A/N: I'm writing after a very loooonnnggggg time. So be kind.

This one is for MY Achilles Heel. You are my savior and my fall.


Chapter One: Aura of Magic.

Hermione Granger was known as the most powerful witch of her age. Her vast knowledge of spells, enchantments and charms, added with her sharp reflexes, made her a force to reckon with. But it wasn't just these reasons that made her an extraordinary sorceress. Every spell she cast was an above average perfection of movement. There was an undeniable power of magic coursing through her.

The fame of her power and intelligence had spread throughout the wizarding community after the demise of a certain wizard. Along with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, she was part of the Golden Trio that had freed them from the amoral cruelty and bigoted ways of Voldemort.

The ever so perfect Hermione Jean Granger was determined to complete her education at Hogwarts before she moved further on with her life. She returned to her beloved school solely for that purpose; being welcomed with a shiny badge for the Head Girl post. She even convinced her two friends to tag along, alluring Harry with the prospect of finally being able to relax in the warm castle and Ron with the scrumptious thoughts regarding all kinds of gourmet delicacies that the House Elves prepared. Persuading those two hadn't been as difficult as she thought it would be as both, somewhere deep within their hearts, had really wanted to return home in the Gryffindor tower.

Hermione sat, beaming in Charms taking lengthy notes (that Ron would beg for later).

Professor Flitwick, the short man that he was, walked along the rows of tables, his pointy hat barely reaching the top. He handed out the previous week's quiz to all students. As he reached the bushy haired girl he smiled softly saying, "Highest scores as usual, Miss Granger." She brightened up in relish as she saw her high percentage of 120.

"Okay everybody, wands out." Professor Flitwick squeaked, "Today we're going to shed some light on the Invisibility Charm which can make even the biggest of objects invisible to the human eye. Starting small, Mr Longbottom, would you please distribute these buttons amongst your classmates?"

Like always, Hermione was the first one to make the red button given to her disappear and was awarded five points for it. She smiled proudly and leaned forward to write the precise wand movements required to do the charm. She pushed her hair back prepared to focus entirely on her work.

A crackle sounded through the air. No one noticed as they were busy chanting the spell like a mantra. Hermione's hair let out a soft spark before frizzing up more than usual. The Head Girl took no notice as she bit her lips, working. Her hair began standing up in mid-air around her head; small sparks of gold gleaming through her. She had barely raised her wand, focusing on charming her quill invisible for practice when the skin on the back of her neck began to glow a soft gold. Soon almost her entire body was gleaming.

She cast her spell.

A fierce magic shot through her body just as soon as a powerful jet of light cast through her wand. The whole table disappeared before her eyes instead of just the quill she had initially aimed to make invisible. Her lips formed a small 'o' in shock.

"Hey Hermio-" Ron turned to ask for help, but he almost choked on his words as he saw his friend who was glowing. He cried out and gaped, the sound made more heads turn towards what his gaze was stuck on. A few screams followed.

Hermione turned back in order to find the source behind the rather hysterical screams and was shocked to see the whole class staring at her, mouths open wide. For what was probably the first time in her life, the Head Girl was confused. She was all set to enquire about the astonished faces surrounding her, as was second nature to her, when she noticed her outstretched arm; holding the wand all this while.

It was glowing.

She gasped as the wand slipped from her shaking fingers. She continued staring at her arms both of which emitted a quiet gold.

"What… W-What's going on?" She spoke confused.

The students, and tiny Flitwick, watched the girl as she gawked at her hands. Her brown hair crackled with immense energy and floated around her forming like a halo. The soft gold shimmer danced across her warm features. She looked dangerously powerful and eerily beautiful as she stood, taken aback by the unforeseen circumstances. The air around her seemed electrifying as magic radiated from her like a charged magnetic field.

"Professor?" She spoke softly. The small voice made the professor snap back out of his trance as he squeaked and walked towards her.

"Oh my…" He said as he sensed the power her aura emitted. "Let's get you to the infirmary, my dear." He beckoned her out of the room.

"Could someone be so kind as to fetch the Headmistress and maybe the potions master, please?" Maybe it was an effect of a magic potion he thought. As an afterthought he added, "And Hagrid." He ambled along the corridor with the glowing girl, leaving behind a set of perplexed faces.

"Extraordinary." Madam Pomfrey said as she examined the gold emblazoned skin of Hermione.

"What is happening to me, Ma'am?" Hermione asked nervously. Before the nurse could answer, Headmistress McGonagall stepped inside the infirmary. She stopped midway, slightly taken aback by the glowing Granger. She raised her eyebrow as she could feel the apparent magic surrounding the perplexed girl. It was one of the most powerful auras she had ever sensed. As expected of the brilliant Gryffindor, she thought undeniably.

"Please, elaborate." The Headmistress spoke.

"We should wait for the Professors, Slughorn and Hagrid." Professor Flitwick spoke, with confusion etched on his features in light of the rather mind numbing situation. "Ah, here they are." He continued as the overly healthy form of the potions master entered, followed by the gigantic frame of Hagrid.

"Blimey, 'Mione!" Hagrid exclaimed staring at the floating bushy hair. She merely bit her lip nervously and offered a queasy smile.

"It all started during class today. Gave us quite a fright, if I must add." Professor Flitwick said softly.

"It's her magic." Professor McGonagall spoke firmly, "It's surging through her."

"You have always been a powerful witch, Miss Granger." Professor Slughorn spoke rather flabbergasted. "Did you by any chance take the strengthening potion?"

"I did not, Professor." Hermione answered politely, even though she was extremely nervous. This had never happened before. It was true, she was a powerful witch, and only a fool would deny that. But never before had her magic radiated with such immense power.

"Any ideas, Hagrid?" McGonagall asked. "Could she have possibly been bitten by some mystic creature?"

"I've never seen a creature do that! Unicorn horns can make yer magic better they say. But I ain't ever seen one that makes ye glow." Hagrid answered, obviously ruffled. He loved the brown haired genius and didn't want any strange things happening to her after all she had been through.

"Here, Hermione." Madam Pomfrey spoke, "This will calm your magic." She handed her a small vial containing the soft blue Calming Draught. Generally, Hermione stayed away from medicinal potions as she believed them to make her reactions sluggish, but right now she didn't argue even a little. She drank the complete contents of the vial, making a nauseated face at the slightly bitter aftertaste.

"That glow…" Professor Slughorn mumbled, "Where have I seen a glow like that one before…" His voice sounded far off like he was tugging at the corners of his mind for an apparent recall.

Then his eyes widened as he gasped.

"A Veela!" He yelled, "You're half Veela!"

A/N: Tell me what you think in the reviews. See you next week :*

Ciao for now, Alexia.