Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, Silver here. Anyway, important update on my current situation, I'm sorry I didn't update anything for the past 2 months, but school was really busy during those days for me. Then there's my part time job which takes until 9:00 at night from Wednesday to Sunday. Unlike most people who sleep late and wake up late, I sleep early and wake up early so I don't have time to even type anything up. I'm putting this up on all my ongoing stories to inform all of you and right now, I'm squeezing this in before I sleep just so you guys know I'm not dead and will still be updating my stories. However, they won't happen till June 30th. The last day of school is June 26th so I want a 4 day break to chill and relax. After that during the summer I'm almost always free so I'll be mostly updating at least twice a week. If you guys don't like to wait then I'll apologize now and in the future when I'll start updating again.

Another thing I should inform you is that I might work on 3 stories at once, which will be A Different History (Rewrite), God of Capturing Hearts, and a one more I'm planning to work on. It's a secret for now. Or I was thinking of rewriting God of Capturing Hearts also. This is because I deemed it necessary unless you guys want me to keep it like it is. The main reason for the rewrite is to make it better paced, improve on the dialogue, plot sequence, better details, and at least work on the vocabulary usage. Most of my teachers who I emailed the fanfic to, agreed it might be a better decision along with my friends. If you guys feel as if the story is going along fine then feel free to inform me and I'll leave it as it is.

The final thing I want to inform you guys on is the fact that my younger brother and sister are working on a little collaborate fanfic on their shared account, MasterOfHarems. They both are only 13 and are twins so they pretty much have the same style of writing and thoughts. The First Chapter is not out yet until maybe this Friday or if they are adding the finish touches it will come out maybe this Wednesday. I will give you a the summary here early and information you can know that won't spoil the story.

Summary: A year before Jaune goes to Beacon; Jaune was caught in an accident. He was in a gaming store, looking for a few games to play when suddenly a power surge happened. The power surge swept through the store and strangely enough, Jaune was the only one who was affect by it. When he wakes up later in the hospital, he discovers something interesting: His life is now a video game.

Like their account name says, the fanfic will definitely be a harem. Who? I don't know since they never let me see or told me it. They might make some scenes similar to my fanfics so don't be all like, 'They copied you!' Unlike me they have more experience with writing fictional stuff and it's easier for them if they don't need to think of character designs, personality, and history. The summary does suggest a gamer story, so the system will be similar once again but with more detail and probable more in-depth words. I think that's about it.

Once again I'm sorry about this but I mean come on, everyone has got to be so busy in one point of their life that they can't do some stuff. PM me if you have something to say, important or not even if it's just to complain. Hope you have a nice day, Silver out.