Warning: Indicated Male x Male
Incredibly cute Levi
Eren had remained by Levi's side while the smaller male slept. He had been there to make sure he was okay; he didn't want him to die or anything. He may have been over exaggerating a little.
Levi stirred slightly and eventually came round, still pale. He coughed slightly and weakly sat up, noticing Eren's presence. His head hurt so much he didn't even feel like yelling at the boy or kicking him out. He kind of wanted him there to keep him company and ensure he was okay. Not that he would ever admit that.
"Eren…?" He whispered, his voice struggling to escape from his throat. The younger male leaned forwards and looked at him, gently smiling.
"Don't strain yourself Heichou. I'm here to look after you."
Levi coughed a little and slowly got out of bed, close to collapsing before Eren caught him. He grabbed the shirt for his uniform and the jacket, making Eren quickly pull them away from him.
"Heichou! You can't work like this!"
Levi sighed and pulled away, only to be easily stopped by the younger male and pushed back into the bed. He groaned and wanted to strangle him for actually forcing him to do something, but didn't have the energy to do as so.
Eren went over to the sink and ran cold water over a cloth, squeezing most of it out before coming back over to Levi. He gently placed it on his captain's forehead, frowning when the smaller male shivered from the cold.
"It'll help Heichou… Promise. Do you want something to eat? You must be starving."
Levi shook his head, knowing if he ate, he would probably throw it all back up. He didn't want to experience that, nor did he want to clean it up. He was so ill he actually didn't want to clean. That was really something, and Levi himself, knew it.
Eren sighed and got up.
"You need to eat. Just a little." He told him as he headed back to the kitchen. He found some vegetables and began cutting them up, making a soup out of them.
When the soup had finished cooking, he poured it into a bowl and walked back over to Levi. His captain was fast asleep, breathing heavily. Eren smiled and placed the bowl on the table before gently shaking the smaller male in order to wake him.
Levi awoke, startled by the shaking. He looked up at Eren and relaxed when he realised who had woken him up. He looked at the soup beside him and instantly pulled the blankets over his head; his way of saying he didn't want it. Just the smell made Levi want to throw up. He couldn't eat and he knew it.
Eren sighed and pulled Levi from under the blankets and picked up a spoon of the soup, placing it towards his mouth. Levi sat stubbornly, refusing to open his mouth to eat the soup. So, Eren leaned forwards and grabbed Levi's mouth, forcing him to open it.
Levi suddenly snapped and pushed Eren's hand off his mouth before glaring at him.
"Don't you get it?! I don't want it!" He yelled in annoyance, watching the younger male put down the bowl.
Eren bowed his head slightly and nodded quietly.
"I'm sorry Heichou. But you need to eat. I'll have to get Hanji to restrain you…"
Well it's the middle of my exams, so I think all the chapters in this series will be short. Honestly, I like the shortness as I can come up with an idea and just type it out on the bus to school or something.
R&R, it fuels chapter creation.