The male kicked his legs as he was trying to get comfy. It wasn't because of the dark, cold basement that he slept in. He had became accustomed to the conditions of the basement. It wasn't the skin cutting handcuffs that he was forced to wear that was keeping him up. It wasn't anything physical. It was mind that made him toss and turn in the bed. He was having a sweet dream about his captain. He was in love with him and couldn't help it. It was like he was some sort of masochist.

He couldn't suppress the feeling in his pyjamas. Unconsciously, he slipped his chained hand under his pyjamas bottoms and grabbed his erect penis. He slowly began to pump his erected penis. He quietly muttered his captains name. He couldn't help it, he had been feeling this for quite some time. The male woke up and sat up to get faster into the thrusts. He leaned over and accidentally bit his hand to stop him screaming out his captains name.

"LEVI!" He yelled into his hand. A white substance squirted all around his bed. When he did that he realised his mistake. He was thinking how cool his captain looked when killing all the titans. Something he dreamed of doing. A large spark snapped and he transformed. The whole building shook like an earthquake had erupted. The chains on his thin wrist snapped and he was free. The bed underneath him snapped. As he was large, he was captured with in the walls of the cell. He felt like a tiger in a cage for a cat. Before anyone could capture him, he got

on his hands and knees and punched the wall. Before he created a hole in the cell and ran up to the first level before creating a hole in that wall to the outside. He was desperate to get away. He was now free of the cell. He just needed fresh air to clear his mind.

Levi, Armin, Jean, and Reiner stood at the cell door looking at the gaping hole. Levi was now pissed as he had ran away from him. Armin was trying to think why he had escaped. Jean and Reiner was shocked that he had dared escaped in the night. Erwin soon entered the area and inspected the scene for himself.

"Armin? Why do you think he would take of so quickly? Erwin asked holding back Levi by the shoulder. "It's crucial to get an idea so we either kill him or protect him," Armin entered the room inspected the crushed bed. He had no clue but he wanted to believe that he had a good reason.

"I really have no idea, sir? How about capture him and ask Eren himself. I'm sure that he had good intentions," Erwin released Levi and the smaller male, along with Mikasa, who just arrived at the scene, followed the trail that he had left. The hunters were now chasing the freed tiger. Their aim was to capture it alive. Levi didn't care if he was brought back dead or alive but commander Erwin requested that he was captured alive. They grabbed their 3D manoeuvres and rushed after him.


All members split into different areas with a green smoke gun in their belts. They zipped through the trees so quickly. They were like monkeys on adrenalin. They never have moved so quickly. A few members were scared to be facing an abnormal and especially a member of their own team. Armin was praying that either him or Mikasa would capture Eren so that he wouldn't be hurt.

Armin was whizzing through the trees at a low height. He couldn't be hurt from this height. Eren might have already reverted back to his human form. They would be able to hear his footsteps or see the wake of destructions as he passed. Armin was internally pleading that he would be alright.

He smiled as he saw his friend slumped against a tree, he didn't approach yet as he could see the skin of his legs. He turned the other way giving his friend some privacy.

"Captain, captian, captain!" He heard his friend mutter. Armin intentionally stepped on a twig to alert Eren that he was near.

"Don't worry, it's just me," Armin said as he walked out from behind a tree. Eren scrambled to pull his trousers back on. His head felt heavy as he had reverted back. When he was in titan form they had no reproductive organs so he didn't need to think about such things.

"I didn't mean to escape," he quietly whispered to his friend. "It was just an accident," Armin went over and hugged his friend. He was shocked to feel that Eren was hugging him back. "It was an accident," he whispered again. He could feel his voice quiver as he spoke. He knew that the captains weren't going to be happy at his little stunt. He felt Eren becoming heavy on his back. He turned him round and allowed him to hold onto his back. Armin walked to spot where the trees did overcast a shadow and pulled the smoke gun. A green flare shot right up in the air. He heard other shots being made. They had saw his signal. Armin held onto his friend with one hand and zoomed through the trees with the other arm. He was slightly squint but he managed to make it back to headquarters.


When he landed out of the trees, he saw the other members stood at the door. Eren looked so peaceful on Armin's back. Thanks to the heavy training, Armin was able to carry Eren. They were around the same weight. Erwin and Levi stood at the door pissed. Mikasa ran up to Eren to see if he was injured.

"I found him in his human form," Erwin guided Armin and Eren back to Armin's room. Levi still wore the same scowl. He didn't get much sleep so he liked being asleep while he could.

"We will question him in the morning. Meanwhile, Armin, you look after him. We need to repair the wall on the first floor. Right now, we'll block it off with armed forces. Everyone get to sleep," Erwin walked into Armin's bedroom and placed a set of handcuffs on Eren's wrist after here was laid on the bed. "Just a precaution," Armin slept close by to his friend. He was shocked that he was muttering that it was an accident. He must of sincerely meant it.


In the morning, Eren was dragged down to the hall where they ate. Everyone in the squad was there. Eren was forced onto his knees with his hands chained behind him to a post. He never quite like the position since the first time but if Captain Levi did it, he would get aroused. He kept his legs shut tight so no one would notice his tent if it came up. He didn't want Mikasa to see his erection or even Krista.

"Tell us, you little shit, why you pulled a stunt so early in the morning?" Levi asked. Eren kept quiet and kept his eyes on the floor otherwise his mind would be playing scenarios which he certainly wanted to be in. Armin noticed his reaction then suddenly clicked why he ran had away. "Look at me in the eyes, you little shit," Levi grabbed his hair and forced him to look in his eyes. Eren imagined that he was forcing his mouth onto his captains erected penis. Eren squeezed his eyes shut to forget about the image of his captain naked from the waist down. He felt a powerful kick to his jaw but still he stayed quiet.

"I might have a clue on the situation," Erwin paused Eren's brutal beating. Armin saw Eren's eyes glare into his own. "I want to make sure that I'm right. May I approach Eren, commander Erwin?" The male nodded and allowed Armin to step forward. Levi stood back and watched as the younger blonde approached his friend. Armin placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. He bowed down to Eren's ear and whispered into his ear.

" any chance...were you..." Armin was to nervous to say anything to his friend. They never talked about such things in their life. "You know...masterbating before you turned into a titan. I assume that you bit your hand to stop a moan but you were also thinking about killing titans at the same time," Eren blushed and nodded.

"It was an accident. Please help me. I'm going to get...if he continues to kick," Armin assumed he was talking about captain Levi. He hadn't thought of Eren as gay or even straight. He assumed he had no love life as Mikasa chased them away.

"You know, I have to report back to the commander," Eren nodded. Armin was going to walk away but he shifted slightly, everyone jumping back from the clang of the metal.

"But only him. I can't deal with it if they found out," Armin patted his shoulder as he could trust him.

"Armin, did you find out?" Erwin asked. Armin nodded and looked around the room. "Would you like to tell just me?" This time both males nodded. He saw a blush on Eren's face. "Everyone, please leave the room. I would like to talk to Eren and Armin myself," Eren watched as everyone left even a reluctant Mikasa. They were upset as they wanted the gossip.

Once everyone had left, Erwin turned to face Armin as he could tell the other male was embarrassed to talk. He watched as Armin took a deep breath.

"Eren was masterbating and he accidentally bit his hand to suppress a moan. He just accidentally transformed into his titan form," Armin didn't hide anything from the truth. Erwin just gave hearty laugh. Eren pouted and looked the other way. He was quite embarrassed to hear it out loud.

"So you are saying that we went through all this trouble because of Eren's urges?" Both males nodded. Erwin just laughed again. "Don't worry, you're still young. I won't tell anyone else of this incident," Eren sighed with relief.

"I'm sorry, sir. It was just an accident. I promised that I would help humanity and that's what I'm going to do," Erwin helped unchain Eren and allowed him to leave. Armin was right beside him. Everyone else was outside either either with their ear to the door or leaning against a wall. Eren blushed and pushed past everyone not telling anything that had happened. They were all desperate to know. Armin walked beside him as they both had cleaning to do.

Erwin came out moments later, still chuckling. Levi looked up to him in shock. It was strange that he was laughing.

"It was nothing. Just a little accident that's all. Now get back to work," he commanded. Everyone sighed and went on with their cleaning.


Please review and tell me your thoughts. I hope that you did like it. It is my first Snk/AOT story. Please welcome me into the fandom.