A/N First of all, this is my first story. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Ash is pretty OOC in this as is almost everybody else so don't get mad just because I didn't make their personalities exactly how you wanted it. Anyway on with the story I guess.

Only the beginning

"Finish, with Psycho Cut" said a voice barely heard by his opponent on the opposite side of him. The mid-sized fighting type did just that as a pink scythe-like wave of psychic energy flew across the field hitting the winded pokemon. This battle wasn't really anything important for the trainer who just won with the final blow from his trusty psychic. Just another day going through what felt like an endless cycle of winning, and winning and winning over and over again. It was just too easy, he didn't really try that hard anymore knowing his pokemon could do whatever he wanted to do and still win.

He had been like this once the two beings he cared for most had gone their separate ways. One, his best friend and first pokemon, he ended up getting severely injured causing him to be hooked up to a machine at Professor Oaks lab for most likely the rest of his days. The other…well, let's just say he doesn't like to talk about her. Who would though? His only ever love interest just leaving without even knowing what she did. He tried to get over her almost every day, but he just couldn't. Even if he wanted to he knew she'd be stuck with him in his mind forever. He knew it wasn't her fault but that didn't mean he didn't care about what happened.

His thoughts now taking over him didn't notice the man holding his hand out to shake. Ash, awkwardly returned the gesture, realizing how weird he seemed just got up and left as his trusty pokemon followed him. Without said pokemon he wouldn't even be there today, he was probably the only reason, aside from his other pokemon, that he didn't just end his own life. He was probably the strongest of his kind, never backing down from a fight. "Nice job, Gallade." Ash said to his pokemon knowing he really didn't need to say it out loud.

"Thank you, Master." Ash just nodded his head like he's been through this a million times, which he basically had. They'd been traveling for the last 4 years, nothing but the clothes on his back and a few supplies in his backpack. Having only one pokemon would seem unorthodox to some, unless of course they were an amateur with their starter, which in this situation was obviously not the case. He hadn't forgotten about his other pokemon, he just didn't want them to be burden from his emotions. He had been quiet for years, never talking things out, just thinking, most of the time talking to Gallade telepathically. He picked this up as soon as he found that Ralts right outside the forest one warm day in Sinnoh.

Ash and Gallade didn't really hit it off very well when they first met until they realized they both were in similar situations. Ash wasn't abandoned but he sure as hell felt like he was. He cared about all of his friends but some more than others…The former Ralts ended up battling Ash, and after realizing Ash had no pokemon to use he decided to go with him, he evolved into a Kirlia soon after. He didn't like the girlish look of his evolution so they quickly found a dawn stone and here they are now, one small, happy family.

Happy seemed like a big word for what they were. If they were happy then they were insane. One abandoned by his family and one just left to sulk when his one love left him for another. They weren't completely isolated from the outside world as every month or so Ash would call up his best friend Gary and see how everyone is doing. Specifically his mother and the professor. His mother knew where Ash was so she wasn't too worried as she knew her son could take care of himself. He was 20 years old for crying out loud. Right now he was actually on his way to talk to his long-time friend.

3 Hours Ago, Pallet Town Kanto

It was a warm night in the small town of Pallet. Not many people around as the town wasn't the most populated. This seemed like a perfect setting for one individual, he had been planning this moment for about 2 weeks now and he was finally going to go through with it.

"Where are we going, Gary?" The blue haired beauty asked her boyfriend as they walked to a grassy hill. The sun was setting as it was about 7pm.

"Oh, you'll see Dawn" Replied the pokemon researcher. He finally got his own lab about a year ago when his grandpa decided it was best that he retired and let him take over. He and Dawn have been going out for as long as he could remember. They started about the time that Ash left.

Gary and Ash were always best friends in their childhood, their 2 year stretch of being rivals the only roadblock in that friendship. They were like brothers, always had each other's backs. After Ash left for unknown reasons to all except him and a few of their other friends he still kept in touch with him to tell him how everyone was doing. The next time he talked to him he hoped that he would have big news for him.

Cutting Gary out of his thoughts Dawn spoke up. "Gary, I'm all for taking walks and stuff, but why now?" All of a sudden Gary stopped and took his loving girlfriends hand.

"You know I love you, right?" Gary asked

"Of course I know that!" She exclaimed "We've been together for years!"

"I just wanted to be 100% sure because what I say next should be a big surprise." Gary said with a small smirk on his face.

"Dawn Berlitz, we've known each other for about 5 years now, and we've been a couple for 4 of those. These last four years have been probably the best ones of my life. Better than getting my first pokemon, better than becoming a professor, better than anything" He got down on one knee and reached into his pocket pulling out a small case. "That's why I want to ask you this, right here, right now. Dawn, I love you with everything inside me, and I want to feel how I am today for the rest of my life. Will you do me that pleasure and marry me?" He asked finally.

Dawn started to tear-up as soon as he got down onto his knee. She had been expecting this moment for a while now, wondering when he would finally pop the question. She then dove into his chest with tears in her eyes shaking her head up and down.

"Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you!" She said almost muffled in his upper body. Gary then took the ring out of its case and put it on his now fiancés ring finger. It was a beautiful ring, one that Gary had been saving up for for about half a year. He wanted the most expensive ring he could afford for his love. It had diamonds and sapphires scattered throughout, in Dawn's opinion she thought it was perfect.

They then just layed there as the sun was setting for the next hour or so, they were finally going to get married after all these years of waiting. To say they were happy would be an understatement, they were in love and nobody could ruin it. After crying tears of joy and cuddling with her boyfriend for a while, Dawn fell asleep in his arms. Gary then picked her up, bridal style, and walked back to his lab with an endless smile on his face.

After about 10 minutes of carrying his soon to be wife, he got to his lab. He was greeted by Tracey but didn't tell him what happen because he wanted to wait until Dawn was awake to tell everyone. She was the one who got the most excited about things like this anyway. Even though Gary didn't want to admit it, the only person who could get to his soft and caring side was Dawn, and that is just one thing on the long list of reasons why he loves her.

Dawn woke up a few hours later and looked up to see she was in her and Gary's room. She was so excited that her long-time boyfriend finally proposed to her. She was only 18 but she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Who wouldn't want to spend the rest of their life with the person who could always make them feel better? Make them feel important and loved. That's exactly what Gary did for her, made her feel like the only girl in the world. That for her is on the long list of reason why she loved him so much.

She then realized Gary wasn't with her, it was 10 o'clock, he must've been busy. Usually he's asleep by now. I wonder where he is. Dawn thought as she lifted the blankets off of her revealing her entire body clothed in her pajamas. He must've put them on me. How sweet of him. She thought again. Dawn didn't really change that much over the years. She usually wore her usual attire, occasionally wearing dresses as she liked to feel like she was a princess. She never really had to for that reason though, probably because her fiancé made her feel like a princess every day.

After she walked out she walked down the hall into the main living room to see Gary talking on the video phone to somebody. She couldn't see who it was but she could see that Gary seemed pretty excited talking to the mystery person.

"Yeah, and she said yes! Can you believe it? Isn't it awesome?" She could here Gary say to the person, he still didn't notice that she entered the room.

"Congrats Gary, I'm happy for you. Tell Dawn the same, I knew you'd finally ask her. See, I told you it wasn't that hard." She could hear the mystery person say. She recognized the voice, the person on the other end was none other than Ash Ketchum, one of her best friends. Dawn was one of the only ones that knew why he decided to travel without anyone else. She knew the reason he didn't like to talk to anyone but Gary and sometimes her, even though it was only over the video phone at least they got to talk.

"Hey guys" Dawn finally said walking towards Gary and the phone rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "What're you guys talking about" She said sitting down next to her fiancé.

"Oh, hey Dawn! Long time no see, huh?" Said the raven haired man, he was now 20 years old, his hair was still a wild mess and even worse now that he didn't wear a hat. He only wore a simple black t-shirt and dark blue jeans with black shoes, he knew if he wore his old attire people would recognize him too easily. He was well known after he won the Unova league, but not many have seen him since. "I guess we were just talking about you." He finished taking a bite of an apple.

"So Ash, now that you know we're gunna get married, will you come to the wedding?" Gary asked turning back to his friend on the screen. "It'd be nice if you'd be my best man y'know."

"Gary, I honestly would love to come, but I know that Dawn would want her to come, and you know if she's there, rose boy will be there." Ash said with a now disappointed voice. "Besides, she wouldn't want to talk to me, I haven't spoken to anyone but you guys and Brock for 4 years."

"Ash, I don't know if I should tell you this, but I think you should know. May told me that Drew had been abusing her." Dawn said with a worried look in her eye. She was devastated when her best friend told her this, who wouldn't be though. It was her best friend after all. She also knew that Ash wouldn't take it too good, he would do anything for May. She looked at Ash, he had a face of hatred and concern. "She told me not to tell anyone, but I think it's time."

Ash was gritting his teeth and clenching his fist now. "So you're telling me, that little fuck is hurting her?" He said trying to control his emotions. "Oh, I'm coming to the wedding now, to beat the shit out of that grass headed prick." He finished throwing his half-eaten apple at the trash can angrily. Dawn knew he would react like this, but who could blame him. "Better yet, where is he now, I think I'll just have to pay him a little visit."

"I don't know where they are, I still need to call her and ask her to come, please can you help her with this, she's doesn't deserve to be treated like that." Dawn said tears now coming from her eyelids. Gary then wrapped her into a loving hug hoping to comfort her.

"Oh, I'll help her, you don't need to worry about that. As soon as I see what he did to her, he's gunna regret doing it because he's gunna be dead." Ash said coldly

Gary was astonished, his own best friend; killing someone? No, he didn't think that was possible.

"Ash, you're not killing anyone, you know it's not worth it." Gary said still amazed at his friends words.

"Why wouldn't I? He thinks he owns the world, thinks he can hurt whoever he wants. I knew he didn't care about her, and now he's gunna pay." Ash replied to his friend.

"I'm not going to let you kill him Ash, you're not that kind of person and you know it." Dawn finally pitched in. "I just want to see May happy again, that's all, and I know you're the only one that can do that." Dawn finished.

"Okay, I won't kill him. But what do you mean I'm the only one that can make her happy again? Why would she even care what I think, I've been a horrible friend." Ash said. "Even though I promise not to kill him, don't think I won't hurt him. What goes around comes around y'know."

"Ash, don't do anything you'll regret." Gary added.

"I don't know if you realized Ash, but right before Drew and May got together, you guys were as close as can be, so why wouldn't she be happy to see you after four years? You were best friends!" Dawn said, trying to convince her old friend.

Ash thought for a moment. They were really close right before she got her first boyfriend. They were so close many thought they were a couple, always doing everything together, holding hands and such. Maybe she would be happy to see me again. He thought while Gallade came up from behind him, waking up from Ash yelling about Drew's abuse.

"I heard the whole situation, Master. What are you going to do?" Asked his pokemon telepathically.

"I don't know Gallade, if what Dawn says is true I'm gunna go find them and beat the shit out of that retard. But what if she doesn't want me to intervene? Then she'll just hate me. I couldn't live with myself if I ruined her relationship, no matter how much I hate who she's with." He replied back telepathically. He didn't want May to get hurt, but then again, what if she still loved Drew even after that? He quickly got that out of his mind as he realized how independent May always was. She would never love someone after they hurt her physically like that, she was strong and Ash knew that.

"The wedding will be in 3 months by the way." Dawn said getting a 'what?' out of Gary. "I want it to be as soon as possible, end of discussion." she said to her husband's face, arms crossed.

"Fine, only because I love you" Gary said as he and Dawn started to slowly kiss. This went on for about 50 seconds until Ash cleared his throat, clearly annoyed. "Hehe, sorry about that." Dawn said with an embarrassed laugh.

"Whatever, I'll be in Pallet by tomorrow to see you guys in person, until then I'm still deciding on when to go see May and Drew. Me and Gallade will teleport there in the morning, we already paid for the room so I guess we might as well use it." He said as he was about to end the call.

"I guess until tomorrow then, seeya then" Dawn said ending the call.

After the couple talked about a few things related to their conversation they decided to head off to bed. They soon got to their room where Gary got changed and they curled up into their king-sized bed. They stayed close to each other before falling asleep. They couldn't help but have their minds on what Ash was going to do though.

"Okay Gallde, tomorrow is going to be pretty eventful so we have to be well rested, let's get to bed." Ash spoke as he opened the room that he rented for him and his pokemon. Gallade never went into his ball as Ash didn't want him to, and Gallade didn't want to. This of course came with a bunch of weird looks from overseers. Ash didn't mind much and neither did Gallade as they didn't really care for others opinions. They only had to worry about themselves…for now.

Gallade went to sleep right after that, but Ash had trouble staying up.

I wonder how she's taking it. He thought while putting his hands behind his head. No matter, she's strong, but that still doesn't mean I'm not going to knock rose boy on his ass. Ash had always hated Drew. He always just came in uninterrupted and made fun of May, like she was worthless compared to him. And what really pissed him off was that he thought he could make everything better and give her a god damn rose, like that just takes away every bad thing he's ever said. That's why it surprised him so much when May said yes to become his girlfriend. May told him that day as she was excited as ever to get her first boyfriend, but Ash, oh Ash was devastated. He loved her, and he thought she might've felt the same way until that day. That was the day he decided to leave, go far away. He wouldn't be able to control himself if he were around them too much, he'd end up getting in a fight with Drew and May getting mad at him.

I guess we'll just have to find out tomorrow, be ready Drew, I'm coming, and you're gunna regret what you did. Those were his last thoughts as he drifted off into a pleasant slumber.

Tomorrow would be a start of a new challenge. A challenge neither Ash nor Gallade planed on failing.

Well, what did you think? Decent for the first chapter? I thought so but that doesn't matter because I need other opinions.

If you'd be kind enough to review that would be great. PLEASE tell me if there are any spelling errors, and constructive criticism is a plus, thank you.
