Title: You Still Alive Baby?
Summary: They were the world's most deadly assassins.
This is dedicated Tango Feroz who wanted a Mr. & Mrs. Smith scenario.
I just want to apologize for the lack of updates! If you left me a prompt a while ago, and haven't seen it yet, I haven't forgot about you. Thank you all for reading what I have so far and hopefully you enjoy this chapter.
No copyright infringement intended.
Leather was her choice of wear tonight. From the pants to the skin tight jacket that only accompanied the black lace bra underneath. Her hair was curled and swiped across her face. Her makeup was just right; a mixture of natural earth tones that did wonders too her complexion. For a lack of a better term, she looked mighty fine.
But, that was enough about how fuckable Bonnie Bennett looked right now. The man lying beneath her was into some kinky shit and she knew without a doubt what his plans would be for her tonight.
He stared up at her like she was a goddess, and she straddled his hips like was getting ready for a bull riding competition.
"Where have you been all my life?"
She smirked at his question. While she bent down and hovered right her lips right above his, he grabbed a handful of her ass.
"Waiting for you."
She could feel his body tighten up. To some people, it would have been a thrill and a boost of their ego at the fact that he was completely turned on when she was barely even touching him, but to her, it was just another day in the neighborhood.
When he lifted her up higher to where she was practically sitting on his face, she couldn't help but reminisce for a moment about how much she enjoyed the current position she was in. It was actually her favorite.
Too bad he would never be able to get a taste of what was between her legs, because the swift move she did to his neck caused it to snap. She had a job to complete.
Once she got off of his dead body, she straightened her outfit, grabbed her items, and smiled down at her latest kill. She hated that she couldn't torture him first, but she was on a limited time schedule and there were at least four big goons standing outside that she really didn't feel like getting into it with. Because then that would lead to her missing her appointment…again.
Unfortunately, her phone went off the moment the four body guards barged in, guns blazing.
"Hands in the air and turn around."
Bonnie didn't put her hands in the air; instead she looked at her phone to see a text message from her husband.
Running late, it read.
That was perfect, because that meant she could have a little bit more fun. As she put her cellphone away, and turned around with her hands up, she stared at the four guns pointed in her face.
"Alright boys, let's get crazy."
Damon Salvatore was usually an on time type of guy. Well, sometimes, but tonight he wasn't just late, he missed his appointment time by two hours. Right as he was pulling up to the building where he spent most of his money, to get advice that wasn't really doing anything for his marriage, he received a call that there was a disturbance in his mission. And when he arrived at the penthouse suite to the most expensive hotel in the city, he found not only his key client with his neck broken, lying half naked on the bed, but four body guards mercilessly slaughtered.
If Damon had a weak stomach, he would have thrown up. Good thing he didn't, because he and his partner had to clean up the mess before the whole world found out and his boss personally ended his life. That's all he needed was to be on Markos's hit list and end up maimed and tortured before he could take his next breath.
The moment he walked into his house, he smelled not only the nice aroma from the food his wife prepared every night, but the perfume she wore that he deemed his favorite. This was the perfume she put on when she planned on fucking him.
And he had to admit, that's exactly what he needed right now.
Walking into the kitchen, he bypassed the food on the table; knowing it was something Italian. She was the only one that could match his skills in cooking Italian food. He prided himself on how well he taught her. But, anyways that was neither here nor there.
Right now, all he could do was stare at the object of his affection. She was wearing a pair of sweat pants and one of his t-shirts. Seeing her in any of his clothing always made his dick hard. What could he say; he was obsessed with his wife. Sue him. And that's when the question came up: How the hell did they end up in therapy?
When he and Bonnie met six years ago, they hit it off immediately. Yes, they bickered times, but that wasn't the cause of them seeing a five hundred dollar an hour shrink. Their lives had turn into a constant boring routine. They'd wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep, and start a whole new day over. They even had to schedule sex, when before they would drop at home at lunch, just to have quickie.
Lately, there was this space between them, and it seemed like it was just getting bigger. And tonight, he wanted to squash all of that.
"I'm sorry I missed therapy tonight." He put his arm around her waist and brought his lips to her ear in a soft kiss. That was just one of the many spots on her body that belonged to him.
The corner of her lips turned up into a smile.
"I missed it too." She leaned back into him for a moment. "Katherine was having a little crisis and I just couldn't get away."
"How is my favorite twin out of the Petrova siblings?"
Bonnie turned around to face him and handed him a glass of one of their least expensive reds.
"Trying not to break her sister's neck." They both took a sip, and Damon just couldn't keep his eyes off of her… off her lips. He needed to be that glass right now. "Elena's in town visiting and you know how they get."
"That's because Elena's a bitch."
Bonnie chuckled. "Be that as it may; they're still family."
He then put both of their glasses down and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed along her neck; happy that he could still turn her on.
"So, maybe we should skip dinner." When his lips touched hers, he grabbed her hand and put it on his erection, shooting out against his trousers.
The way she touched him, even if it was through his clothes, practically made a little pre cum escape the head of his shaft. It's obviously been awhile, and Bonnie had away to make his dick go crazy.
He sat her up on the table in between the spaghetti melt and the garlic bread.
"Damon…" his name escaped her lips, as he hands gripped onto his shoulders. He loved the way she said his name.
"Damon…we …can't…"
"We can…" He couldn't get enough of her. He really needed this. He needed her.
She pushed him off just a little, yet didn't remove her hands from his shoulders.
"It's that time of the month…"
"Like I haven't been inside you before during your aunt flow." He tried to kiss her again, but she stopped him.
"As much as I want too, I'm cramping really bad, and I've had a long day." She stood up off the table. "So, let's just eat and go to bed."
He made a face that clearly showed that he was not only sexually frustrated but annoyed as hell.
"I'm not hungry."
Damon grabbed his bottle of Bourbon and walked into their bedroom, closing the door behind him.
This was another reason why they were in therapy. It wasn't just about the sex, but it was like they didn't have time for each other anymore. No, he couldn't necessarily put it all on her, because there were times when she wanted to do things, but he'd be too tired and have to ask for a raincheck.
After drinking a few swigs from the bottle, and relieving himself…twice, he took a longer than needed shower. When he walked back into his bedroom, he barely glanced at her as she read one of her philosophical books, climbed into bed and closed his eyes.
They were so stubborn that they both wouldn't speak to each other for the rest of the night. But, he couldn't help but think that his current mission was going to be his final one. He wanted to spend more time with his wife, because he loved her and he couldn't imagine his life without her.
Her pulse should have been racing. Her adrenaline should have been shooting through the roof. Obviously the plan was for her to die today. Clearly, that was why she was tied up by her hands and feet to the chair she was sitting in, in most likely some abandoned warehouse. She was sure the purpose of all of this was to capture her, and beat the secrets out until she said uncle. Then whoever it was would threaten her several times about not only killing her, but her family and friends. She's heard it plenty of times… probably more times than anyone could count, and yet they never succeeded.
Well, not with her anyways.
This was nothing but child's play, and she was 99.9% sure, that if she kept up the poor and defenseless damsel act, she would be able to figure out who was the head haunch-o in charge. Plus, if she were to escape right now, and she didn't bring back any valuable information to her boss, than Dalilah would probably kill her.
There was a moment though; just a brief moment, where she wondered if something were to actually happen to her, where she didn't make it out alive, how would Damon here of her death? Would they make it seem like she got into a freak accident or a robbery gone wrong? She wondered if Damon would be happy about it? Would he better for it? They rarely communicated anymore, and there was a big space between them that constantly kept getting bigger.
She should have slept with him last night. She really wanted too. She wasn't even on her period like she said she was, but because she got injured on her thigh last night from the hotel incident, she didn't want Damon to ask questions about how she got it. It literally took everything in her not to continue with what he started. And the moment, he disappeared into their bedroom, she used her two fingers to bring herself to orgasm.
They didn't speak to each other for the rest of the night, and now there was a part of her that regretted it. Maybe when she got out of here, she would make this particular mission her last, and devote the rest of her time to her marriage. She loved Damon. He meant everything to her.
When Bonnie heard the footsteps of probably old inexpensive boots get closer, she braced herself a little. She didn't know what would happen first. Would the person would just take off her mask or decide to give her punch in the mouth before doing so.
It was the first one.
"You know I'm really surprised that all this fuss is over some petite little girl."
He was a tall man with raven hair, and a British accent. Maybe in another situation, she would have deemed his voice a bit sexy, because she had a thing for guys with accents, but obviously, she wasn't into this one. Plus, the look in his eyes was downright disgusting. He looked like the type of person who wouldn't take no for an answer.
When his hand gently touched her face, she decided to try and move it a little. Pretending to show fear, gave losers like this one, a level of control that made them think that they could overpower someone.
"You know. The plan was to interrogate you… torture you until you begged me to stop, but since my partner won't be here for another few minutes, I'm sure we could put that pretty little mouth to some extra use. You aren't bad too look at." He began unbuckling his belt. "Which is a shame, because you're most likely going to die tonight."
The man didn't even notice when Bonnie got her feet free from the rope. She was a little upset, because it took fifteen seconds and last time she was in this predicament, it only took her ten.
Damnit. She was slipping.
"Please don't hurt me."
"Trust me." He bent down to where their faces were only inches apart. "It's not going to hurt…. much."
Bonnie took that moment to head butt him so hard in the head, he fell back grabbing it in the process. She even drew a bit of blood.
"You're wrong you know," She stood up. "It's going to hurt a lot."
As she tried getting her hands untied, he called her a bitch, which was expected, and charged towards her. Bonnie did a flip and kicked him in the face, finally able to get her hands free. She definitely had to work on her untying skills. She used to be much quicker.
He was able to get in a sucker punch, drawing blood, but that didn't stop her from grabbing his throat by her ankles and twisting him to ground. She had him in a headlock to where he couldn't move.
"I know they didn't have you bring me in for interrogation right? Because this is pathetic… actually, it's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you."
He groaned in pain and tried to get free, but he couldn't. She was about to pop his head like a grape, but the sound of another male voice that she knew all too well, made her loosen her hold.
"This better be good, Enzo, because if you screwed this up again, the boss is going to…"
Her husband's voice stopped the moment their eyes connected. Bonnie's eyes weren't the only ones that widened. His facial expression mirrored her own, and forming any type of words and producing any kind of movement was completely nonexistent right now.
And because she was so shocked, Ernest, or whatever his name was, got the upper hand on her, got free, and kicked her hard in the stomach.
"Look who I have Damon? The boss found out she's the second in command to the one we need. She's the reason for the hotel attack yesterday." He picked her up and held her tight in a choke hold.
Bonnie was still so shocked that she didn't even try to get free. Damon was the only person she saw both literally and figuratively.
"If we get through this little bitch, we can find her, and…"
No more words were said from the guy whose name she knew start with an E, as he dropped dead to the ground with a gunshot wound to the middle of his head.
The silence was deafening. And Bonnie and Damon's eyes never strayed away from each other. She knew that he was thinking the same exact thing she was. They were lovers…..they were married, and yet they were literally enemies. Some of their best people…their best team had died at their hands.
It was the ticking sound that filled their ears, breaking the silence. The ticking sound that kept getting louder by each second, was found by Bonnie. When she looked towards the far corner of the warehouse, she saw a bomb with only five seconds to detonate. Any other day, they both could defuse it.
Not today.
Both she and Damon made a run for it as it went off, taking down the whole warehouse.
Damon didn't particularly know what time it was. For a moment, he wasn't even sure what day it was anymore. All he knew was that his wife had been his enemy all along, and he didn't even know if she were….
He couldn't say it right now. Saying it would be too real. He just ended his partner of three years life without any much of a hesitation because of the harm he did to his wife. And then the explosions… he just couldn't think right now.
He didn't even know what he was walking into at the time. Damon's plans were to take the night off tonight. He was preparing dinner for his wife, to be ready when she got home, when Enzo called saying that he captured their enemies' second in command. He figured he needed to go, so he could be finally finished with the mission, but he was never expecting this. He was never expecting to see his wife on the other end of the torment; to see his wife be the one that they were looking for.
And now, as he walked to their home, he felt like nothing mattered. He tried looking for her… he did, but she was nowhere to be found. He literally felt sick to his stomach.
When he finally reached his house and opened the door, he ignored the pictures of them and their friends hanging on the wall. It wasn't just because looking at any known memory of her would make him collapse to the ground, but it was the soft jazz playing in the background. Jazz was the only music Bonnie listened too when she was stressed out and having a bad day. The smell that drifted to his nose was his favorite perfume she wore.
When he made his way into the living room where the music played, it was empty, and before he could even make a move, the lights turned out leaving it semi dark in the room.
He felt the cold steel of the 9 millimeter against his skull.
"Turn around."
He would never admit that hearing her voice almost made his heart stop. Honestly, he didn't even care if she shot and ended his life right now. She was alive and that's all that mattered.
When he turned around, she still had the gun pointed to his forehead, and even though she was covered in scrapes and bruises, she still looked sexy as hell.
"Who the hell are you? And who do you work for?"
Her smirked, "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"
She pressed the gun higher. "I'm not going to ask you again."
And she didn't have too, because he was able to take the gun out of her hand quickly, and that caused her to pull another one out.
Husband and wife were aiming weapons at each other. How poetic?
"Put the gun down first."
She gave him a look. "Not gonna happen."
"Then we do it at the same time."
It took her a moment to agree, but when she did, they both dropped their guns to the floor.
They said it at the same time who they worked for. Damon worked for Markos and Bonnie worked for Dahlia. They had been trying to take out each other's teams for quite some time now. And how they both didn't realize that they were not only on the opposite sides of this war, but had a whole double life, was beyond them.
Let's just say, the tension between them probably couldn't even be cut with a knife. No knife was that sharp.
But, it was obvious that Bonnie didn't need a gun for when her foot connected with Damon's abdomen. It sent him stumbling back a little, and she used that moment to charge at him. He was able to block her attack, causing her to hit the wall.
"You killed three of my partners!" She punched him in the face.
Damn, she was good, he thought.
"Technically, I probably didn't… it was probably my team." Damon ducked when the glass vase went flying at his head. "And what about you? Last night at the hotel... that was all you, wasn't it?"
She didn't answer him as she went for the gun she dropped, but he was able to push it away from her.
She jumped on him and he slammed her into their glass mirror.
"You tried to kill me tonight!" She hit his back hard with her elbow, which made him drop her to the ground.
"That wasn't me!" He tripped her up and she fell to the ground hard. "But how many times have you tried to kill me?"
"I didn't know…"
She almost sound defeated, but it was clear as day that she was hurt…they both were.
"Yeah right." he cut her off.
The guns were back in both of their hands as they stood up across from each other again.
There were tears in her eyes, but she still held that look of determination.
But, as Damon looked at Bonnie; as he stared into the eyes of his wife, there was no question about it. He couldn't kill her. He would never kill her.
So, he put down the gun.
"I can't do it."
"Don't!" She yelled. "Come on!" Her voice cracking a bit. "Come on!"
"You want? It's yours."
As crazy as it may sound, even though she had a gun pointed to his head, he couldn't help but see how beautiful she really was. She was his everything. And the way she looked at him. Through the tears, through the pain and sadness, he could still notice the look in her eyes that was only reserved for him. The look that insinuated nothing but pure love.
"Come on sweetheart, come to daddy."
The moment he put the gun down, she did one swift move that caught him off guard, causing him to fall to the ground, with her straddling his waist.
Bonnie then lifted his arms above his head. "Who's your daddy now?"
Damon turned them over where she lay underneath him.
He was definitely about to show her.
A/N: I really hope you enjoyed! Please leave a review to let me know what you think =)