I plan to keep this as an ongoing story and would love comments and feedback. Happy reading!
(Author's Edit From Later) If you have just found this story and after the first few chapters think it is a rip off of Break Through The Limit, I do advise you to read on as the overlaps quickly dissapear in later chapters. Thank you, and enjoy.
(Author's Edit From Around Chapter 13-14) I know some of the characters seem a bit out of character at first, but over time I fix that. I wasn't the best at writing certain characters at the time, but they've all gone back to how they should be by some of the later chapters. So please, enjoy.
It has been 5 years since the amazing fight between Goku and Piccolo. With Piccolo defeated and gone off on his own, the world is at peace. For now anyways. An evil is slowly approaching. An evil that will shake the very core of what Goku knows about himself.
In a wasteland atop a flat raise was a green humanoid. He had pink muscular areas and wore a cape with a turban. He was the demon Piccolo. At this moment, he was floating and meditating. The power he had within could almost be felt around him. Suddenly his eyes opened and he landed on his feet. Turning to look to his right he saw a figure flying towards him.
"Has Goku found me!?" He spoke to himself. This could be the perfect time to test out my new technique. He thought, a smile crossing his face.
The figure landed. It was a muscular man in brown armor with spiky long hair. He had an eye device on one side of his face. He tapped it. The device made a beeping sound as Piccolo became nervous. Realizing this stranger was more powerful than he looked, Piccolo slipped into a defensive stance.
"A measly 700? How could Kakarot not have killed you?" The man spoke, his voice had a low rasp to it, but wasn't extremely deep.
"W-well! I don't know who this Kakarot is. But I'm not so easily killed." Piccolo growled after finishing sentence.
"Oh please green man, I have no time to deal with you." The man spoke as it began to rise and fly away. Once its back was turned Piccolo yelled and fired a large yellow ki blast. The long haired man flipped around, deflecting the blast back at him. Piccolo got hit and skid back.
"How dare you challenge me! A Saiyan!" The man yelled as he raised his hand. "Try to follow this one green man! I call this move…" The man continued to hold his hand up as a ball of pink ki began to form. "SATURDAY CRUSH!" The man threw the ball of energy at Piccolo. Piccolo placed his hands outwards just as the ball was about to make contact. He was hit and surrounded by a bright explosion.
The raise Piccolo had been standing on was eviscerated in the blast. Piccolo himself was nowhere to be seen. The man chuckled, adjusting his armor slightly.
"Serves you right for challenging me." As the man began to turn, he was hit with a roundhouse kick to the face. He flew down into the ground. Above the man floated a spiky haired man wearing a blue and orange gi. His name was Son Goku. The defender of Earth and all its inhabitants. The man began to stand up.
"Ah Kakarot, it seems you are alive. Tell me something. Why have you not killed everyone on this planet?" Goku landed with a confused look on his face.
"Um, my name is Goku. And I would never kill anyone on this planet. That's why I'm here to stop you from killing them!" He yelled with enthusiasm.
"Not kill? But you're a Saiyan! And your name is Kakarot!" The man was now even angrier than when Piccolo hit him. "How could you not remember? Did you hit your head or something as a child!?"
"Actually. I did if you really wanna know. So what!?" Goku screamed back as he got into a fighting stance. The man stood with his arms crossed as a tail unwrapped from around his waist. A t-tail!? Just like I had!? Goku thought without changing expressions.
"That would explain it I guess. Where do I begin? You're a Saiyan. A warrior race. The best in the universe! And you were sent here as a baby Kakarot. Your mission was to eradicate this planet of all life. But well, as it would seem, you failed to accomplish that." The man spoke without changing facial expressions. Goku stood there in disbelief.
"N-no way! I would never kill anyone intentionally!" Goku seemed uneasy, his guard dropping slightly.
"Yes way Kakarot. And, I'm your big brother Raditz. This reunion has been a long time coming." Raditz grinned as his tail swished behind him.
"I don't have a brother! Especially not a creep like you!" Goku got back into his stance. "Even if I am some alien warrior that was sent to kill everyone, I'm not that anymore! My name is Son Goku, and I'm an earthling!"
Raditz shook his head. "I was hoping it didn't have to come this. I did need you to accompany me after all." Raditz disappeared.
Goku looked around trying to find him. When suddenly Raditz's boot was planted firmly in Goku's spine. The earth warrior was sent flying forwards into a giant rock. Smashing right through it, he hit the ground and skid across it. He turned onto his back.
"T-that hurt…" Goku clutched his side as he began standing up. Raditz was suddenly in front of him causing him to freeze. Raditz's blank expression turned to a grin as he slapped Goku to the side. Goku hit the ground and rolled. Flipping onto his feet he got into a stance.
Raditz tapped his eye device. "Hm, a power level of 900. Almost the same as me." Raditz walked towards Goku silently.
"Kaaaaa….meeeee….haaaaa…..meeeee…." Goku began charging a Kamehameha wave. Raditz's eye piece beeped. "O-one thousand and three hundred!? He can concentrate his energy like that!?" Goku thrust his hands out, firing a large blue wave of ki. "HAAAAAAAAAA!"
"I will not stand for this!" Raditz put out his arms as the wave of ki made impact with him. There was a long crater stretching out along the path the blast took. At the end stood Raditz with his arms outwards. His palms were singed and his armor cracked. "W-why you!?"
Goku stood there shocked. H-how could he be so strong!? His thoughts were flooded with fear and excitement over the challenge. Raditz grinned and he was about to speak when he got a kick to the face suddenly. He flew back and landed on his backside. "Who dare sucker punch me!?" He yelled in rage.
Piccolo stood over the fallen man. "Next time, make sure you put me down." Piccolo cracked his knuckles and held his hand out at the alien warrior. "NOW DIE!" Piccolo's power shot up and he was about to fire a blast when Goku spin kicked him. Piccolo flew forward and landed face first in the ground.
Raditz was slowly getting up as he wiped the dirt from his face. He looked at Goku. "It seems you trust me now Brother." Raditz grinned and crossed his arms.
"No. I just didn't want him to kill you. I may not want to join you, but you're still my brother. And I can defeat you." Goku slipped into a fight stance as Raditz sighed.
Suddenly a man wearing the same gi as Goku landed. This man had long hair sticking in multiple directions and two scars on his face. "Need some help Goku?" This man was Yamcha, the Dessert Bandit.
"Yamcha! Thanks but I think I got this." Goku nodded to his friend. Yamcha slipped into a stance anyways.
"Think doesn't mean for sure. I'll help ya out. Who is this guy anyways?" Yamcha questioned Goku as he slipped into his own stance.
"His name is Raditz. He's my brother. Apparently I'm an alien and so is he. I need to defeat, but I don't wanna kill him. So try to keep him alive." Goku had a serious look on his face. He was determined to win this without killing Raditz.
"Brother? Alien? Whatever you say Goku…And don't worry, I'll go easy on the guy." Yamcha laughed as he looked at Raditz. Raditz stood there a scowl on his face. He couldn't believe this mere earthling was standing up to him.
"Let's check your power." Raditz tapped his eye device once again. "Hm, 587. Weak. You'll be like paper being torn apart." Raditz disappeared and suddenly came into sight right in front of Yamcha.
Yamcha froze as Raditz appeared. "W-what!?" Raditz planted his fist firmly in Yamcha's face. He staggered backwards clutching his nose. Blood spewed from it. "Damn it! You're stronger than ya look!"
Raditz chuckled as he grabbed Yamcha by the hair and flung him into the ground. Goku flew towards his brother at full speed. He pulled back his fist and threw a punch. It made full contact with Raditz's face, sending the alien man flying. Raditz regained control and flipped, landing on his feet. As this was happening Piccolo was getting up.
Piccolo growled, "That is it! I will kill all of you! This planet will be mine to rule!" He flew up into the air and put his hands together. "Dodge this fool!" He threw out his arms with a loud yell. A large yellow ki wave went straight for Raditz. "Hahaha! Dodge this you freak!"
Raditz's device beeped and he froze. "O-one t-thousand s-six hundred!? He's more powerful than me with that attack!" Raditz stood in fear of the oncoming blast.
"Get out of the way!" As the blast was about to hit, Raditz got knocked aside. He looked to see Yamcha where he had been standing. Yamcha got hit by the blast and there was a large explosion. Raditz looked on at where the cloud of smoke now was. If not for Yamcha, Raditz would've been hit dead on.
The smoke cleared and Yamcha stood there. His gi was torn, but he was still standing. "T-that all you got Piccolo?" He fell to one knee as he clutched his side. It was bleeding badly, soaking through his gi. He tried to stand but fell back to his knees as he cried in pain.
Goku looked at Piccolo. "W-why you!?" He flew at Piccolo and hit the green man across the jaw. A loud crack was heard as Piccolo's jaw broke. Goku mercilessly beat the old enemy of his until he stopped moving. Piccolo fell to the ground, bleeding out. Goku turned to Yamcha who was now lying face down in the dirt.
Raditz stood there looking at Piccolo's body. He turned to see Goku kneeling by Yamcha's body. "N-no…Yamcha…" Goku looked up at him. "He died protecting you."
Raditz glared at Goku and then looked back to Piccolo. Piccolo was trying to crawl away slowly. "Hmph. I'll finish off this coward. Since you refuse to Kakarot." Raditz began walking towards Piccolo.
"No!" Raditz turned when he heard the cry from Goku. Suddenly he was skidding along the ground to land on his face. "He lives." Goku turned to Piccolo. "Leave now!"
Piccolo growled, "I will get you for this eventually Goku…" Piccolo disappeared and Goku walked over to Raditz. He held his hand out to the long haired Saiyan. "Get up. I needed him to live." Raditz grunted and ignored Goku's gesture of kindness. He got up on his own.
"Why would you let him live Kakarot!?" Raditz seemed almost enraged Piccolo was alive.
"For the Dragon Balls. If he dies, they disappear. And I need them to bring Yamcha back from the dead. They grant any wish." Goku explained as he began turning around.
"Like immortality! Come on brother, we can become immortal and rule the universe!" Raditz exclaimed with glee.
Goku was about to speak when suddenly a voice came through Raditz's device. "Oh Raditz, Raditz, Raditz. You dare try and betray me? You best get comfortable on Earth. I will be there soon to kill you along with it. Oh and your ship? It's already self-destructed. Have fun." A click went off from the device and the communications were shut off.
Goku looked at Raditz, "Who was that!?"
"Another Saiyan, stronger than me. He's coming to destroy this planet…" Raditz fell to his knees. "W-why would they betray me like this!?"
"Raditz, do I have a chance of defeating them without you?" Goku asked extremely worried.
Raditz stood up. "No. But I will help you. Then we might have a slightly better chance." Raditz looked behind Goku, "Huh? Where is your ally?"
Goku turned confused, "Huh what!? His body is gone!" Yamcha's body was nowhere to be seen. "Maybe Kami did this or something…Whatever, that isn't important right now. What is important is figuring out what we're gonna do. Raditz I think I can trust you right now. So I will take you to the other fighters of Earth. There you can tell us about the other Saiyans."
Raditz nodded, not truly wanting to go. But he knew he had to. "Fine brother. Let us go."
Goku looked to the sky, "NIMBUS!" A small yellow cloud flew to Goku and he sat on it. "Let's go Raditz." Both fighters flew off in complete silence.
Hope you enjoyed this first chapter. The reason I killed off Yamcha is because I've always liked him as a character and I feel he doesn't get enough time in the spotlight. So he's getting King Kai's training this time around. And for anyone wondering, yes these are different power levels than the manga. Here are the power levels.
Goku - (Base/Relaxed) 900 (Powered Up) 1,300
Piccolo - (Base/Relaxed) 700 (Powered Up) 1,600
Raditz - (Base/Relaxed) 1,200 (Powered Up) 1,540
Yamcha - (Base/Relaxed) 578 (Powered Up) Unknown