It was a bright, sunny day at McKinley Elementary and all the children were playing outside for recess, all except one. As the other children basked in the warmth of the outdoors and screams and laughter filled the summer air, Santana Lopez was busy huddled over a desk in the private confines of the classroom. She could have gone out and joined the others but she had far more important work to do. The bell had rang for break and she'd hidden as the teacher ushered everyone out. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she bided her time until the coast was clear. The teacher had missed her absence in the group, too eager to get the line of impatient children outside and now here Santana was- working on her masterpiece. Tongue stuck out in concentration, she scribbled deep green lines through what was was once a pretty drawing of a star. Her hand moved up and down and across the paper until it was undeniably ruined. She had started to look rather happy with herself but an in-ignorable sound in the distance pierced through her smug concentration and caused her ears to prick up. The noise created an instant shift in her mood and her tongue snapped back in. She waited a moment to be certain, taking a deep breath as she did but the noise continued. Her delicate mouth transformed into a menacing scowl- warning spots to anyone that was about to cross her. She slammed down her crayon, snapping it in the process and shot up from the chair sending it backwards. The cries from outside pulled at her attention and drew her in like a siren. Berry's picture would just have to wait a while. She would always come to the aid of that cry. Always.
She frog marched through the classroom, puffing up her chest and rolling her sleeves ready to attack if she needed to. Eyes squinting with the exposure to sunlight, she surveyed the playground in front of her. It didn't take long to find the source as she followed the wails, weaving through games of chase and flying soccer balls. She scowled as girls with skipping ropes blocked her path, the other girls saw her expression and moved hurriedly out of the way. Their short years on this planet had taught them enough to know not to get in the little Latina's way. In the sandbox just on the outskirts, Santana could make out the back of her best friend curled up into herself making a petite little ball. Blonde hair draped over shaking shoulders that gently heaved with each sob. Santana felt her heart tug at the sight and a fierce feeling stirred in the pit of her stomach. She quickly moved to her friends side to see what was wrong. Brittany's face was concealed behind her trembling hands and they showed no signs of budging. Santana bit her lip anxiously for a moment as she considered her approach. Santana hated the sight and guilt bubbled in her as she wished she had been there for her friend sooner. She crouched until she was at Brittany's level and put on her best soothing voice, or at least the voice that usually got her what she wanted. She ran her hand through the blonde hair for extra comfort and persuasion.
"Britt Britt, what happened?" The gentle tone seemed to work and Brittany lowered her hands once she recognised Santana's voice. Blinking, she looked up at her friend; her eye's puffy and sad, her lip stuck out in a wobbly pout. Snot and tears had met to make a wet mess upon her face. She used the back of her hand to wipe some of it away but there was still a trail smeared from one cheek to the next and her sleeves had obvious wet patches. She took deep, strained breaths as she tried to talk in between her sobs.
"The b-boys tried to get me out of the sandbox but I w-wouldn't because I'm looking for gold like I saw on tv. They said there was no gold then P-Puck kicked sand at me and called me dumb." There was extra emphasis and sorrow placed on the word 'dumb' and Santana's small fingers quickly balled into tight fists by her side. Brittany was always being dismissed as stupid by classmates and teachers, it bothered Santana as much as it upset her friend. Her teeth started to grind but she knew being angry wouldn't help Brittany right now so she unclenched her jaw and relaxed her hands. This was one of those times her Mom always tried to tell her about, being the bigger person and rising above the anger. Taking a tissue from up her sleeve instead, she began cleaning away at her friend's face and dabbing any stray tears that would fall from her eyes. She smiled softly at her friend
"Puck doesn't know what he's talking about, you're the cleverest person I know. I bet you Puck is just jealous that he wasn't clever enough to think of looking for gold here first. It's pretty smart" Santana cooed and Brittany began to uncurl herself from the ball she'd made. Her lip stopped wobbling and no new tears fell across her face.
"Really?" Brittany was already starting to cheer up with traces of a smile replacing her pout.
"Really." Santana wrapped a tight arm around Brittany all the while scanning the playground for Puck. If he had any sense at all, he'd be long gone. Satisfied that he was nowhere close by, she left one glowering look at the teacher who had been stood, blissfully ignoring the crying blonde. Santana made a note to leave paste on her chair later to teach her a lesson. Brittany snuggled in closer and Santana's leaned in to leave a kiss on the top of her head. She was only 5 years old but in that moment, she made a vow to protect Brittany forever.
25 years later.
Santana climbed into the elevator keeping mind to step carefully with the hot cup of coffee in her hand. Past experience of high school slushies and clumsy interns in her later years made her wary of any kind of liquid in a cup. She kept it at a safe distance until she settled into the space, assured that her suit was safe from mishaps. Eyes of colleagues scanned her from behind and she stood pretending to not be aware. She was used to the inappropriate attention and stayed alert enough in case anyone dared to attempt an 'accidental' feel. It had happened once before, when she first came to this building. She received a less than subtle boob graze and the assailant received an immediate knee to his groin. That wasn't the last time and more brave men that week tried their luck, hands 'accidentally' brushing along her backside. Each one ended the same way, with a sharp knee jerk and word soon spread. All body parts were kept to themselves today and she smirked, satisfied.
One by one, workers exited out onto their various departments until it was just her left to ride to the top, or so she assumed. As she watched the lift ascend floor by floor, Santana became vaguely aware of a small mousy voice droning in the background, methodically listing off the meetings she'd have that day. Meeting after meeting, call after call- her day was already transforming into a carousel of demands and responsibilities. She slowly closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose making sure to nod at all the right places- pretending to pay attention. It was early Monday morning and she still hadn't shaken off the 'start of the week' grogginess. She ran her hand through her hair and down her crisp suit, looking at the ceiling wondering when the voice would be quiet. At this time in the morning, or at least before her first coffee- she preferred silence. No, she was not a morning person. As if in answer to her prayers, the doors opened to her floor presenting her with freedom and Santana let out a grateful sigh.
"...and Mr Galloway called to arrange a meeting to discuss how to proceed with his son." The droning voice followed her through the doors to her disappointment. Santana flicked this last piece of information off with her hand, she had no idea what this woman was talking about.
"Yeah, yeah that's great. Okay, so email me everything you've just said. It's not even 9am, I am yet to take a sip of this delicious coffee so naturally- I haven't listened to a single word you just said." Her assistant could only nod, not yet brave enough to dare an eye roll. She looked like she wanted to tell Santana one last thing but decided against it and scuttled off. Happier, Santana made her way to her office.
Within a few short strides, she was immediately thrown into an environment of ringing phones and chaotic keyboard typing. Papers and folders were passed across desks and bodies moved between copiers and computers. Eager worker bees. She took a quick glance at her watch startled by how busy it was. Her eyes widened a little before she tried to hide her surprise. Okay, so she was a little later than nine, quite late actually. Rather than rush along with urgency, she stopped to enjoy that long awaited first sip of coffee- her nectar.
"Nice of you to grace us with your presence Lopez." The voice came from behind and Santana pulled a face knowing she was rumbled. She was yet to successfully sneak in late unnoticed- her coffee had barely even managed to touch her lips. She turned to face the voice.
"Yeah well my dog ate my alarm Jones." Mercedes Jones was one woman that was not afraid of pulling the eye roll out on Santana.
"Girl weren't you late last week because your dog died?" Shit. Santana opened her mouth but Mercedes cut in before she even had chance to say something. "I'll save you the time of making up some lame ass excuse- you're here now. It's a good job you're a partner or I'd have to fire your ass for another late start."She wagged her finger as she spoke but Santana just scoffed at the threat, the edges of her lips twisting into a smirk.
"Punctuality might not be my strong point but we both know I make you far too much money for you to even consider firing me." Mercedes eye rolled once more as she watched the smug expression expand across her colleagues face. It was a logic she couldn't really argue with though. Santana was good at her job.
"You're a blessing and a curse Satan, a blessing and a curse." Santana just blew Mercedes a kiss and her friend could only laugh. Thankfully, they had a great working dynamic; Mercedes liked to play boss but they were equals really. They walked together as other workers ducked around them.
"I'm assuming you heard that Mr Galloway has been eager to arrange a meeting?" Mercedes quickly dropped the laughter and Santana huffed now that their conversation was rounding back to actual work. All she wanted was her coffee and her mind drifted to the cup in her hand. In waves, the scent wafted up to her in a way that could have elicited a moan were she not in public. She craved the taste and the injection of energy it promised. She knew that probably meant she was far too reliant on the stuff but she didn't care. "Santana? Mr Galloway?"
"No?" Her answer came out a little drawled. The name did ring some sort of vague bell but it was easier to just be told again than admit she just couldn't be bothered listening earlier. Mercedes put her hand on her hip and rounded on her colleague.
"Santana- what is the point in having an assistant if the girl isn't even going to keep you up to date?" Santana only shrugged in response. She actually didn't see the point in an assistant at all.
"She knows how to get my lunch order right, anything else is an unnecessary burden for her." Her tone made it sound like it should have been an obvious answer.
"Well we are paying her far too much for that and that is not why we hired her!" It was Santana's turn to roll her eyes.
"Mercedes, we're digressing." It was a strategic deflection, not willing to get into the fact she just ignored her assistant most of the time or sent her on ridiculous errands. Sure, the girl probably came with dreams and aspirations-it's just unlucky she wound up with someone that generally refused help. Mercedes decided not to press it further just now and settled for tutting at the woman.
"Right, well apparently Mr Galloway's lovely son has been re-arrested. Some recent evidence has come to light that proves he was in fact where he definitely said he wasn't." Santana ran her tongue across her teeth as she considered the information.
"And let me guess, it's now up to us to protect his precious boy from prison?" She let out a sigh, already resistant to the client. She hadn't dealt with Galloway last time but in the short time she'd seen him, he struck her as a man that like to throw his weight around. If anything rubbed her up the wrong way, it was a peacock display of arrogance.
"He's willing to pay five times our asking fee." Mercedes over-emphasised the sentence for effect and Santana shook her head in disbelief. She actually didn't really care about the money as much as her friend. To her that kind of salary was a sign of desperation, a cover up- practically an admission of the guys guilt. Mercedes didn't miss her expression "San, you know I'm not delighted about representing him either but-"
"We can't turn down that kind of money." Santana recited it off as if it had practically became a motto between the pair. Mercedes nodded sympathetically and Santana knew she was right. When they first started the law firm up together, they'd seen themselves as defenders of justice taking down the criminal world one day at a time. As time went by though- they learnt that it was the criminals in need of defence that paid the most and when you're a small time firm in your first year, money talks pretty loud. It was far from ideal but it was an undeniable fact.
"After this case we can afford to be the superheroes, okay? We'll have enough behind us to take any case we want." Mercedes knew this was the bargaining chip she needed to play to appeal to her friend. Santana chewed her lip , a habit she picked up when she felt anxious. It didn't sit well with her, cases like this never did but they did need a big case. It's not that they were really struggling as a firm but what they were making spread fairly thin across the staff. Cases like this helped. She ruffled the back of her hair as she tried to find some kind of peace with it. She could feel big brown doe eyes watching her and she knew she wouldn't be able to just say no anyway. She sighed in exaggerated exasperation.
"Fine, fine, fine. I will cancel all my appointments for the day and will look over the case files we have. I need to know what we're going up against or find out what this evidence is anyway." Mercedes gave her arm a grateful squeeze, mentioned something quickly about lunch and darted off in the direction of her own office. She probably didn't want to stick around in case Santana changed her mind in the few seconds from agreeing. Mercedes was wise, even as Santana was watching the retreating figure of her friend, she was already starting to have regrets.
Santana downed the rest of her coffee in quick gulps and asked the first person she saw to get her another one. She hadn't even been in work ten minutes and this was not the start to the week she was hoping for. She'd need all the help she could get.
After a day of meetings and schedule switching, Santana was poured over a swamp of files, statements and police reports. She was on her fourth cup of coffee and the added caffeine was only contributing to her levels of crankiness rather than helping her work. There was no doubt in her mind that Galloway's son was guilty and that caused so many mixed feelings. As a lawyer, it wasn't in her best interest to lose but by winning- she was getting a guilty man off the hook.
Tom Galloway was a sleaze who had the luck of a wealthy family behind him and a father who didn't seem to care whether he was guilty or not. A lot of money got put into ensuring the family name was safe from being tarnished and for the most part, it gave Tom free reign of the city. About eleven months ago, the family had come to the firm to say a female was making false accusations of sexual assault against him. She was an ex, he had an alibi and in the following weeks she had been painted out to be vengeful and a liar. With no evidence other than her word, there was little to hold against him and no charges were pressed. Her firm didn't actually have to do very much. The Galloway's could have walked away then but they were determined to make a show of power. They pulled together a tight legal team and countered the accusation with a lawsuit intimidating enough to scare the girl out of town. Santana had nothing to do with the case back then but she still carried a guilt for that poor girl. That woman was put through hell. The media circled her like pirana's; each insult sunk in like sharp teeth, each headline ripped another piece from her until there was barely anything left. The lawsuit was the final blow that left no option but to flee.
What the Galloway's didn't foresee in their cockiness was that the woman would go on to rebuild herself, she would get stronger. Not willing to live as a shadow, she let her momentary defeat make her iron willed and determined. Using a regained strength and focus, she hired a detective once she moved away and managed some sort of life for herself. Santana admired the girls pluck and she knew down inside, she was rooting for her. The detective had done his job well and as a result Tom's original alibi had fallen apart. The police were now very interested to know why he lied about his whereabouts. Lying about an alibi is usually a nail in the coffin and she was already exhausted trying to find a loophole with that but her instinct told her that was bigger. If it turned out the alibi hadn't even been investigated thoroughly the first time, it could lead to calls of police negligence or worst case- bribing from her client. She wouldn't put it past the family. This had potential to blow up far bigger and could go on for months if not years. Santana rubbed at her temples as the paperwork and caffeine merged to form a pounding headache. Galloway was due in less than an half an hour and she didn't know if she could muster the strength for it. She threw her head back in her chair hoping an answer would land on her from somewhere.
A message flashed up on Santana's tablet. While she suspected it wasn't anything that would win her the case, the distraction was a welcome one. She pulled the device across to her, a decision she immediately regretted once she saw who the message was from. Rachel Berry. She clicked her tongue as she considered ignoring it all together. Her options were this or more files so she opted to see what old Man Hands had to say. It took all of 10 seconds for her to read the message and for her face to drop in horror. The words of the email sent a cold shiver down her entire body.
"MERCEDES!" It didn't take long for Mercedes to appear so she must have gotten the same message at the same time. "Have you read this?" Santana's eyes were wide and full of panic. The tablet was pushed away as if diseased and she stared as if it might bite her. Mercedes broke out into a huge grin.
"Glee reunion baby!" Santana groaned as Mercedes started dancing on the spot. The thought of being reunited with all her old classmates did not fill her with the same thrill as Mercedes. The day was just getting worse.
"This is so exciting!" Santana watched her best friend bounce around her bedroom, increasingly ecstatic. It had been like this since they'd come back to hers. She had to fight every instinct that told her this was endearing and cute. Instead of smiling into the moment, she built up the walls that seemed to crumble to dust around the blonde.
"No Britt, this isn't good. The Glee club is full of losers, losers that get slushied." The horror on the latter fact couldn't be missed in her voice. Brittany stopped her hopping to look at Santana. A perfectly executed pout with puppy eye's met her gaze. The Latina cursed the effect it had on her and once again, her walls became sand.
"But Sanny-people wont slushie us because we're hot and everyone is scared of you." She made a good point. "We get to sing and dance and make friends with the robot." The pout was quickly forgotten as a new wave of excitement washed over her. Santana was puzzled about the robot until she realised Brittany was talking about the kid in the wheelchair.
"No Britt, he isn't a-" but seeing the delight etched across her face, Santana didn't want to burst her happy little bubble. She still didn't share the enthusiasm though. "Look we're only in there because Sue wants us to sabotage the damn thing. It's not like we'll be real members or anything, remember that." Again, Santana's words seemed to subdue the blondes cheerfulness.
"And why isn't that mean again?" Santana sighed at Brittany's conflicted expression. The contrast of the innocence in her friend compared to her own bitchy persona sometimes made her uncomfortable. Brittany wasn't someone she wanted to corrupt but it was the only way she could watch out for her. She was always the little girl in the sandbox.
"Sue said something about saving America from liberal hippies, I don't know." She shrugged it off like a non-issue. That was just one of the reasons but she had no intention of getting into club funding, budgets and Sue's greed. Brittany picked up her cat giddily, eyes wide.
"So we're kind of like top secret superheroes?" Santana could only marvel at the fantastic world that must exist in the blondes head. Her magical, beautiful friend. She decided to play along, anything to see the large smile once more.
"It's exactly like that." Brittany started to bounce up and down again. The cat didn't even try to hide its glare as he jolted up and down with his owners movements. Santana sat back and watched in awe, ignoring the fluttering in her chest.
"Hear that Lord Tubbington, I'm joining Glee to be a superhero and I get to do it with my bestest friends in the world."
"Yeah I just got it. Am I? Do you know me at all, of course I'll be there! You can't do it without this diva. Yeah well a good old fashioned diva-off can settle that. Boy now you know you're dreaming!" Mercedes was on the phone speaking animatedly to Kurt. They all must have got the message at the same time because within seconds, her phone was ringing. Santana wondered who exactly was on the mailing list, the thought made her feel suddenly anxious. "Sourpuss over here? Oh you know she's pulling all kinds of faces but she'll be there." Mercedes stuck her tongue out and Santana scowled.
In all honestly, she couldn't remember the last time all of the Glee kids had been together- there hadn't been a reunion since the early stages of college anyway. There had been a number of reunions in that first year, a reluctance to let go but gradually they all drifted into their new lives. It was the realisation that moving forward wasn't some horrible monster but just a natural step. After that, it became easier to cut the visits home down and the phone calls became less regular. They had to help Sam out with a dodgy modelling contract some time ago and Rachel popped by every now and then but the others had become like strangers, links only held through an occasional 'like' on facebook. Some, had just faded away entirely. Of the two, it was Mercedes that kept all her connections tight. Santana had to find a way out of this.
"You know you're coming right, so don't even start with one of your schemes." It was like Mercedes could read her mind and Santana knew this would be a tough bullet to dodge.
"Merc, do you see this?" She waved her hand over the files in front of her. "I am going to be backlogged trying to work this case."
"No way Santana, you are not using this. You missed the last four already."
"So we can drop Galloway then?" Mercedes screwed her face up as she realised she had fallen into a trap and Santana knew she was winning.
The mousy assistant appeared in the doorway snapping both girls away from their conversation.
"Mr Galloway is here Miss Lopez." The assistant waited in the doorway waiting for acknowledgement or to be told what to do. When she realised all she'd get was her bosses blank stare, she hurried off again. Mercedes quickly straightened her face and her light hearted persona quickly switched to strict professional.
"Are you ready for this?" That was a polite way of saying 'do not screw this up'. Santana wanted to give a smart ass retort but she just wanted to get it over and done with. She heaved herself up from her desk to go and greet her client, the message from Rachel left open on her tablet. That, could wait until later.
"I trust you've had time to read through the files." Mr Galloway was quick to cut through the formalities. Pleasantries weren't his style and he didn't have the time for them either. He was a man that had thrived on being closed off and straight to the point. It set an example, he wasn't a man to mess around or be messed around with.
"I've spent the afternoon reading through and reviewing them, yes" Santana assured him. She was taking this meeting but Mercedes sat in the corner, presumably to make sure the Latina played nicely.
"So I then trust that you've found a solution that will put all this to rest?" Santana felt a venom slightly rise in her chest. His attitude showed he didn't even care that his son was probably guilty of attacking a woman. A warning look from Mercedes forced her to swallow the fire that danced on the tip of her tongue.
"It's not that simple Mr Galloway, as well you know. You're son lied about his whereabouts and that wont look great in court- or to a jury if it gets to that." Galloway just scoffed as if her words held very little importance.
"There will be a loophole. Find it." He said this almost dismissively but you couldn't miss the demand in his tone. He was playing for dominance in the situation but Santana didn't buckle under it. She'd faced much worse in her time as a lawyer. She shuffled some of the papers to regain some composure on her flaring temper.
"I need to ask you some questions about the first investigation. Your sons alibi doesn't look like it was probed too much for it to never have raised any questions?"
"Sloppy police work." His reply was definite and it also served as a cut off to the line of questioning. The steel in his eyes warned her not to broach any further. Mercedes gave a little head shake telling her to back off too. Galloway caught the movement and smirked. This only rattled Santana's anger until it reached a brink.
"I just think it's a little odd that he lied and no one thought to really check. Why did he lie?" She could see Galloway's jaw muscles constrict and she knew she was getting to him.
"I'm not paying for your thoughts, I'm paying for results."
"So you didn't bribe any officers to look the other way?" In her mind, it was a valid question but she knew from her colleagues widened eyes that she'd just overstepped a mark and one that was especially defined for powerful men like Galloway. Taking a deep breath, she went to rectify her question but only for Mercedes' sake. "Sorry Mr Galloway, I didn't intend for that to sound as accusing as it did." She heard her own voice as she backtracked and it left an acidic taste in her mouth. "We just need to be sure we're not going to be surprised with any revelations the prosecution might present in court. You're a business man, you know the importance of looking at all angles and possibilities." Her cover was quick but it seemed to work as the harsh features of Galloway's face relaxed a fraction. It wasn't enough though.
"It would be in your best interests that in future, you are careful as to what kind of questions you ask Miss Lopez." Each word was pronounced clearly, the threat wasn't even thinly veiled and it hung thick in the air of conference room. The control on Santana's temper snapped like a twig.
"I think they're bold words from a man who needs our help to defend his pervert son." Santana was not the type to be intimidated or back down either. Mercedes shot up from her seat ready to try and salvage this meeting. Her colleagues eyes had hardened and she now saw Santana as a striking rattle snake.
"Sir, my colleague didn't mean any offence. Her aggressive nature in the courtroom sometimes follows her into other aspects of her life. I assure you, she will learn the time and place for such behaviour. However, I have to say it is that same aggressive nature that you will need to save your son from prison." Mr Galloway left the staring contest he was currently having with Santana to address the other lawyer in the room.
"Miss Jones, perhaps a muzzle will serve to remind her when and when not to talk. I would hate for a run away mouth to affect the future of this firm. It has so much promise."
"Of course. Thank you for your visit Mr Galloway. We'll be in touch." Mercedes cut in because she knew Santana would have a tirade already loaded and waiting to shoot after that last threat. Mr Galloway regarded the two women as he gathered his jacket and made to leave.
"Until next time Miss Lopez". Santana felt her skin roast as her blood boiled. She counted until she was sure he was well out of ear shot before she spoke. Mercedes was purposely not looking at her.
"Thank you for your visit? Could you have been any more up his ass Merc, could you? Way to have my back." She was fuming and she was shaking. She thought her friend would have been more of a support, instead she made her look out of control and incompetent.
"Seriously? You're going to bring this round to me? I'm not the one that lost control."
"DID YOU HEAR HIM? Who the fuck does he think he is coming into MY firm making threats. He can go fuck himself, I'm not representing him or his scumball son. You know you basically just agreed I needed a muzzle?" Mercedes' own patience was starting to wear thin as she listened to the rant. She sided with Santana to an extent but she also didn't underestimate the power Galloway had in the city. Santana couldn't just verbally attack him as she had done. This wasn't about defending her friend, it was about protecting the life they had built.
"Firstly, this is OUR firm. Secondly, I know he's a dick but it's for us to rise above it and just focus on the job at hand. You know I will always have your back but those threats aren't games San, he has the influence to end this firm. This is not a man you mess with. This case is not an option for us, especially not now."
"You want this so bad, you represent him then. I'm done here." She scooped all her paperwork and belongings together in her arms. "This is the kind of guy goes against everything we stood for when we first set up. Don't forget that."
Before Mercedes even had chance to reply, Santana had stormed out of the office. Part of her wanted to follow but it would be no use, Santana's temper was infamous and nothing could wind it down.
"San, slow down. You're walking too fast." Brittany was struggling to keep up with a furious Santana and so far,she as being ignored. Normally, she was the faster one but once Santana's anger had been piqued- she was unstoppable. "I'm talking to my best friend Santana Lopez now, not Snixx. Will you please just stop, for me?" The words finally seemed to have some impact.
Santana slowed down enough to let Brittany catch up. Her mood was awful and she was ready to kill but she couldn't allow herself to take it out on her friend. She kicked out at a locker. The clang of metal filled the hallway. Next she was using her fists as she pounded against the steel doors to vent some of the aggression. It wasn't until she felt a hand on her bicep that she stopped.
"I hate this school and everybody here" she growled. Brittany looked hurt and stepped back to create some distance, her hand leaving the other girls arm. Could she really hate her? Santana immediately missed the contact and looked up to catch Brittany's expression and she regretted her words. "Not you Britt, you're the only thing that makes sense in this place. I could never hate you." The anger was slowly draining away as she tried to reassure her. In response, the blonde wrapped her arms around her friend and nuzzled into her shoulder.
"You are the beautiful Santana Lopez and Puck is stupid for letting you go for Mercedes. If I was him, I'd never let you go." Brittany's words set off a shiver inside Santana but she quickly brushed them to one side. Even the, she couldn't even give that thought energy. Instead, she distracted herself with the fact that some glee club loser had managed to steal her man. Still, being in Brittany's arms stopped her from reaching the same velocity as before and she suddenly felt very removed from the situation that just played out. Her and Mercedes had a full on brawl in the choir room. It had gotten pretty violent and had taken most of the club to part the two girls. When she went to leave, no one tried to stop her. Everyone knew better than to get in her way and even Schue didn't dare cross her in that mood. Brittany ran a soothing up and down her back. It was a stupid fight, she was pretty certain she didn't like Puck that much anyway. Losing though, losing was not something she could handle. Even now though, she couldn't say that she minded too much.
"You always know how to calm me down Britt Britt." Santana leant into the embrace more and practically purred as her back was rubbed. The rage ebbed away with each stroke.
"I am the Santana Whisperer." Santana chuckled and both girls tightened their embrace.
Santana sat in her car trying to calm herself and ease the shaking in her hands. Her files lay scattered on the floor from where she had thrown them angrily. She just wanted her bed but her head was too clouded by the meeting to even attempt to drive just yet. The steering wheel took a beating as she let everything out, every last bit of frustration pouring out of her. She hit and hit until her fists began to throb and ache. Still agitated, she threw herself against the back of her seat and bitter, stinging tears started to form in her eyes. She'd never been able to manage her anger that well. Taking deep breaths, she tried to regain some composure.
This used to be easier.
She ran her finger under each eye to catch any mascara that might have decided to run. She'd come across countless men like Galloway in her time but none got under her skin like he did. Usually she could run circles around any asshole that crossed her path but in there, she was helpless. He made a fool of her and Mercedes let him all in the name of diplomacy. She'd felt vulnerable and out of anything, she hated that the most. The thought of being tied to him for the foreseeable future made her skin crawl.
She snatched up her cell, if this was Galloway- so help her God. Even though she knew the repercussions would be grave, she was ready to give him a piece of her mind without Mercedes as her keeper. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her as she prepared herself for a heated confrontation.
Great to see the RSVP's, it's all very exciting. Hope to hear from the stragglers now. I have taken the time to compile a setlist that I think will capture the moment of us all being together just perfectly. See you soon 3 xoxo
It not being Galloway should have eased her angst but it only fuelled it. She flung her phone to the back seat in disgust, she had no time for peppy right now, she was fit to kill. Why would she even want to go to the dumb thing anyway? They weren't her friends, none of them. The only reason people were still on her radar was because of Mercedes. They didn't care about her or if she'd show up. They never called or even messaged to see how she was. If they asked, it was because she was in the same room as Mercedes' phone call. Fuck all of them. The mantra repeated in her head. Fuck all of them. Soon the words felt like they were running through her veins. She reached to the back of her car to retrieve her phone and started typing aggressively.
Fuck you all.
It was misdirected anger but it felt good to be able to take it out on something over than the interior of her car. Even as she was typing, she felt some of the negative energy release. She knew the guilt would fill that void later but until then, she'd ride out the peace. She blinked as the message sent, slightly disbelieving she'd done it. Again, her phone was tossed into the back of her car, already wary of the consequences. She'd deal with it later. Putting her key into the ignition, she finally started her engine to go home. She was in the process of putting it in gear when Mercedes appeared at the passenger window. Santana didn't look at her or turn off the engine of her car.
"Before I go and eff myself, classy by the way, I just wanted to say I AM sorry for how that went down." Santana didn't respond and she kept her eyes trained straight ahead. She really didn't have the energy to re-hash this. Mercedes voice became more pleading. "You know I don't like going to bed angry San."
"You want me to forget about it, to say 'hey Mercedes, no problem?' Fine, but these are my terms: Next time he speaks to me like that, he's out. Am I clear?"
"Crystal." Mercedes even crossed her heart to show she was serious. "So are we good?" Santana hated fighting with her friend but her stubborn pride held too tight a grip. She was still annoyed.
"I don't know." Again, Mercedes wasn't given the chance of reply, she was left in the carpark alone as Santana's car raced out onto the main road. She just shook her head and wandered to her own car.
"Stubborn ass."
By the time Santana had got back to her home, exhaustion was the only thing she could manage to feel and it felt like a heavy weight on her. She'd taken deep breaths the entire journey to dispel the negativity of work and the anger had finally whittled down into a tired feeling. She noted how regular that was becoming lately. It had been a long time since she walked through her front door without her shoulders slumped with the baggage of the day pressing down on her.
She flicked on the lights to the main hallway and hung up her bag and coat. Dragging her feet as she walked down the hallway, she wondered how it would be to come home to someone after a day like today. She imagined being able to talk about her day and feel the stress just melt away with their words. She'd open the door and be greeted by someone that was happy to see her. She imagined the warmth that would wrap itself around her, banishing everything else to the other side of that door. Instead, she was confronted with a quiet and lonely space. The white walls offered little comfort or warmth, they only echoed the emptiness. As she took it all in, a sigh she didn't even know she'd been holding in escaped.
Placing her files on the small dining table that took up half her living room, she wearily contemplated dinner. Again, she imagined how fun making dinner would be if she had someone to make it with or even for. She tried to shake the notion as she reached for the freezer. Work had become her life and it wasn't until recently that she realised that outside of that building, she felt very alone. Knowing she was at odds with her only friend didn't do much to help how she was feeling. As of this moment, it felt like she had nobody. Santana settled for a microwave meal, not having the energy to cook but knowing she had to eat something. Stabbing through the film with a knife, she noted how numb she felt compared to when she was beating her steering wheel. She poured a glass of wine after putting her meal in and stood waiting. Taking a large a sip, the photo on her fridge caught her eye. The Unholy Trinity. She wasn't sure why she kept that picture there really, it had been a long time since it had brought a smile to her face or at least one that matched the smile looking back at her. Her chest tightened as it forced her to face just how much had changed. Was she mad at Mercedes for Galloway or was she really jealous because Mercedes had managed to keep all of her best friends?
Brittany's smiling face stood out to her and she tried to recall the last time she saw that smile. It had been years. Quinn's own smile was like a warm ray as she wrapped her arms around her two friends. They were so happy then. She finished her glass and poured another as she lamented at how the trinity had drifted apart so easily after school, how easy it had been for them to make a life for themselves without each other. The very idea seemed an impossible one. There was always a sense of forever between the three of them- that they'd be friends forever, that her and Brittany were forever. A bleeping from the microwave pulled her attention and she went to remove her meal, turning her back on the picture and the three beaming faces looking out.
"Brittany, we've taken like fifty pictures now can we stop?" Santana and Quinn were starting to complain as their faces began a dull ache from all the smiling and laughing. Brittany had gotten a camera for her birthday and she hadn't stopped taking pictures...of everything. At least she'd stopped taking pictures of strangers in the corridors, Santana had to quickly yank her away from some aggressive looking girl hockey players earlier. They hand't taken kindly to the not exactly clandestine snapshots. Santana was certain there was well over a hundred on there just of her face. Brittany would never admit that she had been taking pictures slyly of her friend. She would never admit that Santana was her favourite subject to take photo's of. As her friends complaints persisted, she broke into a pout and looked at them with her big blue eyes.
"Just one more, please?" Neither of her friends could resist the pout and easily relented, setting up for another picture. Brittany's mouth turned into a huge grin. People thought she was stupid but she knew how to get her own way. "Cheeeeeeeeese." The photo took and when Brittany turned to the screen, she was obviously pleased. Santana watched her curiously.
"Britt, what's with all the pictures?"
"I always want to remember this. I want to be an old lady with all my cats and look back on this and know it was the best time ever." She wrapped her arms around her friends one more time as she took one more picture. Quinn rolled her eye's but couldn't fight the smile that spread right up to her eyes. Santana felt her own smile widen as she felt Brittany's arm tighten around her, her hand squeezing her shoulder. There was a buzz of electricity at the contact. Santana knew she was blushing as the flash went off.
"Happy with them now?" Quinn's question was more a cloaked way of saying she'd had enough of posing. Brittany nodded excitedly.
"Come look!" The other two girls huddled around the camera screen as Brittany brought up the latest picture. Just on the first glance, it was obvious they were best friends. Even though they were tired of the camera, the smiles were genuine and they fit together perfectly. The Unholy Trinity. Santana felt a warmth in her chest as she shared this moment with her two best friends.
"Do you think we'll always be this happy?"
The hot water from the shower helped wash away a lot of the tension that rested in Santana's neck and shoulders. She let the water scold her skin finding the searing heat therapeutic. It pounded against the knots in her muscles and her composure relaxed, there was no denying it was helping clear her wine-head too. She stood like that under the water for another 15 minutes until she felt her skin begin to wrinkle. Looking up to the showerhead, she let the water pour over her face for a moment before turning the dial to stop the water flow. She stayed still as most of the water dripped off her body. She let it the droplets race down until a cold draft caused her to shiver. Grabbing a towel, she moved through into her bedroom. Her phone lay in the middle of the bed and she suddenly remembered her outburst earlier in the car and felt a twinge of guilt. Picturing her classmates faces as they read the message made her cringe and she dreaded what they must have thought. As she rubbed the moisture out of her hair, the wondered if she was brave enough to check for a reply. She was not.
Santana was sat on her bed crossed legged surrounded by files for the second time that day. It was getting late but she just needed to work. She purposely avoided the Galloway files and looked through some of the others that had been pushed aside for the new case. As she read through each one, she did a mental check of her staff and who'd be best suited to take on the client. Scribbling notes, she left reminders for herself for tomorrow. They weren't exciting cases but they were still paying clients who deserved the best representing them. She flicked though the brown folders but concentration was hard. As try as she might- Galloway was still there at the forefront of her thoughts. As if it might burn her, she reluctantly picked up the file again. She was unsure if the weight of her conscience or the weight of the file made it feel heavy in her hand. Flicking through the papers, she saw pictures of the woman at the centre of the case. Marley Rose. She was pretty, young looking, very small framed- she would never have stood a chance against Tom Galloway. The thought made her shudder and she put the file back down. She closed her eye's, trying to rationalise, trying to detach from the case. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she repeated 'you have a job to do. Do it.' Opening her eyes, she picked up the file once more. She couldn't look at this from the perspective of Santana Lopez, she had to look at this from the perspective of a lawyer that needed to win her case. She flipped the picture of Marley over, hiding her face and looked over at Tom. All she saw were the eyes of a monster and he was her monster now.
It was reaching 1am and Santana's eyes were starting to ache from the strain of reading and staying up late. Despite the hours put in, she still hadn't made much ground and was yet to find something that could even resemble a strong defence. It was useless right now. Knowing she had to be in work in around eight hours, she decided to call it a night. A good nights sleep might give new perspective. She gathered the files together and dropped them to her floor with a thud. Tomorrow, she'd pull her head out of her ass and actually ask Mercedes for help. She pulled the duvet around her and willed the thoughts whirring in her head to settle down. For once, they were obedient. Her eye's got heavier and it didn't take too long for her to fall to sleep.
A groan erupted from the mass of duvet as the shrill ring of her mobile filled her entire bedroom. Had she overslept? She opened her eyes and squinted over at her alarm clock. No, it was only just after 5am. What the hell? Her hand slapped along the other side of her bed as she tried to locate the device. Her hand finally found it and she brought it to her ear. She couldn't even hide the gruffness in her voice.
"What is it?" She was ready to tear the head off anyone that wanted to call her at this hour.
"Santana?" Santana suddenly felt very awake as she recognised the voice on the other end of the line, a voice she hadn't heard since she was a teenager. She glanced at the time again and a cold washed over her body.
"Susan, is that you?" Her voice suddenly sound very small and her question was greeted with a heavy sob. Santana felt herself gulp as her heart rate picked up. The phone started to feel clammy in her hand as she heard Susan Pierce break down on the other end of the phone call. She chewed her lip as she waited for the other woman to speak. Her stomach was turning until she heard the words she knew would make her throw up.
"Oh Santana, it's Brittany."