The Shoemaker's Daughter

Chapter 7:

When James and Sofia arrived at the castle, they noticed that the lights were still shining brightly but people were starting to take their leave. After all, it was getting pretty late and the prince was nowhere to be seen.

"Let's sneak through the back," James whispered.

Sofia nodded and they ducked behind the bushes in the garden and made their way slowly to the back of the castle. Looking through the windows, they waited until the coast was clear and slipped into the hallway. From there, they carefully made their way up to the castle's attic, making sure they weren't spotted. Standing outside the attic was the same guard Sofia had seen when she had come the other night. James winked at Sofia, letting her know that he would take care of this, and he walked up to the guard. James seemed to have a friendly conversation with the guard, but Sofia had no idea what they were saying. Whatever James had said seemed to work, though, because the guard bowed happily to James and headed down the hallway. James gave Sofia a thumbs up, saying the coast was clear, and they made their way to the very back of the attic. Sure enough, there was the magic mirror just as Sofia had found it the last time. She pulled off the sheet covering the mirror, and took a deep breath.

"This is it…" she said remorsefully.

"Sofia wait," James stopped her before she could make the reversal wish. "Before you do this, I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I will always love you. In this life and that one."

Sofia could feel her eyes stinging with tears, "I will always love you too…"

They kissed one last time, neither wanting to let go of the others hands. It was perhaps the most bitter-sweet kiss either had ever known. They parted slowly and Sofia turned towards the mirror. She took a deep breath, trying to strengthen her resolve. I know it will all work out, she promised herself. It has to.

"Hello again, Magic Mirror," Sofia started, much like her father had done when he talked to the mirror. "I've made a terrible mistake. I want to make things right, so I wish to go back to before I made my previous wish about not becoming a princess. Please."

The magic mirror started to sparkle and shimmer, as if saying it approved of Sofia's wish. Sofia waved goodbye one last time to James and then closed her eyes. When opened them, she was still standing in the same spot, but James was no longer there. Sofia looked around, not knowing if the wish had worked or not. She left the attic and was greeted by the guard.

"Welcome back, Princess," he told her, assuring her that the wish had indeed come true. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Sofia smiled, "I did, but I realized that I already have everything that I need."

She thanked the guard and walked around the castle, taking in everything that she had realized she missed. She said hi to every maid and servant that she saw, her smile growing bigger every time they called her 'Princess Sofia'. When she saw Baileywick she thanked him for everything that he does for everyone in the castle, and told him how lucky they were to have him. Baileywick cleared his throat bashfully, not knowing what to say. Sofia continued down the hall where she found Amber coming back from her date.

"Amber!" Sofia called out happily, giving her sister a hug. "How was your date with Hugo?"

"How did you know I was out with Hugo?!" Amber blurted out, embarrassed.

"Oh… well, let's just say I had a hunch," Sofia lied. "So, how was it?"

Amber blushed slightly, "Well, it wasn't horrible, if that's what you're wondering."

"That's great, Amber," Sofia smiled, "I'm happy for you!"

Amber hid her face behind her fan, hoping Sofia wouldn't see her blushing even more. To tell the truth, she'd had a great time with Hugo. He was sweet, romantic, and everything Amber had been hoping for in a suitor. She had even agreed to go on another date with him, to which he was delighted. She'd had so much fun with him that she even forgot to ask him who it was that Sofia liked. Oh well, she told herself, I'll ask him next time.

Sofia left her step-sister and kept going. This time she walked passed the Ballroom and noticed the door slightly opened. She looked inside and saw her mom and King Roland dancing happily together. Sofia sighed with relief. Good, she thought. My parents are happy and they are together. She quietly closed the doors and continued her little journey around the castle. She made it all the way to James' hallway and walked up to his bedroom door. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Sofia?" James asked, surprised to see her when he opened his door.

"James!" Sofia exclaimed happily, and she jumped into his arms with such force that they both fell to the floor. Sofia gave him a huge kiss on the lips, much to the young prince's astonishment.

When their lips parted, James sat up and looked at Sofia with a stunned look on his face. "Whoa, where'd that come from?"

"I just missed you, is all," Sofia answered, blushing.

"I missed you too," James smiled at her. "I was starting to think you would never come out of your room!"

Sofia giggled, "Don't worry. I can't stay away from you for long. The other James helped me realize that."

"Other James?" James frowned. "Who is this 'other James' guy? Is he someone I have to worry about?"

Sofia laughed again, "Let me explain."

She told him all about her adventure to see what her life would be like if she had never become a princess. She explained how their parents never got married, so she hadn't met James yet in this life. She told him how when she did meet him they fell in love again and decided to get engaged. She then explained how when the other James told his father about it, the King refused to accept their relationship, so James instead gave up his rightful place as heir so he could be with her. Sofia then realized that she had messed with other people's lives, so she decided to undo her wish, and now here she was. After she finished explaining everything, James stayed quiet, processing what she told him about this other life.

"So…the me in this life was willing to throw away everything to be with you, even though he knew that the people wouldn't accept their, I mean our, relationship?" he asked her, clarifying.

Sofia nodded, "That's right."

James thought about it a little more before coming to a decision. "Then why can't I do the same?"

"What do you mean?" Sofia asked, not really understanding what he was getting at.

"There's something I have to do," James replied, starting down the hallway.

Sofia hurriedly followed after him, "Where are you going?"

"To the Ballroom," James stated matter-of-factly. "I'm going to tell dad that I don't need a Ball to find a wife. I already have you."

Sofia stopped in her tracks and James' sudden declaration. "What?! But that's insane!"

James didn't listen and kept going. Sofia had no choice but to follow after him, slightly worried to see what was going to happen. They reached the Ballroom and James took a deep breath before bursting the doors open.

"Dad, I have to talk to you," He called out to his father. The King and Queen stopped dancing and look at James with a concerned look on their faces.

"Alright James," King Roland answered patiently. "What is it that's so important?"

James looked his father in the eyes, "I came to tell you I don't need a ball."

The King rolled his eyes, "James we already talked about this! You need a wife in order to-"

"You didn't let me finish," James interrupted. "I don't need a ball because I already know who I want to marry."

King Roland's frown turned to a smile when he heard this. "Well, why didn't you say so? Who is she?"

"It's Sofia," James confessed, taking Sofia's hand in his.

The King and Queen exchanged looks of uncertainty with each other. King Roland cleared his throat, "What do you mean, James?"

"Sofia is the one I love, Dad," James announced earnestly. "I know that she's technically my step-sister, but I don't see her that way. I see her as a kind, wonderful, beautiful girl who makes me happy. And it's not like we're related by blood, so it shouldn't be that big a problem, right?"

This time it was Queen Miranda who spoke up, looking worriedly at her daughter. "Sofia what about you? Do you feel the same way about all of this?"

"I do, Mom," Sofia answered truthfully, turning to James. "I've always liked James, and it just grew over time. I really love him now. I can't see myself with anyone else."

"I don't know…" King Roland told them.

"Dad, please try to understand," James tried to reassure him. "You weren't here the day you made me King for a Day, but I wouldn't have been able to do anything right if Sofia hadn't been right there helping and supporting me. I need her."

"James…" Sofia said, squeezing his hand tighter.

James turned back to his father with a serious look on his face. "Dad, I care about Sofia more than anyone else in the world. If you won't let us be together, I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to relinquish my crown and run away with her. Do you really want that to happen?"

King Roland looked at his son and saw that he wasn't bluffing. "No, I don't want either of you to feel like you have to run away to be together…" He stayed silent, thinking over the consequences. "Your relationship won't be easily accepted, you know. There will be a difficult road ahead of you two."

Sofia and James nodded.

"We know," James answered for them both. "We can handle it."

"Are you sure?" Queen Miranda asked again, still hesitant.

"Yes, Mom, we're sure," Sofia assured her. "Besides, it's not much different than the King marrying a common villager, right?"

At this the two parents smiled, for that was exactly what had happened with them, and they had managed to make it work. They exchanged glances with each other and nodded in agreement.

"It won't be easy," King Roland reminded them once again, "but I give you my support."

"We both do," Queen Miranda added in and both Sofia's and James' faces lit up with delight.

"We did it, Sof!" James exclaimed, picking Sofia up and spinning her around happily. "We can finally be together!"

"Why don't you two announce your engagement at James' and Amber's birthday Ball?" Queen Miranda suggested.

"That's a great idea!" King Roland agreed. "After all, you are going to have to announce it eventually. The sooner the better!"

James looked at Sofia, "What do you think?"

"I'm willing to announce it if you are," She told him.

James nodded, "Then let's do it!"

They stayed together in the Ballroom, basking in their happiness until Baileywick informed them that it was time for all of them to go to bed. After all, they all had a busy day in the morning! James walked Sofia back to her room and kissed her goodnight before heading back to his own room. Sofia flopped happily onto her bed; a smile glued to her face. She found Clover eating at the windowsill and she told him all about what had happened. She hugged him tightly, as if to say thank you for helping her out no matter where she was. She finished her nighttime routine and slipped into her comfortable bed. She smiled as she fell asleep, happily awaiting the events of the day after the next when she could tell the whole world that James was hers.

The morning of the Ball, the castle was bustling with activities. Amber was busy ordering servants about, telling them constantly that 'bigger is better' as she helped them set up the castle for the night's birthday celebrations. Sofia walked up to her, basket in hand.

"The decorations look great, Amber!" Sofia admired.

"Oh, thank you Sofia! Just a few more things and it will be perfect!" Her step-sister said excitedly before noticing the basket her sister was holding. "Are you going somewhere?"

"I thought I would go down to the village and have a picnic with Jade, Ruby, and Lucinda for a change. I was also wondering…well…would you mind if I invited them to the party tonight?" Sofia asked hopefully.

Amber thought about it and nodded. "Yes, that should be alright. I do enjoy their company. Just make sure that they have something appropriate to wear tonight! I don't want them to embarrass me."

"Ok, I'll ask Baileywick to send some dresses to their houses," Sofia decided. "Thanks Amber, you're the best!"

"I know," Amber agreed.

Sofia found Baileywick and told him of her idea. He immediately sent some maids to find some dresses and shoes for Sofia's friends. He told her that they would met the girls at their houses around 1pm, and Sofia thanked him. She headed towards the flying coaches and made her way to her old village to see her friends. When she got there, she saw her three friends standing in the courtyard, chatting happily. She asked the coachmen to land by the clock tower and quickly went to greet her friends.

"Ruby! Jade! Lucinda!" She called over to them.

"Sofia!" They all called back and ran over to meet her. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to invite you to Amber's and James' birthday Ball tonight," Sofia answered, taking out the invitations she had put in her basket. "Here!"

"Wow!" Ruby said excitedly, "Thanks Sofia!"

"Yeah, thank you Sofia!" Jade added.

Sofia smiled, "You're welcome!"

Lucinda looked wearily at the invitation, "What's the catch?"

"There is no catch," Sofia assured her. "I just really want you guys to be there tonight. There will be quite a surprise for everyone."

"A surprise huh? That sounds kinda suspicious, don't you think?" Lucinda smirked knowingly.

Sofia avoided Lucinda's piercing gaze, "You'll just have to wait and see when you get there! Oh, I almost forget! I meant to tell you that Baileywick will be sending some maids to your houses this afternoon to help you get ready."

Ruby and Jade squealed happily and Lucinda had to cover her ears. The four of them talked enthusiastically about the fun night awaiting them while eating the snacks Sofia had brought with her. Ruby and Jade talked endlessly of how excited they were to go to a Ball, while Lucinda kept trying to get Sofia to tell her what the surprise was. Around mid-day, the maids from the castle arrived and Sofia left her friends in their hands while she went to go get ready herself. Sofia decided she would dress up a little fancier tonight, since it was a special occasion. She picked out her best purple dress and tiara from her closet and changed into them. She then fixed up her hair until it was just right and placed her tiara on her head. After sprucing herself up a bit, she looked in the mirror and nodded, satisfied with her look. Just then there was a knock at her door.

"Come in!" Sofia shouted through the door and James walked in.

"Wow," he breathed. "You look absolutely brilliant."

Sofia blushed, "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself."

"Thanks," he responded happily, extending his arm towards her. "You ready?"

Sofia nodded, taking his arm. "Let's do this."

Together they walked arm in arm to the ballroom. When they got there, they both went their separate ways so as not to spoil the surprise. They both greeted their friends and thanked them for coming. Sofia found Ruby, Jade, and Lucinda walking in the main doors in their fancy dresses and she couldn't believe her eyes. They all looked beautiful! Of course, she had seen Ruby and Jade in princess attire before, but this was the first time she ever saw Lucinda dressed up, and boy did she look different!

"Oh my goodness, Lucinda! I barely recognized you! You look ah-mazing!" Sofia said, walking over to them.

"Those maids of yours made me wear this," Lucinda groaned. "These shoes are so uncomfortable! How do you stand it?"

Sofia giggled, "You get you used to it."

"Yeah, well you're lucky I didn't hex anyone," Lucinda joked.

"Thank you, Lucinda" Sofia smiled, hugging her friend. "I'm really glad you guys all came."

"Of course! We wouldn't miss this for the world!" Ruby assured her.

"Yeah! Besides, we might get to dance with Prince James!" Jade added and the two girls swooned.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up…" Sofia warned them, smiling awkwardly.

Lucinda grinned and looked right at Sofia. "I'm pretty sure someone in this group will be dancing with him tonight."

"Well, look at the time!" Sofia blurted out, changing the subject. "I better go check in with Baileywick. See you ladies later!"

Sofia waved to her friends as she made her way over to the stairs. It's almost time for the announcement! Sofia thought happily and she stood next to James who was already waiting at the top with Amber and their parents. She grabbed his hand and he gave her an encouraging smile. He walked to edge of the balcony at the top of the stairs over-looking the ballroom and took a deep breath.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" he called out to the audience, his voice ringing loud and clear. The people below all turned to face him, giving him their undivided attention. "First of all, thanks to all of you for coming to help celebrate my sister Amber's and my birthdays. Second, I have an announcement to make. As you all know, I will be looking after this kingdom as King next year, and I'm here to let you know that I won't be ruling alone. I'm pleased to introduce to you my fiancé, Princess Sofia!"

Sofia took her place by Prince James' side and the guests all gasped.

"We hope you will all support us as we do our best to lead this kingdom to greatness," Sofia added, and she and James bowed deeply.

An awkward silence ensued, and Sofia held her breath, hoping that the people here would accept them. She was about to give up hope when a familiar voice spoke up from the crowd.

"Congratulations Princess Sofia and Prince James!" Lucinda called up to them, and Sofia smiled gratefully. Then another voice rang out…

"Congratulations, you two!" Prince Zandar cheered, "I know you guys will be very happy together!"

Lucinda and Zandar had started a frenzy of cheers and congratulations from the guests. Even Ruby and Jade, who had always wanted James for themselves, were clapping and shouting their support for the new couple. Sofia was so happy she had tears in her eyes, which James kindly wiped away.

"See? No problem." He said confidently and Sofia laughed.

"Oh, James. Whatever would I do without you?" She joked and then she gave him a big kiss on the lips, which got a big applause from the audience.

Amber, just now coming out of her shock, pushed her way past Sofia and James. She didn't like being upstaged, especially on her birthday. "I have an announcement too! I am dating Prince Hugo!"

Silence came from the audience once again, and nearly every head turned to face Prince Hugo, who was standing among them. They gave him looks of disbelief and doubt. Hugo, however, stood confident with a smug look of his face.

"It's true," He boasted.

The crowd tried to process this new information. Sofia, who had known of their relationship from the very start, began to clap. With her influence, everyone else slowly began to join her and soon they were all cheering and giving their support to both couples. Those who had previously disliked Hugo were now crowding around him, giving him high-fives and pats on the back like they were old friends. Sofia looked down at the crowd below her and her gaze met with Lucinda's, who winked at her. Everything is how it's supposed to be, Sofia thought cheerfully.

It came time for the first dance, and James led Sofia onto the dancefloor. Amber joined up with Hugo and the four of them began their couples' dance. Hugo was happier than he had been in a long time. After all, this had been a pretty good day for him. The girl of his dreams announced to practically the whole world that she was his, he became friends with a bunch of other royals, and now that Amber knew who her step-sister liked, he knew that now she was dating him because she wanted to, not because of the leverage he had on her. He was on a role, which meant he best take advantage of it.

"Say, Amber," he started, "why don't you and I get married too? That way you can rule by my side. We are a great pair, after all, don't you think?"

"It took you long enough!" Amber chided him.

Hugo frowned, but Amber just smiled. She grabbed his tie and pulled him in closer, giving him their first kiss.

"Hm, not bad." Hugo admitted when their lips parted. "But I can do better." He smiled and kissed her again, keeping them both in their own little world.

Meanwhile, Sofia and James were dancing happily themselves. Everything had gone even better than they had imagined, and they couldn't be happier with how things had worked out. I definitely made the right choice in coming back, she thought. Her life here with James turned out to be everything she could have hoped for.

"Today turned out to be quite eventful, huh?" Sofia asked James, making casual conversation.

"I have a feeling our lives will be pretty eventful every day after this too," he grinned happily at her. "Do you think you can handle it?"

Sofia smiled back at him, "As long as I have you, I know I can handle anything."

"Then it's a deal," James told her, "Let's be together always."

"I wouldn't wish it any other way," She agreed.

They brought their faces closer together, sharing in a sweet and loving kiss. They danced the night away, blissfully awaiting the future they would share with each other. Their wonderful life together had only just begun.