Title: One Day
Rating: T
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Scorpius/Rose
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Word Count: 1,112
Summary: One day, I will marry that girl. That's Scorpius' thoughts.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Ancient Runes Class - Write about anything that has to do with a character trying to Overcome/Desire/Achieve some big moment in their life.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry: Triwizard Tournament

CARD 1: THE SUN (UPRIGHT) - The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and will bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and you bring such warmth into other people's lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and will help you succeed. You are also in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others. Radiate who you are and what you stand for. Shine love on those you care about.

CARD 2: THE WORLD (UPRIGHT) - The World signifies completion, achievement and fulfilment. All of your efforts are finally paying off and you have reached the end of a journey or have completed a major life cycle. You have endured hardships and challenges along the way but these have only made you stronger and significantly wiser and more experienced than when you first started on your journey. A long-term project, period of study, relationship, or career has come full circle and you are now feeling a sense of closure as well as achievement and accomplishment. It could represent a graduation, a marriage, the birth of a child (representing the end of a pregnancy), or the attainment of a long held dream or aspiration. You have finally accomplished your goal or purpose. Everything has come together, and you are in the right place, doing the right thing, achieving what you have envisioned, and feeling fulfilled and complete. In this sense, the World card also heralds new beginnings that naturally emerge out of the completion cycle.

CARD 3: DEATH (REVERSED - Death is a card of transformation and new life, and typically shows a need to start completely over by letting go of the past. Death reversed typically reflects that you are on the verge of major change but for some reason, you are resisting making that change. You may be reluctant to let go of the past or you may not know how to make the change you need. You are still carrying harmful aspects from the past that may interfere with the opportunity you have for a new beginning. You are refusing to accept change and you are resisting any element of change that may arise in your life. As a result, life has stagnated and you are feeling 'stuck' in limbo.

Game of Life: Challenged to write a 1k Scorose

Stratego: Prompt Used – Jumping Jacks

Scorpius still remembers the first time he sees her. It's on the platform, right before he gets onto the train for the first time. Her beautiful red hair is tied in a messy ponytail and her bright blue eyes are alight with happiness. She's grinning at a boy that has black hair and green eyes. And the boy's nervous frown transforms into a tentative smile.

It is then that he compares the girl to the sun for the first time ever. He doesn't even know her name and already, Scorpius can see that she brings warmth to lives around her.

His eyes are focused on her, and he almost misses his father's scowl. "That's a Weasley. I want you staying away from her. Do you hear me?"

"What's her first name," Scorpius asks, ignoring his father's order.

"It's doesn't matter," Draco says in his no nonsense voice.

"I believe it's Rose, sweetie." His mother thankfully has always been much understanding.

"Rose Weasley..." Scorpius tests out the name, and he likes the way it sounds.

Ignoring his father's glare and his mother's look of reproach aimed at his father, Scorpius continues staring at Rose. She's busy hugging her own mother and father, and although he doesn't say it out loud – knowing what his father's reaction would be – he thinks, One day, I'm going to marry that girl.

Rose is sorted into Gryffindor while Scorpius is sorted into Slytherin. He knows his father will be pleased. Not only is he where all Malfoys go, but the house separation will make it harder for him to spend time with Rose. The rivalry isn't as harsh as it used to be, though. Inter-house friendships definitely aren't as rare as they were in his parents' childhood, even friendships between lions and snakes.

He's not going to allow the different houses stop him. What his father doesn't realize is how determined Scorpius is. At the first Potions class, Scorpius races to sit next to Rose, silently thanking Merlin for it being a Slytherin-Gryffindor class.

Rose looks at him with raised eyebrows but doesn't comment on his enthusiasm to share a table. It isn't long before he gets her laughing, something he's immensely proud of.

After that, Rose says 'hi' to him whenever they see each other, but she doesn't go out of her way to be friends. Something that is definitely going against what Scorpius wants.

It's after an angry letter from his father that things change between Rose and him. His father is upset that he's trying to figure out how to be friends with Rose. How he knows Scorpius is still pursuing a friendship with Rose, he has no idea, but it doesn't matter.

His father threatens to disinherit him. Although Scorpius knows Draco won't follow through – Scorpius is his only child and his mother wouldn't allow it – it still hurts just to be threatened with it.

He's sitting by the Black Lake, thinking about how unbelievably unfair his life is. There are gray clouds in the sky, perfect to match his mood.

He hears a crunch nearby and looks up, shocked to see Rose coming near. "Are you okay?" she asks tentatively.

Scorpius swallows nervously. "I guess."

"You don't look like it."

He shrugs. "My father's disappointed in me; that's nothing new."

She sits down next to him, smoothing down her skirt. "Well, I have a feeling my dad would be disappointed if he knew I was talking to you, trying to make you feel better."

He blushes. "I already feel better, just by talking to you. I've wanted to spend time with you since I saw you on the platform."

"That explains your eagerness to sit next to me in Potions."

They gaze into each other's eyes and finally just start talking. Rose is as interesting and smart as he thought she was. And he's happy to see they never run out of things to say. He knows they'll be great friends, with or without their parents' approval. Once again, he inwardly iterates, One day, I'm going to marry this girl.

Their friendship continues throughout the years. She's there to comfort him when he gets into a fight with his father. And he's there for her when she gets into a screaming match with hers.

They're so different, despite both being intelligent, but the biggest thing they have in common is they have disappointed fathers.

Throughout the years, he promises himself that he will marry her one day. That's the only thing that keeps him sane when she dates blokes in school. He knows they won't last, and like always, she comes back to him after a failed romance. He does take to doing jumping jacks to deal with his frustration and jealousy, though. He figures it's healthier than starting fights with either Rose or her current boyfriend.

Their friendship grows stronger with each failed relationship. It's as if every time she says goodbye to a boyfriend, she sees Scorpius just a little more and gets closer to realizing what they could have together. That's why he bides his time, patiently waiting for the girl he has loved since first sight, even though he had been much too young to understand what love truly is.

Finally, she agrees to go on a date with him in their sixth year, and it's a dream come true. They meet resistance from their fathers. Of course they do.

When he asks her to marry her, a year after graduation, he's afraid she'll say no. Things have been strained with her dad, especially since she refused to break up with him. The tears in her eyes worry him, but it's not long before he realizes they're happy tears.

She kisses him so sweetly, with lips that taste like strawberries, and then whisperingly chants, "Yes, yes, yes."

Scorpius holds her to his body, knowing she's a perfect fit. It's like their bodies were molded to go against one another. He doesn't believe in soulmates, but if has one, he knows it's Rose.

The day of their wedding arrives and both of their fathers are still against their union. Their mothers have threatened their fathers, though, so Scorpius and Rose both hope they'll be on their best behavior. Scorpius doesn't want anyone to spoil his love's big day.

When he's looking into her eyes, holding her hands and saying their vows, Scorpius knows he's in the right place. With Rose at his side, Scorpius will forever be complete. Even if his father and her own never come to accept them, Scorpius knows they'll never regret their decision. As long as they have each other, they can overcome anything.