This is a cute one.


I can't believe it; the Doctor is standing in front of me, leaning against the TARDIS with a swagger and a smirk. He strides towards me and takes my hand and without a word he pulls me into the TARDIS. A warning bell starts going off in my head. This man, who I've only met once, granted I gave him my life in a way but I have only met him once. He seems far too familiar with me.

As soon as we're in the box, he pulls me towards him and whispers in my ear "I've missed you River" he's using my newly adopted name, the name he gave me. I took my name because he called me that, he put the name in my mind. He seemed to like it. He tries to kiss me, I let him but this is wrong. No too soon I scream in my mind, he's too familiar with me. I step back and he seems confused and then he realises "How old are you?" he asks taking a step back as if I am a bomb who might explode.

"Very young" I swallow hard. He licks his lips and nods "How young?" he whispers.

"I've met you once" I say quietly, I start tugging at my shirt. I'm not usually shy, I'm known for being confident at university. Maybe it's not a good thing but there it is. "I'm sorry" the Doctor apologises. I don't want him to apologise, if only I hadn't backed away "It's ok, I'm sorry. I'm still not used to being free" I smile at him "I liked it"


She stands there, so young. She must have been scared, I practically jumped on her. This is a woman, no girl, who's only freed herself on a psychopathic mind. And I attacked her. But when she said she liked it, I give her a reassuring smile. I step forward, she nods giving me permission. I get closer to her and stroke her cheek with my hand. I lean in and give her a gentle kiss, she deepens it and I take charge of the kiss again. I snake my hands around her waist like I normally do. She loops her arms around my neck, like a teenage girl with her first boyfriend. I doubt I am her first, she is still River Song.

But even so this is special; I want her to think of this as special. I want to take her into the stars right now but I can't. She must stay an university and wait to find me again but for now I will love her and giver her something to long for and hold on to.


It's different from any kiss I've ever had. All my kisses have been poisoned or drunken snogs with boys at university. I have only ever had two meaningful kisses; the kiss in Berlin on the stairs, I gave him my days because he was wonderful and I am a girl with no future. That kiss ended with me unconscious. And this kiss the one happening right now, this kiss is gentle but passionate. I can see a future with this man.

He pulls away from the kiss and I smile at him, I haven't smiled like this ever. "Did you like that?" the Doctor asks, he's so cocky.

"Yeah" I smiled, I want him to kiss me again but I don't think he will. "I love you" he tells me, I feel so proud and so so happy.

"I love you" I breathe, this love is real, I can tell that now.

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