Scarlet's stomach let out a loud growl. She laughed and pushed herself off the chair she was sitting on to head to the kitchen. As she was getting up, Wolf poked his head in the doorway.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. It still was a little uncanny how acute his hearing was, even after about a year of marriage. Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"No, my stomach made that noise because it was full," she remarked sarcastically. Wolf looked like he was suppressing a laugh and Scarlet glared. He studied the floor, though she could see his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Come on. Let's make something. I'm hungry too," he said, heading towards the kitchen.

"You're always hungry, Wolf," she complained playfully. He glanced back at her, pretending to pout. It was kind of adorable.

"Your wonderful cooking doesn't help my hunger issue."

"Suck-up," she muttered, although she was sure she was a little pink from the compliment. Wolf smirked, happy to get a flustered reaction out of her. That didn't happen every day.

They entered the kitchen and Wolf asked what she wanted to eat. Scarlet shot a questioning look his way.

"You're going to... cook?" she asked hesitantly. Wolf glared at her.

"I'm sure I can't be too horrible. After all, I've watched you cook since we moved in. At least I know the names of all the vegetables now." He looked so serious, and a surprised laugh tumbled out of her. "Besides," he added, "you're in a... delicate condition." Scarlet straightened up and gave him a very pointed stare.

"Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I can't do things on my own, thank you very much," she retorted sharply. Wolf flashed her a grin, then sobered up.

"Still. What do you want to eat?" Scarlet pressed her lips together, thinking as she settled into a chair.

"I don't know... How about strawberries?"

"But that doesn't involve cooking," Wolf whined.

"It involves cooking, and if you want to make me something later on, then I want to be able to trust that you can use a knife before I let you near a stove," Scarlet chided. Wolf muttered a reluctant, "Fine," before turning around to get the knife.

When he retrieved it, he stared at it for a couple of minutes, mumbling, "Now, where are the strawberries...?" He looked around for the strawberries, scratching at his ear.

Scarlet glanced around the kitchen and saw them, glistening in the corner beside the sink. She waited patiently for him to find them. Wolf turned in a couple more circles before catching her amused grin. She saw his blush deepen before he turned away.

"Do you need some help?" Scarlet offered. Wolf ducked his head and she took that as a yes. "They're red..." she began. Wolf did another 360 looking for a red fruit that wasn't a tomato.

It took him another 15 minutes to discover the strawberries. But the look of triumph in his eyes when he did find them was worth all the rumblings of Scarlet's stomach.

He ended up (of course) giving himself a minor cut with the knife, which she had to patch up.

So, all in all, it took him an hour to find the strawberries, cut the strawberries, and figure out where the bowls were. It probably would have taken him longer if Scarlet's stomach didn't growl every ten minutes.

When he served them to Scarlet, she commented that, "If you had worked any harder, there would be sweat dripping into them." After grimacing, Wolf had given her a sheepish smile at that.

Just to fool with him, when she tasted them, she pretended they tasted horrible.

"What? I mean, I just cut strawberries! How can they- I didn't mean for them to-" He was interrupted by Scarlet's giggle. He looked at her, eyes wide with concern. "What?"

Scarlet leaned over the table to give Wolf a kiss, which effectively shut him up. She pulled back, smiling.

"I was just teasing you. I didn't mean for you to get so concerned. If anything," Scarlet added, "they taste even better because you prepared them. She winked at him and he flushed pink, looking very pleased with himself. He scooted his chair so he was sitting right next to her.

"Would you like to try one?" she offered, lifting up a fork with a strawberry speared on it. Wolf automatically opened his mouth and she fed him the strawberry. He chewed thoughtfully before his face split into a wide grin, showcasing his canines. Scarlet laughed, though a little confused.

"What are you smiling at?" Wolf shrugged.

"I don't know, really. I'm just very very happy. To be with you," he replied. Scarlet patted his hand, gazing into his beautiful emerald eyes.

"I'm very happy to be with you, too, Wolf." His eyes drifted to her swollen belly, his whole face lighting up, making the world spin a little faster.

"I love you, my alpha," he murmured as those jeweled eyes returned to her face. Scarlet kissed him again (resulting in him blushing even more). Then she rested her head on his shoulder as she replied.

"I love you too, my sweet."

A/N: This story is dedicated to one of my closest friends, who I tease by calling Tomato (before I read TLC) *heart*


I just finished reading a book that made me cry (Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas), so I needed something happy. This was the result. Sorry if it's a little long-winded, I just starting writing and couldn't stop, so... yeah. Here ya go. :)

Thank you for reading! Reviews are always welcome, positive or negative. I love you all! ~Aurum19

[I do not own the Lunar Chronicles.]