So, this story hasn't been updated in over a year. And even then, I had been struggling to update it. If you read chapter 103, I've deleted it and replaced it with this. I added a note onto the end of Chapter 102 stating how the Buu saga would be the end. Maybe one day I'll come back and continue the story. Go more in depth with certain relationships that I should've in the first place. Finish up some plot threads. Discuss where Akousi and Vegeta go. So many things, so little time.
I re-read essentially everything in one night. This was spurred on by a chance meeting with someone. In a discord I'm in, I was recognised because of this story. Something I never thought would happen. Ever. This story was usually something I kept to myself. Hearing how they really enjoyed the whole story, despite my awful writing at the beginning and my laziness that persisted, I felt I had to come and take a look back at it all.
I realised that leaving Chapter 103 just didn't feel right...I started on Chapter 104 at some point, but never finished and I don't plan to anytime soon. If I ever wrote more for this alternate reality I've created, I'd want to start over. Give it another go. Now that I'm a more experienced writer and person, I feel it would turn out better. But I don't think I will.
I think this story was something that helped me cope with a lot of things. Maybe it helped you too. Or maybe you just enjoyed a little light reading at times. I feel like leaving this story at the Buu saga is one of the best things I can do for it.
Someday, maybe we'll find out what happens to the planet when Beerus shows up. Or if Goku Black even happens without Trunks around. Or how Raditz, Yamcha, Turles, Goku and the others would have fared against Jiren.
Maybe one day.
Until that day, thanks for reading.