Hey Naruto lovers, this is my first fan fic. So please show support to me and give positive reviews and follows This will be a NaruHina based story ;) I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does, I wish he'd give it to me haha, but yeah just clarifying that I don't own anything except my own made up characters. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
Chapter 1: The Second Confession
There was a knock at Naruto Uzumaki's door that he wasn't expecting. It shocked him and caused the blonde to fall out of his bed, he looked up at his alarm clock and it read '7:03'. He quickly rushed over to the door not taking any consideration as to what he was wearing.
"Who is it?" Naruto asked as he opened the door.
But there was no response, only a blushing Hinata Hyuga standing at Naruto's door. She was speechless, but Naruto didn't know why and it frustrated him. "Hinata?" he said, "What are you doing here? And why aren't you speaking!?"
All the girl could stifle was a point, directed at his favourite Froggy boxers. Naruto just then realised that he had been standing in front of the midnight haired kunoichi for over a minute in nothing but his boxers. Naruto felt blood rush to his face, causing him to blush slightly. He scratched the back of his head and quickly said "Why don't you come in and sit down in the kitchen while I get changed!" "O-okay N-Naruto-kun" is all she could say as she slowly walked into the 16 year olds apartment.
As Naruto was getting changed Hinata sat down in his kitchen. It then hit her that she was all alone with Naruto in his apartment and that he was getting undressed just a few rooms away. She was interrupted in these thoughts by a loud "HINATA! You better not use your byakugan to see me through here!" This shocked Hinata because he said it just as she was thinking about it. She had to fight the urge of seeing her crushes naked torso, but she just couldn't hold herself back any longer, she activated her dojutsu, the byakugan. At the very same second Naruto popped out of his room fully dressed, he was on his way down the hallway when Hinata noticed that he was coming, she then quickly deactivated her eyes and blushed ferociously. When Naruto walked in he asked "So how come you've come to visit Hinata?" "O-oh well actually I-I was sent h-here by L-Lady H-Hokage" She barely stammered out as her blush was fading. "Oh yeah, and what did Granny want?" he asked curiously. "She w-wanted to see u-us and a c-couple of others, I-I think s-she is assigning us a m-mission"
"Sweet, it feels like forever since I've been on a mission!" he shouted out enthusiastically. "Shall we?" he said looking at the door and grabbing her hand gently, Hinata was so surprised by the sudden contact that her blushed flared up again and threatened to make her faint. Luckily she was able to keep it together while they walked to the Hokage Tower. Hinata was deep in thought on the way there.
She was once again walking behind Naruto. Just once she wanted to be by his side and be together, but she quickly shook those thought from her head and thought 'He likes Sakura too much to notice me…' Hinata's thoughts were once again interrupted by the young toad sage when he asked "Hey Hinata, aren't we supposed to pick up some other people to go on this mission?" Hinata reply quickly saying "O-oh yes, we n-need to go p-pick up S-Sakura-san" then she stuttered out "And Neji nii-san w-will b-be at the H-Hokage Tower already, we were s-summoned at the same t-time"
To this Naruto grew happy, hearing that he was going on a mission with Sakura again, he likes her… at least, he thinks he does. It was often a question Naruto asked himself 'Do I really know what love feels like, or is it just a minor feeling of affection, I wonder if I love Sakura-Chan'
"Okay, so we will make our way over to Sakura-Chan's house, I know where it is, let's go!" Naruto said with excitement. Hinata noticed that Naruto's mood had changed from a regular one to hyper active and happy, the use of the 'Chan' suffix on the end of Sakura's name got Hinata jealous, but being a Hyuga she was able to hide feelings like that fairly easy.
As Naruto was making his way up the stairs that lead to Sakura's house he noticed that Hinata was not following him but standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting. "Aren't you coming Hinata?" The blonde asked, Hinata replied saying "O-oh umm, y-yeah I'll be there in a s-second" She didn't want to go into Sakura's house purely because she is jealous that she is the one that holds Naruto's heart, but then she thought 'I shouldn't be so rude, Naruto wouldn't find that attractive at all…'
Naruto knocked on the door. Sakura answered very quickly as if she was already on her way out. "Oh it's you… what do you want knucklehead?" Sakura demanded more than asked, this made Hinata uneasy seeing her crush being spoken to so poorly.
"Granny wants to see us, we've got a mission or something" Naruto answered somewhat seriously unlike his usual self, "Dammit, I was just on my way out to go shopping" She said dejectedly "It better be worth it!" Sakura said grumpily.
"Okay Granny, what mission do you have for us!?" Naruto said with excitement and enthusiasm. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that, Squirt?" The Hokage blurted out. "Sorry, but why have you called us here?"
Tsunade then went on to explain their mission, "This is a C rank mission but it could easily escalate to a B rank at any moment, and knowing Naruto it could even change to an A rank with the attention he draws, this is why I'm sending Neji since he is a jounin, your instructions are simple, there is a cave about 6 hours away from the village there has been complaints from a nearby village that there have been bandits at the cave stealing from their citizens and beating them. You are to go investigate and get rid of any harm to the nearby village, Understood?"
They all said "yes ma'am" in unison, and just like that they were setting off back home to pack for their mission.
"A-Ahh excuse m-me Naruto-kun" Hinata said shyly, "Since I'm a-already packed, c-could I m-maybe come al-long with you to g-get your stuff?" Naruto was surprised by this but answered "Only if you promise to be more confident and stop stuttering all the time" he said with a wink and a grin. "O-okay" *cough* "Okay Naruto-kun, I promise"
"Okay then Hinata-Hime, let's go!"
Hinata froze
"Naruto-kun?" Hinata said wearily, "Yeah, Hime?"
"Please don't call me that, it embarrasses me…" Hinata said, managing her stuttering well. "Why Hinata, you are the princess of the Hyuga clan?" Naruto sounded dumb founded, "What would you rather me call you?" He asked nicely.
'Hinata-Chan obviously!' She thought secretly
"Err, uhh, I guess that's for you to decide Naruto-kun…" Hinata replied nervously. "Then it's settled, I'll call you Hinata-Chan" As those words left Naruto's mouth, Hinata instantly felt dizzy and she fainted, falling to the ground with a dull thud.
"HINATA!" Naruto shouted
After a minute of thinking of what to do Naruto decided that he would pick Hinata up and give her a piggy back ride back to his house, and just hope that she would awaken by the time he was ready to leave.
Naruto went to pick her up and as he did, he realised that she is really light, and also that she is very curvy. As he put her on his back he felt her bosom press up against his shoulder blades, this made him blush instantly. From his years of travelling and training with Jiraya, Naruto could already determine to size of her chest… 36 triple D. This made Naruto feel a certain way that he hasn't felt before. He carried on to his apartment with Hinata on his back. On the way he thought 'Gee Hinata hides her figure well with these jumpers and long pants… It must be a Hyuga thing…'
When Naruto arrived he placed her on his bed and proceeded to pack his back pack full of kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs and yep you guessed it, RAMEN!
Just as Naruto was zipping up his bag he heard Hinata say something, "Oh Naaaaruto, mmmmm" she moaned. Naruto thought she had woken up so he went to go tell her that it's time to go. Naruto went over to her and grabbed both of her shoulders and shook her softly, noticing that, in fact, she wasn't awake. When Hinata woke all she could think was 'I thought I was dreaming… Is this really happening?!' she then heated up and blushed like crazy. Then quickly before Hinata could pass out again Naruto told her that it's time to go, that's when Hinata's fantasies ended.
They got up and prepared to leave Naruto's apartment.
On the way to the east gate of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, Hinata was recalling the dream that she had just had in her head, in her dream her and Naruto were cuddling on his bed and they were deep into a kiss, this caused Hinata to moan from the superficial pleasure she was having.
They arrived at the gate where Neji and Sakura were waiting, "And where have you two been" Neji asked. "I was packing and Hinata fainted so I had to wait for her to regain consciousness, this was after I had to piggy back her all the way to my place in order to pack."
'He carried me back to his apartment? I hope he was happy with my body… No wait, what am I thinking, no way would Naruto be happy with a body like mine…' Hinata thought to herself.
"That's okay then, I suppose" Neji replied.
Tsunade was standing and the gate waiting to send them off on their mission.
"Alright, you will travel North-East to the Tree Village, you will meet their leader, and his name is Fuka Hishimori he will then lead you to the cave where the supposed bandits have been attacking people. You will need to spend at least one night on this mission, be careful, and Naruto don't do anything stupid okay?" The slug queen ordered
"HEY!" Naruto tried to protest but was silenced by a king hit from Sakura.
"Oh and one other thing, Naruto will be the captain for this mission" Tsunade ordered. This earned gasps from Neji and Sakura, but Hinata had nothing but joy for the nine tales jinchuriki.
"Why Lady Tsunade?" Sakura asked, or more like protested. "Do you not think the hero of the Hidden Leaf Village is capable of leading a team? He is capable of defeating Pain, with the help of Hinata" Tsunade said that with a wink and Hinata blushed "And he has done nothing but prove himself worthy of leading a team, except that he is a total numb-skull"
"Granny, why did you have to say that last part!?" Naruto said angrily, "Because Naruto, this is a test of your leadership, if you can't lead a team of four, how could you possibly lead a whole village of people when you become Hokage."
"So I will be Hokage!?" Naruto said enthusiastically, "No guarantees" Tsunade responded with a wink. "You are dismissed" She said, then watched as they walked off into the distance with Naruto leading the way.
They had been walking for four hours and it was now 12:00pm, at that point Sakura asked Naruto "Hey Baka, we've been walking for four hours can we take a quick lunch break please?" Naruto was super hungry so he granted Sakura's request saying "Yeah alright let's stop and eat, but only for fifteen minutes."
The four of them then sat around in a circle in silence unpacking their food from their bags, Sakura had rice balls, the same as Neji. But Hinata kept searching through her bag and couldn't find her food anywhere, 'Oh no! I left my food on the kitchen bench at home! I guess I'll just have to wait until we reach the village' Hinata thought to herself.
Naruto picked out some ramen he had in a thermos, he went to drink out of the bottle and then stopped as he realised that Hinata was not eating and asked "Hey Hinata-Chan, aren't you going to eat?" Hinata replied saying "Oh, ahhh no, I forgot to pack my food in my bag"
"Take this" Naruto handed his thermos of ramen to Hinata with a very serious look on his face. "Oh no I couldn't possibly… That's your lunch… you'd get hungry" Hinata protested. "Hinata-Chan, what kind of Hokage would I be if I let my people go hungry?" Hinata blushed at the use of Chan at the end of her name. "Okay… Thankyou Naruto-kun" Hinata said shyly "But I will only have half" Naruto knew that she wouldn't budge on this proposal, so he agreed to it.
10 minutes later they packed up and got ready to proceed to the Tree Village.
The team of four that Naruto liked to refer to as 'Team Naruto' was arriving upon their destination. They could definitely see why they called it the Tree Village, Instead of a fence around the outside it was just thick forest with a single path in and out of the village.
As the team entered the village they were greeted by the village guards. "Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and the leader of this team, I was wondering if you could show us to your leader Fuka Hishimori, we are here on a mission to investigate the issues outside your village about those bandits" Naruto spoke as formally as possible. The others were utterly shocked, including Hinata. That was probably the longest Naruto had ever gone without yelling something obnoxious.
"Ah yes sir, right this way" said the guard standing on the left.
The guard on the left lead them straight to their leaders house, whilst the guard that was on the right trailed behind them. As they entered Fuka's house, they all took off their shoes and showed respect. They spoke more about the mission, but Naruto already knew all of the stuff he was being told.
Team Naruto was ready to leave for the cave with a guide named Chika, provided by Fuka himself. Fuka then dismissed them saying "Please report back if you rid of the bandits" To this they all agreed by nodding their heads.
Fuka watched as they ran off into the distance and then said to his assistant "Is team Mitaroshi ready to ambush the Leaf scum?" he said this in a dark, low tone. His assistant Shira then responded saying "Yes they are at the cave waiting to receive word from you to begin the ambush" Shira said formally. "Oh no, I've given Chika the responsibility of giving the signal. If everything is not going to plan she is to flee the area and return here" Fuka responded, "But what if those leaf bastards defeat Team Mitaroshi?" Shira asked, Fuka just replied with "That's why I ordered them to return here".
"So Chika-san, how long until we reach the cave?" asked Neji ever so politely "Only a few minutes longer" she replied, then added "If I may advise you, these bandits are not to be taken lightly. They are reportedly all ex-shinobi, possibly rogue" She said not sure if she was giving away too much information. "It's nothing Naruto-kun can't handle" Hinata said but quickly covered her mouth realising she said that out loud. "That's right Hinata-Chan, I am the hero of the hidden leaf after all" He said with a cheeky grin. This shocked Chika and she immediately realised that she desperately needed to tell Fuka that the plan was off otherwise he would just be throwing his men into a meat grinder.
Word had gotten around the country, and even other countries that Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf, fought the leader of the Akatsuki Pain.
"Mitaroshi is everything ready?" asked Navela, "Yes my dear, we are just waiting for Fuka's signal now, hey here they come! Everyone in position!" ordered Mitaroshi
Mitaroshi lead a team of six rogue ninja, he was the tallest and easily the most powerful of them. He wore and open front shirt with the sleeves torn off, exposing his chest and abdomen. It also showed a huge scar in the shape of a cross, spanning over his toned abs. The rest of his team was covered head to toe, to hide their identities.
Fuka had still not sent the signal, but then when he looked closer at the group of leaf shinobi he realised that Chika was his signal.
"So this is it, Chika?" asked Sakura, to which Chika answered "It most certainly is" she said with a bit of attitude in her tone. "Hinata-Chan, Neji, can you please survey the area with you byakugan?" Naruto asked.
"Yes Captain" Hinata and Neji replied in sync. Naruto enjoyed being called captain for once. When Chika heard that two of the leaf Shinobi possessed the powerful dojutsu, byakugan, he worries grew more.
As soon as the two Hyuga activated their byakugan, they were able to see the enemy hiding in the cave. "Naruto there are six bandits in this cave hiding behind rocks." Neji said, Hinata then added "One of them has an enormous chakra supply that almost amounts to yours Naruto-kun". "Alright then spread out and close in on them, get as many answers out of them as possible" Barked the blonde haired boy.
As they were closing in on the cave Chika was almost at her breaking point, there's no way Team Mitaroshi could stand up to a team like this. So Chika refused to signal Mitaroshi.
'Why the hell hasn't she signalled me yet?'
"That does it, men fan out and ATTACK!" Mitaroshi ordered his team to go and they did so.
The fight had begun, there was no opportunity to gather information when they were getting shuriken and kunai thrown at them constantly. So Naruto ordered his team "Don't hold back on these guys, eliminate them!" As quick as the words left his mouth they were engaged in combat. Mitaroshi was going after Naruto and Hinata whilst Navela and one of her team mates double teamed Sakura, leaving three unidentified shinobi surrounding Neji.
For a moment they stood still then Neji shouted "ROTATION!" at that moment a spinning orb of blue chakra circled him, it hit two of the three shinobi that surrounded him, who were obviously unable to move due to the pain they were suffering.
Naruto then charged at Mitaroshi with a kunai in his right hand, as he went to slice Mitaroshi his arm was caught. Mitaroshi then literally delivered a gut wrenching knee to Naruto's stomach, and then before Naruto could move Mitaroshi closed five of his chakra points, one on each shoulder and hip and one at the neck. This surprised Hinata who was yet to move 'How did he know where the chakra points were, and hit them so precisely?' Naruto was then dropped to the floor unable to move.
While this was happening Sakura was facing off against Navela and the other un-identified bandit. Sakura was quick to think, unlike Naruto, She gathered her chakra into her fist and punched the ground beneath her with all the force she could muster shouting "SHANARO". In doing this the unidentified bandit was trapped under a pile of rock and was instantly killed. Navela was different though, she quite easily avoided Sakura's attack and seemed to be mocking her "Is that all you've got, Little Miss Forehead?" Navela said with an evil grin that could not be seen under her disguise. This infuriated the pink haired kunoichi. Sakura then advance throwing a series of co-ordinated jabs and hooks.
Meanwhile Neji was only left with one opponent; He then announced "8 trigrams, 64 palms" he then advanced on his opponent and continuously hit his chakra points until he had closed them all. Neji, being a jounin, found this fight very easy and went over to help Sakura.
While Sakura threw miss after miss at Navela, Neji took it upon himself to wait until Sakura's opponent was off balance to strike. When the opportunity arose Neji quickly used 8 trigrams 64 palms again and left Navela in a state of paralysis.
It had come down to just Hinata, Neji and Sakura to take on Mitaroshi. Naruto then from his uncomfortable position started barking orders "Neji and Sakura go fight that guy, Hinata I need you to re-open some chakra points that Mitaroshi closed." As Neji heard what Naruto had just said about his chakra points being closed by Mitaroshi, he quickly re-evaluated this guy and chose to observe, telling Sakura "Sakura I need you to run in, don't get hit, but try your best to hit him could you?" He was answered with "Sure thing" Sakura had a determined look on her face.
Hinata went over to Naruto and began opening his chakra points, within a second Mitaroshi noticed this and leapt over to them, he then weaved a hand and Iron sword emerged from the ground beneath him. Everything seemed to be moving is slow motion in Naruto's eyes and before anyone could react he had stabbed Hinata through the chest. "NO, YOU BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOU!" Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs. Neji quickly went over to Naruto and opened his closed chakra points.
Naruto stood and said "I would run if I were you" in a dark tone that Naruto hadn't ever displayed before. "You know what happened last time someone stabbed my beloved Hinata?" Naruto paused for effect "I killed him 6 times"
"Kid you can't even touch me I have a rare kekkei genkai, I am able to use Iron style, I use the iron in the ground to forge whatever I want, plus my taijutsu is way out of your league" Said Mitaroshi mockingly.
"Neji, keep this guy busy, Sakura heal Hinata as best you can" Naruto demanded, to which he got two sharp responses "Yes Captain!".
Naruto sat down and seemed to be meditating, when in reality he was absorbing nature chakra, to go into Toad Sage Mode.
Mitaroshi realised that he stood no chance against these guys, no matter how cocky he sounded or acted. "I can see that I won't win here, goodbye" He said, and just like that he had disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"Naruto he's gone!" Neji shouted, to which Naruto replied "Let him go, we need to get back to the Hidden Leaf as quick as possible".
They also noticed that Navela was gone, and they decided that he must have taken her with him.
'Hinata-Chan, hang in there'
"Naruto-kun" Hinata said weakly.
"Hinata, I am going to say this once, I will never let you get harmed in my presence again, if that means I stay by your side forever, so be it! I won't go back on my word, and you know that, because we share the same Nindo".
This got a shocked reaction out of Sakura and Neji, but Hinata simply answered back "I would go through this every day to see that you are safe Naruto-kun, you know why?" Asked Hinata, Naruto just stood there with his back turned to her and listened "Because… I don't know if you heard me during Pain's invasion but… I… love you Naruto Uzumaki" As soon as she got those words out she fainted and Sakura ordered Naruto "There's no time for this crap right now we need to get Hinata to the hospital!" Naruto turned around with tears in his eyes and said,
"I agree let's be on our way" he said with a shaky voice. "Why are you crying, Naruto?" Sakura asked. "Sakura-Chan I am crying because I now after 16 years of my life truly know what it feels like to be loved."
They set off for the Hidden Leaf Village, There would be no stops this time, and they would arrive there at around 10pm, Naruto was just hoping that Hinata could hold out that long.
Okay so that's chapter 1, I really hope you enjoyed, I will be making regular updates. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism. Please review if you liked my first ever fan fic chapter!