Chapter 1: A New Beginning and New Life

A/N: I am proud to announce that Fox Teen and I are now working on this story together! This story will be the Watership Down TV Series with some new characters. Don't worry, we'll still work on our other stories! Disclaimer: We do not own Watership Down or the TV Series, and we both respect Richard Adam's copyrights.

It all started in my freshman year at High School. I wasn't popular back then. I am always pushed around by bullies, and many kids my age didn't really focus on me that much. Some of the popular girls at my school also told me I'm worthless, and I'm hurt by it. I sometimes wanted to sit down and cry, but I couldn't. My father told me I must not cry, but try to solve my problems, but I didn't. I didn't know what to do.

I was walking home from school on a typical Wednesday when the same pack of bullies started following me. Edgar was one of the most notorious of the bullies, he'd always pulled the biggest pranks, and bullied the weak. His posse was one of the best. He was called "The Warrior" when he beat another bully who tried to take him down.

I tried to ignore them as I kept walking home, but they just ran faster after me. I was then dangling by my neck as Edgar held me above his head, my eyes meeting his.

"You again? Aww, poor little Michael walking all by himself, who's going to save him now," he cooed as his posse members laughed along with him. He then set me down and started to dump my backpack contents. He then threw my backpack over the fence. His friends then pulled out something that looked like a knife, at least I thought it was a knife. I screamed, I screamed as loud as I could.

The bully friends started to get concerned that they would get caught. Edgar scoffed as his friends looked around.

"Are you guys scared? Shut him up please," Edgar ordered as one of his friends kneeled down to me and put his hand, his palm over my mouth. When he accidentally moved it back, his fingers were in front of my mouth. I bit down, hard, onto his hand. He screamed and pulled his hand away, as blood started to dribble steadily. I probably almost broke one of his fingers.

"Dangit, quit struggling, you idiot! Shut him up!" Edgar screamed as one of his friends tied a cloth around my mouth. The friend I bit on the hand sat against the fence, applying pressure to the site I bit him at with his other free hand. The others laid me down and I am crying already. I didn't know what they were going to do to me, I was scared. Edgar took the knife in his hand, holding it steadily like a guy who was going to throw a knife in a straight path.

"This should tell you not to run, you coward," Edgar muttered under his breath. He was about to drive it through my leg when all of a sudden, I shut my eyes tighter. After a few seconds, I was a little suspicious I haven't felt pain yet. I also felt no one was holding me down anymore, so I got up and opened my eyes.

I saw another person fighting off Edgar, who wildly flailed his arms, punching him as he tried to fight back. Surprisingly, that guy didn't flinch at all, I just assumed he had a high pain tolerance or just the adrenaline was rushing strong. His friends were already down on the ground, tugging at the injured limbs where they were kicked, punched, or hit at.

"I… will… find you," Edgar said one last time, before he was met with a headbutt. He slumped to the ground unconscious. All of his friends then ran away in fear when they felt good enough to run.

The guy who was fighting those bullies then walked up to me.

"Are you… going to hurt me?" I asked him, my body shaking heavily. He laughed as he held out his hand to me. I pulled on it and got back up on my feet.

"No, no, I'm not going to hurt you at all! You need to thank me, not fear me," he teased as I gave a nervous laugh.

"Yea, thank you for saving me, I was always bullied by Edgar, thank you for ending it," I smiled as he gave me a grin.

"Name's Daniel, yours?" Daniel introduced himself. I reached my hand out to shake his.

"I'm Michael," I answered as he shook my hand before putting his hand back to his side.

"Tell me about yourself, what do you like, what do you do, stuff like that," Daniel then asked. I breathed in and out a little slowly since I was relaxed. I told him about how I liked animals, how I like video games, my family, my dreams, my intentions, and he suddenly has a look of surprise and amazement on his face. He told me he also had the same intentions as me, and we were both excited that we shared a lot of the same things.

Just then, a few rabbits hopped up to where we were standing. They looked cute, one had a hazel color, one a few tones lighter, and then a large, lionhead/gray hare rabbit mix. I liked the two rabbits that shared the same color. We both picked the rabbits up one by one and rubbed their back fur. The rabbits purred, as we kept petting them.

"Rabbits are my favorite animal, are yours?" I asked, giggling as I kept petting the lionhead rabbit, who kept purring. He nodded in excitement. We then decided to keep the rabbits, even though they were wild. We called both of the hazel colored rabbits Hazel and Fiver, and then we called the lionhead Bigwig.

"I bet these rabbits will be happy once we give them a new home," I smiled as we kept petting them. All three of the rabbits stilled purred from the petting we gave them.

"Well, I got to go take care of some other matters, I'll see you tomorrow!" Daniel waved as he ran with the two hazel colored rabbits peeking out of his backpack, both their ears perked up and smiling. I waved back.

"Bye! You too!" I shouted back as I held the lionhead rabbit in my arms. "And you, I will take good care of you, Bigwig!" I shouted happily as I rubbed his head. He fell asleep in my arms as I walked home.

And that would be the start of a good relationship, eventually evolving into best friends. He was the best, he was there for me, my Birthday he gave me an awesome gaming computer! And I kept taking care of the happy lionhead rabbit, who I always kept calling him Bigwig.

It then all started to change for Daniel and I when we were college bound. We both had the best grades of our school, we were one of the most popular kids, everything we wanted. And Bigwig, my pet rabbit, seemed to be enjoying life at my house. We both wanted to go to the war to be proud and fight for our country. But I sometimes had something else in my mind: I've always wanted to become a doctor, but I had to decide sooner or later, because the time is approaching. I've sat for days and days trying to think of my choice.

However, one day, I thought I've made my decision.

I was sitting at my house, and it was a bright morning. I just finished cooking a breakfast I always loved to eat, two eggs, scrambled with the creaminess of milk and cheese, two pieces of toast, both toasted to perfection and spread with jelly, and three large, thick cut bacon slices, and all components of the breakfast was perfectly laid evenly on my plate. I sat down and started to eat my eggs, then toast, and then the bacon.

As I was finishing my glass of milk, I heard what sounded like a whimper. I set down the glass, and opened the door. I didn't see anything or anyone around the front, so I was about to close the door when I heard the whimper again. I then understood it must be coming from my garden out back. I closed the front door and walked towards the back door. I went outside and looked around for a couple minutes before I found the source of the whimpering.

Another rabbit, looked like a doe, and it was rubbing her leg. I ran over to where she laid in the grass and crouched down.

"I never seen you before. Did you hurt your paw?" I asked the doe sweetly as I carefully picked her up. When I touched her leg, she immediately started to squirm around in my arms.

"Oh no! Did I hurt you? I'm sorry! Let's go fix you up, shall we?" I reassured the doe as I took her inside my home. I went downstairs to my clean basement where I took care of Bigwig and fed him. I saw him wake up and stare at me and the doe as I carefully laid a towel down before I set her down on it.

I carefully examined her leg after I grabbed some antibiotic spray, some bandages, cloth, some herbs, and some tweezers. I then saw she had a large thorn in her leg. Blood surrounded the entry site as it still poured from her fur.

"Oh, were you wandering in the brambles? Don't worry, I got just the thing to fix you up," I said sweetly as I grabbed a cloth and got it wet. I wringed it out a few times to get the excess water out of the cloth. I then carefully grabbed her leg and slowly rubbed the wet cloth around the large thorn, and she started to whimper again.

"Don't worry, it's OK, it's OK," I tried to reassure her as I still cleaned her wound, but she still kept whimpering. I noticed Bigwig look at the doe with a sad look in his eyes. He looked at me but then looked away. I then saw tears on his face.

I went back to the doe and continued to clean her wound, as she still whimpered. And after a few seconds, I dried it carefully before I got the tweezers. I use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the tweezers before I carefully put them onto the large thorn.

"I'm sorry, doe. You'll feel some pain, but I'll try to make it less painful, I promise," I said as I then slowly started to pull the thorn. I could see her eyes tighten up and well with tears. After a few minutes, the thorn was out and blood started to trickle in a steady stream. I cleaned it again before spraying the cut with a generous amount of antibiotic spray to prevent infection. I wrapped a cloth around her leg and tied it.

"There, there. You feel better?" I asked as I carefully picked her up and held her in my arms. She nuzzled her head deeper into my chest. "Now let me give you a home, I'm going to name you." I paused to consider just what to name her. "Spartina," I said as I put her inside another cage next to Bigwig's cage. They both seem to smile at each other and tried to reach each other through the holes of their cages. I smiled as I grabbed some spare grass I kept and I gave them both a generous amount before cuddling with Bigwig, who seemed to like his mane being ran through with my fingers. He nuzzled his head deeper into my chest as I laid down and kept cuddling with him.

A while passed before I put Bigwig back in his cage and got in my car to visit Daniel. I told him about Spartina, and he was delighted to hear that.

A few days passed before I decided on an idea.

I took both of the rabbits out of their cages and then set them down in a pen I made outside.

They both seemed fond of each other. They stared deeply into the other's eyes. Bigwig was beaming with happiness, as Spartina had her ears perked up. A few minutes passed before I started to smile. I grabbed a carrot from inside my refrigerator and set it down next to Bigwig and Spartina, as they both generously shared the carrot.

Bigwig and Spartina then laid down next to each other, holding one another with their paws. I felt tears of happiness dribble steadily from my eyes. I could hear them both purr all the way from where I was standing. They then brought their noses closer together for a nuzzle. I felt delighted that Bigwig had found a doe friend. I watched them rub their noses together as they laid there, purring.

Daniel then appeared in front of me, patting my back and we both sat down and drank a bottle of soda as we watched the two happy rabbits.

"They look like a pair, don't they?" Daniel asked me, smiling also at the sight of both rabbits nuzzling and cuddling with each other.

"Yea, they do. They both tried to touch each other through their hutches when I set them down in their homes," I laughed as we both gave each other a small hug. He then grabbed a box from inside my house and then opened it. Hazel and Fiver then jumped out of the box.

"And something I want you to see, they look so much like brothers it is very enchanting to watch," Daniel smirked happily as I closed off another section of the pen so they wouldn't interrupt Bigwig and Spartina's love moment.

We watched Hazel and Fiver hop around one another before they laid down on the soft grass, holding each other.

"Wow! They really do look like brothers, and show it!" I exclaimed as Daniel laughed.

"Yea, I noticed them do this for quite some while. I decided you must see it," he explained.

A few more minutes passed before I noticed it was getting dark. We then picked up all four of the rabbits and went back down to the basement and put them back in their cages. I felt kind of bad for having to separate Bigwig and Spartina, but I decided to put them in the same cage so they could sleep together. Daniel went home and then I sat there, watching Bigwig and Spartina continue cuddling with each other and Hazel and Fiver hugging and nuzzling each other, like true brothers.

It was a bright morning, and our fathers sat in the living room talking to each other yet again.

Our fathers had known each other since they were children, as we were told.

They were adventurers of woodlands. They were out inspirations, out heroes, our legends. We would learn anything form them.

We went on many expeditions through the forests, learning of the bears, the foxes, the owls, their friends, their foes and their preys.

Me and Michael pitied them with their downfalls of falling into traps. If a rabbit was caught in a snare we'd snip it off immediately. Then we'd spend out time at night by the camp tends, grilling sausages, burgers and anything, as well as roasting marshmallows as our fathers boasted about their adventures as children and how they fought with bravery with a wolf or a swarm of wasps.

Me and Michael lay in out bed bags in our own separate tent as our fathers were talking outside by the ongoing fire.

"Do you want to do this when we grow up?" I asked.

"I do," said he. "Life is a whole journey and adventure. You don't need a map because getting lost is an adventure."

"I agree," I said. "I sometimes wonder what it is like to live like an animal. Don't you, Mike?"

"TO be honest," he said smiling. "I do. A rabbit is an interesting one to be. They seem to face more danger than a deer or a bear."

"I mean safe stuff," I said.

"But danger is an adventure as well," said Michael. "We could be there to help each other form any peril."

"Yeah," I said. "When we're gown, we'll go on bigger adventures: The jungles, the mountains, the desserts."

"Who knows what surprises are in store for us?" said Michael excitedly. "We could be fighting a polar bear, or nursing an injured lion cub."

"As well as fighting the heat," I added. "But I do feel rather scared thinking of it."

"But we'll be by each other though," said Michael. "We'll be like Phileas Fogg and Passaportout travelling together."

"Yeah," I said. "Even we could have our own hot air balloon."

We are standing in a cave with a fire. Our dads are carving stuff on the walls. We were discussing our ambitions for growing up when suddenly there was a shake. Up on the top of the cave. We stand glued to the spot with our dads yelling at us to run. But are too petrified. Rocks came down as our dads push us aside and let the rocks take them. Our lives with them damaged forever.

WARNING: Some abuse in this bit, so take precaution.

I thought of that as I drove on the way to my uncle's house. I cried a few tears.

Life was Inferno for me when I was put with my Uncle Kyle. He failed miserably at school, because he only though of smoking and gangs. He was thrown in jail at twenty and was forced to becoming a normal person but he hasn't sorted himself, as you shall see.

I was standing by my window. How I wished Dad would knock on the door to collect me. Uncle Kyle was Hell to live with, buying his drinks and cigarettes and the chores while he sat down all day.


My uncle burst through the door with a beer can in his hand. "Did you not hear me?! I said go to the store and get more cans."

"But we have enough as it, Uncle Kyle," I argued.

He slapped me. "You dare to argue with me? Get out before I use your eyes as ping-pong balls!"

I ran outside and into my favorite forest and started crying. I was wondering in my mind what could be happening to Michael now.

My grandfather never liked anyone. Not even my dad. He deserved a lot of kindness before he decided. He didn't even mourn. I don't know what his back-story but I don't care, he was too intimidating for me.

I was researching through tools of being a surgeon when my granddad came up.

"You were supposed to be making dinner!" he shouted. "What the flake is this?" he picked up my Biology assignment.

"What you want to be a flaming doctor for? Donating your organs?"

"To help people live longer," I said. "Everyone deserves a chance."

"Doctors are useless you quack wannabe!" he bellowed. "Everyone dies soon and they don't help them."

"They try to keep them alive!" said I. "I hate to see the sick suffer. I hate to see the sufferers lose their lives."

My granddad grabbed a knife brought it close to my neck. "Well you shall be suffer," he hissed. I thought he was just messing with me, but when he pressed the knife on my neck, I had second thoughts.

I grabbed his weak hand and quickly disarmed him and pushed him on my table, snapping it in two.

"I need to leave," I said. "I can't stay in a place I am likely to die!"

And I fled, his screaming of my name fading.

Abuse bit has ended.

I ran as fast as I could away from my grandfather's house. I was angry, furious, enraged, and a little depressed at the same time. Why couldn't my grandfather just respect some of my decisions? Why did he have to threaten me? I never wanted to hurt the poor guy, but I had to defend myself. The anger I had exceeded the guilt I was feeling as I ran away, not looking back once.

A few minutes later of running, I reached the same cave I always hid in when I just felt terrible about anything, even myself. I probably hide in there for three hours, eating occasionally and just thinking to myself for a very long time.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's-" It was Daniel, he apparently hiding in the same cave that I was in. He didn't finish because I immediately slapped him, afraid it was my grandfather. I picked up a heavy rock and walked over to the figure.

"Dude, it's me! It's me!" he panicked as I was walking up to him, and then I saw his face. I dropped the stone and I pulled him up. "What the heck, man?" he then said.

"I thought it was grandfather who followed me here!" I cried, a few tears sliding down my face. He patted my back as I lie down against the wall of the cave, rocking back and forth in fear. He slumped down next to me, patting my back.

"What's wrong with your grandfather? Is he drunk and crazy?" Daniel asked as I sniffed and wiped my tears, ready to speak.

"I came home from school today, and visited my grandfather. He was especially angry with me when he saw my Biology assignment. I know, I told you I wanted to be in the war, but I also wanted to become a doctor, and save lives," I answered, a few more tears sliding down my face.

"What did he do to you?" Daniel then asked, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a package of pocket tissues. He ripped the plastic open, and gave me a few. I wiped my face clean and continued.

"He went over to his drawer and pulled out a very large meat cleaver. He then held my neck at it, and I was scared. He taunted me slowly, and I had no choice. I had to knock him down, and then I ran away here," I managed to let out, as I slowly broke down. He stayed with me there for a while, before I asked him why he was here too.

"My uncle is very drunk and abusive, and I decided to run away, how about you?" Daniel asked as I looked at him with a sense of agreement.

"Yes, let's run away, we'll pack our things and then let's go, alright?" I answered as we both separated from our hold and we ran back to our houses and packed everything that meant something to us, including the basic things we needed. I also decided to take the rabbits with us, so I put them in a hutch with them all together and then we met up at my house.

We were about to get in his car when we heard the tornado sirens. It was very loud, and we didn't know what to do.

I ran towards my house but Daniel pulled me back.

"Don't! That house's basement isn't strong enough to withstand this strong of a tornado!" he cried as I walked back. I then remembered something.

"There's a courthouse down the street! It's heavily fortified, let's go!" I cried out as I got in the driver's seat of his car. He got in and I drove very fast.

A few turns and stops later we were at the courthouse. We were surprised that when we got inside, no one else was there, not even guards. We didn't care though, we kept running through the courthouse with our briefcases and backpacks full of belongings, along with the four rabbits in the carrier.

We then got deep into the basement and into one of the large offices. We then just sat there, with the four rabbits in our arms, the doors locked, our belongings, and with fear.

About 3 AM in the morning, our eyes were watching a closet, and light was coming from it.

Michael woke up before me though, and he too was curious.

"Is it the afternoon?" I asked. "The sun's really bright. The sun never shone form a closet before?"

"What do you mean 'before'?" asked Michael. "It never has."

Hesitantly, we walked over and opened the closet door.

Something shaped like the sun did shine out. We covered eyes to avoid blindness.

"Fear not," said a fatherly voice. "I have come to take to a world of peace," said the voice.

"Who are you?" asked Michael a little frightened.

" I am Frith," said the light. "I have come to take you from this devastating world where you can make your dreams come true."

A beam of light shot towards us and took the shape of a hand. We took it. Anywhere was better than where we were now.