Hey everyone, been a while hasn't it? So my best friend and I are BACK! We got some new stories being concocted and boy do we want to share it all with you!

So first up we want to say thank you! The amazing feedback and comments made on this story are fantastic and thrill us to write more. So for kicks we decided to FUSE together the Mizu and Raito story and Ouran High School and see what we could come up with. It may have made our lives more complicated, but we love the two anime and we could not sit still thinking about Kasumi and Kim meeting with the Bleach characters.

For starters we are going to post one chapter here soon in the week. See what you guys think about it and we will go from there. If you have not read Mizu and Raito we highly suggest you do just that. The characters from that story being entwined into this one are key and if you don't understand the way things are turning out then you have not read it.

Kasumi and Kim are of course going to remain, they will just have to endure an all new adventure that our minds just spew together. So have fun reading, look forward to the new collaboration story we got in store for you and hope to hear some feedback soon!