It was only at lunch during the next day Sinbad saw Yamraiha again. He had more or less bodily lifted Ja'far from his chair to take him to eat lunch in the dining halls, deciding his adviser should mingle again if he were to work less.
To Ja'far's credit he barely limped, slowly striding through the halls without a hurry to make sure his aching behind wouldn't show in his gait.
"How are you feeling, Yamraiha?" He sat down next to her, cocking one eyebrow in amusement at noticing Sharrkan on her other side. Sharrkan, who was sporting a black eye and still sitting next to Yamraiha.
"A lot better, thank you." She smiled at him warmly, glancing around him at Ja'far. "I woke up yesterday halfway the afternoon. I was assured both of you were fine, so I decided to rest a little longer until I felt up to get back to my duties."
"Of course, you can rest as much as you need." He smiled, relieved to find she was alright. "We probably messed up all your plans though."
She giggled, shaking her head. "No, quite the contrary. I worked my way through a lot of issues with my spell much faster than I had expected. And you won me a bet along the way, so I can't complain."
A bet.
Ah yes, how could he have forgotten. He really needed to chew Hinahoho out over that, but at least now he knew the Imuchakk had indeed gossiped his way through the palace already. It had been awfully convenient how breakfast had been delivered for two people in his room this morning, after all - even if Ja'far had been long gone by the time.
Ja'far didn't seem to understand what Yamraiha was talking about though. "A bet? What bet?"
Sinbad barked out a quick laugh, giving Yamraiha a wide eyed look which she hopefully took as a 'shut up'. "It's a good thing you are progressing on that spell - you should make it safe for use and-"
"What bet?"
He froze, knowing he was doomed. At least Yamraiha had the decency to look appropriately mortified as well, and Sinbad noticed from the corner of his eye how Sharrkan was slowly scooting away over the bench they were sitting on, probably hoping to make a subtle escape. The lucky bastard.
"D-did I say bet?" Yamraiha giggled nervously. "I-It wasn't really a bet, now was it Sharrkan?"
The swordsman froze in place, and Sinbad could practically feel the heat of Ja'far's glower around him towards the unlucky guy who had seemed to have taken the brunt of Ja'far's irritation for as long as Sinbad was young.
"It was just a bit of guessing, really," Sharrkan tried to soothe nervously, "I don't think we ever really made a bet?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
The three of them jumped in surprise - and equal parts of fear - at Ja'far cussing right here at the lunch table. Either he hadn't completely recovered from his child's mindset or they were in really deep trouble here.
"Ja'far, you're getting upset over nothing," Sinbad pleaded, wincing at the sharp glare it got him instead. "I mean, it's only normal for a bit of gossip to go around, right?"
"Are you telling me-" Ja'far slowly stood, looming over Sinbad, "-that you have told people things that were meant to be private?"
"I-I-I-" He gulped, cowering back against Yamraiha - who was trying just as hard to slowly scoot away by now. "I didn't know at the time I shouldn't talk to Hinahoho about it-"
He could practically see Ja'far flare up without the pale man even moving, eyes wide and dangerous as he was appraised like a piece of meat about to be cut to pieces.
It wasn't even a question. It was more like an ominous verification of the name. In hindsight, Sinbad did have to wonder why he hadn't suspected Hinahoho would blabber his story on. He had always been such an incorrigible gossip when it was about happy news.
He didn't remember knowing that at that age though, so it really wasn't his fault.
"J-Ja'far," he held his hands up helplessly in defence, "I didn't know... I was just a kid and I needed advice-"
He broke himself off when Ja'far turned on his heel and stalked off. He blinked in sheer surprise at how easy he had gotten out of it, and looked around at Yamraiha and Sharrkan. Both of them were halfway off the bench and gave him equally confused faces in return, so he slowly stood, deciding to risk his life and follow after his lover.
Strangely enough Ja'far didn't seem half as occupied with keeping himself from walking with an odd limp now he was stalking down the hall angrily, and Sinbad knew this was the moment he had to start fearing for the Imuchakk's life instead.
"Ja'far! Where are you going?"
"I'm going to teach that man a lesson about keeping private things to himself," Ja'far hissed, seemingly not surprised by Sinbad following him.
"You can't hurt him! He didn't mean it like that!"
"He needs to learn a lesson!"
"Ja'far!" He swiftly grabbed Ja'far's wrist, pulling him into a small study as they passed it. He managed to grab the other wrist just in time to avoid having a knife pointed at his face, and he had to pin Ja'far to the wall to make sure he didn't struggle away. "You can't go to Hinahoho all angry like this! I was a confused kid who had just been rejected, so of course I asked him for advice when he offered it. I didn't know he was such an old gossip, and he just can't keep his mouth shut if it's something he's happy about. Hinahoho was just happy for us, please understand that!"
Ja'far glowered at him angrily, but then he slowly relaxed in his grip. He pouted and looked away, refusing to look Sinbad in the eyes.
"Please don't be angry anymore? You know, at least now we don't have to think about whether we want it to be a secret or not. I can just flaunt you by my side and nobody will be surprised."
"Sin!" He was given a disapproving look, but it was accompanied by an adorable little blush.
"Can't I be proud of having you?" He kept his voice gentle as he gave Ja'far a soft smile, knowing perfectly well his adviser was weak to that.
And as he expected Ja'far spluttered a little in indignation without actually finding words in protest, before giving in. "Fine. Have it your way."
He grinned, leaning in closer to lightly brush their lips together. He felt Ja'far tense under him, grey eyes widening at him in surprise. "Don't mind if I do then," he whispered suggestively, before catching Ja'far's lips in a kiss.
And if this wasn't the best thing that couldn't happened to him in the middle of the day, he didn't know what was.
He'd have to remember to thank Yamraiha for messing up.
Well, that was it. I want to thank everyone who stopped to give me a review or a message, it made me very happy to see people enjoyed my first successful attempt at a proper multi chapter story. There's nothing more encouraging than hearing about people liking your writing! And now I'll be off trying to write another long story ;)