Zeelee-Vallen: Modern day ninja! Hope you like. The tittle is only because I suck at naming things. There will be Ninja-ness later. If I continue.

Do not own Naruto.


She looked up to the four story apartment building, eyes wide. This was where she was going to be living from now on. This will be her home. A small smile tilted her lips, her eyes filling with tears. She was finally out of that dreadful place that she used to call home. She was… Free.

But her main concern, it was cheap. Cheap enough for her to earn with only her part time job. It looked perfectly normal, if anything well kept, so why such a low price?

"FUCK IT ALL!" She fought back a scream as a couch came sailing off the deck, from a room on the fourth floor. She scurried out of the way, the leather couch smashing into the cement where she stood only moments before.

….. That would explain the price. She murmured to herself as she shifted on her feet. This was supposed to be where she met her landlord. But he was late. Plus she's been dodging various falling items for the past hour. It would be nice if he showed up soo…. A white haired man approached her, a mask on the lower half of his face. He had a red eye and a black eye, the red one with a scar. Was she going to get mugged? She held her bad a big tighter, a slight sheen of nervous sweat coating her hands. She never dealt with a thief before. Perhaps her family was well versed in hand to hand fighting, but that was….

She meeped when he put a hand on her head. "You must be Hinata." She stared up at him. He knew her name? Was he… A dog from her family? No, they wouldn't sent dogs after what she did. She nodded, unsurely. Perhaps it was bad to give out her name?

No, it shouldn't be…. He stared at her for a while, making her shift uncomfortably. His hand was still on her head, making it worst. Perhaps he wanted a verbal answer? "Yes…." She finally said, her voice cracking under the pressure. She blushed at his growing smile, her heart racing. Did she… Do something wrong?

"I was afraid I was talking to the wrong girl again." He lifted his hand from her head, making her sign in relief. "But it's hard to mistake such a cutie!" She blushed tenfold, the taunting glint in his eye making it worst. Was he a… What were they called… A player! Was he one of those? "I'm the owner of the building." He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a key. "You're on the fourth floor, along with…." He paused, making her worry. Why… Did he pause? "Either way, fourth floor. Would you like me to escort you?" She franticly shook her head, making him chuckle. "I didn't think my presence was so undesirable." She could swear her blush reached her toes.

"No-no, its… No-not…." She shut her mouth, her blush must be orbiting around her now. The man merely chuckled, his hand finding his way back to her hair. This time it seemed less…. How could she put it? The touch seemed more… Endearing, that's the only way she could put it.

"It's fine, don't go fainting on my now." She blinked. She didn't faint from contact since she was fourteen, it's been two years since then. She would like to keep the record going. "On the other hand, where is all your stuff?" She blushed, gripping her backpack tighter. Realization dawned in his eyes. "Oh. Sorry!" He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I didn't mean to ask too much. How about you go check out your new home?" He grabbed her shoulders lightly and steered her to the building.

He was… A very touchy man, it seemed. She really hoped she didn't see him often. She wasn't use to being touched. Plus… He made her blush. And stutter even worst then she was used to.


She stood in the hallway in front of her door, a light blush on her cheeks. Her room was in the very corner, so that meant she only had two neighbors to greet. The person across the hall and the person beside her, being the people.

Finally, she stuck the key into the lock and twisted the handle. The door swung open, making her smile. It was… Nice. So far. There was a little entryway, to the right was a kitchen, straight ahead a living room. She stepped in, her smile widening as she explored. Right after the entrance was a little hallway leading to two rooms, nestled between them was a washroom. She peaked inside the rooms, content at the decor. The place came fully furnished, did she forget to mention it?

How lucky she was.

She trotted to the living room, eyeing the decent sized tv and black leather couches. Behind the little living room was a dining area. It was also decent sized.

It was perfect. So very perfect.

Now… She had to go buy necessities and food. She unloaded her bad of the few things she had, making room for the stuff she would have to carry. She decided to take the room on the left, and use the right room as a studio and storage room.

And off she went, locking her door and trekking down the stairs. The area was completely new to her, it would take her a while to get used to it. So for now, she would explore.

There was a park nearby, a large one, like in the tv shows. It had tons of trees, but it all looked well-tended. She kept walking, furthering her search. Her job itself was only a few blocks down, and the school a few blocks over. A grocery store was in the area, so was a quick stop.

The location was good. Very good.

Almost too good.

She shrugged it off, making her way to the grocery store. She decided to bake cake for her neighbors, since almost everybody loved cake. But what kind? She strolled down the isles, looking through the different items. Absent minded she put different items in her cart, ignorant to the fact she would have to carry it back..

Chocolate cake. With strawberries and whip cream, she decided. Gathering the last few items, she strode to the till. The man manning the till was nice. He had blond hair, of which fell into his beautiful ocean colored eyes. He was really tall too, with built shoulders. She could only imagine he trained well.

"So what's your name, yeah?" She blinked, eyes coming back into focus. She was busy thinking about training again.

"Hina…Hinata." She smiled gently, watching as the boys eyes light up. He looked amused, if not happy.

"It's nice to see new faces around here, yeah." His eyes glinted, but she couldn't detect with what.

"Ah… Yes." She answered, awkwardly. Was there any good way to answer it?

Either way, she paid for her grocery's and started piling the contents onto her arms. Perhaps…. She bought a little too much, she thought as she swayed dangerously.

"Don't tell me you plan on walking with all that, yeah?" She blinked, looking up to him. He looked taken aback, his blue eyes calculating her.

"I… I can do it." She took a few steps, almost losing her balance. A small blush grew on her face as she righted herself. She didn't do years and years of training to be beat by groceries. She puffed out her cheeks, her head held high as she strode out of the store, only to fall flat on her face.

How… Unsightly. At least no one sa-… "How embarrassing, yeah." She looked up to see the blond haired worker standing above her, holding cake mix. She looked down, blushing as she found most of her groceries were spilled.

"I'm-I'm sorry." She murmured, grabbing items and stuffing them in bags fast as she could. She was probably blocking traffic, or in the way.

"Let me help you, yeah." He began to help her, making her blush harder. Now she was imposing on the workers. How unsightly of her.

"I… I can do it." She murmured, her hands shaking as someone almost stepped on them. People eyed her, distain in their eyes. It was all her fault for blocking the way.

"I can't leave a little girl alone, yeah." She spiked at the kitten remark. "It's against my code." He chuckled, grabbing some of her bags. "I'm going to help you carry them, yeah?" He said it like a question, but it was obviously a statement. She grumbled, trying to reach for the bags only for him to step out of the way. "I'm going to help you, hm." She stared at him debating. If she let him carry her stuff, she would be imposing. But he would also get upset if she forced him to stop.

To impose was the finest choice. It was best to let a person do what they wish.

"Th… Thank you…. Very…. Much." She bowed, her hair falling into her face. All day today she met kind people. The owner of the building was a bit odd, but nice. The store clerk was now going out of his way to help her.

Indeed, it was nice. The man walking next to her shadowed her very well. Soon as she made the slightest movement he knew what she was going to do. It was… Like a ninja.

She shook her head, ignoring her observation. Sometimes her imagination got the best of her.

"Is this… Where you live?" She nodded, looking up at the building. She wasn't aware they made it there so fast. All thanks to him.

"I can take it from here," She held her hands out, only for him to keep her groceries. "Is something the matter?" She tilted her head at his calculating expression. It kept changing from confused, frustrated, then finally it settles to a smirk.

"Not at all, hm. Actually, I live here too." He smirked as he moved the groceries to his other arm. It had to be really heavy, yet he showed no sign of stain. She blinked as he pulled out a key, 402. She was 401.

"Oh…." Her face heated as she realized she was imposing on her neighbor. "I'm-I'm sorry!" She bowed, making the man chuckle.

"It's fine, yeah." He nodded his head to the building. "Let's get going, hm?" She nodded franticly, her hair flying around her.

So… Embarrassing. He said his goodbyes, leaving her with her groceries at her door. He lived right across from her, making it worst. She dared impose on her neighbor! They were supposed to keep a respectful distance, so no trouble would arise. At least, that's what she learned from the books she read.

Grumbling in embarrassment, she hauled her groceries in. Such an eventful-…. She quickly placed the bags down, quietly. There were shoes in the entrance. Quietly, she slipped out a knife from her bust. It was an inconvenient place to keep it, but it also was well hidden. She snuck a few steps forward, carefully to be quiet.

"Calm the fuck down." She yelped as her wrists were gripped, only to be pulled up in a prisoner like stance. "Your fucking puny body couldn't do anything." She yelped, her eyes going wide. Her first day and there was already a break in?

The blond boy burst into the door, no shirt and eyes wide. Soon as he seen the person behind her, he paused, eyes clouding. "Hidan, what are you doing here?" She yelped again when the man yanked her arms, pulling her off the ground.

He had to be a giant, to have such strength. "Checking out the new meat. She's fucking cute." She bit back a scream when he smelled her hair.

"Put her down, yeah! She's normal." Deidara took a step toward them, only for the man to tighten his grip on her.

She was not going to impose on Deidara again, she decided. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her core. With great flexibility she wound herself around the man, somehow making it to his back. She no longer had her bust knife, she so pulled out on of the ones from her ankle hoister.

Both men were at a standstill, unsure of what she just did. It started off with a kick, then soon as Hidan loosened his grin… She was there, on his back.

"Normal, this bitch?" Hidan grinned, Deidara looked dumbfounded. The little girl he helped, the one who was having trouble carrying bags, was trained? She looked young, perhaps a middle-schooler, but to have enough skill to maneuver that expertly?

There had to be a reason why Kakashi rented to her. After all, everyone here was abnormal in their own way.

"Plea….Please get out." She dropped from Hidan's back, her voice quivering. She looked so weak, so fragile as she held the blade shakily. But after what he just witnessed, he knew better than to underestimate her.

She too, must be like them.


Zeelee-Vallen: I just had to post this idea. I'm not sure if I'll continue on it, but it seemed fun.