw. Tori zoned out of the conversation concerning the medication Jade would need once she was allowed to go home, the paperwork, and all other information to focus back on Jade. She tapped on the back of her hand then drew a heart on her palm. She finished the imagined drawing and practically jumped out of her skin when Jade's hand flipped over to grasp hers. Tori looked up into Jade's weary eyes and couldn't help but smile when she did.
"Drawing hearts on my hand again? You cheesy dork," Jade mumbled, her voice weak but managing a light hearted quality. Tori was elated and wanted nothing more than to squeeze Jade in a hug but she held herself back. Half her upper body was still fragile so she settled for a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Damn, I missed seeing your beautiful face. I feel like I've been sleeping away years instead of hours," Jade complained, her right hand coming up to stroke at Tori's face. Tori held it there and locked eyes with Jade.
"I thought I was going to lose you from blood loss or something," Tori sniffed, tears coming to her eyes again. Her voice wavered under the sudden weight of her emotions. Jade brushed away Tori's tears and shook her head.
"You can't get rid of me that easy," she jested with a crooked smile. Tori chuckled through her tears and looked away, breaking eye contact.
"You could have died," she whispered. Jade lifted her face by her chin so that their eyes could meet again.
"You know, something that gives you a reason to live can be something that's just as good of a reason to die for," she stated, pulling Tori closer.
"For me, that reason is you," Jade continued. More tears fell from Tori's eyes and a single one rolled down Jade's pale face. She was so glad Tori was ok and that she managed to hold on for her. She smiled and then kissed Tori firmly, love permeating every caress of their lips. When they parted, smiling softly, their mothers rushed over with the doctor following. With Jade awake she could relay to the doctor how she was feeling. She also provided more of the story which was saved for when everyone else could hear it too. For now they shared small talk until Jade's medication kicked in and she was falling asleep on them. Tori kissed her on the forehead, whispered how much she loved her in her ear, and then left. She didn't want to go home and leave Jade all alone but it was necessary. Jade would be fine. The following three days were the start of a hard recovery at the hospital that spawned a song Jade made up to keep herself occupied. The few times Tori heard it, it sent a chill down her spine. It was clearly about the time Jade spent surviving the night shift.
Once the hospital deemed her ready to leave her recovery carried on to months of restoration at home. Tori was with her every step of the way. In that time the whole story had been told over and over. It spread like wild fire on the news, social media, everywhere, until everyone knew the horrid truth. Soon, Fazbear Entertainment was no more. Mr. West and Mr. Vega made sure of it. Everyone working there were pardoned and given help to find a new job. Preston and Hazel stuck around. They were good friends with Tori and Jade, having bonded under the pressure of survival. With everything that happened, including the dismantled animatronics, the building being torn down, and the industry as a whole wiped off the face of the planet, nothing was as hard to comprehend as the man behind it all. Eerily, he disappeared without a trace. Preston knew his name and shared it with the authorities but they quickly learned that it was a made up alias which meant he was still out there somewhere. It was something that picked at Jade and Tori's nerves but she tried not to think about it. Because of that, Jade moved. Her new home happened to be closer to Tori's house.
It was a welcomed bonus, especially since Jade couldn't drive temporarily. Now she could see Tori whenever. All she had to do was walk down the block. By the time their senior year was slated to start soon Jade was all healed with only minor twinges of pain if too much pressure was applied to her arm. She couldn't do any heavy lifting until the doctors gave her permission but she did do non-straining exercises so that the healing process went smoothly yet kept her arm in shape. With summer winding down, random chilly days came around every so often. Jade and Tori slowly but surely returned to what they loved doing most, spending time with each other. Jade was at Tori's house, laid out on her bed. Papers were scattered all over any available surface, including Jade. Their project was sure to blow anything else out of the water. They were sure of it. Now they just had to organize it in a way that would be easy to present. Tori set down some notes at her desk and then walked over to pick up papers lying on Jade's stomach. She made a point of skimming her toned body when she did so and watched as a smile curled Jade's lips. Jade was using a thick paper to block out the light by placing it over her eyes.
"Come on Jade. I can't do this by myself," Tori pouted, tracing over Jade's stomach. The muscles reacted subtly to her touch but otherwise Jade remained unmoving.
"I'll start after a nap," she replied, grinning when Tori let out a sound of complaint. She whined Jade's name but got no response so she set down the papers she held and climbed on the bed to straddle her waist. Jade lifted the paper on her face just enough to see Tori.
"What are you doing?" she asked, curious yet playful.
"Improvising," Tori replied, determined. She tossed the paper that had been sheltering Jade's face from the light and then leaned in so that their noses touched. Jade's smirk lit her face.
"Oh?" she mumbled, amused.
"Mhm, and I know just how to make you help me," Tori replied, certain of her plan. Jade's hands slid up Tori's thighs to grip at her hips. Tori sat back up, her own hands running down Jade's arms. Her left arm merely tingled with barely a hint of detection from the warmth Tori's touch provided. The first time they spent the night together after coming home from the hospital was the first time Tori ever saw Jade self-conscious. She didn't want to see the scars, reminders, marring what used to be smooth porcelain skin. She didn't want Tori to see them either. It took some gentle encouragement for her to see that there was nothing to be self-conscious about. She eventually allowed Tori to touch the damaged arm without flinching, as she had taken to doing. She hated the blatant reminders forever connecting her to those memories, but as with most things, Tori talked her down into realizing that none of that mattered. The past was the past and hating a part of herself wasn't going to change it. With her courage back Jade barely even gave the multitude of scars a passing glance. Her limited sense of touch became the norm and she learned to move on.
Tori had taken to running her hand up and down Jade's arms, just feeling the different contrasts, while Jade enjoyed the massage. Tori did that now, easing Jade into relaxation. After the fifth pass over she took Jade's hand in hers and threaded their fingers together. She leaned in and kissed Jade just as her eyes opened to question why Tori stopped. Tori's lips left hers to press a kiss to the scar at her jaw then traveled over her neck to her left shoulder. She kissed her bicep, the crease of her elbow, her forearm, her wrist, and then her palm. Their eyes met and the love in Tori's stare brought a genuine smile to Jade's face. Tori returned it then pushed up Jade's shirt to kiss the vaguely square shaped scar where she had been run through. Their first time together since Jade fully recovered started out like this, Tori taking the time to accept every scar that marred Jade's body. She had been so overwhelmed, so grateful, that she kissed Tori with a hunger that carried them away. But now there was no burning desire, just acceptance and appreciation.
"I knew you were a suck up," Jade stated, playing at unaffected, but Tori knew better. She shrugged and made herself comfortable on Jade. She pecked her on the lips then stared at her with a sly smile in place.
"If you intend on seeing how much of a suck up I can be I suggest you help me get these notes together so we can be ready to present when the time comes," Tori mumbled against her lips. Jade fully captured her lips, kissing her passionately, before breaking it.
"We know it all by heart. We'll wing it. It's much more fun that way," Jade replied.
"Jade," Tori whined, the scrunched up face she made when she was agitated made Jade laugh. It was always hard for her to take Tori seriously when she was upset. She was just too cute. Unless the topic was entirely serious it was hopeless for Jade to properly listen. This time she gave in relatively quickly, if only to see Tori's smile again. She couldn't get enough of it.
"Fine, get off me you cheater," she huffed out. Tori laughed but did as she was told. She slid off the bed and offered Jade a hand up. Jade took it and was pulled to her feet. She began collecting all the papers around the room while rolling her eyes. When it came to things like this Tori was the least organized. Jade on the other hand began shuffling through different points and putting them in the correct order in no time. Soon, Tori was just handing her what she needed and Jade added it. By the time she was finished there was a neat stack of what they would be using and what they didn't need.
"There, are we done now?" Jade said, turning to Tori.
"Wow, that was fast," she replied, amazed. Jade just smiled confidently. She sauntered over to Tori and took her by the hands.
"Yeah, it was, so now I get a reward right?" Jade said with a kiss to Tori's shoulder. She shivered pleasantly but shook her head.
"No, I don't think you need one. Your ego will most definitely suffer with a boost," Tori replied factually. Jade grumbled and backed her onto the bed. She was leaning over Tori now and kissing up her neck. She waited until Tori was completely relaxed under her and then struck. Her dexterous fingers went right to Tori's most ticklish area; her sides. Tori was rendered helpless and Jade grinned at her constant laughter ringing from her as she tried to escape. But even with a still healing arm Jade was stronger than her. Tori resorted to tickling Jade back and then making a run for it when she was too effected to tickle her in return. She ran for the door and took the stairs down to the living room but Jade caught up to her. She wrapped Tori in her arms and spun her around so that she was facing her.
All the while they were still laughing. Both girls just enjoyed the moment, loving the feeling of being so happy with each other. Jade's hands came up to cup Tori's face, their eyes meeting, and then they were kissing. Tori's hands rested on Jade's wrists before running down her arms to her sides where she pulled her close by the waist. Jade's arms circled Tori's neck, bringing them closer together. Going back to school would bring everything back for both of them. Questions would be asked and the scars, both mentally and physically, would be pointed out. People would want to know about it all. But right now, in this moment between only them, they didn't worry about it. Whatever came next they would deal with together, never on their own, because as long as they stuck together nothing could keep them down.