Second update in 24hrs this story is practically writing itself at this stage. Again I don't own anything.

Note: There is a character death in this chapter, you have been warned.

~Chapter 4 – The Wedding~

In the days leading up to the wedding, Harry couldn't relax and was on edge. Snape had taken him to the Burrow after telling him of Dumbledore's deceit and you could cut the tension in the house with a knife. Molly had fussed over him over him like an overprotective lioness over her cub and the rest of the Weasley's tried their best to avoid him completely, always with looks of pity on their faces. Ron and Hermione were persistent in trying to get Harry to open up but he refused, choosing to spend his time in the garden reading up on spells he'd perhaps need to learn or thinking of a plan to foil Dumbledore's schemes. Eventually the pair gave up and Harry felt slightly guilty, but he was unsure whether they could be trusted. Until he knew who was truly on his side he couldn't take the risk.

The day before the wedding and Harry was in his usual spot in the garden reading when he saw the figure of Remus Lupin enter the garden. He was obviously here for the wedding and was dressed quite smart as opposed to his usual shabby ensemble. His face displayed the signs that he was nervous and Harry suspected that it was from hiding the truth. Lupin never had been a good liar.

"Hey cub," Remus greeted, "excited for the wedding?"

"Yeah, can't wait." Harry lied. "Bill and Fleur will be really happy together I'm sure"

"Yes they seem a good fit don't they? I just came to see if you were doing okay? Molly's said that you've been acting a bit distant and we're all a bit worried. Is there something on your mind Harry?"

Remus looked genuinely concerned and a bit guilty. Snape had told Harry that Lupin was one of the Order who had walked out of the meeting alongside the Weasley's. At least there were people who didn't agree with Dumbledore, Harry thought even if it was little consolation. Remus was the only link left to his parents and he was glad that he hadn't turned on him.

"I'm fine Remus. I've just had a lot on my mind, NEWTS and all that. Bad summer at the Dursley's too as usual but that's it. You don't need to worry." Harry replied.

Remus brightened a little at that and forced a smile. He ruffled Harry's hair and chuckled.

"As long as you're okay Harry, that's the main thing. I care about you as do the Weasleys."

"I know Remus, I care about you all you too, you know that." Harry said and smiled.

"Good lad. Now you best get inside. Molly's making sure everyone's ready for the big day and she will throw a fit if your dress robes aren't right!"

Harry forced a smile as Remus ushered him inside and he tried to push his worries to the back of his mind. Just another day and he could rest easy, he hoped at least.

Finally morning came after a sleepless night for Harry, the majority of which he spent imagining endless scenarios and none of them ended well for him. Was everyone just going to sit back while Dumbledore and the Order killed him? To have no choice in the matter, offered up like a lamb to the slaughter?

Harry knew now that Dumbledore was truly deluded and would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Harry just had to hope Snape would come up with a plan that didn't involve him being on the receiving end of the killing curse. Again. He put on his dress robes, an emerald green and checked himself over in the mirror. They match your eyes Harry dear, Molly had said. He would just have to be strong for today for he couldn't afford to fall apart.

When he'd gotten downstairs the chairs and tables had been set up and most of the guests were already seated. Just breathe! Harry thought, Snape will think of something. If only it didn't make him anxious having to rely on Snape of all people. He made his way to his seat, passing the Weasley twins, their gazes fixed on him through faked smiles and that's what really stung. That out of all the people who were practically family to him, it was Snape who chose not to lie. Harry just hoped someday if he was able to get through this, that he'd be able to forgive them for withholding the truth. He sighed leaning into his chair which was near the back. Away from the family Harry reckoned, in case the plan Dumbledore hatched took place. Harry sincerely hoped not, Bill and Fleur deserved to be happy on the biggest day of their lives. Not having the memory tainted by his murder. He was startled out of his daydreams however to a familiar booming voice and a smile that was right out of a dentist's catalogue.

"Ah Harry ve meet again!" Viktor grinned. "But vhy are you seated here? I thought you and the Veasleys vere inseperable."

"Well it is their wedding and I'm not exactly family." Harry answered.

This answer seemed to satisfy Viktor somewhat and he swiftly changed the subject asking Harry how the rest of his summer had been and telling stories of his recent trip back home to Sofia. There was something about the way Viktor spoke and his smile that could light up a room that made Harry drawn to him. It was intoxicating and filled his stomach with butterflies. Harry almost reached out to touch him and look deep into those chocolate coloured eyes but stopped himself. This was not the time, he had to focus.

Organ music began to fill the garden as the ceremony started. Bill was already waiting at the altar which had been decorated with white roses and Harry had to admit he looked very handsome. His hair was in its trademark ponytail but had been made neat and styled. He looked nervous but confident and looked to Charlie his best man with a grin.

Fleur looked spectacular as she made her entrance and towards the altar. All eyes were fixated on her and it was easy to see why. The ivory dress she wore fitted like a second skin, her golden hair curled and worn loose and she could have easily been mistaken for an angel from heaven itself. Her veela blood only added to the allure, earning her some starstruck stares from a few male guests and an equal amount of glares from their wives. If jealousy was an illness, they were all sick. Her smile was bright and breathtaking as she reached Bill, his own smile beaming as he took in the sight of the woman he was about to make his wife.

It was a beautiful moment and Harry wished he would have the same one day. Providing he lived long enough that was.

The ceremony was short and sweet with simple vows and the exchanging of the wedding bands and once the guests left to peruse the buffet Molly had prepared or fawning over the blushing bride, Harry saw this as his opportunity to make himself scarce. He sat near his usual place and having acquired a bottle of wine from one of the tables, began swigging from it with great enthusiasm.

Where was Snape? Harry wondered trying not to be concerned by the potions master's absence. Perhaps he had changed his mind and he was going to side with Dumbledore and the Order? No matter what happened, Harry wasn't going to just lie down and die. His parents had sacrificed themselves so that he could live and he would do whatever it took so that it wasn't all in vain.

Harry was halfway through the wine when he noticed Viktor was walking towards him with two glasses and an expensive bottle under his arm that Harry had never seen before. The light shone on the Bulgarian as he strode over and for the first time, Harry really saw him. He was incredibly attractive, dressed in a black muggle tuxedo and a silver tie embroidered with little dragons. His body had definitely bulked out since the Triwizard Tournament and Harry now thought Hermione crazy for turning him down. Harry realised he must have been gawping at him and turned his focus back to the wine grudgingly.

"I saw you had made a quick escape. I decided I vould join you Harry." Viktor said flashing a dazzling smile. "Champagne?"

"Sure." Harry replied, extending his hand to take the flute of champagne. He sipped the drink hoping that maybe getting drunk would alleviate him of his worries.

Viktor stared at the raven haired teen, trying hard to understand why he was drawn to the boy so much. He found Harry's emerald eyes mesmerizing and longed to look upon them all day. He vowed there and then to find a way to become closer to him, to make him his. Even if he had to take on the Dark Lord himself.

"Is there something troubling you Harry? You seem distant. I am a good listener, perhaps some insight from outside your circle of friends could be good, no?" asked Viktor hopeful. He truly wanted to be the one Harry confided in.

"I wish I could tell you Viktor, but I can't. I can't tell anyone." Harry whispered, his voice breaking slightly.

He wanted to tell Viktor everything and how scared he was but knew he couldn't. He wouldn't risk anyone else being harmed because of him.

"Vell if you ever decide that you do vant to talk about it Harry, I am alvays here to lend an ear."

Harry smiled at that especially when he looked at Viktor and could sense no deception. It was genuine, coupled with a look that looked like wanting? He could not describe what he had started feeling towards the seeker or what it meant, he just knew he wanted to be closer. They sat drinking the champagne getting to know each other better and sharing about their lives. Harry spoke about the Dursley's and his muggle upbringing and Viktor shared about his life as the son of a prominent Bulgarian politician. It was comfortable and natural and Harry almost forgot about all his problems, about Dumbledore and being the-boy-who-lived. Viktor made him feel like just Harry. Not the wizarding world's saviour.

Harry drained his glass and made to stand up when he felt a hand on his. He turned to see Viktor staring intensely, mahogany eyes delving deep into his own. Viktor moved closer never taking his eyes off Harry and their breaths became hitched; Harry's heart pounding as if it would explode right through his chest. A hand cupped Harry's cheek and he suddenly felt nervous, wanting to pull away but his body willed him closer to the seeker. Viktor wrapped an arm around Harry's waist and brushed his lips gently against the emerald eyed teen's. He snaked his tongue across Harry's lip begging entrance and Harry obliged. Time seemed to stand still during their embrace as their tongues battled for dominance. Eventually Harry pulled away panting and a huge smile erupted upon his face, one that Viktor matched. He opened his mouth to say something when there was a tug on his arm and a very panicked Remus suddenly appeared beside him.

"Harry! You have to get out of here, they are-"

Remus never finished that sentence. A blinding green light shot through the air striking Remus in the back. He crumpled to the floor going limp and lifeless and Harry let out a bloodcurdling scream. He could see Dumbledore on the horizon, flanked by Shacklebolt and Mad-Eye heading straight for him and on instinct his wand was out ready to attack.

But today would not be Harry's day for vengeance as Viktor held his arms around Harry and there the was that familiar tug, leaving Harry unable to do anything but sob as they disapparated.

Longest chapter ever so far Harry and Viktor finally kissed but don't think its going to be easy for them. Please don't hate me for killing off Remus, it was between him or Snape and I kinda need him for what I've planned muahahaha. Please review! It will give me motivation