Rias was smiling, today was the day her father would come, and she couldn't wait to introduce him to her son. She could just picture his freak out in her mind.
She giggled at the thought. He would get over it quickly enough. After all, who wouldn't fall in love with a child like Harry?
Ria's entire peerage was there, going to support both her and Harry. At around lunch time, the group were at Rias's house, waiting, when there was a loud knock on the door. Apparently, Rias's father had decided to use the door, rather then just barge in.
Rias smiled as she rose to her feet. She placed Harry on the couch and patted his head. "Ready to meet your new grandpa, dear?" She asked.
Harry smiled shyly, "I guess," he was still nervous around new people, but, thanks to Rias and the rest of her peerage, Harry had gotten use to being around people
"Good." Rias replied cheerfully as she picked him up. "Let's go meet gramps."
Harry just stayed silent as Rias made her way to the door while carrying him in her arm. When the door opened, there stood a middle-aged looking man with long crimson red hair that was tied as a loose ponytail with a black hairband. He had bright blue eyes, and also had a short, red beard on his chin. As soon as he saw Rias, he smiled and was about to step forward to hug her, crying out, "Rias, its so good to see my favorite chil-" only to stop when he saw Harry, and the way that Rias was holding him, he then looked to Rias with curiosity, "A new peerage member deer?" he asked curiously.
"I guess you could say that." Rias replied slyly.
"Rias, why are you talking in that tone for?"
"Well...I'm his mother now."
Rias's father looked at her, blinking several times in confusion, then his mind kicked into gear as he processed what she said, "Um Rias, you do know that you have to ask for permission from me and your mother before you can ado-" he was suddenly cut off as his daughter glared at him dangerously. "N-n-now, no need for that." The older devil raised his hands passively. "I'm just slightly disappointed you didn't talk to me about it before making such a decision. I support it."
Immediately Rias went from glare, to smile. "I'm sorry, father." She said with a slight bow. "I was out of line."
"Not at all, my dear." Her father replied. "What is my new grandson's name?"
Rias smiled, "Harry Potter," she said, smiling, then looked down at Harry, "And, if once he decides to accept, if he does, he will become Harry Potter Gremory," she continued, smiling. Her father blinked at her for a moment in shock, "You would use the devil adoption ritual to make him your son?" he asked in shock, "You do know that hasn't been used in centuries, the only one who could even perform it, is your sister in law, Grayfia," he said.
Rias nodded. "That won't stop me." She replied calmly.
Her father looked at her sadly, "Rias, I want to tell you this now, I really am sorry about the whole Riser thing, but there really is nothing I can do about that, much as it pains me to say that," he sighed, "As a result, I intend to support you, in regards to adopting him as your child," he said, smiling a little as he tried to convey, he really would support her in her new endeavor.
"Thank you, father..." Rias mumbled, now deflated at the mention of her 'fiance'.
Her father then looked at Harry, who hid his head in her arms when he saw her father look at him. "Hello there Harry," he said, smiling, "I would have brought a gift, but, naturally, I didn't know about you till now," here he shot a look at Rias, trying to get a reaction out of her for his amusement before looking back at Harry, "So, if there is anything you want, maybe I can bring it next time, just name it Harry, and I will try my best to get it for you," he said, smiling.
Harry shook his head timidly. "N-No thanks, sir...I don't need anything...I have my plushies..." He replied softly, holding up the stuffed doe he had been clutching to his body the entire time.
Rias's father smiled, "Hmm, then how about I get you some more plushies next time I come over?" he replied, before looking at Rias, "Now, I believe you requested my presence to ask me something, not to just show me my new grandson," he said, grinning.
Rias smiled back. "Yes, as a matter of fact I did..." She replied.
"Name it, and I'll see if I can grant it."
Rias led him to the living room, where her peerage resided, when she took a seat, and her father sat across from her and her peerage, with Harry sitting in her lap, playing with his deer plushie, but also secretly keeping an eye on Rias's father in case he moved suddenly, "I want you to grant me permission to bring Harry with me to the academy, father," she said, a serious tone to her voice and words.
Her father looked at her with a raised brow. "You wish to take him to your classes?" He asked.
"I do." Rias replied calmly.
"Why?" her father asked, curious for her reasoning. Rias sighed,"Harry, due to his background and what we took him from, is nervous around new people, and prefers to be around us, and I have no doubt that he would freak out or react badly to us being away for hours when we are the only friendly faces he has ever known," she said, smiling sadly down at Harry as he played with his deer plushie on her lap, "There is also the fact that, I do not want to be apart from him for hours, and I would not dare trust him with anyone except my peerage, or myself, at the moment," she said looking at her father seriously.
"His background?" Her father asked with a raised brow. "Do tell."
Rias sighed, and turned to Koneko, "Harry, Koneko," she said, getting both of their attentions, "Harry, I would like for you to go and play some video games with Koneko, ok?" she said, Harry looked at her, while she turned to look at Rias. "Sure Rias," Koneko said in her usual tone, before looking at Harry, "Come on Harry, lets go find that one game you really like to play," she said, smiling, and sounding happy, which, while strange to Rias's father, seemed to have become normal to Rias's peerage. "Kay Koneko," Harry said as he slipped off of Rias's lap and followed Koneko from the room.
"Why did you send Harry out?" Rias's father asked.
Rias sighed and looked at her father, "Because, one does not talk about an abused person while they are present, which would cause them to relive their trauma," she said, looking at her father like it should have been obvious, especially since Harry was a young child, and what other kind of background could possibly make someone shy and timid and afraid of others like Harry was.
"Abused..." Her father breathed. "Carry on, dear..."
Rias sighed as she began to tell him about some of the things that Harry had told them he did when he had still lived with the Dursleys, inlcuding cooking since he was three and a half years old, to help him heal, Akeno had taken to cooking with Harry, allowing him to enjoy it, but always reminding him, he was never to cook without one of them present. Together the two had made quite the pair of cooks, cooking many a meal that even had Koneko expressing emotion, especially when Harry had made cinnamon cookies for Koneko, she had just loved those, and would often beg him to make them until the others reminded her not to coerce Harry into making her new favorite treats, much to the amusement of the others at how agitated she would get when she went for a week without them. When Rias described about how they had rescued Harry, her father became very angry, he had been saddened to hear what some of the things Harry had had to do at the Dursleys was, he had smiled at how things had improved for Harry thanks to his daughters peerage, but when he heard about the abuse itself, the beatings, the put downs, the insults, the name calling, well...
To say the least, Rias absolutely felt the negative emotions pouring from her father's being, and scooted away from him nervously.
Rias father eventually calmed down, "Fine, I will talk with the school headmaster, will try and make sure that Harry can go with you to the school," he said, "However, you are NOT to flaunt him around as something special, he goes to the classes with you, or Akeno, or Koneko, he doesn't try and draw attention to himself or the others, and he is to try and be as quiet as possible during class time, if you can promise me this, or at least try to, I can see to it that the headmaster will allow him to attend classes with you as your ward, alright Rias?" he said.
"That won't be a problem." Rias replied. "He barely even says a word to anyone that's not me or my peerage. He's very shy, and would never want to draw attention to himself. Even when he talks, his voice is like a mouse squeaking, soft and quiet."
Rias father sighed, "We really need to help bring him out of his shell dear," he said sadly, from what he had seen, Harry was adorable, and would make any mother proud, but, sadly, he had been abused by his own relatives, "I will talk to the headmaster once I leave here," he said, "You should have your answer in a few hours," he said, "By the way, do you want me to inform your mother or brother about your new son?" he asked, smiling.
Rias smiled. "Please do." She replied. "I'm sure they would be delighted to know of him."
Rias father smiled, "Well, you know your brother is a sis-con, so, hopefully he doesn't go crazy about your new son too," he said, chuckling. "Anyway, I will go see the headmaster now, see you in a few hours Rias my dear," he said as he got up and left, he would help his daughter in this, he had given her his word he would help her, besides, Gremories looked afte one another, and those they decided to take in.
"Thank you, father." Rias said with a small bow. "I appreciate it."
"It's no trouble at all, dear. I'm happy to help."
After he left, Akeno turned to Rias, "That actually went better then I thought it would," she said, smiling at her king. She knew that her king had been expecting her father to be more troublesome too, so, for him to be so for the adoption, well, it was a welcome surprise.
"Indeed it was." Rias replied with a smile. "And I'm glad this was the case. There won't be any further issues regarding this adoption business."
"Well, not from your family anyway," Akeno pointed out, "HE on the other hand, will surely attempt to kill Harry, or at least attempt to do so," she said bitterly, she, like Rias, despised that one man, that one devil who very few could stand the arrogance of. She sighed, "Regardless, he cannot go against your family, and thus, if he DOES attempt to kill Harry, he will piss off two Pillars," she pointed out as well with one of her signature smiles.
Rias nodded. "And if he tries to pull anything, I'll skin him alive and wear his hide as a neckerchief." She said lowly.
Akeno smiled, "And I will help you, of course," Akeno said, her usual, creepy smile in place. Suddenly there was a loud bang from the kitchen followed by Harry's exclamation of concern, "Koneko, are you ok?"
"I think Koneko tried to bake again." Akeno said, Rias giggled as Koneko stepped in, covered head to toe in black soot.
Harry came in behind her, looking concerned, and holding first aid kit he had apparently found somewhere, which confused Rias as the only one she knew of, was in a closet high up on a shelf, a shelf Harry couldn't possibly reach on his own. "Harry, what happened?" she asked, looking at him with concern, since he had some soot on him as well. Harry spoke, seemingly out of reflex, "She asked me to show her how to cook her favorite snack like I do, and everything was going fine until she turned away to get a drink and i had to get the batter ready, so wasn't paying attention to the batch currently cooking, and, next thing I know, 'boom' and the kitchen is full of smoke and Koneko had the oven door covering her face, Koneko are you sure you are ok?" he seemed more concerned for his big sister Koneko then anything else at the moment, "Miss Rias? She'll be okay, right?" Harry was scared, upset that he had caused one of his new family members grief.
Rias smiled and went over to hug Harry, "Yes Harry, she will be fine, but, we need to wait a bit before we can teach her to cook again, ok?" she said, still smiling. Harry nodded, "Kay," he then looked to Koneko, "Koneko, I-I am sorry about-" Koneko cut him off before he could finish, "Its not your fault Harry," she said, showing more emotion in that one sentence then she was normally known for, surprising everyone, "Perhaps you could take over the next batch Harry?" Akeno stepped up, "I will help him, you know, since your a terrible cook," she teased, earning a glare from Keneko, and a chuckle muffled by a hand from Rias. "Well, lets go clean up while we wait for my father to get back," Rias said as they left to clean, when they finished, they began a video game marathon, with Rias teaching Harry how to play. She smiled, slowly, but surely, Harry was coming out of his shell, at least around them anyway.
'Here's hoping I can get him to develop a sense of security in public situations...' she thought to herself.
Hours later the doorbell for Rias's house rang loudly through the house, considering it was designed to only respond to supernatural power, that could only mean it was her father, since she wasn't expecting anyone else, and an angel wouldn't have rung the doorbell. Smiling, she told the others to watch Harry, as she went to let her father in, smiling the entire way. When she returned about five minutes later, with her father, she sat down and pulled Harry onto her lap, where he leaned back against her, he always seemed to feel safest with her, which she was very happy about.
Her father smiled, and then cleared his throat, "Well, I talked with the headmaster," he began, only for Rias to cut him off. "Will he allow for me to bring Harry?" she asked impatiently. Her father gave her a mild glare, "Shutting up," she said sheepishly, to which her father smiled in reply. "He wasn't happy about this, you should realize that," her father continued, "He didn't want to bend the rules for you, but seeing as I am the school's owner, and thus, he is my employee, he couldn't really argue with me now could he," he smiled, "In the end, he called all of the teachers into the office so I could inform them personally, Harry is your charge, and must remain at your side, or that of one of your friends, if anyone gives you, them, or him trouble, they are to act immediately, and to come to his and your aids, they are to not hassel you about him, and should respect him, as they respect me, and they should respect you, as my daughter, to put it simply, yes, he can go to the school with you, but he will not be a student due to being too young for that, however, I have set up with the headmaster that, he may have a private Gremory 'family tutor' come to teach him, with your permission, of course," he said, when he said, 'private tutor', he was really referring to her mother, which she would, of course pick up on, and realize that her father wanted Harry to learn to be part of the Gremory family, as family.
Rias nodded. "That will be perfectly fine." She replied. "I will need to talk to him about it, and make sure he understands he's in no danger, but I'm sure I'll manage."
"Miss Rias?" Rias blinked. She had forgotten he was in her lap, he was so light and silent...
Rias smiled though, "Yes Harry, is something the matter?" she asked, though she also hugged him to her as she spoke, she would also need to try and get him to try and talk a bit more, as well as fatten him up a bit, as he was still far too thin and light for his age.
"Um...Y-You were just...talking about me like I wasn't here..." Harry said softly.
"I'm sorry, dear." Rias replied, kissing the top of his head. "You're just so...light. It's like air on my lap."
Harry smiled shyly, "Sorry Rias," he said, looking down sadly. Rias sighed, "Its not your fault Harry, we just have to get you to eat more so that your more of a healthy weight, as it is, your not a healthy weight Harry, your far too light," she then smiled, "But that can be corrected with time, for now, would you like me to help you understand what we were talkiing about?" she asked, smiling happily at him.
Harry looked up at her with a smile. He HAD been rather confused when the big people were talking... "Okay...I wanna know what you were talking about." He admitted.
Rias smiled and tapped him on the nosed lightly, making his eyes focus on his nose cutely as she touched it, "Well, Harry, we know you aren't very comfortable strangers, and we do not want you to stay home alone, and, putting you in a daycare would...how can I put this, um, expand, on you not being comfortable around people you do not know, so, I asked my father, who owns my school, if you could attend with me, not as a student, but as my ward," she tried her best to explain.
Harry looked up at her and tilted his head. "Your ward? What's a ward?" He asked shyly. Rias smiled.
"Basically, you're coming to school with me now."
Harry looked at Rias curiously, "But, what does ward mean?" he pouted cutely, unaware he was doing the infamous puppy dog look, and Rias knew it well, as she had used it a lot in her life, she just never expected it to be used on her. She sighed, "it means that I am your guardian, your legal guardian and protector, Harry," she smiled and hugged him, "That means if you get into trouble, you come find me and tell me, or your aunty Akeno, or big sister Koneko, or your big brother Kiba, ok?" she said, smiling as she lifted him up and hugged him to her, causing him to giggle happily. "Kay," he might not know much of school, but, at least he would be spending time with Rias and the rest of his family, and truthfully, that was all that mattered. Suddenly, Harry yawned, and then pouted, "I'm not sleepy!" he said defiantly, trying to stifle another yawn and only being half successful this time.
"Oh yes you are, young man." Rias said with a soft giggle as she held him to her bosom.
Harry struggled, he wanted to stay up, he didn't want to sleep yet, even though he liked being held by Rias cause she gave off a aura of warmth, "But I don't wanna sleep yet!" he pouted, before yawning again.
"Well, your body language says otherwise." Rias replied with a grin. "Now just close your eyes and make yourself comfy, okay?"
Harry pouted, but complied as he leant against her her shoulder, before quickly nodding off, and begining to snore cutely, while resting against her shoulder. Rias's father smiled, "Looks like you have a way with your future son, Rias," he smiled.
Rias smiled back. "I suppose I do, father." She replied. "I suppose I do..." she then patted Harry's head, before standing up and heading to their bedroom, her peerage members heading for theirs, and her father chukcling as he got up and left.