seductive kiss

"… and we could probably get all of this done by Wednesday. It definitely would be–"

Sharon had been waiting patiently for Andrea to slow down for a moment and take notice of her. Andrea was in the middle of making plans for the party they were throwing to bring in the new year, and she had barely stopped for even a moment to breathe in the last few hours. Sharon had managed to slip away, change into the sheer robe she now wore over the lace lingerie Andrea had given her as one of her more intimate gifts for the past holiday, and saunter back into the living room without Andrea noticing she had left in the first place. Usually, Sharon admired the other woman's focus and organization skills when she was working on something. However, this was not one of those times.

Andrea's focus shifted completely when Sharon stopped waiting for Andrea to look up from her laptop and demanded her attention, clearing her throat and sidling up next to the woman sitting at the desk. Andrea's words tumbled and jumbled as they fell from her mouth incoherently, her jaw slackened, her cheeks instantly flushed slightly as her eyes widened and roved over Sharon.

"W-wow. Have you been– Oh my… You look…" Andrea licked her lips and pushed her seat back to get a better look at Sharon. "Jesus."

Much better, Sharon thought with a smirk as she planted her hands behind her on the desk and pushed her chest forward, the loose robe parting further to reveal more of her lace-clad breasts. Andrea had picked out a set that covered very little skin, and what was covered could be seen through the sheer fabric. It was incredibly revealing, but Sharon felt sexy and desired in it because of the way Andrea looked at her.

Andrea nibbled on her lip as she slid her hand up Sharon's thigh and pushed the sheer material aside, stroking her thumb over exquisite material that wrapped around Sharon's hip when she reached it. She groaned low down in her chest, and Sharon felt the vibration in her belly; it caused a flood of arousal to sweep through her.

Sharon carefully shut Andrea's laptop and then moved it to the other side of the desk before lifting herself up to sit in its place. She had Andrea's full attention now, greyish-blue eyes tracing her calves, lean thighs, and the curve of her hip as she crossed her legs. Andrea was looking at her as though she wanted to run her tongue over every inch of Sharon, and as she silently watched desire blossom on Andrea's expressive face, she considered where'd she want the other woman to start.

When Andrea suddenly stood and pressed herself into Sharon's legs while firmly planting her hands on the desk, on either side of Sharon, Sharon's breath jumped in her throat. There was a quick reversal of roles that hadn't even been vocalized as of yet, the fire that burned in Andrea's eyes mixed with the feeling of her hot breath on Sharon's mouth making her feel as though she was about to be burned alive by Andrea. Sharon had intended on giving Andrea a break, a distraction – a distraction that would have included a lot of teasing on her part, and begging on Andrea's – but Andrea seemed to have cooked up a plan of her own, one that would have Sharon begging instead.

Andrea ran her fingers over the edge of the robe, her knuckle rolling over Sharon's chest. She flicked her eyes from Sharon's heavy-lidded eyes to her tongue as it slipped out to moisten her lips, and then finally to her own hand, watching as she brought forth a warm flush and goose bumps to the lightly-freckled skin she touched. When Sharon arched her chest forward, encouraging her to touch more, Andrea let a slow grin stretch across her lip. She didn't slide her hand lower, or cup Sharon's breast like Sharon had hoped she would. She completely ignored the sensitive nipple that was hard and clearly visible, and obviously aching for Andrea's touch like Sharon so often was, having always loved having her breasts played with.

Instead, Andrea dragged her hand up over Sharon's shoulder, the curve of her neck, and then slid her fingers into Sharon's thick hair. A throaty groan filled the air as Andrea pulled Sharon's head back using her hair and leaned in close, so close that Sharon could nearly feel the pressure of Andrea's lips on her own.

"You look sensational," Andrea told her with a long sweep of her eyes across Sharon's body.

Sharon throbbed in response to the tone of Andrea's voice, the low rasp of her whisper making small explosions start to go off inside of Sharon. "It took you long enough to notice," Sharon said, already predicting the tug that she soon felt to her hair after the words were out of her mouth. God, she whimpered in her head as deep moan pushed past her lips, excitement tingling her skin.

"If you had said something, I certainly would have noticed a lot sooner." She slowly dropped her eyes down to Sharon's lips and licked her own, her tongue moving from one corner of her mouth to the other at a leisurely place. Sharon was tempted to lean forward and capture it between her teeth and suck it into her mouth.

Sharon swallowed. "Well now that you have…"

A mischievous grin quickly danced across Andrea's lips, but she didn't take the bait, didn't give Sharon any insight to the ideas she could see forming in the woman's brilliant mind. Instead, she ran one hand up Sharon's thigh and tilted her head as if she was going to kiss Sharon. The air between them was thick and heavy with desire that Sharon could feel steadily flowing through her body and rushing off Andrea in waves. Her lips tingled as she moved forward, ready to feel the pressure of Andrea's mouth against her, wanting to taste her lips and run her tongue over them. Oh, how she loved kissing Andrea's luscious mouth, and in that moment she wanted it more than anything else.

But Andrea pulled away as Sharon leaned forward, slowly making Sharon work for the kiss, having her come closer to Andrea, closer and closer as Andrea backed away with a playful grin on her lips. It was maddening, those few seconds where what she wanted was right there, millimeters from her mouth before inching away. Andrea darted her tongue out and licked Sharon's lips with the tip of her tongue, eliciting a soft groan from Sharon as she tried to catch Andrea's tongue and pull her into the deep kiss she craved.

She reached out to pull Andrea to her, but just as quickly as her hands moved to bury themselves in Andrea's blonde hair, Andrea had them pinned down on the desk and was pushing her body into Sharon's so she had to lean back.

"Patience, Sharon," she whispered, breath tickling her skin as she ran her nose up Sharon's throat.

Sharon's head tilted back and she arched into Andrea, gasping when a wet tongue licked up the side of her neck, dancing over heated skin. "Don't tease me, then," she responded, pulling her lower lip into her mouth as a longmmmm vibrated just beneath the lips that started sucking at her throat.

A low rumble of a laugh met Sharon's ears. "Isn't that what you were planning to do to me?" she asked knowingly, biting and kissing all over Sharon's neck. "You're wearing lace lingerie in the middle of the afternoon…" Andrea nipped Sharon's jaw and then licked the sting away. "You went straight to my biggest weakness, Sharon. You know how much I love seeing you in lacy lingerie."

Sharon trembled as Andrea started trailing her fingers up her arms, whispering against her neck and chest between kisses and licks and all the incredibly arousing things Andrea did with her mouth. Andrea's strong hands squeezed her arms and shoulders, outlined the curves of her breasts, and then started untying the sash around her waist so Andrea could slip her hands inside and touch more of Sharon.

"You were going to tease me. I know it. You know it." Andrea kissed Sharon's cheek, the corner of her mouth, and wrapped her hands around Sharon's waist. When Sharon spread her legs, Andrea yanked her closer. Their grunts blended together and then Andrea continued in her hypnotic raspy whisper. "And we both know you would have done such a good job at it, too, because I find you irresistible. And you look so very sexy right now."

Sharon ached. Ached. Her blood was rushing, her head spinning, and her senses were being sent into overdrive. Andrea was driving her crazy.

"Oh God, please. Kiss me," she whispered, unashamed of how needy she sounded. It turned Andrea on, she knew that, and it wasn't as though she had much power in this situation. Her desire was already obvious, and so there was no use in trying to conceal how badly she wanted Andrea. "Please."

Andrea's lips pressed to the very edge of Sharon's mouth. When she tried to turn her head to kiss Andrea properly, the other woman made a small noise in her throat and moved away, kissing Sharon's neck instead.

"Andrea," she whimpered. "Please."

"Shhh." Andrea brought her hands up to Sharon's face and pulled back so their eyes could meet. Sharon was breathing heavily, and her vision was a tad blurry – but she could still see the way Andrea looked at her, the way she looked like she was ready to drown in Sharon and the desire she felt. "I'm going to give you everything you want, Sharon," she promised, leaning forward.

Sharon believed her, knew it to be true without even hearing the words.

"But that doesn't mean I won't make you beg for it a little bit, too," she added in a low whisper before nipping Sharon's lower lip and making Sharon groan.

Sharon pushed forward and, fueled by the thundering need booming inside her, wrapped a hand behind Andrea's neck and pulled the blonde to her mouth. Her plea was mumbled between their lips as their mouths collided. This time, Andrea gave in, sliding her lips over Sharon's and holding onto her back as she leaned into the sitting woman. One stroke of Andrea's lips was enough to turn the small sparks in her belly into a roaring fire. Her need to feel and taste and touch quadrupled and she made a needy sound in her throat while tracing Andrea's lips with her tongue. Andrea's plush lips parted for her, and a strong tongue welcomed her, caressing her own.

Andrea kissed her soundly and held her in her arms, and Sharon was being swept away by a wave that was a powerful mixture of lust and love and need. Andrea's mouth was soft and delicious, sensitive and impossibly responsive when Sharon flicked her tongue and lightly nibbled with one of her fleshy lips between straight teeth. Sharon pulled the most erotic sounds from Andrea's throat, and with each of them she felt a rush of wet arousal between her legs.

It was incredible. Her body sang in delight and pulsed with pleasure as their lips met over and over and over again. There was a push and pull, a give and take as Andrea released a bit of the control she had and let Sharon guide them into a deep, fiery kiss and then bit her lip and slowly ran her tongue over it and took the upper hand again.

She hadn't wanted to stop kissing Andrea. She never wanted to stop kissing her, ever. But soon Andrea's lips were on her neck and chest and then her breast, and her eyes were fluttering as her head tilted back and she couldn't focus on anything but the wet heat of Andrea's mouth over lace as moans and praises spilled from her mouth.